B. Oken | Oregon Health & Science University (original) (raw)

Papers by B. Oken

Research paper thumbnail of J Geriatr Psychiatry Neurol-2011-Oken-191-8

Research paper thumbnail of Considerations for Research and Development of Culturally Relevant Mindfulness Interventions in American Minority Communities

Research paper thumbnail of School-based mindfulness intervention for stress reduction in adolescents: Design and methodology of an open-label, parallel group, randomized controlled trial

Contemporary clinical trials communications, Jan 15, 2016

Adolescents are in a high-risk period developmentally, in terms of susceptibility to stress. A mi... more Adolescents are in a high-risk period developmentally, in terms of susceptibility to stress. A mindfulness intervention represents a potentially useful strategy for developing cognitive and emotion regulation skills associated with successful stress coping. Mindfulness strategies have been used successfully for emotional coping in adults, but are not as well studied in youth. This article details a novel proposal for the design of an 8-week randomized study to evaluate a high school-based mindfulness curriculum delivered as part of a two semester health class. A wellness education intervention is proposed as an active control, along with a waitlist control condition. All students enrolled in a sophomore (10(th) grade) health class at a private suburban high school will be invited to participate (n = 300). Pre-test assessments will be obtained by youth report, parent ratings, and on-site behavioral testing. The assessments will evaluate baseline stress, mood, emotional coping, contro...

Research paper thumbnail of An ERP-based brain-computer interface for text entry using rapid serial visual presentation and language modeling

Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association For Computational Linguistics Human Language Technologies Systems Demonstrations, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Expectancy of stress-reducing aromatherapy effect and performance on a stress-sensitive cognitive task

Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM, 2015

Objective. Stress-reducing therapies help maintain cognitive performance during stress. Aromather... more Objective. Stress-reducing therapies help maintain cognitive performance during stress. Aromatherapy is popular for stress reduction, but its effectiveness and mechanism are unclear. This study examined stress-reducing effects of aromatherapy on cognitive function using the go/no-go (GNG) task performance and event related potentials (ERP) components sensitive to stress. The study also assessed the importance of expectancy in aromatherapy actions. Methods. 81 adults were randomized to 3 aroma groups (active experimental, detectable, and undetectable placebo) and 2 prime subgroups (prime suggesting stress-reducing aroma effects or no-prime). GNG performance, ERPs, subjective expected aroma effects, and stress ratings were assessed at baseline and poststress. Results. No specific aroma effects on stress or cognition were observed. However, regardless of experienced aroma, people receiving a prime displayed faster poststress median reaction times than those receiving no prime. A signif...

Research paper thumbnail of Pharmacologically induced changes in arousal: effects on behavioral and electrophysiologic measures of alertness and attention

Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology, 1995

The relationships between the diffuse subcortical neurotransmitter systems and behavioral and phy... more The relationships between the diffuse subcortical neurotransmitter systems and behavioral and physiologic measures of alertness and attention are not well understood. This study was designed to further understand these relationships. In this double-blind experiment, 23 subjects ingested methylphenidate, diphenhydramine or placebo on 3 different days and performed behavioral and cognitive tasks including covert orienting of spatial attention and visual search tasks. Subjective and physiologic measures of alertness included EEG frequency analysis, EEG event-related desynchronization, and amount of sleep and sleep onset time in the unstimulated eyes closed state. Performance on the cognitive tasks improved with MP and worsened with DPHA, but there were no specific attentional effects. The best measures of alertness were based on self-rated scales and on EEG recorded in the unstimulated eyes closed state. These observations suggest that methylphenidate and diphenhydramine primarily affe...

Research paper thumbnail of Group, One-on-One, or Internet? Preferences for Mindfulness Meditation Delivery Format and their Predictors

Open Medicine Journal, 2014

Objectives: Group mindfulness meditation interventions have improved symptoms in many health cond... more Objectives: Group mindfulness meditation interventions have improved symptoms in many health conditions. However, many people are unwilling to receive group treatment, so alternative delivery methods such as individual and internet may be a useful option. The study objective was to examine mindfulness meditation intervention delivery format preferences and their relationship to potential predictors. Design: An online survey was conducted of adult English speakers. Data was collected on interest and preference for internet, individual, or group formats of a mindfulness meditation intervention. Age, gender, personality, and posttraumatic stress disorder score and status and depression status were also collected. Results and Conclusion: 500 eligible participants completed the survey (mean age 39±15; range 18-70; 68% female). Participants were more interested in the Internet (n=356) and individual formats (n=384) than the group format (n=245). Fifty-five participants (11%) said they wou...

Research paper thumbnail of Ascorbic acid and rates of cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease

Research paper thumbnail of A systems approach to stress, stressors and resilience in humans

Behavioural brain research, Jan 27, 2014

The paper focuses on the biology of stress and resilience and their biomarkers in humans from the... more The paper focuses on the biology of stress and resilience and their biomarkers in humans from the system science perspective. A stressor pushes the physiological system away from its baseline state toward a lower utility state. The physiological system may return toward the original state in one attractor basin but may be shifted to a state in another, lower utility attractor basin. While some physiological changes induced by stressors may benefit health, there is often a chronic wear and tear cost due to implementing changes to enable the return of the system to its baseline state and maintain itself in the high utility baseline attractor basin following repeated perturbations. This cost, also called allostatic load, is the utility reduction associated with both a change in state and with alterations in the attractor basin that affect system responses following future perturbations. This added cost can increase the time course of the return to baseline or the likelihood of moving i...

Research paper thumbnail of Change in physiological signals during mindfulness meditation

2013 6th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER), 2013

Mindfulness meditation (MM) is an inward mental practice, in which a resting but alert state of m... more Mindfulness meditation (MM) is an inward mental practice, in which a resting but alert state of mind is maintained. MM intervention was performed for a population of older people with high stress levels. This study assessed signal processing methodologies of electroencephalographic (EEG) and respiration signals during meditation and control condition to aid in quantification of the meditative state. EEG and respiration data were collected and analyzed on 34 novice meditators after a 6-week meditation intervention. Collected data were analyzed with spectral analysis and support vector machine classification to evaluate an objective marker for meditation. We observed meditation and control condition differences in the alpha, beta and theta frequency bands. Furthermore, we established a classifier using EEG and respiration signals with a higher accuracy at discriminating between meditation and control conditions than one using the EEG signal only. EEG and respiration based classifier is a viable objective marker for meditation ability. Future studies should quantify different levels of meditation depth and meditation experience using this classifier. Development of an objective physiological meditation marker will allow the mind-body medicine field to advance by strengthening rigor of methods.

Research paper thumbnail of Quantitative Methods in Clinical Electroencephalography and Evoked Potentials

Research paper thumbnail of Electrophysiologic function in the healthy, extremely old

Neurology, 1992

We analyzed conventional EEG, computerized EEG frequency analysis (CEEGFA), and long-latency audi... more We analyzed conventional EEG, computerized EEG frequency analysis (CEEGFA), and long-latency auditory evoked potentials in 22 extremely healthy subjects over age 84 (range, 84 to 98) and compared them with 11 younger elderly subjects as well as subjects under age 65 years. Intermittent temporal slowing in the conventional EEG was present in 50% of the elderly. Its presence was related to the presence of white matter hyperintensities on MRI but not to blood pressure or cognitive function. The posterior peak frequency determined by CEEGFA was maintained above 8 Hz in all subjects under age 84, but was between 7 and 8 Hz in five of 22 subjects over age 84 years. Three other CEEGFA variables studied (relative theta, relative alpha, and median-power frequency in the posterior channels) all demonstrated a significant change with age, most marked above age 80 years. Well-defined P3s were not present in five of 22 subjects over age 84 and in only one of 38 subjects under age 84 years. The P3 latency increased by 0.8 msec per year throughout the adult age range, while the P3 amplitude was relatively stable until the eighties. This study highlights the effects of healthy aging on clinical electrophysiologic tests of cerebral function.

Research paper thumbnail of Correlations of Perceived Deficits Questionnaire of Multiple Sclerosis Quality of Life Inventory with Beck Depression Inventory and neuropsychological tests

The Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Verbal Fluency Task Affects Gait in Parkinson's Disease with Motor Freezing

Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology, 1998

Research paper thumbnail of Age-Related Changes in Eeg Event-Related Desynchronization During Left and Right Hemisphere Processing of Global-Local Figures

Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, 1996

Research paper thumbnail of Alertness and Attention

Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, 1992

There has been much research in the electrophysiologic correlates of alertness and attention, but... more There has been much research in the electrophysiologic correlates of alertness and attention, but it is fragmented into many subfields. This article integrates current knowledge across multiple disciplines and methodologies to provide a broad overview of alertness and attention. First, terms that are related to alertness and attention are clarified. Then, there is a discussion of basic neuroscience, human neurophysiology, and clinical fields that impact on alertness and attention. Areas discussed include thalamic and neurotransmitter-specific ascending pathways. EEG, event-related potentials, and both physiologic and pathologic states of decreased alertness or attention.

Research paper thumbnail of Systematic Review of Mind-Body Interventions on Sleep

The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of a Standardized Bacopa monnieri Extract on Cognitive Performance, Anxiety, and Depression in the Elderly: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial

The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Differences in stress-related ratings between research center and home environments in dementia caregivers using ecological momentary assessment

International Psychogeriatrics, 2012

ABSTRACTBackground: Clinicians and researchers working with dementia caregivers typically assess ... more ABSTRACTBackground: Clinicians and researchers working with dementia caregivers typically assess caregiver stress in a clinic or research center, but caregivers’ stress is rooted at home where they provide care. This study aimed to compare ratings of stress-related measures obtained in research settings and in the home using ecological momentary assessment (EMA).Methods: EMA of 18 caregivers (mean age 66.4 years ±7.8; 89% females) and 23 non-caregivers (mean age 66.4 years ±7.9; 87% females) was implemented using a personal digital assistant. Subjects rated their perceived stress, fatigue, coping with current situation, mindfulness, and situational demand once in the research center and again at 3–4 semi-random points during a day at home. The data from several assessments conducted at home were averaged for statistical analyses and compared with the data collected in the research center.Results: The testing environment had a differential effect on caregivers and non-caregivers for ...

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of oxcarbazepine and phenytoin on the EEG and cognition in healthy volunteers

Epilepsy & Behavior, 2004

Research paper thumbnail of J Geriatr Psychiatry Neurol-2011-Oken-191-8

Research paper thumbnail of Considerations for Research and Development of Culturally Relevant Mindfulness Interventions in American Minority Communities

Research paper thumbnail of School-based mindfulness intervention for stress reduction in adolescents: Design and methodology of an open-label, parallel group, randomized controlled trial

Contemporary clinical trials communications, Jan 15, 2016

Adolescents are in a high-risk period developmentally, in terms of susceptibility to stress. A mi... more Adolescents are in a high-risk period developmentally, in terms of susceptibility to stress. A mindfulness intervention represents a potentially useful strategy for developing cognitive and emotion regulation skills associated with successful stress coping. Mindfulness strategies have been used successfully for emotional coping in adults, but are not as well studied in youth. This article details a novel proposal for the design of an 8-week randomized study to evaluate a high school-based mindfulness curriculum delivered as part of a two semester health class. A wellness education intervention is proposed as an active control, along with a waitlist control condition. All students enrolled in a sophomore (10(th) grade) health class at a private suburban high school will be invited to participate (n = 300). Pre-test assessments will be obtained by youth report, parent ratings, and on-site behavioral testing. The assessments will evaluate baseline stress, mood, emotional coping, contro...

Research paper thumbnail of An ERP-based brain-computer interface for text entry using rapid serial visual presentation and language modeling

Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association For Computational Linguistics Human Language Technologies Systems Demonstrations, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Expectancy of stress-reducing aromatherapy effect and performance on a stress-sensitive cognitive task

Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM, 2015

Objective. Stress-reducing therapies help maintain cognitive performance during stress. Aromather... more Objective. Stress-reducing therapies help maintain cognitive performance during stress. Aromatherapy is popular for stress reduction, but its effectiveness and mechanism are unclear. This study examined stress-reducing effects of aromatherapy on cognitive function using the go/no-go (GNG) task performance and event related potentials (ERP) components sensitive to stress. The study also assessed the importance of expectancy in aromatherapy actions. Methods. 81 adults were randomized to 3 aroma groups (active experimental, detectable, and undetectable placebo) and 2 prime subgroups (prime suggesting stress-reducing aroma effects or no-prime). GNG performance, ERPs, subjective expected aroma effects, and stress ratings were assessed at baseline and poststress. Results. No specific aroma effects on stress or cognition were observed. However, regardless of experienced aroma, people receiving a prime displayed faster poststress median reaction times than those receiving no prime. A signif...

Research paper thumbnail of Pharmacologically induced changes in arousal: effects on behavioral and electrophysiologic measures of alertness and attention

Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology, 1995

The relationships between the diffuse subcortical neurotransmitter systems and behavioral and phy... more The relationships between the diffuse subcortical neurotransmitter systems and behavioral and physiologic measures of alertness and attention are not well understood. This study was designed to further understand these relationships. In this double-blind experiment, 23 subjects ingested methylphenidate, diphenhydramine or placebo on 3 different days and performed behavioral and cognitive tasks including covert orienting of spatial attention and visual search tasks. Subjective and physiologic measures of alertness included EEG frequency analysis, EEG event-related desynchronization, and amount of sleep and sleep onset time in the unstimulated eyes closed state. Performance on the cognitive tasks improved with MP and worsened with DPHA, but there were no specific attentional effects. The best measures of alertness were based on self-rated scales and on EEG recorded in the unstimulated eyes closed state. These observations suggest that methylphenidate and diphenhydramine primarily affe...

Research paper thumbnail of Group, One-on-One, or Internet? Preferences for Mindfulness Meditation Delivery Format and their Predictors

Open Medicine Journal, 2014

Objectives: Group mindfulness meditation interventions have improved symptoms in many health cond... more Objectives: Group mindfulness meditation interventions have improved symptoms in many health conditions. However, many people are unwilling to receive group treatment, so alternative delivery methods such as individual and internet may be a useful option. The study objective was to examine mindfulness meditation intervention delivery format preferences and their relationship to potential predictors. Design: An online survey was conducted of adult English speakers. Data was collected on interest and preference for internet, individual, or group formats of a mindfulness meditation intervention. Age, gender, personality, and posttraumatic stress disorder score and status and depression status were also collected. Results and Conclusion: 500 eligible participants completed the survey (mean age 39±15; range 18-70; 68% female). Participants were more interested in the Internet (n=356) and individual formats (n=384) than the group format (n=245). Fifty-five participants (11%) said they wou...

Research paper thumbnail of Ascorbic acid and rates of cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease

Research paper thumbnail of A systems approach to stress, stressors and resilience in humans

Behavioural brain research, Jan 27, 2014

The paper focuses on the biology of stress and resilience and their biomarkers in humans from the... more The paper focuses on the biology of stress and resilience and their biomarkers in humans from the system science perspective. A stressor pushes the physiological system away from its baseline state toward a lower utility state. The physiological system may return toward the original state in one attractor basin but may be shifted to a state in another, lower utility attractor basin. While some physiological changes induced by stressors may benefit health, there is often a chronic wear and tear cost due to implementing changes to enable the return of the system to its baseline state and maintain itself in the high utility baseline attractor basin following repeated perturbations. This cost, also called allostatic load, is the utility reduction associated with both a change in state and with alterations in the attractor basin that affect system responses following future perturbations. This added cost can increase the time course of the return to baseline or the likelihood of moving i...

Research paper thumbnail of Change in physiological signals during mindfulness meditation

2013 6th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER), 2013

Mindfulness meditation (MM) is an inward mental practice, in which a resting but alert state of m... more Mindfulness meditation (MM) is an inward mental practice, in which a resting but alert state of mind is maintained. MM intervention was performed for a population of older people with high stress levels. This study assessed signal processing methodologies of electroencephalographic (EEG) and respiration signals during meditation and control condition to aid in quantification of the meditative state. EEG and respiration data were collected and analyzed on 34 novice meditators after a 6-week meditation intervention. Collected data were analyzed with spectral analysis and support vector machine classification to evaluate an objective marker for meditation. We observed meditation and control condition differences in the alpha, beta and theta frequency bands. Furthermore, we established a classifier using EEG and respiration signals with a higher accuracy at discriminating between meditation and control conditions than one using the EEG signal only. EEG and respiration based classifier is a viable objective marker for meditation ability. Future studies should quantify different levels of meditation depth and meditation experience using this classifier. Development of an objective physiological meditation marker will allow the mind-body medicine field to advance by strengthening rigor of methods.

Research paper thumbnail of Quantitative Methods in Clinical Electroencephalography and Evoked Potentials

Research paper thumbnail of Electrophysiologic function in the healthy, extremely old

Neurology, 1992

We analyzed conventional EEG, computerized EEG frequency analysis (CEEGFA), and long-latency audi... more We analyzed conventional EEG, computerized EEG frequency analysis (CEEGFA), and long-latency auditory evoked potentials in 22 extremely healthy subjects over age 84 (range, 84 to 98) and compared them with 11 younger elderly subjects as well as subjects under age 65 years. Intermittent temporal slowing in the conventional EEG was present in 50% of the elderly. Its presence was related to the presence of white matter hyperintensities on MRI but not to blood pressure or cognitive function. The posterior peak frequency determined by CEEGFA was maintained above 8 Hz in all subjects under age 84, but was between 7 and 8 Hz in five of 22 subjects over age 84 years. Three other CEEGFA variables studied (relative theta, relative alpha, and median-power frequency in the posterior channels) all demonstrated a significant change with age, most marked above age 80 years. Well-defined P3s were not present in five of 22 subjects over age 84 and in only one of 38 subjects under age 84 years. The P3 latency increased by 0.8 msec per year throughout the adult age range, while the P3 amplitude was relatively stable until the eighties. This study highlights the effects of healthy aging on clinical electrophysiologic tests of cerebral function.

Research paper thumbnail of Correlations of Perceived Deficits Questionnaire of Multiple Sclerosis Quality of Life Inventory with Beck Depression Inventory and neuropsychological tests

The Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Verbal Fluency Task Affects Gait in Parkinson's Disease with Motor Freezing

Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology, 1998

Research paper thumbnail of Age-Related Changes in Eeg Event-Related Desynchronization During Left and Right Hemisphere Processing of Global-Local Figures

Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, 1996

Research paper thumbnail of Alertness and Attention

Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, 1992

There has been much research in the electrophysiologic correlates of alertness and attention, but... more There has been much research in the electrophysiologic correlates of alertness and attention, but it is fragmented into many subfields. This article integrates current knowledge across multiple disciplines and methodologies to provide a broad overview of alertness and attention. First, terms that are related to alertness and attention are clarified. Then, there is a discussion of basic neuroscience, human neurophysiology, and clinical fields that impact on alertness and attention. Areas discussed include thalamic and neurotransmitter-specific ascending pathways. EEG, event-related potentials, and both physiologic and pathologic states of decreased alertness or attention.

Research paper thumbnail of Systematic Review of Mind-Body Interventions on Sleep

The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of a Standardized Bacopa monnieri Extract on Cognitive Performance, Anxiety, and Depression in the Elderly: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial

The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Differences in stress-related ratings between research center and home environments in dementia caregivers using ecological momentary assessment

International Psychogeriatrics, 2012

ABSTRACTBackground: Clinicians and researchers working with dementia caregivers typically assess ... more ABSTRACTBackground: Clinicians and researchers working with dementia caregivers typically assess caregiver stress in a clinic or research center, but caregivers’ stress is rooted at home where they provide care. This study aimed to compare ratings of stress-related measures obtained in research settings and in the home using ecological momentary assessment (EMA).Methods: EMA of 18 caregivers (mean age 66.4 years ±7.8; 89% females) and 23 non-caregivers (mean age 66.4 years ±7.9; 87% females) was implemented using a personal digital assistant. Subjects rated their perceived stress, fatigue, coping with current situation, mindfulness, and situational demand once in the research center and again at 3–4 semi-random points during a day at home. The data from several assessments conducted at home were averaged for statistical analyses and compared with the data collected in the research center.Results: The testing environment had a differential effect on caregivers and non-caregivers for ...

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of oxcarbazepine and phenytoin on the EEG and cognition in healthy volunteers

Epilepsy & Behavior, 2004