Edin Güçlü Sözer | Okan University (original) (raw)
Papers by Edin Güçlü Sözer
Pazarlama ve Pazarlama Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2020
The objective of this study is to measure the latent effects of scarcity promotions on brand atti... more The objective of this study is to measure the latent effects of scarcity promotions on brand attitude and purchase intentions. The experimental design includes the result of the attempt to benefit from scarcity promotion as the manipulated factor. The findings of the study confirm the positive influence of scarcity promotions. However, when consumers fail to benefit from the promotion due to the limited number of products offered, their brand attitude and purchase intention levels deteriorate. In case they make several attempts and still fail, they react even more negatively. Based on these findings, some practical implications are provided.
SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies, 2020
In the contemporary competitive markets, it becomes more and more challenging to retain customers... more In the contemporary competitive markets, it becomes more and more challenging to retain customers than acquiring them. Two important factors which require for developing strong customer-brand relationships are customer commitment and trust. However, due the competitive challenges as well as the dynamic relationship between the customer and the brand, sustaining relationships with customers also require the establishment of a strong Customer Based Brand Tolerance (CBBT). This study contributes to the marketing literature by incorporating the CBBT construct into the relationship marketing concept by proposing and testing an integrated model of Commitment-Trust Theory and CBBT. Results confirm that customer commitment positively influences Performance, Price and Communication dimensions of CBBT and Brand Loyalty, and all CBBT dimensions in turn, are effective on Brand Loyalty. Customer Trust, on the other hand, is also effective on Performance and Communication dimensions of CBBT as well as Brand Loyalty. The results of the study confirm the successful incorporation of CBBT construct into the relationship marketing concept. Academic and managerial implications as well as limitations and suggestions for future studies are provided.
Türkiye Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2019
This study aims to measure the effects of odd-ending prices, one of the psychological pricing tac... more This study aims to measure the effects of odd-ending prices, one of the psychological pricing tactics, on consumers' brand image perceptions and their trust towards the brand in a retailing context. Specifically, the difference between the perceptions of price conscious and non-price conscious consumers in terms of brand image and their brand trust are analyzed when they are exposed to 9-ending price information. The findings of the study confirm that price consciousness play a significant role in shaping their brand image perceptions and brand trust levels. Compared to non-price conscious consumers, those consumers with price consciousness level have negative perceptions in terms of both brand image and brand trust. The direct and strong negative effect of price consciousness on brand trust becomes stabilized in a minimal amount due to positive effect of brand image on brand trust. Based on the findings of this study, some practical implications are provided.
Beykoz Akademi Dergisi, 2019
The objective of this study is to identify the determinants such as usefulness and ease of use as... more The objective of this study is to identify the determinants such as usefulness and ease of use as well as the behavioral outcomes of mobile app usage intention among Generation Z consumers. Three mobile app categories, entertainment, communication and networking, are included in the study. The results of the study confirmed that perceived ease of use plays an important role in determining the intention to use the app while perceived privacy, perceived security, perceived design and perceived compatibility are the factors which shape both perceived ease of use and usefulness depending on the mobile app category. Higher usage intention is found to be effective in generating willingness to pay in all mobile app categories. In contrast to the entertainment category, increasing usage intention is also found to lead increasing intention to engage into the WoM activity in communication and networking categories. Based on these findings, some practical implications are provided.
Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 2019
In today's markets, which are characterized with the strong competitive environment, successful c... more In today's markets, which are characterized with the strong competitive environment, successful customer retention is the ultimate target for all brands to survive. A strong Customer Based Brad Equity (CBBE) is an important competitive enabler which helps brands to generate satısfactory returns on their marketing investment and get them closer to their customer retention targets. However, this does not assure the unconditional retention and loyalty of consumers since the relationship is subject to continuous interactions between the brand and consumers which may eventually result in satisfactory as well as unsatisfactory customer experiences. This study contributes to the marketing literature by conceptualizing the Customer Based Brand Tolerance (CBBT) construct and develop and validate a scale which measures the CBBT strength of brands in a retailing context. In line with this target, the scale was developed and validated by following a three step procedure borrowed by the existing literature. Results confirm the three sub-dimensions of CBBT scale as Performance, Price and Communication Tolerance. ÖZ Güçlü rekabet ortamı ile tanımlanan günümüz pazarlarında, başarılı bir müşteri tutundurma tüm markalar için hayatta kalabilmek adına nihai hedeftir. Güçlü bir Tüketici Bazlı Marka Değeri (CBBE), markaların pazarlama yatırımlarında tatmin edici geri dönüşler elde etmelerine ve müşteri tutma hedeflerine yaklaşmalarına yardımcı olan önemli bir rekabet sağlayıcıdır. Bununla birlikte, bu durum tüketicinin koşulsuz olarak ilişkiyi sürdürmesini ve sadakatini garanti etmemektedir. Marka ve tüketici arasındaki ilişki sürekli etkileşimlere maruz kalmakta olup, bu süreçte tatmin edici deneyimlerin yanı sıra tatmin edici olmayan müşteri deneyimleri de gerçekleşebilmektedir. Bu çalışma, Tüketici Bazlı Marka Toleransı (CBBT) yapısını kavramsallaştırarak ve perakende bağlamında CBBT'nin gücünü ölçen bir ölçeği geliştirip, doğrulayarak pazarlama literatürüne katkıda bulunmaktadır. Bu hedef ile uyumlu olarak, mevcut literatürde kullanılan üç aşamalı bir prosedürden yararlanılarak söz konusu ölçek geliştirilmiş ve doğrulanmıştır. Sonuçlar, CBBT ölçeğinin üç ana boyutunu Performans, Fiyat ve İletişim Toleransı olarak teyit etmektedir.
International Journal of Euroasian Social Sciences, 2019
The study targets to determine the factors which lead to affective responses of consumers toward ... more The study targets to determine the factors which lead to affective responses of consumers toward the Cause Related Marketing (CrM) program and its behavioral outcomes. Findings of the study show that three factors, namely the affinity of consumer with the cause, the fit between the brand and cause and finally, the perception about the donation level are three important determinants of the generation of emotional responses toward the CrM program. These emotional responses in turn affect the purchase intention of consumers and their propensity to engage into WoM activity. However, the skepticism of consumers about the real intent of the brand in engaging in such CrM programs mediates this effect. The direct and strong positive effects of affective responses towards the CrM program on both intentions to purchase and engagement into WoM activity, becomes stabilized largely when the skepticism level increases. Based on the findings of the study, some practical implications which may help to generate more effective CrM programs are provided.
Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 2019
This study targets to measure the interactional effect of crowding level in a shopping environmen... more This study targets to measure the interactional effect of crowding level in a shopping environment, the content and framing type of the message on purchase intentions of consumers in a retail context. An experimental design was employed with crowd level (no crowd vs crowd), message content (cognitive vs affective) and frame type (positive vs negative) as the manipulated conditions. Results of the study confirm that frame type moderates the two-way interaction between the crowd level and message content. In case of positive frames, level of perceived crowding has differing levels of effect on purchase intentions of consumers depending on the content type exposed. Environments with no crowd lead to higher purchase intentions when consumers are exposed to information intensive messages and crowded environments lead to higher purchase intentions when consumers are exposed to emotion intensive messages. Finally, when consumers are exposed to negatively framed messages, independent from other factors, they generate higher purchase intentions. KALABALIK, MESAJ İÇERİĞİ VE MESAJ ÇERÇEVESİ ETKİLEŞİMİNİN PERAKENDEDE TÜKETİCİ SATIN ALMA NİYETİ ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİSİ Öz Bu çalışma bir alışveriş ortamındaki kalabalık seviyesi, mesajın içerik ve çerçevesinin etkileşimlerinin tüketicilerin satin alma davranışları üzerindeki etkisini perakende bağlamında ölçmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Deneysel bir tasarım uygulanan çalışmada kalabalık seviyesi (kalabalık olmayan/kalabalık), mesaj içeriği (zihinsel/duygusal), ve mesaj çerçevesi (pozitif/negatif) manipüle edilen faktörler olarak belirlenmiştir. Çalışma sonuçları, mesaj çerçevesinin, kalabalık seviyesi ve mesaj içeriği arasındaki iki yönlü etkileşim üzerinde düzenleyici rolü olduğunu teyit etmiştir. Pozitif çerçeveli mesajlarda, kalabalık seviyesinin mesaj içerik tipine bağlı olarak, tüketicilerin satın alma niyetleri üzerinde farklı etkileri olmaktadır. Kalabalık olmayan ortamlarda, tüketiciler bilgi yoğun mesaj içeriklerine maruz kaldıklarında daha yüksek satın alma 410 Edin Güçlü Sözer eğilimi göstermektedirler. Diğer taraftan, kalabalık ortamlarda, tüketiciler duygu yoğun mesaj içeriklerine maruz kaldıklarında ise daha yüksek satın alma eğilimi göstermektedirler. Diğer faktörlerden bağımsız olarak, negatif çerçevesi olan reklam mesajları daha yüksek satın alma niyeti oluşturmaktadır.
İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi , 2019
This study measures the effect of country of know-how and country of personnel, two sub-dimension... more This study measures the effect of country of know-how and country of personnel, two sub-dimensions of country of origin, on the perceived quality and purchase intentions of services in high and low involvement situations of consumers. The study implemented an experimental design including three manipulation factors which are involvement level, country of know-how, and country of personnel. The results of the study confirm that services which are associated with country of know-how and country of personnel are more positively evaluated by the consumers. In cases where the service provider is from the country of know-how, consumers evaluate the service provider more positively compared to others which do not have any associations. Similarly, service providers having staff from the country of personnel, they are evaluated more positively compared to others. Situational involvement level of consumers moderates the effect of country of know-how and country of personnel on service evaluations.
Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Research, 2019
This study targets to measure the effect of dynamic pricing offers on the purchase intentions of ... more This study targets to measure the effect of dynamic pricing offers on the purchase intentions of consumers for a winter holiday by taking into consideration a moderated mediator role of perceived risk on this effect. The study employs an experimental design with discount level and timing of the offer (offer recency) as the manipulated conditions. The findings confirm that discount offers have positive direct effect and perceived risk has a negative direct effect on purchase intentions. The levels of discount and perceived risk, independently from each other, determine the level of purchase intentions. On the other hand, the effect of discount offers on purchase intentions is mediated by the perceived risk level of consumers. Finally, the timing of the discount offers moderates the effect of perceived risk on purchase intentions and eventually generates a moderated mediation role for perceived risk on the influence of discount offers on purchase intentions. Based on the findings of this study, some practical implications are provided.
Business and Economics Research Journal, 2019
This study aims to examine the effect of e-WoM message on the intention level of consumers to spr... more This study aims to examine the effect of e-WoM message on the intention level of consumers to spread the word to other consumers in the presence of a moderated mediation interaction effect between risk perception and uncertainty avoidance levels of consumers. An experimental design was implemented, and the manipulated experimental condition was e-WoM message represented in two levels, negative and positive. The results indicate that, compared to negative ones, positive e-WoM messages lead to higher intention to share the message with other consumers. However, in the presence of perceived risk, the positive direct effect of positive messages turns into a negative indirect effect when perceived risk mediates this relationship. Moreover, this negative indirect effect stabilizes with the uncertainty avoidance moderated relationship between e-WoM message and perceived risk. In the light of these findings, a two levels e-WoM communication strategy was proposed to maximize the benefits of positive customer feedbacks: Construction of a strong pool of positive e-WoM messages generated by existing satisfied customers and the use of negative framing in the marketing communication messages targeted to prospect customers.
Journal of Yaşar University, 2019
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of social media mix combinations on the br... more The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of social media mix combinations on the brand switching intentions of consumers by integrating signaling, social exchange and uncertainty reduction theories and existing literature. The study measures the effect of social media mix combinations on brand switching intentions through the mediating effect of perceived risk. This study implemented an experimental design and the manipulated experimental condition was social media mix with three intensity levels (SoloMix, ComboMix and FullMix). The results indicate that higher levels of social media mix intensity leads to decreasing levels of perceived risk regarding the new brand purchase, which in return increases the brand switching intention of consumers. The study contributes to the existing literature by providing an understanding of the earned media’s relative marginal contribution on triggering brand switching behavior in comparison with brand generated media and explores the role of perceived risk in this relationship.
Business and Management Studies: An International Journal, 2018
This study investigates the effect of reviewers' origin on the consumers' intentions for booking ... more This study investigates the effect of reviewers' origin on the consumers' intentions for booking a room in a hotel by taking into consideration the possible moderating effect of review valence. An experimental design is implemented and the manipulated experimental conditions are identified as the reviewers' origin (HomeRev, HostRev, UniRev,) and the review content (negative, positive and mixed). Findings of the study confirm the statistically significant relationship between review content and booking intentions. Positive and mixed content lead to higher booking intentions, when compared to negative content. However, exposure to pure positive reviews generates lower levels of booking intentions than mixed reviews containing both positive and negative reviews. The results also indicate that reviews of local customers (HomeRev) generate higher booking intentions compared to reviews generated by international (HostRev,) and unidentified customers (UniRev,). The relative differential effect of local reviewers on booking intentions is moderated by different levels of review valence. TURİZM SEKTÖRÜNDE YORUMCU MENŞEİNİN SATIN ALMA NİYETİ ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİSİ: YORUM İÇERİĞİNİN DÜZENLEYİCİ ROLÜ ÖZ Bu çalışma, yorum içeriğinin olası düzenleyici etkisini de göz önünde bulundurarak, yorum yapan müşterilerin menşeinin tüketicilerin otelde rezervasyon yapma eğilimi üzerindeki etkisini incelemektedir. Deneysel bir desenin uygulandığı bu çalışmada yorum yapan müşteri menşei (HomeRev, HostRev, UniRev,) ve yorumun içeriği (negative, pozitif ve karma) manipule edilen deneysel durumlardır. Araştırmanın bulguları, yorumun içeriği ile rezervasyon eğilimi arasındaki istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki olduğunu doğrulamaktadır. Pozitif ve karma yapıdaki içerikler, negatifiçeriklere kıyasla daha yüksek seviyede rezervasyon yapma eğilimine yol açmaktadır. Bununla birlikte, salt pozitif yorumlara maruz kalmak, hem pozitif hem de negatif yorumlar içeren karma içeriklere kıyasla daha düşük seviyede rezervasyon yapma eğilimine sebep olmaktadır. Sonuçlar ayrıca, yerel müşterilerin (HomeRev) yorumlarının uluslararası (HostRev,) ve menşeei tanımlanmamış (UniRev,) müşteriler tarafından yapılan yorumlara kıyasla daha yüksek rezervasyon yapma eğilimi oluşturduğunu göstermektedir. Ancak, yerel yorumcuların rezervasyon yapma eğilimleri üzerindeki bu farklılaşan etkisi, yorum içeriğinin düzenleyici etkisi altında değişiklik göstermektedir.
Journal of Business Research - Turk, 2018
The target of this study is to shed light into an unexplored area in the marketing literature by ... more The target of this study is to shed light into an unexplored area in the marketing literature by (1) identifying the factors contributing to the formation of a relationship revitalization effect of e-WoM in an e-commerce context, and (2) exploring the relationship between re-vitalization effect of e-WoM, current brand loyalty, current brand satisfaction level and old brand satisfaction level. The sample was chosen among the ex-customers of 3 e-retailers in Turkey and 150 customers responded to the survey. Model testing was done through Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method. Results of the study indicate that re-vitalization of the relationship between the customer and his/her old brand through the e-WoM communication is the function of Tie Strength between the customer and e-WoM message source (sender), the satisfaction level with the old brand before leaving the brand and the brand loyalty level towards the current brand purchased. Brands need to employ e-WoM communication before ex-customers become loyal to their current brand.
Ege Academic Review, 2018
The perception of consumers related to the benefits of using online channels for shopping is an i... more The perception of consumers related to the benefits of using online channels for shopping is an important factor in the determination of their intention to shop online. This study aims to contribute to the current literature by (1) shedding light into the nature and extent of the relationship between perceived benefit and consumer based brand equity in an online context, (2) exploring the relationship between the sub-dimensions of consumer based brand equity, and finally (3) proposing and testing a structural model of these relationships between perceived benefit, consumer based brand equity and its sub-dimensions. The results of the study confirm that consumers’ benefit perception related to online shopping leads the way to the formation of consumer based brand equity by affecting brand awareness and mediating the relationship between brand awareness and perceived quality. Another finding of this study is that there is a positive relationship within the sub-dimensions of consumer based brand equity in a sequential structure, which brings consumers from the basic awareness level about the brand to the formation of brand associations, as well as the perception of quality and consequently resulting to support the level of loyalty through brand associations.
Customer Experience (CeX) and Brand Switching Behavior (BsB) of customers play an important role ... more Customer Experience (CeX) and Brand Switching Behavior (BsB) of customers play an important role in the market performance of brands. The underlying relationship between these two constructs to shed light into the success factors in the contemporary consumer markets. This study aimed to (1) explore the relationship between CeX and BsB behavior including Attitude Toward Switch (AtS) and Intention to Switch (ItS), (2) understand the effects of CeX on Customer Satisfaction (CuS), Brand Trust (BaT) and Brand Loyalty (BL), and (3) propose and test a sequential model of these relationships. The results of the study confirmed that positive CeX which has a statistically significant effect on CuS, BaT and BL, eventually leads to the decreasing levels of AtS and ItS through the effect of BL. On the other hand, CuS and BaT are also found to be effective on BL. Finally, AtS is found to be effective on the ItS.
This study aims to to shed light into an unexplored area of the marketing by exploring the relati... more This study aims to to shed light into an unexplored area of the marketing by exploring the relationship between Consumer Based Brand Equity and Brand Reputation, two distinct constructs, the former from marketing theory and practice and the latter from the communication field, which play important roles in the market performance of firms. Results of the study confirm that there is a positive relationship within the sub-dimensions of Consumer Based Brand Equity in a sequential structure, which brings consumers from the basic awareness level about the brand to the formation of Brand Associations as well as the perception of quality and consequently resulting to support the level of loyalty through Brand Associations. Another finding of the study is that Brand Loyalty, which is the ultimate level of Consumer Based Brand Equity construct, is found to positively affecting the Brand Reputation. This study contributes to the existing literature by exploring the relationship between Consumer Based Brand Equity and Brand Reputation in a reverse direction compared to the existing studies in the literature. Finding suggests that not only Brand Reputation supports Brand Loyalty level of consumers as confirmed in the current literature.
This study aims to to shed light into an unexplored area of the marketing by exploring the relati... more This study aims to to shed light into an unexplored area of the marketing by exploring the relationship between Consumer Based Brand Equity and Brand Reputation, two distinct constructs, the former from marketing theory and practice and the latter from the communication field, which play important roles in the market performance of firms. Results of the study confirm that there is a positive relationship within the sub-dimensions of Consumer Based Brand Equity in a sequential structure, which brings consumers from the basic awareness level about the brand to the formation of Brand Associations as well as the perception of quality and consequently resulting to support the level of loyalty through Brand Associations. Another finding of the study is that Brand Loyalty, which is the ultimate level of Consumer Based Brand Equity construct, is found to positively affecting the Brand Reputation. This study contributes to the existing literature by exploring the relationship between Consumer Based Brand Equity and Brand Reputation in a reverse direction compared to the existing studies in the literature. Finding suggests that not only Brand Reputation supports Brand Loyalty level of consumers as confirmed in the current literature.
Sponsorship of events is a popular strategic communication tool which helps managers to exploit t... more Sponsorship of events is a popular strategic communication tool which helps managers to exploit the equity of their brands. Based on the results of empirical research, this paper explains how brand managers can leverage the equity of their brands via event sponsorship. Critical factors leading to success in event sponsorship are explained in detail.
The world has experienced a dramatic change since 1980s in terms of technology and one of the con... more The world has experienced a dramatic change since 1980s in terms of technology and one of the consequences of these developments is commercialization of Internet with e-commerce applications. Although the vast amount of e-commerce transactions and volume belong to Business to Business (B2B) part today, Business to Consumer (B2C) e-commerce volume also grows rapidly as well. This promising part of e-commerce will constitute a substantial percentage of total retail sales in United States in 10 years. This paper proposes a model of market strategies that will help to " click only " B2C firms to implement the best strategy at their current situation. The model proposed is a three dimensional strategy guide that recommends the proper market strategies by taking into consideration the product type that the firm sells, the position of the firm in the market and the status of the market.
Pazarlama ve Pazarlama Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2020
The objective of this study is to measure the latent effects of scarcity promotions on brand atti... more The objective of this study is to measure the latent effects of scarcity promotions on brand attitude and purchase intentions. The experimental design includes the result of the attempt to benefit from scarcity promotion as the manipulated factor. The findings of the study confirm the positive influence of scarcity promotions. However, when consumers fail to benefit from the promotion due to the limited number of products offered, their brand attitude and purchase intention levels deteriorate. In case they make several attempts and still fail, they react even more negatively. Based on these findings, some practical implications are provided.
SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies, 2020
In the contemporary competitive markets, it becomes more and more challenging to retain customers... more In the contemporary competitive markets, it becomes more and more challenging to retain customers than acquiring them. Two important factors which require for developing strong customer-brand relationships are customer commitment and trust. However, due the competitive challenges as well as the dynamic relationship between the customer and the brand, sustaining relationships with customers also require the establishment of a strong Customer Based Brand Tolerance (CBBT). This study contributes to the marketing literature by incorporating the CBBT construct into the relationship marketing concept by proposing and testing an integrated model of Commitment-Trust Theory and CBBT. Results confirm that customer commitment positively influences Performance, Price and Communication dimensions of CBBT and Brand Loyalty, and all CBBT dimensions in turn, are effective on Brand Loyalty. Customer Trust, on the other hand, is also effective on Performance and Communication dimensions of CBBT as well as Brand Loyalty. The results of the study confirm the successful incorporation of CBBT construct into the relationship marketing concept. Academic and managerial implications as well as limitations and suggestions for future studies are provided.
Türkiye Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2019
This study aims to measure the effects of odd-ending prices, one of the psychological pricing tac... more This study aims to measure the effects of odd-ending prices, one of the psychological pricing tactics, on consumers' brand image perceptions and their trust towards the brand in a retailing context. Specifically, the difference between the perceptions of price conscious and non-price conscious consumers in terms of brand image and their brand trust are analyzed when they are exposed to 9-ending price information. The findings of the study confirm that price consciousness play a significant role in shaping their brand image perceptions and brand trust levels. Compared to non-price conscious consumers, those consumers with price consciousness level have negative perceptions in terms of both brand image and brand trust. The direct and strong negative effect of price consciousness on brand trust becomes stabilized in a minimal amount due to positive effect of brand image on brand trust. Based on the findings of this study, some practical implications are provided.
Beykoz Akademi Dergisi, 2019
The objective of this study is to identify the determinants such as usefulness and ease of use as... more The objective of this study is to identify the determinants such as usefulness and ease of use as well as the behavioral outcomes of mobile app usage intention among Generation Z consumers. Three mobile app categories, entertainment, communication and networking, are included in the study. The results of the study confirmed that perceived ease of use plays an important role in determining the intention to use the app while perceived privacy, perceived security, perceived design and perceived compatibility are the factors which shape both perceived ease of use and usefulness depending on the mobile app category. Higher usage intention is found to be effective in generating willingness to pay in all mobile app categories. In contrast to the entertainment category, increasing usage intention is also found to lead increasing intention to engage into the WoM activity in communication and networking categories. Based on these findings, some practical implications are provided.
Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 2019
In today's markets, which are characterized with the strong competitive environment, successful c... more In today's markets, which are characterized with the strong competitive environment, successful customer retention is the ultimate target for all brands to survive. A strong Customer Based Brad Equity (CBBE) is an important competitive enabler which helps brands to generate satısfactory returns on their marketing investment and get them closer to their customer retention targets. However, this does not assure the unconditional retention and loyalty of consumers since the relationship is subject to continuous interactions between the brand and consumers which may eventually result in satisfactory as well as unsatisfactory customer experiences. This study contributes to the marketing literature by conceptualizing the Customer Based Brand Tolerance (CBBT) construct and develop and validate a scale which measures the CBBT strength of brands in a retailing context. In line with this target, the scale was developed and validated by following a three step procedure borrowed by the existing literature. Results confirm the three sub-dimensions of CBBT scale as Performance, Price and Communication Tolerance. ÖZ Güçlü rekabet ortamı ile tanımlanan günümüz pazarlarında, başarılı bir müşteri tutundurma tüm markalar için hayatta kalabilmek adına nihai hedeftir. Güçlü bir Tüketici Bazlı Marka Değeri (CBBE), markaların pazarlama yatırımlarında tatmin edici geri dönüşler elde etmelerine ve müşteri tutma hedeflerine yaklaşmalarına yardımcı olan önemli bir rekabet sağlayıcıdır. Bununla birlikte, bu durum tüketicinin koşulsuz olarak ilişkiyi sürdürmesini ve sadakatini garanti etmemektedir. Marka ve tüketici arasındaki ilişki sürekli etkileşimlere maruz kalmakta olup, bu süreçte tatmin edici deneyimlerin yanı sıra tatmin edici olmayan müşteri deneyimleri de gerçekleşebilmektedir. Bu çalışma, Tüketici Bazlı Marka Toleransı (CBBT) yapısını kavramsallaştırarak ve perakende bağlamında CBBT'nin gücünü ölçen bir ölçeği geliştirip, doğrulayarak pazarlama literatürüne katkıda bulunmaktadır. Bu hedef ile uyumlu olarak, mevcut literatürde kullanılan üç aşamalı bir prosedürden yararlanılarak söz konusu ölçek geliştirilmiş ve doğrulanmıştır. Sonuçlar, CBBT ölçeğinin üç ana boyutunu Performans, Fiyat ve İletişim Toleransı olarak teyit etmektedir.
International Journal of Euroasian Social Sciences, 2019
The study targets to determine the factors which lead to affective responses of consumers toward ... more The study targets to determine the factors which lead to affective responses of consumers toward the Cause Related Marketing (CrM) program and its behavioral outcomes. Findings of the study show that three factors, namely the affinity of consumer with the cause, the fit between the brand and cause and finally, the perception about the donation level are three important determinants of the generation of emotional responses toward the CrM program. These emotional responses in turn affect the purchase intention of consumers and their propensity to engage into WoM activity. However, the skepticism of consumers about the real intent of the brand in engaging in such CrM programs mediates this effect. The direct and strong positive effects of affective responses towards the CrM program on both intentions to purchase and engagement into WoM activity, becomes stabilized largely when the skepticism level increases. Based on the findings of the study, some practical implications which may help to generate more effective CrM programs are provided.
Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 2019
This study targets to measure the interactional effect of crowding level in a shopping environmen... more This study targets to measure the interactional effect of crowding level in a shopping environment, the content and framing type of the message on purchase intentions of consumers in a retail context. An experimental design was employed with crowd level (no crowd vs crowd), message content (cognitive vs affective) and frame type (positive vs negative) as the manipulated conditions. Results of the study confirm that frame type moderates the two-way interaction between the crowd level and message content. In case of positive frames, level of perceived crowding has differing levels of effect on purchase intentions of consumers depending on the content type exposed. Environments with no crowd lead to higher purchase intentions when consumers are exposed to information intensive messages and crowded environments lead to higher purchase intentions when consumers are exposed to emotion intensive messages. Finally, when consumers are exposed to negatively framed messages, independent from other factors, they generate higher purchase intentions. KALABALIK, MESAJ İÇERİĞİ VE MESAJ ÇERÇEVESİ ETKİLEŞİMİNİN PERAKENDEDE TÜKETİCİ SATIN ALMA NİYETİ ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİSİ Öz Bu çalışma bir alışveriş ortamındaki kalabalık seviyesi, mesajın içerik ve çerçevesinin etkileşimlerinin tüketicilerin satin alma davranışları üzerindeki etkisini perakende bağlamında ölçmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Deneysel bir tasarım uygulanan çalışmada kalabalık seviyesi (kalabalık olmayan/kalabalık), mesaj içeriği (zihinsel/duygusal), ve mesaj çerçevesi (pozitif/negatif) manipüle edilen faktörler olarak belirlenmiştir. Çalışma sonuçları, mesaj çerçevesinin, kalabalık seviyesi ve mesaj içeriği arasındaki iki yönlü etkileşim üzerinde düzenleyici rolü olduğunu teyit etmiştir. Pozitif çerçeveli mesajlarda, kalabalık seviyesinin mesaj içerik tipine bağlı olarak, tüketicilerin satın alma niyetleri üzerinde farklı etkileri olmaktadır. Kalabalık olmayan ortamlarda, tüketiciler bilgi yoğun mesaj içeriklerine maruz kaldıklarında daha yüksek satın alma 410 Edin Güçlü Sözer eğilimi göstermektedirler. Diğer taraftan, kalabalık ortamlarda, tüketiciler duygu yoğun mesaj içeriklerine maruz kaldıklarında ise daha yüksek satın alma eğilimi göstermektedirler. Diğer faktörlerden bağımsız olarak, negatif çerçevesi olan reklam mesajları daha yüksek satın alma niyeti oluşturmaktadır.
İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi , 2019
This study measures the effect of country of know-how and country of personnel, two sub-dimension... more This study measures the effect of country of know-how and country of personnel, two sub-dimensions of country of origin, on the perceived quality and purchase intentions of services in high and low involvement situations of consumers. The study implemented an experimental design including three manipulation factors which are involvement level, country of know-how, and country of personnel. The results of the study confirm that services which are associated with country of know-how and country of personnel are more positively evaluated by the consumers. In cases where the service provider is from the country of know-how, consumers evaluate the service provider more positively compared to others which do not have any associations. Similarly, service providers having staff from the country of personnel, they are evaluated more positively compared to others. Situational involvement level of consumers moderates the effect of country of know-how and country of personnel on service evaluations.
Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Research, 2019
This study targets to measure the effect of dynamic pricing offers on the purchase intentions of ... more This study targets to measure the effect of dynamic pricing offers on the purchase intentions of consumers for a winter holiday by taking into consideration a moderated mediator role of perceived risk on this effect. The study employs an experimental design with discount level and timing of the offer (offer recency) as the manipulated conditions. The findings confirm that discount offers have positive direct effect and perceived risk has a negative direct effect on purchase intentions. The levels of discount and perceived risk, independently from each other, determine the level of purchase intentions. On the other hand, the effect of discount offers on purchase intentions is mediated by the perceived risk level of consumers. Finally, the timing of the discount offers moderates the effect of perceived risk on purchase intentions and eventually generates a moderated mediation role for perceived risk on the influence of discount offers on purchase intentions. Based on the findings of this study, some practical implications are provided.
Business and Economics Research Journal, 2019
This study aims to examine the effect of e-WoM message on the intention level of consumers to spr... more This study aims to examine the effect of e-WoM message on the intention level of consumers to spread the word to other consumers in the presence of a moderated mediation interaction effect between risk perception and uncertainty avoidance levels of consumers. An experimental design was implemented, and the manipulated experimental condition was e-WoM message represented in two levels, negative and positive. The results indicate that, compared to negative ones, positive e-WoM messages lead to higher intention to share the message with other consumers. However, in the presence of perceived risk, the positive direct effect of positive messages turns into a negative indirect effect when perceived risk mediates this relationship. Moreover, this negative indirect effect stabilizes with the uncertainty avoidance moderated relationship between e-WoM message and perceived risk. In the light of these findings, a two levels e-WoM communication strategy was proposed to maximize the benefits of positive customer feedbacks: Construction of a strong pool of positive e-WoM messages generated by existing satisfied customers and the use of negative framing in the marketing communication messages targeted to prospect customers.
Journal of Yaşar University, 2019
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of social media mix combinations on the br... more The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of social media mix combinations on the brand switching intentions of consumers by integrating signaling, social exchange and uncertainty reduction theories and existing literature. The study measures the effect of social media mix combinations on brand switching intentions through the mediating effect of perceived risk. This study implemented an experimental design and the manipulated experimental condition was social media mix with three intensity levels (SoloMix, ComboMix and FullMix). The results indicate that higher levels of social media mix intensity leads to decreasing levels of perceived risk regarding the new brand purchase, which in return increases the brand switching intention of consumers. The study contributes to the existing literature by providing an understanding of the earned media’s relative marginal contribution on triggering brand switching behavior in comparison with brand generated media and explores the role of perceived risk in this relationship.
Business and Management Studies: An International Journal, 2018
This study investigates the effect of reviewers' origin on the consumers' intentions for booking ... more This study investigates the effect of reviewers' origin on the consumers' intentions for booking a room in a hotel by taking into consideration the possible moderating effect of review valence. An experimental design is implemented and the manipulated experimental conditions are identified as the reviewers' origin (HomeRev, HostRev, UniRev,) and the review content (negative, positive and mixed). Findings of the study confirm the statistically significant relationship between review content and booking intentions. Positive and mixed content lead to higher booking intentions, when compared to negative content. However, exposure to pure positive reviews generates lower levels of booking intentions than mixed reviews containing both positive and negative reviews. The results also indicate that reviews of local customers (HomeRev) generate higher booking intentions compared to reviews generated by international (HostRev,) and unidentified customers (UniRev,). The relative differential effect of local reviewers on booking intentions is moderated by different levels of review valence. TURİZM SEKTÖRÜNDE YORUMCU MENŞEİNİN SATIN ALMA NİYETİ ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİSİ: YORUM İÇERİĞİNİN DÜZENLEYİCİ ROLÜ ÖZ Bu çalışma, yorum içeriğinin olası düzenleyici etkisini de göz önünde bulundurarak, yorum yapan müşterilerin menşeinin tüketicilerin otelde rezervasyon yapma eğilimi üzerindeki etkisini incelemektedir. Deneysel bir desenin uygulandığı bu çalışmada yorum yapan müşteri menşei (HomeRev, HostRev, UniRev,) ve yorumun içeriği (negative, pozitif ve karma) manipule edilen deneysel durumlardır. Araştırmanın bulguları, yorumun içeriği ile rezervasyon eğilimi arasındaki istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki olduğunu doğrulamaktadır. Pozitif ve karma yapıdaki içerikler, negatifiçeriklere kıyasla daha yüksek seviyede rezervasyon yapma eğilimine yol açmaktadır. Bununla birlikte, salt pozitif yorumlara maruz kalmak, hem pozitif hem de negatif yorumlar içeren karma içeriklere kıyasla daha düşük seviyede rezervasyon yapma eğilimine sebep olmaktadır. Sonuçlar ayrıca, yerel müşterilerin (HomeRev) yorumlarının uluslararası (HostRev,) ve menşeei tanımlanmamış (UniRev,) müşteriler tarafından yapılan yorumlara kıyasla daha yüksek rezervasyon yapma eğilimi oluşturduğunu göstermektedir. Ancak, yerel yorumcuların rezervasyon yapma eğilimleri üzerindeki bu farklılaşan etkisi, yorum içeriğinin düzenleyici etkisi altında değişiklik göstermektedir.
Journal of Business Research - Turk, 2018
The target of this study is to shed light into an unexplored area in the marketing literature by ... more The target of this study is to shed light into an unexplored area in the marketing literature by (1) identifying the factors contributing to the formation of a relationship revitalization effect of e-WoM in an e-commerce context, and (2) exploring the relationship between re-vitalization effect of e-WoM, current brand loyalty, current brand satisfaction level and old brand satisfaction level. The sample was chosen among the ex-customers of 3 e-retailers in Turkey and 150 customers responded to the survey. Model testing was done through Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method. Results of the study indicate that re-vitalization of the relationship between the customer and his/her old brand through the e-WoM communication is the function of Tie Strength between the customer and e-WoM message source (sender), the satisfaction level with the old brand before leaving the brand and the brand loyalty level towards the current brand purchased. Brands need to employ e-WoM communication before ex-customers become loyal to their current brand.
Ege Academic Review, 2018
The perception of consumers related to the benefits of using online channels for shopping is an i... more The perception of consumers related to the benefits of using online channels for shopping is an important factor in the determination of their intention to shop online. This study aims to contribute to the current literature by (1) shedding light into the nature and extent of the relationship between perceived benefit and consumer based brand equity in an online context, (2) exploring the relationship between the sub-dimensions of consumer based brand equity, and finally (3) proposing and testing a structural model of these relationships between perceived benefit, consumer based brand equity and its sub-dimensions. The results of the study confirm that consumers’ benefit perception related to online shopping leads the way to the formation of consumer based brand equity by affecting brand awareness and mediating the relationship between brand awareness and perceived quality. Another finding of this study is that there is a positive relationship within the sub-dimensions of consumer based brand equity in a sequential structure, which brings consumers from the basic awareness level about the brand to the formation of brand associations, as well as the perception of quality and consequently resulting to support the level of loyalty through brand associations.
Customer Experience (CeX) and Brand Switching Behavior (BsB) of customers play an important role ... more Customer Experience (CeX) and Brand Switching Behavior (BsB) of customers play an important role in the market performance of brands. The underlying relationship between these two constructs to shed light into the success factors in the contemporary consumer markets. This study aimed to (1) explore the relationship between CeX and BsB behavior including Attitude Toward Switch (AtS) and Intention to Switch (ItS), (2) understand the effects of CeX on Customer Satisfaction (CuS), Brand Trust (BaT) and Brand Loyalty (BL), and (3) propose and test a sequential model of these relationships. The results of the study confirmed that positive CeX which has a statistically significant effect on CuS, BaT and BL, eventually leads to the decreasing levels of AtS and ItS through the effect of BL. On the other hand, CuS and BaT are also found to be effective on BL. Finally, AtS is found to be effective on the ItS.
This study aims to to shed light into an unexplored area of the marketing by exploring the relati... more This study aims to to shed light into an unexplored area of the marketing by exploring the relationship between Consumer Based Brand Equity and Brand Reputation, two distinct constructs, the former from marketing theory and practice and the latter from the communication field, which play important roles in the market performance of firms. Results of the study confirm that there is a positive relationship within the sub-dimensions of Consumer Based Brand Equity in a sequential structure, which brings consumers from the basic awareness level about the brand to the formation of Brand Associations as well as the perception of quality and consequently resulting to support the level of loyalty through Brand Associations. Another finding of the study is that Brand Loyalty, which is the ultimate level of Consumer Based Brand Equity construct, is found to positively affecting the Brand Reputation. This study contributes to the existing literature by exploring the relationship between Consumer Based Brand Equity and Brand Reputation in a reverse direction compared to the existing studies in the literature. Finding suggests that not only Brand Reputation supports Brand Loyalty level of consumers as confirmed in the current literature.
This study aims to to shed light into an unexplored area of the marketing by exploring the relati... more This study aims to to shed light into an unexplored area of the marketing by exploring the relationship between Consumer Based Brand Equity and Brand Reputation, two distinct constructs, the former from marketing theory and practice and the latter from the communication field, which play important roles in the market performance of firms. Results of the study confirm that there is a positive relationship within the sub-dimensions of Consumer Based Brand Equity in a sequential structure, which brings consumers from the basic awareness level about the brand to the formation of Brand Associations as well as the perception of quality and consequently resulting to support the level of loyalty through Brand Associations. Another finding of the study is that Brand Loyalty, which is the ultimate level of Consumer Based Brand Equity construct, is found to positively affecting the Brand Reputation. This study contributes to the existing literature by exploring the relationship between Consumer Based Brand Equity and Brand Reputation in a reverse direction compared to the existing studies in the literature. Finding suggests that not only Brand Reputation supports Brand Loyalty level of consumers as confirmed in the current literature.
Sponsorship of events is a popular strategic communication tool which helps managers to exploit t... more Sponsorship of events is a popular strategic communication tool which helps managers to exploit the equity of their brands. Based on the results of empirical research, this paper explains how brand managers can leverage the equity of their brands via event sponsorship. Critical factors leading to success in event sponsorship are explained in detail.
The world has experienced a dramatic change since 1980s in terms of technology and one of the con... more The world has experienced a dramatic change since 1980s in terms of technology and one of the consequences of these developments is commercialization of Internet with e-commerce applications. Although the vast amount of e-commerce transactions and volume belong to Business to Business (B2B) part today, Business to Consumer (B2C) e-commerce volume also grows rapidly as well. This promising part of e-commerce will constitute a substantial percentage of total retail sales in United States in 10 years. This paper proposes a model of market strategies that will help to " click only " B2C firms to implement the best strategy at their current situation. The model proposed is a three dimensional strategy guide that recommends the proper market strategies by taking into consideration the product type that the firm sells, the position of the firm in the market and the status of the market.
Beta, 2019
Bu kitapta pazarlama disiplinin konuşulmaya başladığı 1900’lü yılların başından itibaren hâkim ol... more Bu kitapta pazarlama disiplinin konuşulmaya başladığı 1900’lü yılların
başından itibaren hâkim olan çeşitli düşünce akımları tartışılmakta ve değerlendirilmektedir.
Kitabın içerisinde emtia, pazarlama işlevleri ve kurumsal
pazarlama gibi çok bilinen geleneksel akımların yanı sıra 1960’lardan sonra
ortaya çıkan daha yeni akımlara da yer verilmektedir. Bu yeni akımlar arasında
makro pazarlama, alıcı davranışı, pazarlama yönetimi ve sistem yaklaşımı
Bu kitabın yazılmasının en önemli nedenlerinden biri pazarlama disiplinin
uzun zamandır ihmal edilen teorisine duyulan ilgidir. Geçmişte çalışılan
alanların incelenmesi ve bilinmesi araştırmacıların pazarlama alanında daha
fazla ve yeni teori üretmesine vesile olacaktır. Diğer taraftan pazarlama disiplinin
şu beş temel tartışma etrafında zor bir dönem geçirmesi bu kitabın
yazılma sebeplerindendir. Bu tartışılan konular,
1. Pazarlamanın ana (hâkim) perspektifi nedir ve ne olmalıdır?
2. Pazarlama ve toplum arasında nasıl bir ilişki vardır ve nasıl bir ilişki
3. Pazarlama teorisinin gerçek (etki) alanı nedir ve ne olmalıdır?
4. Pazarlama sanat mı yoksa bilim midir?
5. Gerçekten genel bir pazarlama teorisinden bahsedebilir miyiz?
Bu sorular bir taraftan pazarlama disiplini için bir kimlik krizini işaret
ederken diğer yandan yenilikçi fikirler için heyecan verici fırsatların önünü
açmaktadır. Bir diğer deyişle pazarlama alanında yapılan çalışmaların zenginliğinin
gözler önüne serilmesi daha fazla çalışma yapılmasına imkân sağlayacaktır.
Kitabın bu ilk bölümünde yukarıda belirtilen beş tartışma konusu tek
tek ele alınacak, düşünce akımları sınıflandırılacak ve her düşünce okulunu
değerlendirileceği kriterlerden bahsedilecektir.
Each and every day, enterprises are making business processes more efcient; this is possible beca... more Each and every day, enterprises are making business processes more efcient; this is possible because of revolutionary developments in information technologies. At the same time, however, these developments seriously threaten the economic order, reducing the demand for labor as existing jobs are taken over by machines. Developments in information technologies have also introduced more uncertainty in the economic environment. This new economic model is known as the digital economy. “Digitalization” refers to its use of information technology in all business processes. “Digital divides” occur between individuals who use information technologies and those who cannot. A digital divide may occur between countries or between individuals. The criteria for judging the digitalization of countries are internet penetration and speed of internet access; the criteria for assessing the digitalization of individuals are telephone subscription, computer ownership, access to broadband internet, and internet usage time. The basic production of this digital economy is knowledge. The relative weight of the production factors of classical economic theory has changed. The importance of knowledge and entrepreneurship has
increased, while the importance of labor and capital is decreasing.
Unemployment is rising in an unstoppable way, from the persistent loss of employment for production, and the conversion of labor to consumption is becoming increasingly difcult. Individuals who use technology effectively in the digital economy have relatively higher incomes than those in more labor-intensive sectors. The digital divide becomes an increasingly important issue as the share of electronic commerce increases in proportion to the total volume of trade. E-commerce is, in fact, the most important driving force of the digital economy, This book deals with the new concepts determining the future
path of e-commerce and aims at providing a new perspective to
the field.
The world experiences a very fast and strong change in all aspects of the business world… The cha... more The world experiences a very fast and strong change in all aspects of the business world… The change causes to the emergence of three new dynamics of the market which in return create major problems for the market players…High Competition = Difficulty in customer acquisition and low profitability.Communication Clutter = Selective and non-responsive target segment.Strong Consumers = Difficulty in sustaining customer loyalty.This book approaches to the marketing function from postmodern perspective and provides a roadmap which is composed of three strategies for handling the problems of the contemporary markets. The primary aim of the book is to be an information resource for academicians, students and other readers. In addition to this, the book aims to provide a vision and roadmap to corporate success for retail business owners and professionals.
A newly popular member of the integrated marketing communications strategy is the sponsorship of ... more A newly popular member of the integrated marketing communications strategy is the sponsorship of events. Currently, sponsorship activities hold an important share in overall communication budget of brands. This trend also increases the expectations on the return and financial contribution of these investments. This book provides a comprehensive analysis of sponsorship dynamics as well as the exploration of the relationship sponsorship involvement on customer based brand equity (CBBE). The book explains the details of the research study which measures the effects of sponsorship involvement on CBBE and provides a discussion on the results of the research together with the explanation of implications for brand managers.
The comprehensive analysis of sponsorship dynamics and the theoretical model developed make this book a valuable source of information for both researchers and brand managers. For researchers, the book opens a gate for further research to explore the effects of sponsorship on consumer behavior. For brand managers, it provides a guide for getting effective results in sponsorship involvement as well as to increase the return on these investments.
İşletme ve Yönetim Bilimleri Uluslararası Kongresi , 2020
In the last couple of decades, as a product of technological advancements and increasing competit... more In the last couple of decades, as a product of technological advancements and increasing competition, a radical transformation in retail ecosystem became inevitable. The new conditions sponsored by the introduction of online channels, pushed retailers to alter their existing business models and approaches used to build and sustain customer relationships. Online retailer experience, one of the core tools of relationship marketing, became a strategic and critical factor triggering a chain of effects composed of customer satisfaction, loyalty and switching intentions. It is believed that, in the highly competitive markets, the chain of effects becomes more effective when customers show higher levels of tolerance towards the e-retailers in cases of unexpected/undesired events during their journeys. In this perspective, this study contributes to the marketing literature by incorporating the Customer Based Brand Tolerance (CBBT) construct into the chain of effects model. The results of the study confirm the significant influence of online retailer experience on CBBT as well as the effect of CBBT on customer loyalty. Teknolojik gelişmeler ve artan rekabet geçtiğimiz birkaç on yıl içerisinde perakende ekosistemi üzerinde radikal bir dönüşümün gerçekleşmesine neden olmuştur. Çevrimiçi kanalların kullanılmaya başlanması ile oluşan yeni koşullar, perakendecilerin müşteri ilişkilerini geliştirmek ve sürdürmek için kullandıkları iş modelleri ve yaklaşımlarını değiştirmelerini gerektirmiştir. Bu bağlamda, ilişkisel pazarlamanın ana araçlarından biri olan çevrimiçi perakende deneyimi, müşteri memnuniyeti, müşteri sadakati ve terk etme eğiliminden oluşan etkiler zincirini tetikleyen en stratejik ve kritik faktörlerden biri olmuştur. Yüksek rekabetin olduğu pazarlarda, müşteriler beklemedikleri ya da arzu etmedikleri durumlar ile karşılaştıklarında e-perakendeciye karşı toleranslı olmaları durumunda etkiler zincirinin gücünün artacağına inanılmaktadır. Bu çalışma Tüketici Bazlı Marka Toleransı (CBBT) yapısını etkiler zinciri modeline entegre ederek pazarlama literatürüne katkıda bulunmayı amaçlamaktadır. Çalışmanın sonuçları, çevrimiçi perakende deneyiminin CBBT üzerinde ve CBBT'nin de müşteri sadakati üzerinde etkili olduğunu doğrulamaktadır.
IRDITech Management, 2019
Current market conditions become extremely challenging for all companies independent from their s... more Current market conditions become extremely challenging for all companies independent from their size and market positions due to the increasing competitive pressures, diminishing margins and difficulties to effectively reaching to consumers via marketing communication activities. This trio of challenges raises a serious accountability issue for marketing managers and push them to generate alternative and effective tools to attract the attention of target consumers and boost demand for the products of the brand. On the other hand, increasing population, uncontrolled exploitation of resources and decreasing quality of nutrition result in several social, economic, environmental and health related problems in almost all communities. As members of the community, consumers become sensitive about and supportive for the solutions for such problems since these may become soon their own problems.
Companies and marketing managers are motivated to support the solution of such problems to enhance their image, generate positive attitudes towards their brand and also for being responsive to the requests of stakeholders and society in general. One of the strategic tools employed to realize such targets is the development of Cause Related Marketing (CrM) programs which involve allocating a part of the revenue generated by the sales of the products for contributing to a cause. Although CrM programs are widely used by the companies and have a considerable share in overall marketing communication investments, their effectiveness is questioned. This study presents the 5 C’s model of CrM which involves developing the right mix of Company (C1), Campaign (C2), Cause (C3) and Customer (C4) characteristics as well as systematically utilizing the Connectivity (C5) power via digital platforms to maximize the effectiveness of the CrM campaigns.
Ulusal Pazarlama Kongresi, 2019
Bu çalışma, tüketicilerin KbR mesajlarını almaya yönelik eğilimlerini etkileyen faktörleri tespit... more Bu çalışma, tüketicilerin KbR mesajlarını almaya yönelik eğilimlerini etkileyen faktörleri tespit etmeyi amaçlamıştır. Araştırma bulguları, mesaj içeriğine yönelik fayda algısı, kişiselleştirme faydalarına yönelik algı ve sunulan maddi değere yönelik algının KbR program değeri üzerinde etkili olduğu, program değerinin de KbR mesajlarını almayı kabul etme eğilimi ile anlamlı ve pozitif bir ilişkisi olduğunu göstermektedir. Diğer taraftan, bilgi paylaşımına yönelik risk algısı ve kontrol imkânlarına yönelik risk algısının KbR programına yönelik risk algısı üzerinde etkili olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Bulgular ayrıca program risk algısının KbR mesajlarını almayı kabul etme eğilimi üzerinde anlamlı ve negatif bir etkisi olduğunu göstermektedir.
Çalışmanın bulguları, kuramsal çerçevenin dayanmış olduğu temeli mahremiyet hesaplama teorisine dayanan kişiselleştirme-mahremiyet paradoksu ve aynı zamanda beklenti teorisi ile uyum göstermektedir. Araştırma, söz konusu kavramsal çerçeveyi temel alarak, KbR dinamiklerini literatürde ilk defa oluşturulan Program Değer Algısı ve Program Risk Algısı kavramları çerçevesinde test ederek, literatüre katkıda bulunmuştur.
Günümüzde dünya nüfusunun yaklaşık yarısının kullanıcısı olduğu internet, zaman içerisinde bir il... more Günümüzde dünya nüfusunun yaklaşık yarısının kullanıcısı olduğu internet, zaman içerisinde bir iletişim mecrası olmanın yanı sıra ticari platform kimliği de kazanarak, yeni bir ekosistem oluşturmuştur. Bu ekosistem içerisinde yer alan e-perakende alanı, her geçen büyüyen hacmi ile toplam perakende ticaret hacmi içerisindeki payını arttırmaktadır. E-perakende hacminin bu büyüme döneminde, hem bu satın alma kanalını tercih eden tüketici sayısı hem de bu alanda rekabet eden firma sayısı hızla artmakta olup, buna bağlı olarak rekabet seviyesi de üst düzeye çıkmıştır.
Yıkıcı ve dönüştürücü inovasyon, yeni müşteri profilleri ve sosyal etkileşim ile özdeşleşmiş bu yüksek rekabet pazarlarında şirketlerin sağlıklı kurumsal büyüme ve sürdürülebilir rekabet avantajı elde edebilmeleri için mevcut müşterileri ile uzun dönemli, karşılıklı değer yaratan karlı ilişkiler geliştirmeleri ve bu ilişkileri sürdürmeleri gerekmektedir. Tüketicilerin bir marka ile çıktıkları yolculuk süresince pozitif deneyimler yaşamaları, memnuniyet seviyelerinin kuvvetlenmesi sonucu marka ile olan ilişkilerinin derinlik kazanması, güçlenmesi ve buna bağlı olarak müşteri kayıplarının önlenmesi, şirketlerin uzun vadeli stratejik hedeflerini gerçekleştirmeleri için en önemli kritik başarı faktörlerinden bir tanesidir.
Bu çalışma, e-perakende alanında faaliyet gösteren şirketlerin müşteri yaşam boyu değerlerini maksimum seviyeye ulaştırmaları için kritik başarı faktörleri olan müşteri deneyimi, müşteri memnuniyeti ve marka değeri arasındaki ilişkiyi ve bu ilişkinin tüketicilerin marka değiştirme eğilimleri üzerindeki etkisini, kademeli bir araştırma modeli kapsamında test etmek suretiyle bilimsel olarak incelemeyi ve aydınlatmayı amaçlamaktadır.
Increased competition and demanding consumers are the two dynamics that cause challenging market ... more Increased competition and demanding consumers are the two dynamics that cause challenging market conditions for the brands which target higher ranks among their peer groups. The critical success factor for brands in the contemporary markets is to develop and sustain long-term profitable relationships with customers and consequently to have a higher retention rate. Since there is no possibility of having hundred percent retention rate in practice, varying degrees of customer churn is inevitable.
On the other hand, acquisition of new customers is much harder and costly when we take into consideration the efforts made by competitive brands to retain their customers as well as the current communication clutter in the market. If brands can find out the marketing tools that contribute to re-vitalize their relationship with their ex-customers, re-vitalization of the old relationships may contribute to bottom line results of the company much more effectively than acquiring first time customers due to the lower resource allocation for the former.
In this perspective, this study targets to shed light to an unexplored are in the marketing literature by developing and testing a research model to (1) identify the factors contributing to the formation of an effective WoM in an e-commerce context, and (2) understand the role of effective electronic word-of-mouth (e-WoM), customer based brand equity, customer experience and brand switching intention on shaping the relationship re-vitalization intentions of ex-customers of an e-retailer brand.
While the penetration of the Internet in consumers’ daily lives still continue with an increasing... more While the penetration of the Internet in consumers’ daily lives still continue with an increasing momentum, this new medium has experienced a radical transformation from being a communication tool to be an economic platform where consumers do not only communicate but also transact. In this perspective, online consumer behavior became an important area for both academics and professionals, which needs to be investigated and explored. As the Internet is a new technological channel for shopping, consumers need first to decide to use this new channel for shopping and then make their online retailer preference. Thus, online consumer behavior involves a two-step process composed of intention to shop online and selection of e-store. The purpose of this study is to develop and test a two steps online consumer behavior model which explains the dynamics of the intention and selection processes. A two staged research design has been implemented in the study. At the first stage, parallel to the existing literature, the effects of risk perceptions, technology acceptance factors, and benefit perceptions on the intention to shop online has been measured. The effect of retailer brand equity on e-store selection process has been measured on the second stage. The research hypotheses have been developed based on both the existing theoretical ground and current findings in the literature. The results of the study confirmed that risk perceptions, technology acceptance factors and benefit perceptions regarding online shopping play a decisive role in the intention of consumers to shop online. A second important finding of the study is that once consumers’ involve into online shopping activity, the strength of retailers’ brand equity directly affects the consumers’ store preference.