omgwtfcrazy - Profile (original) (raw)
on 23 May 2008 (#15679004)
Everyone, at some point or another, has encountered a crazy person. It could be the neighbor who talks to himself. That smelly guy on the bus next to you. The guy on the corner with a sign reminding you of Christ's love. Your uncle who voted for Bush. The internet stalker. The real life stalker. The chick who tells the most outrageous lies. That old lady roaming the neighborhood in her underwear. Your friend who wears Crocs. Someone in you communities who HAVE to be trolls, because if they're not, they are a RL ticking tomebomb. We're not talking the average run-of-the-mill Joe who's been diagnosed with ______ and has sought therapy. You know you know who we're talking about. That. Crazy. Person. Over there.
Tell us about your run-ins with teh crazy. We're listening.
Community rules:
1.) No flaming. This is why we have the scroll bar. You have the right to politely disagree or debate someone, but outright personal attacks will not be tolerated. 1st time, warning. 2nd time, banhammer.
3.) You must have a vaild and established LJ account to be considered for membership. This means no socks, no trolls, none of that shiz. If you want to be annoying, go annoy someone else. Membership is moderated and will stay that way.
4.) If you have to mention another LJ User in your post, F-LOCK IT. Let's avoid outsider drama.
5.) Very long posts, posts that contain NSFW images, and posts containing more than one picture should be placed under a cut. We like our friends pages. Let's keep them uncluttered.
abuse, bad parents, batshittery, bitches, crazy, drama, drunks, epic fail, exes, facepalm, fail, fail at life, gtfo, headdesk, headwall, hopeless, insanity, issues, liars, lj crazy, lulz, nonsense, pathological liars, projection, psychos, scary people, self-loathing, smelly people, snark, sociopaths, stalkers, stupid, threats, undiagnosed mental illness, violence, wtf, wut
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