New Animated Phantom feature film (original) (raw)

Laugh at Stupidity > Recent Entries> Archive> Friends> Profile> The Sueniverse: A Mary-Sue RPG March 31st, 2014Previous Entry Flag Next Entryigenlode03:58 pm - New Animated Phantom feature filmI don't know if anyone else has come across this new 'crowdfunding' campaign, but it actually looks quite promising:Animated Phantom trailer The Phantom of the Opera - Animated Feature Film by Iluzija Animation Studio on KickstarterThey seem to be going right back to the book — the trailer includes glimpses of scenes like the Phantom menacing Raoul in bed, and the stupefied 'gas-men' behind the set — and the animation quality is much higher than that of the relatively faithful 1988 Phantom cartoon.It's a proper, traditional hand-drawn 2D animation, not a computer-modelled swivelling blob attempt (the sketches shown are pretty impressive), and they seem to have the talent and the track-record behind it to pull the project off. The main problem is that doing this sort of thing without computer short-cuts takes a long time and costs a lot of money, they are still a very long way from target, and Kickstarter doesn't give you an awfully long time to meet the required funding level...So if anyone has access to a platform with rather wider publicity than this one, it might be worth giving the project a bit of a push. (And also pledging a bit of money, of course, which I've done -- although without a great deal of expectation that I'm likely to be asked to pay up at the end of the month.)Current Mood: impressedimpressedTags: cartoons(2 comments | Leave a comment)[User Picture]From:phantomsbride Date:May 14th, 2014 08:24 pm (UTC) **(Link)**I have heard of the new animated feature of phantom... I am really looking forward for it!(Reply) (Thread) [User Picture]From:igenlode Date:May 14th, 2014 08:58 pm (UTC) **(Link)**Unfortunately because of the way crowdfunding works, no money at all is raised unless the target number of pledges is reached before the deadline - it wasn't.(Reply) (Parent) (Thread)
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