perfectandpure - Profile (original) (raw)

on 1 July 2004 (#3661280)

everywhere, United States


If you currently DO NOT have an eating disorder then we must request that you leave this page and absolutely do not join this community. Anorexia, Bulimia and other Eating Disorders are a very serious problem and we here at, perfectandpure, do not wish to force our beliefs on anyone who would not benefit from viewing the content of this community. ALSO: If you are currently in recovery from and Eating Disorder we must request that you leave this community page. If you disregard these warnings we cannot be held responisble for the triggering content of this community. We also request that anyone who is against pro-Eating Disorder material take your problems elsewhere and not attack the members and maintainers of the community. If you don't agree with what we do here then get the HELL out! it's that simple people. Any further content that you view is at your own risk. You've been warned.
Thank you,


\Pu"ri*ty\, n. [OE. purete, purte, OF. purt['e], F. puret['e], from L. puritas, fr. purus] 1. purity is natural. we come into this world with all the right instincts. we are innocent, and therefore perceive things as they should be, rather than how they are. out conscience is clear, our hands are clean, and the world at large is truely beautiful.


\Per*fec"tion\, n. [F. perfection, L. perfectio.] 1. the quality or state of being perfect or complete, so that nothing is ever wanted. moral excellence. the highest attainable state or degree of excellence. perfection is an art, is a science, is a system, is a lifestyle.

So You Think You're Perfect?

Welcome to perfectandpure, a rating community for those of you who are competitive eating disordered people. The purpose of this community is to be amongst the best of the best in the livejournal eating disordered elite. If you are accepted into perfectandpure then you will be able to post regularly about anything you feel would further the community including recipes, diets, thinspiration, pictures and just updates on your own personal experience with your eating disorder. We are a STYLISH pro-ed rating community. This means when you apply, you are not only being judged on your looks but your intelligence, sense of humor, fashion taste and music taste as well. It's not all about being thin people! So don't worry about how much you weigh, you might get lucky and be loved for your personality. This is also an elitist community meaning we all have HUGE egos. We act holier than thou and if you can't handle it then leave.


1. First you must click to join this community.
2. Then you must wait until a maintainer sees that you'd like to join and grants you posting access.
3. Once you're notified that you have posting access than post your application AND ONLY YOUR APPLICATION!
4. Go read the rules to see how the rest of this place works...


Warning: Break any one of these rules and you will be banned from the commuinty permenantly. If you continue to break the rules then you will be reported to Livejournal admins and dealed with by them. Bitches. We have these rules in order to practice discipline in our lives. It's nice to have discipline within our lives and not only pretaining to our ED's.
1.In order to join perfectandpure you must submit an application (found at the bottom of the User Info). To do so, fill out the application and PUT IT BEHIND AN LJ CUT. If you don't know how to do that or what that is we certainly don't want you here. YOU'RE NOT GOING TO BE ALLOWED TO POST YOUR APPLICATION UNTIL A MAINTAINER HAS VERIFIED YOU. SO PLEASE JOIN THE COMMUNITY FIRST AND THEN BE PATIENT!
2. You may not respond to any other posts or post anything other than your application until you have been accepted into the community. You may, however, reply to the members who post responses to your application. Like, thank you or fuck you.
3.To be accepted into the community you must have a greater ammount of "yes" votes than "no" votes after your application has been posted for 2 days. You will then receive a stamp as to whether you are in or not. Feel free to post the stamp in your user info so that everyone will know that you are perfect and pure.
4.Flaming posts and comments that are against eating disorders and are down right uneccessary and cruel will result in a warning and public humiliastion of whomever commits the act. Do it again and be banned. We will not tolerate assholes in this community. (Atleast assholes who are against pro-eds and our members).
5.If you post pictures only post 2 and then put the rest behind an LJ cut.
6.Don't harass the maintainers if they haven't stamped you after 2 days. They'll get to it. Stop whining.
7.If you absolutely need to email the maintainer then fine, go ahead but you will not be acknowledged if you're e-mail is hateful in an unstylish way.
8.If there is a tie concerning a votes on an application, the maintainers get to decide whether you're in or not.
9.If you don't get in, don't try again. Sorry, we obviously don't want you here.
10.Try to invite as many people as you can. Spread the gospel of perfectandpure. We are amazing people.
11.Answer the application questions fully. Atleast pretend to be interesting.
12.We will not discriminate against people of a certain color, creed, sexual orientation, religion or anything else but you all do understand what this community is all about so we WILL discriminate against people who do not have ED's. They simply MUST go.
14.You must apply within the first 48 hours of joining perfectandpure or else you will be banned.
15.If you are innactive for a month or more you will be warned. This means you haven't been voting and or posting within the community. If you continue to remain innactive you will be banned. Sorry. (pssh not really)
16. Posting your application in a comments thread makes you look like a fool and gets you banned.
17. When applying you MUST post atleast one picture of you. It must be you and no one else. Break this rule and you'll get a warning. Refuse to fix it and get banned.
18. When ACCEPTED and posting within the community all posts DO NOT have to be realted to your ED. Feel free to talk about music and fashion and whatever esle tickles your fancy. THIS DOES NOT MEAN NEVER TALK ABOUT ED'S because then that defeats the purpose of this here community.
19. Don't keep asking whether you're accepted or not. Believe me, you'll know. Just be patient.


*1* Name:
*2* Age:
*3* Location:
*4* Sex:
*5* Gay/Stright/Bi (Optional):

*6* Mia/Ana/Not Specified:
*6 1/2* Height:
*7* Current Weight:
*8* Lowest Weight:
*9* Highest Weight:
*10* Goal Weight:
*11* Ever been hospitalized?:
*12* Favorite Binge Food:
*13* Food worthy of breaking a fast for:
*14* Longest Fast:
*15* How long have you had your ED?:
*16* Does anyone know that you have an ED?:
*17* Are you willing to recover?:
*17 1/2* Take any weight loss pills?:

*18* Bands:
*19* Movies:
*20* Books:
*21* Give us a quote:
*22* Make us laugh really hard:
*23* What kind of clothes are in your closet?:
*24* How many pairs of shoes do you own?:
*25* How many cell phones have you owned?:
*26* How much do you love Hello Kitty?:
*27* Obsessions:
*27 1/2* Drugs:
*28* TV shows:
*29* Who inspires you and why?:
*30* Favorite thin person (and picture (optional)):

*31* Should ED sites be banned from the internet?:
*32* Are the Olsen twins really that skinny?:
*33* Would you rather re-hab for drugs or for your ED?:
*34* What would you be willing to get fat for?:
*35* What do you consider TOO fat?:
*36* Would you be willing to participate in a community fast?:
*37* Do you have the sass?:
*38* Give us 5 interesting facts about yourself:
*39* What's your goal in life?:
*40* Will you still love me tomorrow?:
*41* Which part of your body is your favorite?:
*42* What is rule #2?: (you can find this answer by READING THE RULES!)

Post some pictures. Preferred: Fat AND skinny pictures.

Why do you think you have got what it takes to be perfectandpure?


1. o_perfection_o Mandi
2. analysand Sandy
3. imperfectsmile Natalie
4. dandeliondead Melanie
5. richrichrich AJ
6. nikki_sito Nicole
7. iamnokiller Lianna
8. lightazafeather Meg
9. 909betty909 Betty
10. skinnylies Anastasia
11. crazybuttercup Keke
12. purplesuicide Allyson
13. marieling Marie
14. insolentbarista Kerrin
15. crimson_savior Cassandra
16. she__bang Kate
17. therealslimjoce Jocelyn
18. satrlett2 Erin
19. lisarobin31 KTbug
20. sthrnbellektbug Lisa
21. xana_somedayx21-summer
22. eating_disorder-Ilvy
23. might_have_been-alissa anna
24. -------------
25. singergurl17 -Lindsey
26. socioangelic-Lucas
27. lovely_shadow-Lauren
28. icybluana-Vinise
29. thebrilliantboy-Mandee
30. beachypeachy


1. pink_angles broke rule #13
2. maigre_ange for breaking rule #16
3. sweethunny_21 for breaking rule #14
4. died4you for breaking rule #1,2 again and again and again
5. perdonami for breaking rule #2
6. __holiday for breaking rule #14
7. _myribcage for breaking rule #14
8. bang_bang_bang for breaking rule #14 (and saying he'd maintain and then doing nothing)
9. byp for breaking rule #14
10. ohmygod29 for breaking rule #14
11. ugabugugg for breaking rule #14
12. innerbeauty09 for breaking rule #1 and #2




dandeliondead Melanie for making the stamps!


If the maintainer posts that you have been "accepted" or "stamped" then that means that you may begin posting within the community. This also means that you can and that you must start voting when a new person applies to join the community. So get crackin' on that if you haven't been voting.

copy this URL to proclaim you are worthy:

copy this URL to proclaim your unworthyness-


butiamoverher <$3Kelly


anorexia, anorexia nervosa, anorexic, atkins, ballet, beauty, binge, binge binge purge, binge eating, body image, bones, buimarexia, bulimia, bulimia nervosa, bulimic, bulimina nervosa, burning calories, calories, cameras, carbs, cheerleading, clothes, compulsive eating, compulsive overeating, control, counting, diets, dying, eating, eating disorder, eating disorders, ed, elegance, elitism, emo, excercise, fascism, fashion, fasting, fat, feminism, grace, grindcore, gym, hardcore, hunger, intelligence, losing weight, love, low fat, mary-kate, marya hornbacher, metal, mia, modeling, models, nervosa, not eating, obese, obsession, olsen twins, overeating, overweight, passion, perfect, perfection, popular, popularity, power, pretty, pro ana, pro anorexia, pro anorexic, pro bulimia, pro ed, pro mia, pro-anorexia, pro-bulimia, pro-mia, puking, punk rock, purge, purity, rating communities, restricting, restriction, safe foods, scenesters, self image, size, skeleton, skinny, soy, starvation, starving, stength, stomach, supermodels, thin, thrash, trackana, underweight, vegan, vegetarian, vomiting, waif, wasted, weight, weight loss, winning, working out