We hate people, yes we do. (original) (raw)

We hate people, yes we do. [Most Recent Entries][Calendar View] [Friends]

Below are the 4 most recent journal entries recorded inThe People Haters' LiveJournal:

Thursday, April 14th, 2005
_7:08 pm_[fel_fellis] ugh! i hate people who read my friends only posts by accessing them thru one of my listed friend's accound (er, i hope that makes sense) and i hate it when they come up to you and say "why are u bitching about me?" well sweetie, im bitching about you because its MY FUCKING DIARY! if u want me to call you an uncreative, miserable control freak whose got a face that looks like its been slapped with a wet fish then so be it! but frankly my dear you arent worth my time, go eat another sausage roll! grrrrrrrrri also hate 16yr old girls who insist on acting like they're 6! its not sweet when you call other people pookie! and its bloody annoying when u scream when there's a thunder storm! dont even get me started on that god-awful baby giggle!*seeths*ive had a bad day... Current Mood: pissed off (3 Comments |Comment on this)
Monday, April 11th, 2005
_3:22 pm_[bonmoustache] Another ranting post I hope I never have to get a job as a baby sitter, a caretaker, a nanny or a daycare worker. I cannot stand kids. Sure, they're cute and they're funny, but god damn. They are the most annoying little shits you've ever seen. One minute they're standing around innocently, the next they're knocking things off grocery shelves and yelling and screaming.**( Read more...Collapse )**And people wonder why I'm so mean? Hah! I wish! Current Mood: angry (Comment on this)
_3:45 pm_[fel_fellis] woooo 2nd post! oh lordy i cant decide who to rant on? chavs? no everyone hates chavs, its all been said, old people? no, id feel to guilty. Children? i blame their parents. Wnnabe gangsters? they're there for my amusement. Bus drivers? they work for the devil! the list goes on...but we need these annoying, irritating people, i mean us humans love to complain! its what we do best. oh i also hate the guy who started big brother...damn you for making it so addictive! (Comment on this)
_12:17 am_[bonmoustache] Whimsical first post Wow, omg, new post. First post. Woopee. Go me. DIE.My first rant has to do with idiots. Specifically... idiots at sports games. Sure, sports games are fine. You get to sit in uncomfortable plastic chairs with barely any kind of accomodation for anyone of even the smallest build (unless, of course, you're anorexic). It gets worse when some god damned fooltard sits in front of your mom. What I don't get is how my mom can care so much if someone is sitting in front of her. She has to move.**( Read more...Collapse )**So I say... what's the point of going to fucking sports games?-Rachel Current Mood: angry (Comment on this)