palantircross - Profile (original) (raw)

on 5 August 2006 (#10844539)

The Internet's Star Trek / LOTR Crossover Listing

Palantir Crossroads is a community to share and encourage ideas for the Star Trek - Lord of the Rings fandom.

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aragorn, arwen, bashir, beverly crusher, bones, celeborn, celebrian, data, dax, deanna troi, deep space nine, ds9, elladan, elrohir, elrond, ent, enterprise, erestor, frodo, galadriel, gandalf, geordi, glorfindel, haldir, jadzia, janeway, kira nerys, kirk, lindir, lord of the rings, mccoy, miles o'brien, mithrandir, nog, odo, original series, orophin, picard, quark, riker, rumil, samwise gamgee, scotty, sisko, spock, star trek, tasha yar, the next generation, tng, tos, trek, troi, voy, voyager, worf