Marielle Eyraud | Aix-Marseille Université (original) (raw)

Papers by Marielle Eyraud

Research paper thumbnail of Iconography : Electrochemical fabrication of tin nanowires: A short review

Elsevier Masson, Sep 17, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Electrocrystallisation of Zinc from Ammonium Chloride Solution in the Presence of an Additive

Organic and Inorganic Coatings for Corrosion Prevention – Research and Experiences, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of additives on Cu electrodeposition mechanisms in acid solution: direct current study supported by non-electrochemical measurements

Electrochimica Acta, 2002

The effect of polyethylene glycol (PEG) and chloride ions on copper electrodeposits is investigat... more The effect of polyethylene glycol (PEG) and chloride ions on copper electrodeposits is investigated by electrochemical measurements (cyclic voltammetry, current and potential pulses) coupled with an ellipsometric study at open circuit. When PEG is added to the Cu2+ solution, the modifications of the copper electrodeposition mechanism can be explained by a polymer-electrode interaction instead of a complex formation in solution. Since ellipsometry has shown no PEG adsorption at least at open circuit, that adsorption is assumed to be potential dependent. Moreover, the efficiency of PEG alone in solution, seems to be decreased when the deposit grows. With Cl− alone, an activation of copper deposition is performed. The simultaneous addition of the two additives induces a blocking effect of the copper reduction that continues on with time. X-ray diffraction, optical microscopy and atomic force microscopy (AFM) carried out complementary results, on bulk deposits obtained from solution with and without these additives. It has been found that a bright, compact and homogeneous coating is only obtained in presence of both additives. In that case, the texture of the deposit is modified and the roughness is significantly decreased to 0.5 μm.

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Research paper thumbnail of Improved Corrosion and Adhesion Properties of Titanium Alloy for Endoprostheses Applications Using a Two-Step Anodization Method

SSRN Electronic Journal

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Research paper thumbnail of Amélioration des propriétés de corrosion de film minces de NiP par utilisation de différents additifs

International audienceNiP amorphous coatings are considered as important engineering alloys. In t... more International audienceNiP amorphous coatings are considered as important engineering alloys. In this paper, the effects of various additives on the properties of NiP thin films were investigated, including saccharine, glycine, pyridinium propyl sulfonate, coumarin, sodium citrate, and cerium sulfate. Potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy tests, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray fluorescence and diffraction, and atomic force microscopy were employed to study the properties of the samples. It was found that a proper concentration of these additives, except saccharine, noticeably improved the corrosion resistance, especially at high potentials (about 25% increase in instantaneous corrosion efficiency and about 300% in corrosion efficiency at high potentials) and decreased the surface roughness (by about 10 to 55 %) of NiP thin films. Thinner, more uniform, and less porous coatings were formed in the presence of additives. Except saccharine, all the a...

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Research paper thumbnail of Electrochemical properties of composites based on nanocrystalline anatase (TiO2) and copper compounds (CuBr, CuO)

The electrochemical properties in aqueous solution of composite materials made from nanocrystalli... more The electrochemical properties in aqueous solution of composite materials made from nanocrystalline anatase TiO2 with CuBr and CuO are reported. CuO–TiO2 composite samples are prepared by a novel route based on oxidation of CuBr–TiO2. The corrosion of CuBr–TiO2 composite electrodes prevents a detailed electrochemical analysis. The data on CuO–TiO2 composites are consistent with the presence of a surface layer of

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of substrate on the electrodeposition of nickel-molybdenum alloys

Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 1992

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of the effects of various additives on the corrosion properties of Ni-P thin films electrodeposited on Cu

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Research paper thumbnail of Illustration d'un cours de protection contre la corrosion des matériaux : Exemple d'une séance de TP sur l'anodisation de l'aluminium

Ces deux seances de travaux pratiques servent d'illustration a un cours sur les mecanismes de... more Ces deux seances de travaux pratiques servent d'illustration a un cours sur les mecanismes de la corrosion electrochimique et la protection contre la corrosion. Ce cours est effectue en maitrise de chimie-physique dans le cadre d'une option « physicochimie des materiaux ». Cette seance, relativement simple a mettre en oeuvre, permet d'apprehender a la fois un cas concret de la corrosion d'un metal: l'aluminium, mais aussi de voir comment pratiquement (et industriellement) on le protege.

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence d'additifs sur le mécanisme de l'électrodeposition du cuivre en milieu acide : Etude en courant alternatif

L'effet du polyethylene glycol (PEG) et des ions chlorures sur l'electrodeposition du cui... more L'effet du polyethylene glycol (PEG) et des ions chlorures sur l'electrodeposition du cuivre a ete etudie par la spectrometrie d'impedance electrochimique (SIE) couple avec une etude ellipsometrique au potentiel a courant nul. Le but de l'etude etait d'etayer les resultats obtenus en courant continu. Cependant l'adsorption du PEG, faible au potentiel de corrosion, intervenait de facon importante sous polarisation cathodique. La presence simultanee des ions chlorures et du PEG empechait la variation brutale de la capacite lors de la formation du depot de cuivre. L'evolution des diagrammes d'impedance avait montre un processus de diffusion au sein de la solution sans additifs mais avec les additifs, la diffusion avait lieu a la surface et dans ce cas le depot etait moins rugueux.

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Research paper thumbnail of Total Knee Arthroplasty with a Ti6Al4V/PEEK Prosthesis on an Osteoarthritis Rat Model: Behavioral and Neurophysiological Analysis

Scientific Reports, 2020

Arthroplasty is a surgical procedure to restore the function of the joint of patient suffering fr... more Arthroplasty is a surgical procedure to restore the function of the joint of patient suffering from knee osteoarthritis. However, postoperative functional deficits are reported even after a rehabilitation program. In order to determine the origin of functional deficits of patient suffering from knee osteoarthritis and total knee arthroplasty, we developed a rodent model including a chemically-induced-osteoarthritis and designed a knee prosthesis (Ti6Al4V/PEEK) biomechanically and anatomically adapted to rat knee joint. Dynamic Weight-Bearing, gait kinematics, H-reflex from vastus medialis muscle and activities from metabosensitive III and IV afferent fibers in femoral nerve were assessed at 1 and 3 months post-surgery. Results indicate that knee osteoarthritis altered considerably the responses of afferent fibers to their known activators (i.e., lactic acid and potassium chloride) and consequently their ability to modulate the spinal sensorimotor loop, although, paradoxically, motor...

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Research paper thumbnail of Development and tribological characterisation of nanostructured Zn-Ni and Zn-Co coatings: a comparative study

Transactions of the IMF, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Synthesis of nanostructured ZnO/copper electrodes for nitrate electroreduction


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Research paper thumbnail of Type and concentration effects of particulate solid lubricants on the microstructure, friction, and wear of electrodeposited Ni composite coatings

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2018

Nickel–MoS2 composite coatings were obtained by electrodeposition from a nickel electrolyte conta... more Nickel–MoS2 composite coatings were obtained by electrodeposition from a nickel electrolyte containing suspended MoS2 particles. The coating composition, morphology, crystalline structure, microhardness, and frictional behavior were studied as a function of MoS2 concentration. The results obtained in this study revealed that the codeposited lubricant particles strongly influenced the composite nickel coating properties. It was found that increasing codeposited MoS2 decreases the average grain size of nickel crystallites and leads to the formation of clusters which, in turn, lead to rough coatings with a high and variable thickness. The results of tribological response indicated that the reduction of friction coefficient and the improvement of wear resistance were performed until an optimal value of MoS2 concentration, which provided the best condition that promoted the tribo-layer stability and maintained the matrix integrity. A comparison of tribological and micromechanical propert...

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Research paper thumbnail of Single-step electrodeposition of superhydrophobic black NiO thin films

Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Structural, Micromechanical and Tribological Analyses of Electrodeposited Nickel–Graphite Coatings with Different Fractions of Graphite Microparticles

Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Optical and Electrochemical Properties of Self-Organized TiO2 Nanotube Arrays From Anodized Ti−6Al−4V Alloy

Frontiers in Chemistry, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Enhancing the corrosion resistance of Cu/Ni-P/Au electrical contacts by electropolymerized poly(methyl methacrylate)

Corrosion Science, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Improving the corrosion properties of amorphous Ni-P thin films using different additives

Surface and Coatings Technology, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Des alliages de zinc et de manganèse aptes au revêtement protecteur de plaques d’acier

Matériaux & Techniques, 1999

Des plaques d’acier ont ete revetues d’un depot d’alliage zinc-manganese prepare a partir d’un ba... more Des plaques d’acier ont ete revetues d’un depot d’alliage zinc-manganese prepare a partir d’un bain a base de chlorure d’ammonium. Ces plaques ont ete exposees sur le site de corrosion naturelle de Palavas, sur la cote mediterraneenne, et presentent, apres une duree d’exposition de 2,5 ans, une couleur brune uniforme sans trace de rouille blanche ou rouge. Les analyses de ces plaques, par diffraction des rayons X, microscopies et spectroscopie photoelectronique de rayons X (XPS), ont revele en surface la presence d’oxydes de manganese. A ce jour, les plaques sont en conditions de corrosion naturelle depuis 4,5 ans et aucun changement visuel n’est observe.

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Research paper thumbnail of Iconography : Electrochemical fabrication of tin nanowires: A short review

Elsevier Masson, Sep 17, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Electrocrystallisation of Zinc from Ammonium Chloride Solution in the Presence of an Additive

Organic and Inorganic Coatings for Corrosion Prevention – Research and Experiences, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of additives on Cu electrodeposition mechanisms in acid solution: direct current study supported by non-electrochemical measurements

Electrochimica Acta, 2002

The effect of polyethylene glycol (PEG) and chloride ions on copper electrodeposits is investigat... more The effect of polyethylene glycol (PEG) and chloride ions on copper electrodeposits is investigated by electrochemical measurements (cyclic voltammetry, current and potential pulses) coupled with an ellipsometric study at open circuit. When PEG is added to the Cu2+ solution, the modifications of the copper electrodeposition mechanism can be explained by a polymer-electrode interaction instead of a complex formation in solution. Since ellipsometry has shown no PEG adsorption at least at open circuit, that adsorption is assumed to be potential dependent. Moreover, the efficiency of PEG alone in solution, seems to be decreased when the deposit grows. With Cl− alone, an activation of copper deposition is performed. The simultaneous addition of the two additives induces a blocking effect of the copper reduction that continues on with time. X-ray diffraction, optical microscopy and atomic force microscopy (AFM) carried out complementary results, on bulk deposits obtained from solution with and without these additives. It has been found that a bright, compact and homogeneous coating is only obtained in presence of both additives. In that case, the texture of the deposit is modified and the roughness is significantly decreased to 0.5 μm.

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Research paper thumbnail of Improved Corrosion and Adhesion Properties of Titanium Alloy for Endoprostheses Applications Using a Two-Step Anodization Method

SSRN Electronic Journal

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Research paper thumbnail of Amélioration des propriétés de corrosion de film minces de NiP par utilisation de différents additifs

International audienceNiP amorphous coatings are considered as important engineering alloys. In t... more International audienceNiP amorphous coatings are considered as important engineering alloys. In this paper, the effects of various additives on the properties of NiP thin films were investigated, including saccharine, glycine, pyridinium propyl sulfonate, coumarin, sodium citrate, and cerium sulfate. Potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy tests, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray fluorescence and diffraction, and atomic force microscopy were employed to study the properties of the samples. It was found that a proper concentration of these additives, except saccharine, noticeably improved the corrosion resistance, especially at high potentials (about 25% increase in instantaneous corrosion efficiency and about 300% in corrosion efficiency at high potentials) and decreased the surface roughness (by about 10 to 55 %) of NiP thin films. Thinner, more uniform, and less porous coatings were formed in the presence of additives. Except saccharine, all the a...

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Research paper thumbnail of Electrochemical properties of composites based on nanocrystalline anatase (TiO2) and copper compounds (CuBr, CuO)

The electrochemical properties in aqueous solution of composite materials made from nanocrystalli... more The electrochemical properties in aqueous solution of composite materials made from nanocrystalline anatase TiO2 with CuBr and CuO are reported. CuO–TiO2 composite samples are prepared by a novel route based on oxidation of CuBr–TiO2. The corrosion of CuBr–TiO2 composite electrodes prevents a detailed electrochemical analysis. The data on CuO–TiO2 composites are consistent with the presence of a surface layer of

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of substrate on the electrodeposition of nickel-molybdenum alloys

Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 1992

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of the effects of various additives on the corrosion properties of Ni-P thin films electrodeposited on Cu

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Research paper thumbnail of Illustration d'un cours de protection contre la corrosion des matériaux : Exemple d'une séance de TP sur l'anodisation de l'aluminium

Ces deux seances de travaux pratiques servent d'illustration a un cours sur les mecanismes de... more Ces deux seances de travaux pratiques servent d'illustration a un cours sur les mecanismes de la corrosion electrochimique et la protection contre la corrosion. Ce cours est effectue en maitrise de chimie-physique dans le cadre d'une option « physicochimie des materiaux ». Cette seance, relativement simple a mettre en oeuvre, permet d'apprehender a la fois un cas concret de la corrosion d'un metal: l'aluminium, mais aussi de voir comment pratiquement (et industriellement) on le protege.

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence d'additifs sur le mécanisme de l'électrodeposition du cuivre en milieu acide : Etude en courant alternatif

L'effet du polyethylene glycol (PEG) et des ions chlorures sur l'electrodeposition du cui... more L'effet du polyethylene glycol (PEG) et des ions chlorures sur l'electrodeposition du cuivre a ete etudie par la spectrometrie d'impedance electrochimique (SIE) couple avec une etude ellipsometrique au potentiel a courant nul. Le but de l'etude etait d'etayer les resultats obtenus en courant continu. Cependant l'adsorption du PEG, faible au potentiel de corrosion, intervenait de facon importante sous polarisation cathodique. La presence simultanee des ions chlorures et du PEG empechait la variation brutale de la capacite lors de la formation du depot de cuivre. L'evolution des diagrammes d'impedance avait montre un processus de diffusion au sein de la solution sans additifs mais avec les additifs, la diffusion avait lieu a la surface et dans ce cas le depot etait moins rugueux.

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Research paper thumbnail of Total Knee Arthroplasty with a Ti6Al4V/PEEK Prosthesis on an Osteoarthritis Rat Model: Behavioral and Neurophysiological Analysis

Scientific Reports, 2020

Arthroplasty is a surgical procedure to restore the function of the joint of patient suffering fr... more Arthroplasty is a surgical procedure to restore the function of the joint of patient suffering from knee osteoarthritis. However, postoperative functional deficits are reported even after a rehabilitation program. In order to determine the origin of functional deficits of patient suffering from knee osteoarthritis and total knee arthroplasty, we developed a rodent model including a chemically-induced-osteoarthritis and designed a knee prosthesis (Ti6Al4V/PEEK) biomechanically and anatomically adapted to rat knee joint. Dynamic Weight-Bearing, gait kinematics, H-reflex from vastus medialis muscle and activities from metabosensitive III and IV afferent fibers in femoral nerve were assessed at 1 and 3 months post-surgery. Results indicate that knee osteoarthritis altered considerably the responses of afferent fibers to their known activators (i.e., lactic acid and potassium chloride) and consequently their ability to modulate the spinal sensorimotor loop, although, paradoxically, motor...

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Research paper thumbnail of Development and tribological characterisation of nanostructured Zn-Ni and Zn-Co coatings: a comparative study

Transactions of the IMF, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Synthesis of nanostructured ZnO/copper electrodes for nitrate electroreduction


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Research paper thumbnail of Type and concentration effects of particulate solid lubricants on the microstructure, friction, and wear of electrodeposited Ni composite coatings

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2018

Nickel–MoS2 composite coatings were obtained by electrodeposition from a nickel electrolyte conta... more Nickel–MoS2 composite coatings were obtained by electrodeposition from a nickel electrolyte containing suspended MoS2 particles. The coating composition, morphology, crystalline structure, microhardness, and frictional behavior were studied as a function of MoS2 concentration. The results obtained in this study revealed that the codeposited lubricant particles strongly influenced the composite nickel coating properties. It was found that increasing codeposited MoS2 decreases the average grain size of nickel crystallites and leads to the formation of clusters which, in turn, lead to rough coatings with a high and variable thickness. The results of tribological response indicated that the reduction of friction coefficient and the improvement of wear resistance were performed until an optimal value of MoS2 concentration, which provided the best condition that promoted the tribo-layer stability and maintained the matrix integrity. A comparison of tribological and micromechanical propert...

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Research paper thumbnail of Single-step electrodeposition of superhydrophobic black NiO thin films

Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Structural, Micromechanical and Tribological Analyses of Electrodeposited Nickel–Graphite Coatings with Different Fractions of Graphite Microparticles

Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Optical and Electrochemical Properties of Self-Organized TiO2 Nanotube Arrays From Anodized Ti−6Al−4V Alloy

Frontiers in Chemistry, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Enhancing the corrosion resistance of Cu/Ni-P/Au electrical contacts by electropolymerized poly(methyl methacrylate)

Corrosion Science, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Improving the corrosion properties of amorphous Ni-P thin films using different additives

Surface and Coatings Technology, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Des alliages de zinc et de manganèse aptes au revêtement protecteur de plaques d’acier

Matériaux & Techniques, 1999

Des plaques d’acier ont ete revetues d’un depot d’alliage zinc-manganese prepare a partir d’un ba... more Des plaques d’acier ont ete revetues d’un depot d’alliage zinc-manganese prepare a partir d’un bain a base de chlorure d’ammonium. Ces plaques ont ete exposees sur le site de corrosion naturelle de Palavas, sur la cote mediterraneenne, et presentent, apres une duree d’exposition de 2,5 ans, une couleur brune uniforme sans trace de rouille blanche ou rouge. Les analyses de ces plaques, par diffraction des rayons X, microscopies et spectroscopie photoelectronique de rayons X (XPS), ont revele en surface la presence d’oxydes de manganese. A ce jour, les plaques sont en conditions de corrosion naturelle depuis 4,5 ans et aucun changement visuel n’est observe.

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