Nicole Lotz | The Open University (original) (raw)

Papers by Nicole Lotz

Research paper thumbnail of OpenDesignStudio: virtual studio development over a decade

Insider Knowledge - Proceedings of the Design Research Society Learn X Design Conference, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Lurking and learning: Making learning visible in a Virtual Design Studio Conference or Workshop Item Lurking and learning: Making learning visible in a Virtual Design Studio

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Research paper thumbnail of Engaging Qualities: factors affecting learner attention in online design studios

DRS2018: Catalyst, 2018

This study looks at the qualities of learner-generated online content, as rated by experts, and h... more This study looks at the qualities of learner-generated online content, as rated by experts, and how these relate to learners’ engagement through comments and conversations around this content. The work uploaded to an Online Design Studio by students across a Design and Innovation Qualification was rated and analysed quantitatively using the Consensual Assessment Technique (CAT). Correlations of qualities to comments made on this content were considered and a qualitative analysis of the comments was carried out. It was observed that design students do not necessarily pay attention to the same qualities in learner-generated content that experts rate highly, except for a particular quality at the first level of study. The content that students do engage with also changes with increasing levels of study. These findings have implications for the learning design of online design courses and qualifications as well as for design institutions seeking to supplement proximate design studios wi...

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Research paper thumbnail of Hyperlocal Learning Network ‘La Campana-Altamira’: Using low-cost technologies to support maker education during lockdown times

The Covid-19 pandemic worsened access to education and socio-economic development opportunities f... more The Covid-19 pandemic worsened access to education and socio-economic development opportunities for marginalized communities around the globe. ‘Hyperlocal Learning Network La Campana-Altamira’ has used low-cost technologies to target this challenge in a city in the Northeast region of Mexico. With the collaboration of academics from Mexico and the United Kingdom, the project in progress has aimed to build hyperlocal and creative learning networks under a socio-constructivist and grounded approach that could empower individuals (children, parents and general community) and nurture makerspace characteristics at home during lockdown. The project established a hyperlocal learning network in La Campana-Altamira with 11 families, using a combination of craft kits and low-cost digital networks to enable making, reflecting, and sharing in the neighbourhood while schools and makerspaces were closed. This paper presents initial findings of the research process and seeks to open a debate on in...

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Research paper thumbnail of Social engagement in online design pedagogies

Design studio education has been a leading pedagogical principle in design learning for over 100 ... more Design studio education has been a leading pedagogical principle in design learning for over 100 years. Initially, the studio environment was seen as a collaborative environment in which students follow the work of their peers’ through formal presentations, critiques and informal conversations. In the recent past, research on design studios has lost sight of the social component in studio education in favour of concentrating on the tutor-students relationship. As the delivery of design education has moved into online environments, scholars have begun to recognise that social engagement with peers may be of a greater importance to students’ design learning than previously acknowledged. This paper explores the gap in our understanding of engagement and interaction by analysing quantitative and qualitative data from 317 students who were studying an online module in design thinking. The module facilitates learning akin to the design studio experience. An online environment allows stude...

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Research paper thumbnail of Just breathe: Breathe in and out for creative nirvana

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Research paper thumbnail of A longitudinal study of virtual design studio (VDS) use in STEM distance design education

International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 2020

The use of virtual design studios (VDS) in practice-based STEM education is increasing but requir... more The use of virtual design studios (VDS) in practice-based STEM education is increasing but requires further research to inform understanding of student learning and success. This paper presents a longitudinal, large-scale study (3 years, 3000 students) of student behaviour in an online design studio used as part of a distance learning Design and Innovation qualification, within the School of Engineering and Innovation at The Open University (UK). The sample size and time period of the study is unprecedented and provides unique insights into student behaviours. Moderate correlations between overall VDS use and student success were identified in early stages of study but were weaker in later stages. Detailed results identify specific behaviour correlations, such as ‘listening-in’ (viewing other students’ work) and student success, as well as behaviour shifts from ‘passive’ to ‘active’ engagement. Strong intrinsic motivations for engagement were observed throughout and selected social ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Envisioning Futures of Design Education: An Exploratory Workshop with Design Educators

Dialectic, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Pivot 2020  Designing a world of many centers

by Lesley-Ann Noel, Renata Leitao, Qassim Saad, Dr Leigh-Anne Hepburn, Jayasri Sridhar, Britta Boyer PhD, Masaki Iwabuchi, Pelin Efilti, Gizem Çelebi, Prananda L Malasan, Meirina Triharini, Maria Rogal, Sucharita Beniwal, Nicole Lotz, and Andréia De Bernardi

Pivot 2020 Designing a world of many centers - Virtual Conference Proceedings, 2020

June 4, 2020, held online.
Organized by the Phyllis M. Taylor Center for Social
Innovation and Design Thinking at Tulane University and
the DRS Pluriversal Design Special Interest Group
Editors: Renata Marques Leitão, Lesley-Ann Noel and Laura Murphy
Editorial assistant: Shaymaa Abdalal
Cover design: Renata Marques Leitão
Cover illustration: Oksana Pasishnychenko

ISBN: 978-1-912294-42-8

Introduction. Laura MURPHY
Editorial Renata M. LEITÃO, Lesley-Ann NOEL
Section: Deconstructing Narratives & Unlearning Hegemony
Pluriversal design and desire-based design: desire as the impulse for human flourishing Renata M. LEITÃO
Worlds and words: interrogating type and map as systems of power and embodied meaning-making Jane TURNER; Manuela TABOADA
Racist Motifs in Design Omari SOUZA
The intellectual transformation of modern design discourses in the Eastern Mediterranean Region Qassim SAAD
Linguistic Integration in India: A Persistence of Hegemony Jayasri SRIDHAR

Section: Decolonizing Design Education
Envisioning a pluriversal design education .Lesley-Ann NOEL
(De)institution Design: decolonizing design discourse in Uruguay. Lucia TRIAS CORNÚ
Opening up our Gated Community. Arvind LODAYA
Exploring participatory learning beyond the Institution. Leigh-Anne HEPBURN
Defining the Value of Educational Equilibrium for Immigrant and At-Risk Youths
Through Art Education in the 2020s and Beyond. Clovis Benjamin NELSON

Section: Initiatives & Socio-Technical Tools for the Pluriverse
The story of ‘The Spirit of the Hibiscus’: worldmaking activities from Bali. Britta BOYER
Speculation of the Purpose of Life in 2050 from Kyoto: Case Study on Transition Design in Japan . Masaki IWABUCHI; Daijiro MIZUNO
Bridging Design Prototypes & Autonomous Design. Gloria GOMEZ
Prototyping a Micro-pluriverse: Performed Cosmologies to Decolonize Augmented Reality. Selwa SWEIDAN; Jessica ESCOBEDO SIBRIAN
Re-defining Domestic Craft-Making: Cultivation of New Craft Practices and Identity Through the Social Media. Pelin EFİLTİ; Gizem ÇELEBİ
The Role of Socio-technical Instruments in Craft and Design Practice in Indonesia.
Prananda Luffiansyaha MALASAN; Meirina TRIHARINI; Muhammad IHSAN

Embracing Many Worlds: The Wixárika Calendar. María ROGAL
Democratization of Design. Tanaya LAL
New worlds with some tinkering.... Sucharita BENIWAL
Like the Palm of My Hand: memories to redesign the city . Andréia Menezes DE BERNARDI; Edson José Carpintero REZENDE; Juliana Rocha FRANCO
Starting a Feminist Design Think Tank . Isabel PROCHNER
Transforming through imaginations of Otherness. Laura POPPLOW

A Glossary for the Pluriverse. Laura MURPHY
Designing to Shift Power. Alexandra ALDEN
Navigating Multiple Centers of Power in R&D for Public Education. Colin ANGEVINE
Social Innovation Labs for Climate Action: South to South Collaboration to Tackle Climate Change. Gabriela CARRASCO; Waldo SOTO
Creating New Futures: Collaborative Design Practice. Jose COTTO; Nick JENISCH; Emilie Taylor WELTY; Rashidah WILLIAMS; Ann YOACHIM
Participating in the Pluriverse from within the Academy: Design Thinking Assessment & Research. Danielle LAKE
Inequalities in the participation in social learning and open innovation during crisis.Nicole LOTZ
Using Cultural Probes in Design Research: A Case Study from Bungoma, Kenya. Susan WYCHE

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Research paper thumbnail of The “STAR” Interaction Design Summer Schools Framework

… for Wonderground, the …, Jan 1, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Social engagement in online design pedagogies

Design studio education has been a leading pedagogical principle in design learning for over 100... more Design studio education has been a leading pedagogical principle in design learning for over 100 years. Initially, the studio environment was seen as a collaborative environment in which students follow the work of their peers’ through formal presentations, critiques and informal conversations. In the recent past, research on design studios has lost sight of the social component in studio education in favour of concentrating on the tutor@students relationship. As the delivery of design education has moved into online environments, scholars have begun to recognise that social engagement with peers may be of a greater importance to students’ design learning than previously acknowledged. This paper explores the gap in our understanding of engagement and interaction by analysing quantitative and qualitative data from 317 students who were studying an online module in design thinking. The module facilitates learning akin to the design studio experience. An online environment allows students to share and discuss design work, asynchronously, with peers at a distance. The results of the analysis show a correlation between engagement and students success, and further analysis of the kinds of interactions suggest six themes of social engagement that have a positive effect on students’ outcomes. These findings add to our understanding of successful online design pedagogies.

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Research paper thumbnail of Team design communication patterns in elearning design and development

Prescriptive stage models have been found insufficient to describe the dynamic aspects of designi... more Prescriptive stage models have been found insufficient to describe the dynamic
aspects of designing, especially in interdisciplinary e-learning design teams. There is a
growing need for a systematic empirical analysis of team design processes that offer deeper
and more detailed insights into instructional design (ID) than general models can offer. In
this paper we present findings from two case studies of team design meetings involved in
the development of fully online courses at two well-established European Distance Universities.
We applied an activity-based approach to an extended verbal protocol dataset.
This method proved to be adequate to describe the emerging team design process by taking
into account both cognitive and social aspects of team activity in this specific context. Our
findings provide evidence that design is more than problem solving, mainly because the
design process is strongly related to the communication process in a team. Some useful
patterns of designing emerge, which shed light on the still implicit nature of ID performed
by teams. We conclude by presenting guidelines for team designing in the complex field of

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Research paper thumbnail of A process model for developing learning design patterns with international scope

This paper investigates the process of identifying design patterns in international collaborative... more This paper investigates the process of identifying design patterns in international
collaborative learning environments. In this context, design patterns are referred to
as structured descriptions of best practice with pre-defined sections such as problem,
solution and consequences. We pay special attention to how the scope of a design pattern is
identified and articulated. Based on a review of the seminal design patterns literature and
current practice in the area of learning design, the lack of a more specific process
description for developing patterns with international scope is identified. The paper suggests
a process model for developing patterns with international scope. This model is
exemplified in a case study that links the analysis of observation in international learning
environments to the articulation of design patterns by identifying culturally independent
core values that constitute the foundations of a design pattern with international scope.
These core values are linked to recurrent learning behaviors and specific artefacts that
support learning in the articulation of a design pattern. The findings contribute to gaining a
deeper understanding of

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Research paper thumbnail of Co-evolving problems and solutions The case of novice interaction designers in Botswana and the UK

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Research paper thumbnail of Utilizing FM software in collaborative design-learning

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Research paper thumbnail of Design education, design research

There has been considerable interest and research in the design of learning and teaching environm... more There has been considerable interest and research in the design of learning and teaching environments but to what extent does this knowledge enable us to create suitable environments for the teaching and learning of design? This paper will consider the opportunities for new ways of ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Design patterns for cross-cultural computer-supported collaboration

This thesis investigates how design patterns for facilitating intercultural design education cont... more This thesis investigates how design patterns for facilitating intercultural design education contexts can be identified through qualitative and comparative analysis of a long-term ethnographic study of cross-cultural computer-supported collaborative design learning. The core findings of ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Design and Communication Patterns Observed in an eLearning Design Team: A Case-Study

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Research paper thumbnail of Identifying design patterns in international collaborative learning-two contrasting case studies

In the first case, design patterns aimed at communicating how cross-cultural differences might af... more In the first case, design patterns aimed at communicating how cross-cultural differences might affect the pedagogy and design of intercultural collaborative learning environments. An analysis framework based on cross-cultural and intercultural communication theories was ...

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Research paper thumbnail of OpenDesignStudio: virtual studio development over a decade

Insider Knowledge - Proceedings of the Design Research Society Learn X Design Conference, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Lurking and learning: Making learning visible in a Virtual Design Studio Conference or Workshop Item Lurking and learning: Making learning visible in a Virtual Design Studio

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Research paper thumbnail of Engaging Qualities: factors affecting learner attention in online design studios

DRS2018: Catalyst, 2018

This study looks at the qualities of learner-generated online content, as rated by experts, and h... more This study looks at the qualities of learner-generated online content, as rated by experts, and how these relate to learners’ engagement through comments and conversations around this content. The work uploaded to an Online Design Studio by students across a Design and Innovation Qualification was rated and analysed quantitatively using the Consensual Assessment Technique (CAT). Correlations of qualities to comments made on this content were considered and a qualitative analysis of the comments was carried out. It was observed that design students do not necessarily pay attention to the same qualities in learner-generated content that experts rate highly, except for a particular quality at the first level of study. The content that students do engage with also changes with increasing levels of study. These findings have implications for the learning design of online design courses and qualifications as well as for design institutions seeking to supplement proximate design studios wi...

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Research paper thumbnail of Hyperlocal Learning Network ‘La Campana-Altamira’: Using low-cost technologies to support maker education during lockdown times

The Covid-19 pandemic worsened access to education and socio-economic development opportunities f... more The Covid-19 pandemic worsened access to education and socio-economic development opportunities for marginalized communities around the globe. ‘Hyperlocal Learning Network La Campana-Altamira’ has used low-cost technologies to target this challenge in a city in the Northeast region of Mexico. With the collaboration of academics from Mexico and the United Kingdom, the project in progress has aimed to build hyperlocal and creative learning networks under a socio-constructivist and grounded approach that could empower individuals (children, parents and general community) and nurture makerspace characteristics at home during lockdown. The project established a hyperlocal learning network in La Campana-Altamira with 11 families, using a combination of craft kits and low-cost digital networks to enable making, reflecting, and sharing in the neighbourhood while schools and makerspaces were closed. This paper presents initial findings of the research process and seeks to open a debate on in...

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Research paper thumbnail of Social engagement in online design pedagogies

Design studio education has been a leading pedagogical principle in design learning for over 100 ... more Design studio education has been a leading pedagogical principle in design learning for over 100 years. Initially, the studio environment was seen as a collaborative environment in which students follow the work of their peers’ through formal presentations, critiques and informal conversations. In the recent past, research on design studios has lost sight of the social component in studio education in favour of concentrating on the tutor-students relationship. As the delivery of design education has moved into online environments, scholars have begun to recognise that social engagement with peers may be of a greater importance to students’ design learning than previously acknowledged. This paper explores the gap in our understanding of engagement and interaction by analysing quantitative and qualitative data from 317 students who were studying an online module in design thinking. The module facilitates learning akin to the design studio experience. An online environment allows stude...

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Research paper thumbnail of Just breathe: Breathe in and out for creative nirvana

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Research paper thumbnail of A longitudinal study of virtual design studio (VDS) use in STEM distance design education

International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 2020

The use of virtual design studios (VDS) in practice-based STEM education is increasing but requir... more The use of virtual design studios (VDS) in practice-based STEM education is increasing but requires further research to inform understanding of student learning and success. This paper presents a longitudinal, large-scale study (3 years, 3000 students) of student behaviour in an online design studio used as part of a distance learning Design and Innovation qualification, within the School of Engineering and Innovation at The Open University (UK). The sample size and time period of the study is unprecedented and provides unique insights into student behaviours. Moderate correlations between overall VDS use and student success were identified in early stages of study but were weaker in later stages. Detailed results identify specific behaviour correlations, such as ‘listening-in’ (viewing other students’ work) and student success, as well as behaviour shifts from ‘passive’ to ‘active’ engagement. Strong intrinsic motivations for engagement were observed throughout and selected social ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Envisioning Futures of Design Education: An Exploratory Workshop with Design Educators

Dialectic, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Pivot 2020  Designing a world of many centers

by Lesley-Ann Noel, Renata Leitao, Qassim Saad, Dr Leigh-Anne Hepburn, Jayasri Sridhar, Britta Boyer PhD, Masaki Iwabuchi, Pelin Efilti, Gizem Çelebi, Prananda L Malasan, Meirina Triharini, Maria Rogal, Sucharita Beniwal, Nicole Lotz, and Andréia De Bernardi

Pivot 2020 Designing a world of many centers - Virtual Conference Proceedings, 2020

June 4, 2020, held online.
Organized by the Phyllis M. Taylor Center for Social
Innovation and Design Thinking at Tulane University and
the DRS Pluriversal Design Special Interest Group
Editors: Renata Marques Leitão, Lesley-Ann Noel and Laura Murphy
Editorial assistant: Shaymaa Abdalal
Cover design: Renata Marques Leitão
Cover illustration: Oksana Pasishnychenko

ISBN: 978-1-912294-42-8

Introduction. Laura MURPHY
Editorial Renata M. LEITÃO, Lesley-Ann NOEL
Section: Deconstructing Narratives & Unlearning Hegemony
Pluriversal design and desire-based design: desire as the impulse for human flourishing Renata M. LEITÃO
Worlds and words: interrogating type and map as systems of power and embodied meaning-making Jane TURNER; Manuela TABOADA
Racist Motifs in Design Omari SOUZA
The intellectual transformation of modern design discourses in the Eastern Mediterranean Region Qassim SAAD
Linguistic Integration in India: A Persistence of Hegemony Jayasri SRIDHAR

Section: Decolonizing Design Education
Envisioning a pluriversal design education .Lesley-Ann NOEL
(De)institution Design: decolonizing design discourse in Uruguay. Lucia TRIAS CORNÚ
Opening up our Gated Community. Arvind LODAYA
Exploring participatory learning beyond the Institution. Leigh-Anne HEPBURN
Defining the Value of Educational Equilibrium for Immigrant and At-Risk Youths
Through Art Education in the 2020s and Beyond. Clovis Benjamin NELSON

Section: Initiatives & Socio-Technical Tools for the Pluriverse
The story of ‘The Spirit of the Hibiscus’: worldmaking activities from Bali. Britta BOYER
Speculation of the Purpose of Life in 2050 from Kyoto: Case Study on Transition Design in Japan . Masaki IWABUCHI; Daijiro MIZUNO
Bridging Design Prototypes & Autonomous Design. Gloria GOMEZ
Prototyping a Micro-pluriverse: Performed Cosmologies to Decolonize Augmented Reality. Selwa SWEIDAN; Jessica ESCOBEDO SIBRIAN
Re-defining Domestic Craft-Making: Cultivation of New Craft Practices and Identity Through the Social Media. Pelin EFİLTİ; Gizem ÇELEBİ
The Role of Socio-technical Instruments in Craft and Design Practice in Indonesia.
Prananda Luffiansyaha MALASAN; Meirina TRIHARINI; Muhammad IHSAN

Embracing Many Worlds: The Wixárika Calendar. María ROGAL
Democratization of Design. Tanaya LAL
New worlds with some tinkering.... Sucharita BENIWAL
Like the Palm of My Hand: memories to redesign the city . Andréia Menezes DE BERNARDI; Edson José Carpintero REZENDE; Juliana Rocha FRANCO
Starting a Feminist Design Think Tank . Isabel PROCHNER
Transforming through imaginations of Otherness. Laura POPPLOW

A Glossary for the Pluriverse. Laura MURPHY
Designing to Shift Power. Alexandra ALDEN
Navigating Multiple Centers of Power in R&D for Public Education. Colin ANGEVINE
Social Innovation Labs for Climate Action: South to South Collaboration to Tackle Climate Change. Gabriela CARRASCO; Waldo SOTO
Creating New Futures: Collaborative Design Practice. Jose COTTO; Nick JENISCH; Emilie Taylor WELTY; Rashidah WILLIAMS; Ann YOACHIM
Participating in the Pluriverse from within the Academy: Design Thinking Assessment & Research. Danielle LAKE
Inequalities in the participation in social learning and open innovation during crisis.Nicole LOTZ
Using Cultural Probes in Design Research: A Case Study from Bungoma, Kenya. Susan WYCHE

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Research paper thumbnail of The “STAR” Interaction Design Summer Schools Framework

… for Wonderground, the …, Jan 1, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Social engagement in online design pedagogies

Design studio education has been a leading pedagogical principle in design learning for over 100... more Design studio education has been a leading pedagogical principle in design learning for over 100 years. Initially, the studio environment was seen as a collaborative environment in which students follow the work of their peers’ through formal presentations, critiques and informal conversations. In the recent past, research on design studios has lost sight of the social component in studio education in favour of concentrating on the tutor@students relationship. As the delivery of design education has moved into online environments, scholars have begun to recognise that social engagement with peers may be of a greater importance to students’ design learning than previously acknowledged. This paper explores the gap in our understanding of engagement and interaction by analysing quantitative and qualitative data from 317 students who were studying an online module in design thinking. The module facilitates learning akin to the design studio experience. An online environment allows students to share and discuss design work, asynchronously, with peers at a distance. The results of the analysis show a correlation between engagement and students success, and further analysis of the kinds of interactions suggest six themes of social engagement that have a positive effect on students’ outcomes. These findings add to our understanding of successful online design pedagogies.

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Research paper thumbnail of Team design communication patterns in elearning design and development

Prescriptive stage models have been found insufficient to describe the dynamic aspects of designi... more Prescriptive stage models have been found insufficient to describe the dynamic
aspects of designing, especially in interdisciplinary e-learning design teams. There is a
growing need for a systematic empirical analysis of team design processes that offer deeper
and more detailed insights into instructional design (ID) than general models can offer. In
this paper we present findings from two case studies of team design meetings involved in
the development of fully online courses at two well-established European Distance Universities.
We applied an activity-based approach to an extended verbal protocol dataset.
This method proved to be adequate to describe the emerging team design process by taking
into account both cognitive and social aspects of team activity in this specific context. Our
findings provide evidence that design is more than problem solving, mainly because the
design process is strongly related to the communication process in a team. Some useful
patterns of designing emerge, which shed light on the still implicit nature of ID performed
by teams. We conclude by presenting guidelines for team designing in the complex field of

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Research paper thumbnail of A process model for developing learning design patterns with international scope

This paper investigates the process of identifying design patterns in international collaborative... more This paper investigates the process of identifying design patterns in international
collaborative learning environments. In this context, design patterns are referred to
as structured descriptions of best practice with pre-defined sections such as problem,
solution and consequences. We pay special attention to how the scope of a design pattern is
identified and articulated. Based on a review of the seminal design patterns literature and
current practice in the area of learning design, the lack of a more specific process
description for developing patterns with international scope is identified. The paper suggests
a process model for developing patterns with international scope. This model is
exemplified in a case study that links the analysis of observation in international learning
environments to the articulation of design patterns by identifying culturally independent
core values that constitute the foundations of a design pattern with international scope.
These core values are linked to recurrent learning behaviors and specific artefacts that
support learning in the articulation of a design pattern. The findings contribute to gaining a
deeper understanding of

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Research paper thumbnail of Co-evolving problems and solutions The case of novice interaction designers in Botswana and the UK

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Research paper thumbnail of Utilizing FM software in collaborative design-learning

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Research paper thumbnail of Design education, design research

There has been considerable interest and research in the design of learning and teaching environm... more There has been considerable interest and research in the design of learning and teaching environments but to what extent does this knowledge enable us to create suitable environments for the teaching and learning of design? This paper will consider the opportunities for new ways of ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Design patterns for cross-cultural computer-supported collaboration

This thesis investigates how design patterns for facilitating intercultural design education cont... more This thesis investigates how design patterns for facilitating intercultural design education contexts can be identified through qualitative and comparative analysis of a long-term ethnographic study of cross-cultural computer-supported collaborative design learning. The core findings of ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Design and Communication Patterns Observed in an eLearning Design Team: A Case-Study

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Research paper thumbnail of Identifying design patterns in international collaborative learning-two contrasting case studies

In the first case, design patterns aimed at communicating how cross-cultural differences might af... more In the first case, design patterns aimed at communicating how cross-cultural differences might affect the pedagogy and design of intercultural collaborative learning environments. An analysis framework based on cross-cultural and intercultural communication theories was ...

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