Salahuddin Harahap | PASCA SARJANA UIN MEDAN (original) (raw)

Papers by Salahuddin Harahap

Research paper thumbnail of Nilai-nilai Filsafat dalam Upacara Pernikahan Etnis Pakpak Kota Sidikalang Kabupaten Dairi

Al-Hikmah : Jurnal Theosofi dan Peradaban Islam, Dec 31, 2022

This paper aims to describe the historical development of the Pakpak Ethnic wedding ceremony and ... more This paper aims to describe the historical development of the Pakpak Ethnic wedding ceremony and to describe the philosophical values contained in the Pakpak Ethnic wedding ceremony. This research is a qualitative research with the type of field research using a philosophical approach, so this research has a philosophical view research model in the field. This research was conducted in Sidikalang City, Dairi Regency. The primary data in this study were obtained directly through interviews. While the secondary data of this study was obtained through literature review. Data collection techniques in this study used observation, interviews, and documentation techniques. The analysis used in this research is philosophical hermeneutic method, with methodical steps used are description, internal coherence, interpretation, and holistic. The results of this study reveal that the Pakpak Ethnic Wedding Ceremony ideally consists of; 1) Menerbeb Puhun atau Memerre Emas Pilihan; 2) Mengiririt/Mengindangi; 3) Tanda Burju (Tunangan); 4) Menglolo/Mengkata Utang; 5) Muat Nakan Peraduben; 6) Tangis Sijahe atau Tangis Berru Pangiren. The philosophical values contained in the marriage ceremony of the Pakpak ethnic community, namely: rational values (each stage of the implementation of the Pakpak ethnic wedding ceremony has a basic foundation that is in accordance with common sense or is conclusive, logical, and methodical), critical values (procedures for implementing the Pakpak ethnic wedding ceremony is open to review to suit the circumstances of the times), systematic values (the implementation of the Pakpak ethnic wedding ceremony is well structured or implemented), and universal values (the implementation of the Pakpak ethnic wedding ceremony can be affirmed by everyone or the whole world).

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Pernikahan Dini terhadap Penanaman Akidah Keluarga di Desa Bandar Selamat Kecamatan Aek Kuo Labuhanbatu Utara

Anwarul, Feb 23, 2024

This research aims to determine the influence on religious beliefs in family, where before gettin... more This research aims to determine the influence on religious beliefs in family, where before getting married you must prepare knowledge in religious beliefs. Therefore, there is a belief that is instilled in the family from an early age because this is very important in family life if it has been built from an early age in the parents' family. The method used in this research is qualitative research (field research), data collected through observation, interviews, documentation. This method is used by researchers in their collection activities so that these activities become systematic and made easier by them. Researchers' findings in this study For them, marriage does not depend on age, whether they are young or old, if they have found a suitable partner then getting married is normal and natural. The lack of family beliefs influences children's parenting patterns, parents' strategies for instilling religious values in early childhood in Bandar Selamat Village. Several efforts are made by parents to provide encouragement to children such as giving advice, giving encouragement, giving praise and providing motivation. Meanwhile, in their role as role models, parents make various efforts by providing examples to their children, such as taking children to the mosque to pray in congregation, getting children used to reciting the Koran at tpq or at home. Meanwhile, the role of parents as supervisors is carried out by parents by observing children's daily behavior, monitoring children when playing with friends and accompanying children when they are outside the home.

Research paper thumbnail of Peranan Aqidah Islam dalam Pembentukan Religiusitas Remaja di Desa Tembung Kecamatan Percut Sei Tuan Kabupaten Deli Serdang

ANWARUL, Jan 7, 2024

The most important and frequent spiritual component of people is called aqidah, or belief, which ... more The most important and frequent spiritual component of people is called aqidah, or belief, which instructs physical members of the human race to perform specific tasks. Good faith will lead to good deeds from people, but bad faith will lead to bad deeds from people as well. The purpose of this study is to determine how Islamic Aqidah influences the development of teenage religiosity in Tembung Village, Percut Sei Tuan District, Deli Serdang Regency. Research from libraries and the field were combined for this study. The two approaches used in this study are the sociological approach (sociological approach) and the Islamic Aqidah method (Islamic theological approach). In Tembung village, the formation of teenage religiosity is greatly influenced by the Islamic faith. The standard of a person's religion is established by aqidah. Reluctant learners of aqeedah frequently make mistakes and introduce additional issues into their life. as a manual for life that will help you distinguish between right and wrong, guard against making mistakes, cultivate a sense of adoration for Allah SWT, soothe your soul, and comprehend and abide by the sunnah.

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Tokoh Agama dalam Pembinaan Etika Remaja di Desa Sinah Kasih Kecamatan Sei Rampah

ANWARUL, Aug 22, 2023

Sinah Kasih Village is included in the Sei Rampah subdistrict, most of the residents of this vill... more Sinah Kasih Village is included in the Sei Rampah subdistrict, most of the residents of this village have a livelihood by gardening. Currently Sinah Kasih village is led by Mrs. Rahmawati, S.Pd.I as the village head. Sinah Kasih is part of a plantation company called PT. Soeloeng Laoet. This study uses a qualitative method, which aims to determine the influence of religious leaders in developing youth ethics in Sinah Kasih Village, Sei Rampah District. The purpose of this research was carried out because there were many fights and delinquency against teenagers in Sinah Kasih Village. For this reason, this study aims to find out the role of religious leaders in fostering adolescent ethics in the village of Sinah Kasih. The results of this study are that the role of religious leaders in fostering youth ethics in Sinah Kasih village is very influential, for this reason religious leaders provide religious guidance to adolescents and invite youth to pray in congregation at the mosque. From that, little by little the youth in Sinah Kasih village were able to control their emotions.

Research paper thumbnail of Unsur Kearifan Lokal Dalam Legenda “Malin Kundang”

Studia Sosia Religia, May 13, 2022

Indonesia merupakan salah satu Negara yang memiliki keanekaragaman baik itu suku, bangsa, ras, bu... more Indonesia merupakan salah satu Negara yang memiliki keanekaragaman baik itu suku, bangsa, ras, budaya, etnis dan agama. Tetapi pada masa sekarang banyak orang yang melupakan bahkan sampai menghilangkan budaya yang sudah ada sejak zaman nenek moyang yang seharusnya itu dapat dijadikan sebagai kearifan lokal kemudian di kembangkan sesuai dengan kemajuan zaman yang sejalan dengan ajaran moral Agama. Legenda Malin Kundang adalah sebuah kearifan lokal yang mengandung sebuah pembelajaran, yang di dalamnya terdapat ajaran agama yaitu penting nya berbakti kepada orang tua. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membangkitkan serta mengembangkan kearifan lokal yang ada di kelurahan Air Manis kecamatan Padang Selatan kota Padang agar masyarakat khususnya anak-anak tetap mengingat legenda Malin Kundang guna untuk dijadikan sebagai penasehat agar berbakti kepada orang tua. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode studi lapangan dengan pendekatan Teologi Islam.Dan mengumpulkan hasil dari wawancara masyarakat kelurahan Air Manis untuk dijadikan sebagai bukti bahan penelitian. Hasil temuan yang didapatkan pada penelitian ini dengan adanya kearifan lokal legenda batu Malin Kundang yang berada di kelurahan Air Manis kecamatan Padang Selatan kota Padang menjadikan tempat tersebut sebagai salah satu wisata yang popular dan ramai dikunjungi sampai saat ini.

Research paper thumbnail of Tradisi Menggunakan Jasa Pawang Hujan Ditinjau Dari Aqidah Islam

Al-Hikmah : Jurnal Theosofi dan Peradaban Islam, Oct 10, 2020

According to the Sei Rotan Village Community, Pawang Hujan is someone who is good at moving or co... more According to the Sei Rotan Village Community, Pawang Hujan is someone who is good at moving or controlling rain using masical or supernatural science which is carried out by means of rituals using several requirements such as fresh red chillies that still have stems, salt, and nails. Provided by the person who is doing the celebration. According to the belief of the Sei Rotan village community, for people who want to do a celebration event or a wedding party, you should use the services of a rain handler for the smooth running of the eent without any obstacles because of the coming rain. The purpose of study is to see whether the use of the services of the rain handler and how the procedure of the implementation of this rain handler deviates from the Islamic aqeedah which can lead to acts of shirk towards Allah that we should make a place to ask for any help. The type of this thesis research is a qualitative research model with descriptive methods by means of observation or observing whether the tradition of using the services of this rain handler deviates from islamic aqidah as the purpose of this thesis is made.

Research paper thumbnail of Tuan Guru Batak (TGB) Syekh Dr. Ahmad Sabban el-Rahmany Rajagukguk, M.A.: dakwah kerukunan dan kebangsaan

Dakwah kerukunan dan kebangsaan adalah salah satu model atau aktivitas dakwah yang mengajak orang... more Dakwah kerukunan dan kebangsaan adalah salah satu model atau aktivitas dakwah yang mengajak orang jalan Tuhan tapi di saat bersamaan menyamai benih-benih cinta, merawat kerukunan dan meneguhkan persaudaraan kebangsaan kita.lxiv, 240 hal.; 22 c

Research paper thumbnail of Dakwah Kerukunan Dan Kebangsaan: Akidah Terjamin, Persaudaraan agama, Kemanusiaan, dan Kebangsaan Terjalin berdamai dengan semua Ciptaan Tuhan

dilaksanakan tidak bertentangan dengan nilai-nilai kebangsaan terkhususnya persatuan dan kesatuan... more dilaksanakan tidak bertentangan dengan nilai-nilai kebangsaan terkhususnya persatuan dan kesatuan NKRI. Sejak dari dahulu ulama kita telah setuju bahwa "hubbul wathon minal iman" yakni mencintai negeri bagian dari iman. Ini artinya semangat keberagaman kita harus sejalan dengan semangat menjaga dan membela Tanah Air. Buku ini menarik, karena ditulis oleh seorang pimpinan Pondok Persulukan Serambi Babussalam Simalungun, di mana letak padepokannya berada di tengah kaum mayoritas Christiani bahkan padepokan itu diapit dua gereja besar. Ini menunjukkan bahwa selama ini peran Pondok cukup strategis untuk tetap menciptakan harmonisasi antarumat beragama. Saya mengenal Tuan Guru ini dan sudah berkunjung ke padepokan ini tahun 2016 waktu saya masih menjabat Pangkostrad. Demikian sambutan ini sekali lagi selamat atas terbitnya buku Dakwah Kerukunan dan Kebangsaan ini semoga bermanfaat untuk kita semua. Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

Research paper thumbnail of Science Concepts According to Syed Hussein Nasr

Budapest International Research and Critics Institute Journal (BIRCI-Journal), Aug 19, 2020

Modern civilization has shown very fundamental changes in human life in almost all aspects, inclu... more Modern civilization has shown very fundamental changes in human life in almost all aspects, including aspects of science. Since the time of Rene Descartes (d.1650 AD), the wave of modernization, especially in the field of physics, has led to major revolutions in the scientific tradition which have triggered a shift in the human perspective on science. The post-modernization paradigm shift in science is marked by two of its most fundamental characteristics, namely the strengthening of rationality and materiality that have shaped the mindset and mentalities of humans, including scientists, to become very rational and materialistic. The revolutions in the field of science have also shown that the development of science that has occurred to date is increasingly far from ethical, aesthetic and spiritual values. In other words, science slowly begins to break away from the values of religiosity, sanctity, closeness, and spirituality. This is due to the strong influence of Cartesian-Newtonian logic, positivism and Post-Modernism on changes in the mindset of modern scientists, especially for those who are immersed in the grip of materialism, mechanism, and bound by modern logic (positivistic, atomistic). The Western philosophy of rationalism initiated by Rene Descartes has shaped the mindset and belief of scientists who are so great in rationality and reason and show their strong rejection of the things that are irrational and spiritual in science. Even though without realizing it, the presence of this mindset has slowly caused them to be trapped in a rigid circle of materialism and deterministic mechanisms. The recent development of science also shows the tendency to limit the scientific area only to things that are empirical-materialistic. Of course the tendency of such scientists was inspired by the findings of Isaac Newton (1725 AD), known as the laws of mechanics (mechanistic determinism). The discovery of this mechanical law has further alienated Abstract This Study aims to find out science concepts according Syed Hussein Nasr. The methodology of science in Islam is based on an epistemology that is fundamentally different from the epistemology that is dominant in modern Western science. For him, faith in the revelation of the Qur'an will reveal all the possibilities that exist in human reason. Submission to revelation, at every level makes sense capable of actualizing these possibilities. The development of Muslim reason is based on a complete awareness of this principle. In this perspective, in solving philosophical and scientific problems. Hence, it is understandable why purification of the soul is seen as an integral part of the methodology of knowledge. The purification of the soul is the main concern, for the protection and proper use of human reason. The religious and spiritual atmosphere created from the Koran at the same time removes obstacles to the development of a normal and optimal mind in the right way. Intellect here, is used in the sense of origin, intellectus (Latin) or nous (Greek).

Research paper thumbnail of Dakwah Kerukunan Dan Kebangsaan: Akidah Terjamin, Persaudaraan agama, Kemanusiaan, dan Kebangsaan Terjalin berdamai dengan semua Ciptaan Tuhan

Prenadamedia, Sep 1, 2019

dilaksanakan tidak bertentangan dengan nilai-nilai kebangsaan terkhususnya persatuan dan kesatuan... more dilaksanakan tidak bertentangan dengan nilai-nilai kebangsaan terkhususnya persatuan dan kesatuan NKRI. Sejak dari dahulu ulama kita telah setuju bahwa "hubbul wathon minal iman" yakni mencintai negeri bagian dari iman. Ini artinya semangat keberagaman kita harus sejalan dengan semangat menjaga dan membela Tanah Air. Buku ini menarik, karena ditulis oleh seorang pimpinan Pondok Persulukan Serambi Babussalam Simalungun, di mana letak padepokannya berada di tengah kaum mayoritas Christiani bahkan padepokan itu diapit dua gereja besar. Ini menunjukkan bahwa selama ini peran Pondok cukup strategis untuk tetap menciptakan harmonisasi antarumat beragama. Saya mengenal Tuan Guru ini dan sudah berkunjung ke padepokan ini tahun 2016 waktu saya masih menjabat Pangkostrad. Demikian sambutan ini sekali lagi selamat atas terbitnya buku Dakwah Kerukunan dan Kebangsaan ini semoga bermanfaat untuk kita semua. Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

Research paper thumbnail of Tuan Guru Batak (TGB) Syekh Dr. Ahmad Sabban el-Rahmany Rajagukguk, M.A.: dakwah kerukunan dan kebangsaan

Dakwah kerukunan dan kebangsaan adalah salah satu model atau aktivitas dakwah yang mengajak orang... more Dakwah kerukunan dan kebangsaan adalah salah satu model atau aktivitas dakwah yang mengajak orang jalan Tuhan tapi di saat bersamaan menyamai benih-benih cinta, merawat kerukunan dan meneguhkan persaudaraan kebangsaan kita.lxiv, 240 hal.; 22 c

Research paper thumbnail of Peranan Tokoh Masyarakat Dalam Penerapan Etika Islam Di Era Digitalisme (Studi Kasus Di Desa Pangarungan Kecamatan Torgamba Kabupaten Labuhanbatu Selatan)

Cybernetics: Journal Educational Research and Social Studies, 2021

Dalam penelitian ini peneliti mengkaji tentang Peranan Tokoh Masyarakat Dalam Penerapan Etika Isl... more Dalam penelitian ini peneliti mengkaji tentang Peranan Tokoh Masyarakat Dalam Penerapan Etika Islam di Era Digitalisme (Studi Kasus Desa Pangarungan Kecamatan Torgamba Kabupaten Labuhanbatu Selatan), menggunakan metode penelitian Kualitatif. Era digital telah membawa perubahan baik menjadi buruk, era digital juga membawa dampak negatif, sehingga jadi tantangan baru bagi masyarakat desa Pangarungan. Tujuan yang hendak dicapai dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui konsep etika Islam pada era digitalisme serta mengetahui peranan tokoh masyarakat dalam penerapan etika Islam pada era digitalisme. Aktivitas yang dilakukan seorang pemimpin yang ada di desa Pangarungan untuk memperbaiki etika Islam masyarakat khususnya remaja yang ada di desa Pangarungan adalah melakukan pengajian setiap minggunya, mengadakan perwiridan bagi remaja, Ibu-ibu, Bapak-bapak, serta mengadakan hal-hal positif yang bisa membawa masyarakat khususnya remaja ke jalan yang telah di tetapkan oleh Allah SWT.

Research paper thumbnail of Science Concepts According to Syed Hussein Nasr

Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences, 2020

This Study aims to find out science concepts according Syed Hussein Nasr. The methodology of scie... more This Study aims to find out science concepts according Syed Hussein Nasr. The methodology of science in Islam is based on an epistemology that is fundamentally different from the epistemology that is dominant in modern Western science. For him, faith in the revelation of the Qur'an will reveal all the possibilities that exist in human reason. Submission to revelation, at every level makes sense capable of actualizing these possibilities. The development of Muslim reason is based on a complete awareness of this principle. In this perspective, in solving philosophical and scientific problems. Hence, it is understandable why purification of the soul is seen as an integral part of the methodology of knowledge. The purification of the soul is the main concern, for the protection and proper use of human reason. The religious and spiritual atmosphere created from the Koran at the same time removes obstacles to the development of a normal and optimal mind in the right way. Intellect her...

![Research paper thumbnail of Pengantar Ke Filsafat Hikmah (`Irfân) Allamah Sayyid Muhammad Husain Thabthabâi](

Al-Hikmah: Jurnal Theosofi dan Peradaban Islam, 2019

Allamah Muhammad Husain al-Thabthabani succeeded in initiating the revival of philosophical thoug... more Allamah Muhammad Husain al-Thabthabani succeeded in initiating the revival of philosophical thought in Iran and Qum after almost dimming after the death of Mulla Sadra. Although there are not many things that are truly new from his thoughts on Mulla Sadra Philosophy, it can be said that in his hands a number of Mulla Shadra's ideas which are considered complicated can be described quite well so that they are easy to understand. His thoughts on philosophy were at least contained in two of his very famous works, namely Bidâyatu al-Hikmah and Nihâyatu al-Hikmah which at the same time strengthened his position as the leading Philosophy after Mulla Sadra. That is why it is deemed necessary to discuss the thoughts of Allamah Muhammad Husayn al-Thabthabi's Philosophy.

Research paper thumbnail of Pandangan Mui Kota Medan Terhadap Penyimpangan Aqidah Islam Dalam Masyarakat

Al-Hikmah: Jurnal Theosofi dan Peradaban Islam

The purpose of this thesis research is to find out the view of Medan MUI on the Deviations of Isl... more The purpose of this thesis research is to find out the view of Medan MUI on the Deviations of Islamic Aqeedah in Society, this study uses the Phenomenology method in the form of understanding, examples and phenomenological methods. which is consciously and individually experienced by a group of individuals in his life. With the connection with the deviation of Islamic Aqeedah in society in the city of Medan. Related to the issues that will be discussed in this Journal, Medan MUI believes that the deviation of the Islamic Aqeedah is an issue that is in contact with the principles in Islamic teachings. Because of that, aqeedah requires unity which is the main understanding in the faith. The touching is against and contradicting the basics that have been qath'i in Islamic teachings, for example related to faith and others.Keywords: Deviations, Islamic Aqeedah, MUI Medan City.

Research paper thumbnail of Tradisi Menggunakan Jasa Pawang Hujan Ditinjau Dari Aqidah Islam

Al-Hikmah: Jurnal Theosofi dan Peradaban Islam

According to the Sei Rotan Village Community, Pawang Hujan is someone who is good at moving or co... more According to the Sei Rotan Village Community, Pawang Hujan is someone who is good at moving or controlling rain using masical or supernatural science which is carried out by means of rituals using several requirements such as fresh red chillies that still have stems, salt, and nails. Provided by the person who is doing the celebration. According to the belief of the Sei Rotan village community, for people who want to do a celebration event or a wedding party, you should use the services of a rain handler for the smooth running of the eent without any obstacles because of the coming rain. The purpose of study is to see whether the use of the services of the rain handler and how the procedure of the implementation of this rain handler deviates from the Islamic aqeedah which can lead to acts of shirk towards Allah that we should make a place to ask for any help. The type of this thesis research is a qualitative research model with descriptive methods by means of observation or observin...

Research paper thumbnail of Tan Malaka: Filsafat Realisme Ketimuran

Al-Hikmah: Jurnal Theosofi dan Peradaban Islam

Tan Malaka, is one of the Indonesian thinkers who seems to have quite a high concern for philosop... more Tan Malaka, is one of the Indonesian thinkers who seems to have quite a high concern for philosophy as stated in his fairly popular work MADILOG stands for "Materialism-Dialectics and Logic". A great work put the foundations of philosophy and logic which, if developed, is believed to give birth to a new philosophical model and not just a transfer of the philosophy of Western Materialism, Dialectic Socialism and Aristotelian Formal Logic. The author prefers to call "Philosophy of Eastern Realism" towards the philosophy developed by Tan Malaka with the following considerations: First, in general the territory of Indonesia is included in the category of agrarian (close to nature) so that the nature of thought is very laden with mysticism or myth, so that necessary encouragement more realistic and logical so it is called "Realism". Second, the term eastern represents typical traditions, culture, religion and territory so as to necessitate a strong accultura...

Research paper thumbnail of jurnal komputer uas huda nasution.docx


Raudhotul Huda Nasution, 2019

Abstrak : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kreativitas belajar, penggunaan medi... more Abstrak : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kreativitas belajar, penggunaan media pembelajaran edmodo, dan melalui motivasi belajar siswa kelas X aAKT SMK Negeri 2 Blora Tahun Ajaran 2012/2013. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas X AKT SMK Negeri 2 Blora Tahun Ajaran 2012/2013 sejumlah 120 siswa. Metode pengumpulan data: dokumentasi, angket. Metode analisis data yaitu analisis deskriptif, analisis konfirmatori, dan analisis Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara kreativitas belajar, penggunaan media pembelajaran edmodo, dan lingkungan keluarga motivasi belajar; adanya pengaruh langsung dan tidak langsung antara kreativitas belajar, penggunaan media pembelajaran edmodo.

Kata kunci :media pembelajaran edmodo

Abstract :This study has a purpose to find out the effect of learning creativity, the using of edmodo as a learning media, to learning result through learning motivation of the student of class X AKT SMK Negeri 2Blora year 2012/2013.The population of this study are all the student of grade X AKT SMK negri 2 blora year 2012/2013, (120).The method of gathering the data : documentation, questionnaire. The method of analyzing data: descriptive analyzing, confirmatory analyzing, and structural equation modeling (SEM) analysing. The result of this study show that there is a significant positif effect and significant among the creativity of learning, the using of edmodo as a learning media, and family condition according to the study result through learning motivation; The results of studies using SEM analysis showed that there is a direct and the indirect influence of learning creativity, the using of edmodo as a learning media

Keywords :edmodo learning media

Research paper thumbnail of jurnal komputer uas huda nasution.docx

Research paper thumbnail of Nilai-nilai Filsafat dalam Upacara Pernikahan Etnis Pakpak Kota Sidikalang Kabupaten Dairi

Al-Hikmah : Jurnal Theosofi dan Peradaban Islam, Dec 31, 2022

This paper aims to describe the historical development of the Pakpak Ethnic wedding ceremony and ... more This paper aims to describe the historical development of the Pakpak Ethnic wedding ceremony and to describe the philosophical values contained in the Pakpak Ethnic wedding ceremony. This research is a qualitative research with the type of field research using a philosophical approach, so this research has a philosophical view research model in the field. This research was conducted in Sidikalang City, Dairi Regency. The primary data in this study were obtained directly through interviews. While the secondary data of this study was obtained through literature review. Data collection techniques in this study used observation, interviews, and documentation techniques. The analysis used in this research is philosophical hermeneutic method, with methodical steps used are description, internal coherence, interpretation, and holistic. The results of this study reveal that the Pakpak Ethnic Wedding Ceremony ideally consists of; 1) Menerbeb Puhun atau Memerre Emas Pilihan; 2) Mengiririt/Mengindangi; 3) Tanda Burju (Tunangan); 4) Menglolo/Mengkata Utang; 5) Muat Nakan Peraduben; 6) Tangis Sijahe atau Tangis Berru Pangiren. The philosophical values contained in the marriage ceremony of the Pakpak ethnic community, namely: rational values (each stage of the implementation of the Pakpak ethnic wedding ceremony has a basic foundation that is in accordance with common sense or is conclusive, logical, and methodical), critical values (procedures for implementing the Pakpak ethnic wedding ceremony is open to review to suit the circumstances of the times), systematic values (the implementation of the Pakpak ethnic wedding ceremony is well structured or implemented), and universal values (the implementation of the Pakpak ethnic wedding ceremony can be affirmed by everyone or the whole world).

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Pernikahan Dini terhadap Penanaman Akidah Keluarga di Desa Bandar Selamat Kecamatan Aek Kuo Labuhanbatu Utara

Anwarul, Feb 23, 2024

This research aims to determine the influence on religious beliefs in family, where before gettin... more This research aims to determine the influence on religious beliefs in family, where before getting married you must prepare knowledge in religious beliefs. Therefore, there is a belief that is instilled in the family from an early age because this is very important in family life if it has been built from an early age in the parents' family. The method used in this research is qualitative research (field research), data collected through observation, interviews, documentation. This method is used by researchers in their collection activities so that these activities become systematic and made easier by them. Researchers' findings in this study For them, marriage does not depend on age, whether they are young or old, if they have found a suitable partner then getting married is normal and natural. The lack of family beliefs influences children's parenting patterns, parents' strategies for instilling religious values in early childhood in Bandar Selamat Village. Several efforts are made by parents to provide encouragement to children such as giving advice, giving encouragement, giving praise and providing motivation. Meanwhile, in their role as role models, parents make various efforts by providing examples to their children, such as taking children to the mosque to pray in congregation, getting children used to reciting the Koran at tpq or at home. Meanwhile, the role of parents as supervisors is carried out by parents by observing children's daily behavior, monitoring children when playing with friends and accompanying children when they are outside the home.

Research paper thumbnail of Peranan Aqidah Islam dalam Pembentukan Religiusitas Remaja di Desa Tembung Kecamatan Percut Sei Tuan Kabupaten Deli Serdang

ANWARUL, Jan 7, 2024

The most important and frequent spiritual component of people is called aqidah, or belief, which ... more The most important and frequent spiritual component of people is called aqidah, or belief, which instructs physical members of the human race to perform specific tasks. Good faith will lead to good deeds from people, but bad faith will lead to bad deeds from people as well. The purpose of this study is to determine how Islamic Aqidah influences the development of teenage religiosity in Tembung Village, Percut Sei Tuan District, Deli Serdang Regency. Research from libraries and the field were combined for this study. The two approaches used in this study are the sociological approach (sociological approach) and the Islamic Aqidah method (Islamic theological approach). In Tembung village, the formation of teenage religiosity is greatly influenced by the Islamic faith. The standard of a person's religion is established by aqidah. Reluctant learners of aqeedah frequently make mistakes and introduce additional issues into their life. as a manual for life that will help you distinguish between right and wrong, guard against making mistakes, cultivate a sense of adoration for Allah SWT, soothe your soul, and comprehend and abide by the sunnah.

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Tokoh Agama dalam Pembinaan Etika Remaja di Desa Sinah Kasih Kecamatan Sei Rampah

ANWARUL, Aug 22, 2023

Sinah Kasih Village is included in the Sei Rampah subdistrict, most of the residents of this vill... more Sinah Kasih Village is included in the Sei Rampah subdistrict, most of the residents of this village have a livelihood by gardening. Currently Sinah Kasih village is led by Mrs. Rahmawati, S.Pd.I as the village head. Sinah Kasih is part of a plantation company called PT. Soeloeng Laoet. This study uses a qualitative method, which aims to determine the influence of religious leaders in developing youth ethics in Sinah Kasih Village, Sei Rampah District. The purpose of this research was carried out because there were many fights and delinquency against teenagers in Sinah Kasih Village. For this reason, this study aims to find out the role of religious leaders in fostering adolescent ethics in the village of Sinah Kasih. The results of this study are that the role of religious leaders in fostering youth ethics in Sinah Kasih village is very influential, for this reason religious leaders provide religious guidance to adolescents and invite youth to pray in congregation at the mosque. From that, little by little the youth in Sinah Kasih village were able to control their emotions.

Research paper thumbnail of Unsur Kearifan Lokal Dalam Legenda “Malin Kundang”

Studia Sosia Religia, May 13, 2022

Indonesia merupakan salah satu Negara yang memiliki keanekaragaman baik itu suku, bangsa, ras, bu... more Indonesia merupakan salah satu Negara yang memiliki keanekaragaman baik itu suku, bangsa, ras, budaya, etnis dan agama. Tetapi pada masa sekarang banyak orang yang melupakan bahkan sampai menghilangkan budaya yang sudah ada sejak zaman nenek moyang yang seharusnya itu dapat dijadikan sebagai kearifan lokal kemudian di kembangkan sesuai dengan kemajuan zaman yang sejalan dengan ajaran moral Agama. Legenda Malin Kundang adalah sebuah kearifan lokal yang mengandung sebuah pembelajaran, yang di dalamnya terdapat ajaran agama yaitu penting nya berbakti kepada orang tua. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membangkitkan serta mengembangkan kearifan lokal yang ada di kelurahan Air Manis kecamatan Padang Selatan kota Padang agar masyarakat khususnya anak-anak tetap mengingat legenda Malin Kundang guna untuk dijadikan sebagai penasehat agar berbakti kepada orang tua. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode studi lapangan dengan pendekatan Teologi Islam.Dan mengumpulkan hasil dari wawancara masyarakat kelurahan Air Manis untuk dijadikan sebagai bukti bahan penelitian. Hasil temuan yang didapatkan pada penelitian ini dengan adanya kearifan lokal legenda batu Malin Kundang yang berada di kelurahan Air Manis kecamatan Padang Selatan kota Padang menjadikan tempat tersebut sebagai salah satu wisata yang popular dan ramai dikunjungi sampai saat ini.

Research paper thumbnail of Tradisi Menggunakan Jasa Pawang Hujan Ditinjau Dari Aqidah Islam

Al-Hikmah : Jurnal Theosofi dan Peradaban Islam, Oct 10, 2020

According to the Sei Rotan Village Community, Pawang Hujan is someone who is good at moving or co... more According to the Sei Rotan Village Community, Pawang Hujan is someone who is good at moving or controlling rain using masical or supernatural science which is carried out by means of rituals using several requirements such as fresh red chillies that still have stems, salt, and nails. Provided by the person who is doing the celebration. According to the belief of the Sei Rotan village community, for people who want to do a celebration event or a wedding party, you should use the services of a rain handler for the smooth running of the eent without any obstacles because of the coming rain. The purpose of study is to see whether the use of the services of the rain handler and how the procedure of the implementation of this rain handler deviates from the Islamic aqeedah which can lead to acts of shirk towards Allah that we should make a place to ask for any help. The type of this thesis research is a qualitative research model with descriptive methods by means of observation or observing whether the tradition of using the services of this rain handler deviates from islamic aqidah as the purpose of this thesis is made.

Research paper thumbnail of Tuan Guru Batak (TGB) Syekh Dr. Ahmad Sabban el-Rahmany Rajagukguk, M.A.: dakwah kerukunan dan kebangsaan

Dakwah kerukunan dan kebangsaan adalah salah satu model atau aktivitas dakwah yang mengajak orang... more Dakwah kerukunan dan kebangsaan adalah salah satu model atau aktivitas dakwah yang mengajak orang jalan Tuhan tapi di saat bersamaan menyamai benih-benih cinta, merawat kerukunan dan meneguhkan persaudaraan kebangsaan kita.lxiv, 240 hal.; 22 c

Research paper thumbnail of Dakwah Kerukunan Dan Kebangsaan: Akidah Terjamin, Persaudaraan agama, Kemanusiaan, dan Kebangsaan Terjalin berdamai dengan semua Ciptaan Tuhan

dilaksanakan tidak bertentangan dengan nilai-nilai kebangsaan terkhususnya persatuan dan kesatuan... more dilaksanakan tidak bertentangan dengan nilai-nilai kebangsaan terkhususnya persatuan dan kesatuan NKRI. Sejak dari dahulu ulama kita telah setuju bahwa "hubbul wathon minal iman" yakni mencintai negeri bagian dari iman. Ini artinya semangat keberagaman kita harus sejalan dengan semangat menjaga dan membela Tanah Air. Buku ini menarik, karena ditulis oleh seorang pimpinan Pondok Persulukan Serambi Babussalam Simalungun, di mana letak padepokannya berada di tengah kaum mayoritas Christiani bahkan padepokan itu diapit dua gereja besar. Ini menunjukkan bahwa selama ini peran Pondok cukup strategis untuk tetap menciptakan harmonisasi antarumat beragama. Saya mengenal Tuan Guru ini dan sudah berkunjung ke padepokan ini tahun 2016 waktu saya masih menjabat Pangkostrad. Demikian sambutan ini sekali lagi selamat atas terbitnya buku Dakwah Kerukunan dan Kebangsaan ini semoga bermanfaat untuk kita semua. Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

Research paper thumbnail of Science Concepts According to Syed Hussein Nasr

Budapest International Research and Critics Institute Journal (BIRCI-Journal), Aug 19, 2020

Modern civilization has shown very fundamental changes in human life in almost all aspects, inclu... more Modern civilization has shown very fundamental changes in human life in almost all aspects, including aspects of science. Since the time of Rene Descartes (d.1650 AD), the wave of modernization, especially in the field of physics, has led to major revolutions in the scientific tradition which have triggered a shift in the human perspective on science. The post-modernization paradigm shift in science is marked by two of its most fundamental characteristics, namely the strengthening of rationality and materiality that have shaped the mindset and mentalities of humans, including scientists, to become very rational and materialistic. The revolutions in the field of science have also shown that the development of science that has occurred to date is increasingly far from ethical, aesthetic and spiritual values. In other words, science slowly begins to break away from the values of religiosity, sanctity, closeness, and spirituality. This is due to the strong influence of Cartesian-Newtonian logic, positivism and Post-Modernism on changes in the mindset of modern scientists, especially for those who are immersed in the grip of materialism, mechanism, and bound by modern logic (positivistic, atomistic). The Western philosophy of rationalism initiated by Rene Descartes has shaped the mindset and belief of scientists who are so great in rationality and reason and show their strong rejection of the things that are irrational and spiritual in science. Even though without realizing it, the presence of this mindset has slowly caused them to be trapped in a rigid circle of materialism and deterministic mechanisms. The recent development of science also shows the tendency to limit the scientific area only to things that are empirical-materialistic. Of course the tendency of such scientists was inspired by the findings of Isaac Newton (1725 AD), known as the laws of mechanics (mechanistic determinism). The discovery of this mechanical law has further alienated Abstract This Study aims to find out science concepts according Syed Hussein Nasr. The methodology of science in Islam is based on an epistemology that is fundamentally different from the epistemology that is dominant in modern Western science. For him, faith in the revelation of the Qur'an will reveal all the possibilities that exist in human reason. Submission to revelation, at every level makes sense capable of actualizing these possibilities. The development of Muslim reason is based on a complete awareness of this principle. In this perspective, in solving philosophical and scientific problems. Hence, it is understandable why purification of the soul is seen as an integral part of the methodology of knowledge. The purification of the soul is the main concern, for the protection and proper use of human reason. The religious and spiritual atmosphere created from the Koran at the same time removes obstacles to the development of a normal and optimal mind in the right way. Intellect here, is used in the sense of origin, intellectus (Latin) or nous (Greek).

Research paper thumbnail of Dakwah Kerukunan Dan Kebangsaan: Akidah Terjamin, Persaudaraan agama, Kemanusiaan, dan Kebangsaan Terjalin berdamai dengan semua Ciptaan Tuhan

Prenadamedia, Sep 1, 2019

dilaksanakan tidak bertentangan dengan nilai-nilai kebangsaan terkhususnya persatuan dan kesatuan... more dilaksanakan tidak bertentangan dengan nilai-nilai kebangsaan terkhususnya persatuan dan kesatuan NKRI. Sejak dari dahulu ulama kita telah setuju bahwa "hubbul wathon minal iman" yakni mencintai negeri bagian dari iman. Ini artinya semangat keberagaman kita harus sejalan dengan semangat menjaga dan membela Tanah Air. Buku ini menarik, karena ditulis oleh seorang pimpinan Pondok Persulukan Serambi Babussalam Simalungun, di mana letak padepokannya berada di tengah kaum mayoritas Christiani bahkan padepokan itu diapit dua gereja besar. Ini menunjukkan bahwa selama ini peran Pondok cukup strategis untuk tetap menciptakan harmonisasi antarumat beragama. Saya mengenal Tuan Guru ini dan sudah berkunjung ke padepokan ini tahun 2016 waktu saya masih menjabat Pangkostrad. Demikian sambutan ini sekali lagi selamat atas terbitnya buku Dakwah Kerukunan dan Kebangsaan ini semoga bermanfaat untuk kita semua. Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

Research paper thumbnail of Tuan Guru Batak (TGB) Syekh Dr. Ahmad Sabban el-Rahmany Rajagukguk, M.A.: dakwah kerukunan dan kebangsaan

Dakwah kerukunan dan kebangsaan adalah salah satu model atau aktivitas dakwah yang mengajak orang... more Dakwah kerukunan dan kebangsaan adalah salah satu model atau aktivitas dakwah yang mengajak orang jalan Tuhan tapi di saat bersamaan menyamai benih-benih cinta, merawat kerukunan dan meneguhkan persaudaraan kebangsaan kita.lxiv, 240 hal.; 22 c

Research paper thumbnail of Peranan Tokoh Masyarakat Dalam Penerapan Etika Islam Di Era Digitalisme (Studi Kasus Di Desa Pangarungan Kecamatan Torgamba Kabupaten Labuhanbatu Selatan)

Cybernetics: Journal Educational Research and Social Studies, 2021

Dalam penelitian ini peneliti mengkaji tentang Peranan Tokoh Masyarakat Dalam Penerapan Etika Isl... more Dalam penelitian ini peneliti mengkaji tentang Peranan Tokoh Masyarakat Dalam Penerapan Etika Islam di Era Digitalisme (Studi Kasus Desa Pangarungan Kecamatan Torgamba Kabupaten Labuhanbatu Selatan), menggunakan metode penelitian Kualitatif. Era digital telah membawa perubahan baik menjadi buruk, era digital juga membawa dampak negatif, sehingga jadi tantangan baru bagi masyarakat desa Pangarungan. Tujuan yang hendak dicapai dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui konsep etika Islam pada era digitalisme serta mengetahui peranan tokoh masyarakat dalam penerapan etika Islam pada era digitalisme. Aktivitas yang dilakukan seorang pemimpin yang ada di desa Pangarungan untuk memperbaiki etika Islam masyarakat khususnya remaja yang ada di desa Pangarungan adalah melakukan pengajian setiap minggunya, mengadakan perwiridan bagi remaja, Ibu-ibu, Bapak-bapak, serta mengadakan hal-hal positif yang bisa membawa masyarakat khususnya remaja ke jalan yang telah di tetapkan oleh Allah SWT.

Research paper thumbnail of Science Concepts According to Syed Hussein Nasr

Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences, 2020

This Study aims to find out science concepts according Syed Hussein Nasr. The methodology of scie... more This Study aims to find out science concepts according Syed Hussein Nasr. The methodology of science in Islam is based on an epistemology that is fundamentally different from the epistemology that is dominant in modern Western science. For him, faith in the revelation of the Qur'an will reveal all the possibilities that exist in human reason. Submission to revelation, at every level makes sense capable of actualizing these possibilities. The development of Muslim reason is based on a complete awareness of this principle. In this perspective, in solving philosophical and scientific problems. Hence, it is understandable why purification of the soul is seen as an integral part of the methodology of knowledge. The purification of the soul is the main concern, for the protection and proper use of human reason. The religious and spiritual atmosphere created from the Koran at the same time removes obstacles to the development of a normal and optimal mind in the right way. Intellect her...

![Research paper thumbnail of Pengantar Ke Filsafat Hikmah (`Irfân) Allamah Sayyid Muhammad Husain Thabthabâi](

Al-Hikmah: Jurnal Theosofi dan Peradaban Islam, 2019

Allamah Muhammad Husain al-Thabthabani succeeded in initiating the revival of philosophical thoug... more Allamah Muhammad Husain al-Thabthabani succeeded in initiating the revival of philosophical thought in Iran and Qum after almost dimming after the death of Mulla Sadra. Although there are not many things that are truly new from his thoughts on Mulla Sadra Philosophy, it can be said that in his hands a number of Mulla Shadra's ideas which are considered complicated can be described quite well so that they are easy to understand. His thoughts on philosophy were at least contained in two of his very famous works, namely Bidâyatu al-Hikmah and Nihâyatu al-Hikmah which at the same time strengthened his position as the leading Philosophy after Mulla Sadra. That is why it is deemed necessary to discuss the thoughts of Allamah Muhammad Husayn al-Thabthabi's Philosophy.

Research paper thumbnail of Pandangan Mui Kota Medan Terhadap Penyimpangan Aqidah Islam Dalam Masyarakat

Al-Hikmah: Jurnal Theosofi dan Peradaban Islam

The purpose of this thesis research is to find out the view of Medan MUI on the Deviations of Isl... more The purpose of this thesis research is to find out the view of Medan MUI on the Deviations of Islamic Aqeedah in Society, this study uses the Phenomenology method in the form of understanding, examples and phenomenological methods. which is consciously and individually experienced by a group of individuals in his life. With the connection with the deviation of Islamic Aqeedah in society in the city of Medan. Related to the issues that will be discussed in this Journal, Medan MUI believes that the deviation of the Islamic Aqeedah is an issue that is in contact with the principles in Islamic teachings. Because of that, aqeedah requires unity which is the main understanding in the faith. The touching is against and contradicting the basics that have been qath'i in Islamic teachings, for example related to faith and others.Keywords: Deviations, Islamic Aqeedah, MUI Medan City.

Research paper thumbnail of Tradisi Menggunakan Jasa Pawang Hujan Ditinjau Dari Aqidah Islam

Al-Hikmah: Jurnal Theosofi dan Peradaban Islam

According to the Sei Rotan Village Community, Pawang Hujan is someone who is good at moving or co... more According to the Sei Rotan Village Community, Pawang Hujan is someone who is good at moving or controlling rain using masical or supernatural science which is carried out by means of rituals using several requirements such as fresh red chillies that still have stems, salt, and nails. Provided by the person who is doing the celebration. According to the belief of the Sei Rotan village community, for people who want to do a celebration event or a wedding party, you should use the services of a rain handler for the smooth running of the eent without any obstacles because of the coming rain. The purpose of study is to see whether the use of the services of the rain handler and how the procedure of the implementation of this rain handler deviates from the Islamic aqeedah which can lead to acts of shirk towards Allah that we should make a place to ask for any help. The type of this thesis research is a qualitative research model with descriptive methods by means of observation or observin...

Research paper thumbnail of Tan Malaka: Filsafat Realisme Ketimuran

Al-Hikmah: Jurnal Theosofi dan Peradaban Islam

Tan Malaka, is one of the Indonesian thinkers who seems to have quite a high concern for philosop... more Tan Malaka, is one of the Indonesian thinkers who seems to have quite a high concern for philosophy as stated in his fairly popular work MADILOG stands for "Materialism-Dialectics and Logic". A great work put the foundations of philosophy and logic which, if developed, is believed to give birth to a new philosophical model and not just a transfer of the philosophy of Western Materialism, Dialectic Socialism and Aristotelian Formal Logic. The author prefers to call "Philosophy of Eastern Realism" towards the philosophy developed by Tan Malaka with the following considerations: First, in general the territory of Indonesia is included in the category of agrarian (close to nature) so that the nature of thought is very laden with mysticism or myth, so that necessary encouragement more realistic and logical so it is called "Realism". Second, the term eastern represents typical traditions, culture, religion and territory so as to necessitate a strong accultura...

Research paper thumbnail of jurnal komputer uas huda nasution.docx


Raudhotul Huda Nasution, 2019

Abstrak : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kreativitas belajar, penggunaan medi... more Abstrak : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kreativitas belajar, penggunaan media pembelajaran edmodo, dan melalui motivasi belajar siswa kelas X aAKT SMK Negeri 2 Blora Tahun Ajaran 2012/2013. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas X AKT SMK Negeri 2 Blora Tahun Ajaran 2012/2013 sejumlah 120 siswa. Metode pengumpulan data: dokumentasi, angket. Metode analisis data yaitu analisis deskriptif, analisis konfirmatori, dan analisis Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara kreativitas belajar, penggunaan media pembelajaran edmodo, dan lingkungan keluarga motivasi belajar; adanya pengaruh langsung dan tidak langsung antara kreativitas belajar, penggunaan media pembelajaran edmodo.

Kata kunci :media pembelajaran edmodo

Abstract :This study has a purpose to find out the effect of learning creativity, the using of edmodo as a learning media, to learning result through learning motivation of the student of class X AKT SMK Negeri 2Blora year 2012/2013.The population of this study are all the student of grade X AKT SMK negri 2 blora year 2012/2013, (120).The method of gathering the data : documentation, questionnaire. The method of analyzing data: descriptive analyzing, confirmatory analyzing, and structural equation modeling (SEM) analysing. The result of this study show that there is a significant positif effect and significant among the creativity of learning, the using of edmodo as a learning media, and family condition according to the study result through learning motivation; The results of studies using SEM analysis showed that there is a direct and the indirect influence of learning creativity, the using of edmodo as a learning media

Keywords :edmodo learning media

Research paper thumbnail of jurnal komputer uas huda nasution.docx