not_cute_enough - Profile (original) (raw)
on 22 April 2004 (#2916882)
x . t h e . r u l e s . x
1. Must be at least 13 years of age to apply.
2. Post your application within twenty-four hours of joining or you will be removed from the members list.
3. Everything must be behind a cut.
4. Bold the questions in the application.
5. When applying, you must post at least three non-photoshopped pictures, and we must be able to clearly see your face.
6. If you are rejected, you can try again in two weeks. You can only reapply one time. When you reapply you must use different pictures.
7. Title your lj cut text “Cute?” so that we know you read the rules.
8. Don't comment on other posts or post anything but your application until you have been
stamped, or you will find yourself banned.
x . s t a m p e d . m e m b e r s . x :
- Inactive members will be removed. If you are going to be away for a while, let me know so
that I don’t kick you out.
- Try to vote whenever you can, and put either “Yes” or “No” in the subject line.
- Promoting is allowed, but you must say that it is a promotion, and put it behind a cut and must be a stamped post, meaning pictures of yourself or friends etc.
- Read the application don't just vote on appearance. They don't have to be drop dead gorgeous to get into this community... That's the last type of community we would want.
- When posting put " x . s t a m p e d . x " in the subject line.
x . s u r v e y . x
x . b a s i c s . x
Five things you can’t stand:
Something interesting about yourself:
x . f a v o r i t e s . x
Ten bands:
Five movies:
Three books:
Two Television programs:
x . m o r e . t h i n g s . x
Describe your style:
What was the last show you attended?:
Do you have any piercings?:
How about tattoos?:
Where do you like to shop?:.
What is your opinion of yourself?:
Where did you find out about this community?:
Why do you want to join this community:?
Why should you be accepted?:
Promote this community in at least 1 community or 3 journals and give us the links:
Anything else you want to say?:
Give us at least 3 non-photoshopped pictures…
x . j o i n . s i g n s . x
<*a href="" target="_new"*><*img src="" border="0"*><*/a*>
take out the *
acceptance, accepting, accepting yourself, adorable, all sizes, attractive, being beautiful, being comfortable with yourself, being cute, boys, cam whores, chicks, communities, cute, cute girls, cute guys, cute people, cuteness, cutie, cutie pies, cuties, fun, gorgeous, hot guys, hotness, hotties, judgement, looking at pics, looking cute, looks, make-up, not pretty, photography, photos, pics, picture rating, picture whores, pictures, pretty, pretty people, qt, rate, rate me, rating, rating communities, rating community, rating communitys, ratings, stamps, taking pictures, teens, themes, true cuties, voting, webcams
- 81
- 360
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