flavio barbiero | University of Pisa (original) (raw)
Papers by flavio barbiero
No less than twelve chapters of Exodus and Numbers are dedicated to the mobile sanctuary built by... more No less than twelve chapters of Exodus and Numbers are dedicated to the mobile sanctuary built by the Jews on Moses' instructions during their sojourn at the feet of Mount Horeb. The biblical description is accurate, precise, and extremely detailed, down to every single element, at the point that, following its instructions, the Tabernacle can be reconstructed with precision and reliability; and the result is up to the expectations for people who wanted to create a grandiose mobile-temple where to host their God. Traditional exegesis, however, disregards the biblical description offering an impressive number of representations of the Mishkan, all based on the same model: a small strange structure, surrounded by a high fence. In all evidence this conception was initiated by Josephus Flavius, who in his book "Jewish Antiquities", reconstructs the tabernacle forcing Exodus' text in order to obtain a manufact that was a model in scale 1 to 2 of Jerusalem's Temple. In this way he also motivates the scholars to deny the reliability of Exodus' and Numbers' accounts, which, however, are proven to be historic by the discovery of an imprint left by a tent corresponding to their description on the place where the Mishkan was supposedly erected for the first time.
All astronomical bodies originate inside clouds of gas and dust, therefore there should be a comm... more All astronomical bodies originate inside clouds of gas and dust, therefore there should be a common process that leads to their condensation. A galactic cloud normally has some turbulence and therefore a gradient of speeds from point to point. Thanks to it, a vortex originates that rakes the material of the surrounding cloud gradually forming a large gaseous disk, inside which vortices of second order develop which concentrate the matter of their orbits forming smaller and much denser disks, within which third order vortices further concentrate the matter. The dense cores of these vortices finally condense in massive bodies: sun, planets and satellites. The result should be a well ordered planetary system with no "debris" around and where both planets and satellites obey to a precise rule of the distances from their central body. The solar system complies with these conditions with three main exceptions. First, in an orbit where a large planet should be there is only a huge number of scattered asteroids. Second, Earth and its moon with all evidence were not formed in the same vortex, which means that Moon originated somewhere else. Third, Neptune's satellite system has been shattered by the intrusion of a foreign body, Triton, and its largest satellites are missing.
Current Trends in Engineering Science (CTES)
bstract There is compelling evidence that the poles have shifted in the past, but this idea is di... more bstract There is compelling evidence that the poles have shifted in the past, but this idea is dismissed as impossible by the scientific community on the assumption that the stabilizing effect of the equatorial bulge is so great that no conceivable force could make the Earth shifting on its axis, except for the collision with a planet-size body. In theory, however, a wide shift of the poles could be obtained simply by reshaping the equatorial bulge, a ring of matter that from about 15km at the equator decreases down to zero at the poles. At least 20% of this matter is made by water, which covers 2/3d of the whole Earth. A well-known physical law assures that free liquid surfaces create instability, thus Earth is an inherently unstable planet. Every displacement of water provokes a wobbling of the axis of rotation. An ocean wide tide or tsunami of hundreds of meters would displace the axis of some degrees, therefore the polar icecaps would rotate off-center developing a toppling torq...
SCIREA Journal of Sociology
No less than twelve chapters of Exodus and Numbers are dedicated to the mobile sanctuary built by... more No less than twelve chapters of Exodus and Numbers are dedicated to the mobile sanctuary built by the Jews on Moses' instructions during their sojourn at the feet of Mount Horeb. The biblical description is accurate, precise, and extremely detailed, down to every single element, at the point that, following its instructions, the Tabernacle can be reconstructed with precision and reliability; and the result is up to the expectations for people who wanted to create a grandiose mobile-temple where to host their God. Traditional exegesis, however, disregards the biblical description offering an impressive number of representations of the Mishkan, all based on the same model: a small strange structure, surrounded by a high fence. In all evidence this conception was initiated by Josephus Flavius, who in his book "Jewish Antiquities", reconstructs the tabernacle forcing Exodus' text in order to obtain a manufact that was a model in scale 1 to 2 of Jerusalem's Temple. In this way he also motivates the scholars to deny the reliability of Exodus' and Numbers' accounts, which, however, are proven to be historic by the discovery of an imprint left by a tent corresponding to their description on the place where the Mishkan was supposedly erected for the first time.
Human Evolution, 2020
A hypothetical rational process of establishing a unit of time with a meaningful connection to bo... more A hypothetical rational process of establishing a unit of time with a meaningful connection to both, the length of the day and that of the tropic year, would lead to a natural candidate which represents the average error per year in a cycle of 365,2422 x 128 = 46751.0016 days, that is: 0.0016/128 = 1/80,000. However, if we multiply that unit by the number 1.08 we obtain: 80,000 x 1.08 = 86,400, that is the actual unit of time. The odds are that such a process was done by an ancient unknown civilisation which influenced on one side the Eurasian continent, where the second and a trigonometric system on base 60 were adopted and the number 108 and its multiples and submultiples (54, 108, 216, 432, 86400 etc) represent the scientific, mythological and sacred numerology of all ancient civilisations. On the other side central America, where a numerical system on base 20 was adopted and a calendar based on the cycle of 128 years. It can be demonstrated that it belongs to a family of 18 calendars, characterised by an ever rolling week and an auxiliary year which together with the solar year are submultiples of an auxiliary century. There
are precise relations between all these units, allowing to design astronomical “clocks” with the same characteristics of the central American calendar for whatever length of the week.
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANTHROPOLOGY Vol. 35 - n. 1-2 (113-143) - 2020, 2020
In this paper sudden shifts of the poles are proposed as an explanation for the recurrent geologi... more In this paper sudden shifts of the poles are proposed as an explanation for the recurrent geological crisis during which volcanic eruptions, orogenesis, climatic changes, sea levels variations, together with mass extinctions occur. Such shifts are usually considered impossible on the assumption that only a planetary impact could change in a significant way the Earth’s momentum. The position of the poles, however, is determined by the equatorial bulges; if they are “reshaped” for some reason, the poles shift without any significant change of the momentum. Due to the enormous extend of its oceans, Earth is an inherently unstable planet, so much so that a kick apparently irrelevant can trigger a process that in a very short period, that is instantaneously in geological time, provokes a reshaping of the equatorial bulge, thus making the poles shift permanently. When this happens all the masses on its surface, atmosphere, oceans and continents, are suddenly subjected to tangential forces, thus triggering a global catastrophe and long lasting effects for what concerns climate, volcanism and circulation cells of the mantle.
Throughout the world, thousands of people—the cohanim, the Jewish priestly class—declare themselv... more Throughout the world, thousands of people—the cohanim, the Jewish priestly class—declare themselves to be directly descended from the man whom the Bible presents as Moses's elder brother, Aaron. Yet what about Moses' line? Why does nobody today claim the greatest of the prophets among his ancestors? By examining the information contained in the only truly " historical " document we have on the subject, the Bible, we discover a surprising quantity of precise and detailed information on Moses's family, allowing us to establish with certainty that he had descendants and to reconstruct the relevant events regarding his family in a thorough and reliable way for the whole historical period covered by the Bible. It is a riveting and surprising story that many, no doubt, will find disconcerting; but it is a true story, as far as what the Hebrew Scriptures tells us can be considered true. Jacob, saying, I will give it unto thy seed: I have caused thee to see [it] with thine eyes, but thou shalt not go over thither. So Moses the servant of the Lord died there in the land of Moab, according to the word of the Lord. And he buried him in a valley in the land of Moab, over against Bethpeor: but no man knoweth of his sepulchre unto this day " (Deuteronomy 34:1–6.)
In this presentation are briefly exposed the results of a 20 years research made by Flavio Barbi... more In this presentation are briefly exposed the results of a 20 years research made by Flavio Barbiero and his brother Claudio in Israel. The precise location is Har Karkom, in the Negev desert, a site surveyed since 1980 by Prof. Emmanuel Anati, who has an archaeological concession in that area. On the base of more than 1200 archaeological sites, Anati claims that Har Karkom is the real Mount Sinai. The Barbieros have joined Anati’s research group since 1990 and made a specific research, aimed to locate the exact position of mount Horeb. A number of precise correspondences between archaeological sites and written texts prove that the account of Exodus is really historical and that Har Karkom is the real Sinai.
Drafts by flavio barbiero
Hiding treasures, sacred objects and precious documents, belonging to temples or religious commun... more Hiding treasures, sacred objects and precious documents, belonging to temples or religious communities, in some secret hiding places was common practice in ancient Palestine. There are numerous and precise indications about it and even archaeological evidence.
It seems that the priests of Jerusalem’s Temple, during Judas’s kings time, also followed this practice. Tradition exists about a crypt where, just before Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the Temple, several objects of cult were hidden and amongst them the ark of the covenant. It is precisely these traditions that gave rise to extensive research and diggings on the Temple Mount, since the times of first Templars. A vast literature exists on the subject, not worth mentioning as it relates to traditions of unknown origin and trustworthiness, food to daydreams of lovers of mystery, but of very little use in establishing the truth.
It would be quite different if we could find some precise reference to this supposed hiding place in the Bible itself, or in some independent and equally ancient sources. This expectation, however, looks naïve to say the least. The primary prerogative of a secret is that of being kept “secret”. It is therefore only obvious to expect that the actual owners of it, besides avoiding talking about it, did control as far as they could the “media” of their time, trying to prevent the news about its existence to become public.
It would be then surprising if we could find direct reference about such a hiding place in the Bible itself, which is a product of that same caste of priests who supposedly were the owners of the secret.
There could be, however, some clues in the Bible, as other clues and direct information could be found in those texts which were out of the Jerusalem priests’ control. This research may look bleak, but we will see that it is not completely hopeless.
The paper shows that Har Karkom was known as the biblical Mount Sinai by Christian pilgrims of th... more The paper shows that Har Karkom was known as the biblical Mount Sinai by Christian pilgrims of the first four centuries C.E. Evidence is provided by a manuscript found in 1884 in the Tuscan town of Arezzo, with the diary kept by a Christian pilgrim, named Egeria, who at the end of the IV century made a trip to the mountain of Moses. Immediately the scholars decided that the account was referred to St Katherine, but unfortunately the description, very accurate and detailed, does not fit at all the reality of that mountain, perhaps apart a single match at the end of the visit. The described distances, travel times and description of the environment are unsuitable to the area of Santa Catherina in a macroscopic way. Besides, the pilgrim reports the existence of monks' communities and agricultural sites both on the mountain and in the surrounding valley, including dwellings and churches which, according to the archaeological evidence, did not exist there at that time. In all evidence the account is referring to a different location. Through an accurate survey at Har Karkom, however, it becomes plausible that the narrative refers to a journey made on that precise area. If we strictly follow the indications of the manuscript, starting from the very point where the pilgrim looked out from a gorge over the God's valley, we are then taken along an itinerary completely matching, down to the smallest detail, the information provided by the diary, at the point that it could be regarded as the best guide ever to a biblical tour of Har Karkom.
The stability of Earth is provided by its equatorial bulge, a ring of matter that from about 13 k... more The stability of Earth is provided by its equatorial bulge, a ring of matter that from about 13 km decreases down to zero at the poles. However, at least 30% of this layer is made by water any displacement of which provokes a wobbling of the axis of rotation. An ocean wide tide of some hundred meters would displace the axis of several degrees, thus provoking the sudden rebound (and flattening) of large portions of the mantle and in the end a reshaping of the equatorial bulge around a different axis of rotation, The physics of the gyroscope provides a process capable of provoking a tide of that amplitude
Analizzando la propagazione di un lampo di luce omnidirezionale, nell’assunto che la velocità del... more Analizzando la propagazione di un lampo di luce omnidirezionale, nell’assunto che la velocità della luce sia invariante rispetto al riferimento, si ottengono formule di trasformazione fra il riferimento stazionario e quello in moto che sono l’espressione generale delle note equazioni di Lorentz.
Da esse risulta che il moto genera una componente spazio-temporale normale rispetto alla velocità v e agli assi x, y, z; è pertanto una componente “immaginaria” trasversale rispetto al moto stesso. Questo presuppone l’esistenza di una quarta dimensione “spaziale” come condizione necessaria perché la velocità della luce sia invariante, il che comporta un nuovo modello di spazio-tempo.
Poiché non possiamo separare gli oggetti dallo spazio che li contiene, la componente trasversale deve essere presente anche in ogni oggetto in movimento, al quale pertanto devono essere applicate le stesse formule di trasformazione.
Si verifica immediatamente che il campo magnetico è generato da un flusso continuo di componenti trasversali associate alle cariche elettriche in movimento.
Applicate ad una massa in movimento, le formule di trasformazione dimostrano che il suo valore non aumenta con la velocità, ma al contrario diminuisce nella stessa misura dello spazio che la contiene, e cioè M =Mo sqrt{1-\frac{v^2}{c^2}}. Pertanto, l’energia necessaria per accelerarla fino alla velocità della luce è finita e tale velocità non costituisce un limite invalicabile nell’universo.
Un flusso continuo di componenti trasversali associate a masse in movimento genera un campo gravito-magnetico analogo a quello elettro-magnetico. Grazie ad esso, le masse in movimento si attraggono o respingono a seconda della direzione delle rispettive velocità. Questo campo inoltre spiega fenomeni astronomici come la precessione del perielio dei pianeti o la velocità delle stelle alla periferia delle galassie senza richiedere l’esistenza di massa oscura.
La rotazione produce campi trasversali (sia gravitazionali che elettrici) diretti secondo l’asse di rotazione che si propagano indefinitamente senza attenuazione. Pertanto, stelle pulsanti generano onde gravito-magnetiche che si propagano indefinitamente nella direzione del loro asse di rotazione trasportando l’energia dissipata nel processo di pulsazione. Allo stesso modo un elettrone che ruota su se stesso e contemporaneamente pulsa con frequenza ν emette un quanto di energia con tutte le caratteristiche di un fotone.
Analysing the propagation of a flash of light with the condition of the invariance of light’s spe... more Analysing the propagation of a flash of light with the condition of the invariance of light’s speed, we obtain a set of transformation equations between a stationary RF and one in motion that are the general expression of Lorentz’ equations.
According to them, motion generates a spatial component normal to the velocity v and to the x, y, z coordinates, therefore an “imaginary” component transverse to the motion itself. This means that the invariance of light speed requires a new model of the space-time in which the concepts of dimensions and motion must be revised.
As we cannot separate objects from the space that contains them, the transverse component is also present in every object in motion, therefore the transformation equations apply to them also.
We immediately verify that the magnetic field is generated by a continuous flow of transverse components associated with electric charges in motion.
Applied to a mass in motion, the transformation equations demonstrate that its value does not increase with the speed, but on the contrary it decreases with the same ratio of the space in which it is immersed, M = Mo sqrt{1-v^2/c^2} . Therefore, the energy necessary to accelerate a mass to the speed of light is finite and that speed cannot be considered an unsurpassable limit in the universe.
A continuous flow of transverse components of masses in motion generates a gravito-magnetic field analogous to the electro-magnetic. Thanks to it, masses in motion attract or repulse each other according to the direction of their velocities. It also explains astronomical phenomena like the precession of the planets’ perihelion or the velocity of the stars at the outskirts of galaxies.
Rotation produces transverse fields (both gravitational and electric) directed along the axis of rotation and propagating indefinitely without attenuation. Therefore, pulsating stars produce gravito-magnetic waves that propagate indefinitely along their axis of rotation, carrying away the energy dissipated in the pulsating process. For the same reason, an electron that besides rotating is also pulsating with frequency ν would emit a quantum of energy with all the characteristics of a photon.
No less than twelve chapters of Exodus and Numbers are dedicated to the mobile sanctuary built by... more No less than twelve chapters of Exodus and Numbers are dedicated to the mobile sanctuary built by the Jews on Moses' instructions during their sojourn at the feet of Mount Horeb. The biblical description is accurate, precise, and extremely detailed, down to every single element, at the point that, following its instructions, the Tabernacle can be reconstructed with precision and reliability; and the result is up to the expectations for people who wanted to create a grandiose mobile-temple where to host their God. Traditional exegesis, however, disregards the biblical description offering an impressive number of representations of the Mishkan, all based on the same model: a small strange structure, surrounded by a high fence. In all evidence this conception was initiated by Josephus Flavius, who in his book "Jewish Antiquities", reconstructs the tabernacle forcing Exodus' text in order to obtain a manufact that was a model in scale 1 to 2 of Jerusalem's Temple. In this way he also motivates the scholars to deny the reliability of Exodus' and Numbers' accounts, which, however, are proven to be historic by the discovery of an imprint left by a tent corresponding to their description on the place where the Mishkan was supposedly erected for the first time.
Thesis Chapters by flavio barbiero
Applied Sciences Research Periodicals – ISSN 3033-330X June 2024, Vol. 2, No. 6, pp. 05-27., 2024
Abstract: The invariance of the speed of light in RFs in relative motion between them is a clear ... more Abstract:
The invariance of the speed of light in RFs in relative motion between them is a clear indication of the nature of space-time. Lorenz's transformation equations were obtained by analysing the propagation of a single ray of light in a single direction and therefore are valid only for that single case. A set of general transformation equations can be obtained by analysing the propagation of an omnidirectional flash of light emitted by a source in motion with respect to a stationary observer. According to these equations, motion generates a spatial component normal to the velocity v and to the coordinates (x, y, z) of the source’s RF, displacing it into an “imaginary” fourth dimension for a value v/c, thus reducing its "density" by a ratio √(1-v^2/c^2 ). The density of a RF plays a major role in the perception of physical reality. In fact, two observers in motion between them, watching the same phenomenon, would measure different spaces and times, same velocities, but different acceleration and therefore different forces acting on the same object. The transformation equations show that motion modifies only the RF, i.e the space-time, of objects, but as we cannot separate them from their space, they too are modified by a component transverse to the motion, and their “density” is also reduced. If the object is an electric charge, the transverse component of its field is identified with the magnetic field, which induces attractive or repulsive (or nil) forces only on other charges in motion, depending on the angle between their velocities. The same happens for the motion of a mass, with the fundamental difference that a rotating mass, in addition to a gravito-magnetic field, produces a transverse field which lines of flux are parallel to the axis of rotation, and therefore it propagates indefinitely, without attenuation, inside a cylinder with the same diameter of the mass. This field has a critical importance if we assume that the space-time is a field of the mass, coinciding with its gravitational field. The space-time of the Earth-bound observer would be made by the sum of the gravitational fields of the surrounding atomic masses, plus that of the transverse fields generated by the motion of those same masses; the main part of it would be produced by a sort of “ether” formed by “quanta” of space-time generated by the rotation around themselves of the atomic components of the whole universe. This would imply that the space-time at the atomic level is extremely "denser" than that at macroscopic level, therefore the Earth-bound observer would measure forces interacting amongst the atomic masses extremely higher than those calculated with Newton’s law. He will then be forced to postulate the existence of a mysterious agent, the electric charge, capable of developing those forces. With this assumption, instead, the atomic world would be populated only by masses subject, at their level, to gravitational and gravito-magnetic forces. It will become similar to the macroscopic world.
No less than twelve chapters of Exodus and Numbers are dedicated to the mobile sanctuary built by... more No less than twelve chapters of Exodus and Numbers are dedicated to the mobile sanctuary built by the Jews on Moses' instructions during their sojourn at the feet of Mount Horeb. The biblical description is accurate, precise, and extremely detailed, down to every single element, at the point that, following its instructions, the Tabernacle can be reconstructed with precision and reliability; and the result is up to the expectations for people who wanted to create a grandiose mobile-temple where to host their God. Traditional exegesis, however, disregards the biblical description offering an impressive number of representations of the Mishkan, all based on the same model: a small strange structure, surrounded by a high fence. In all evidence this conception was initiated by Josephus Flavius, who in his book "Jewish Antiquities", reconstructs the tabernacle forcing Exodus' text in order to obtain a manufact that was a model in scale 1 to 2 of Jerusalem's Temple. In this way he also motivates the scholars to deny the reliability of Exodus' and Numbers' accounts, which, however, are proven to be historic by the discovery of an imprint left by a tent corresponding to their description on the place where the Mishkan was supposedly erected for the first time.
All astronomical bodies originate inside clouds of gas and dust, therefore there should be a comm... more All astronomical bodies originate inside clouds of gas and dust, therefore there should be a common process that leads to their condensation. A galactic cloud normally has some turbulence and therefore a gradient of speeds from point to point. Thanks to it, a vortex originates that rakes the material of the surrounding cloud gradually forming a large gaseous disk, inside which vortices of second order develop which concentrate the matter of their orbits forming smaller and much denser disks, within which third order vortices further concentrate the matter. The dense cores of these vortices finally condense in massive bodies: sun, planets and satellites. The result should be a well ordered planetary system with no "debris" around and where both planets and satellites obey to a precise rule of the distances from their central body. The solar system complies with these conditions with three main exceptions. First, in an orbit where a large planet should be there is only a huge number of scattered asteroids. Second, Earth and its moon with all evidence were not formed in the same vortex, which means that Moon originated somewhere else. Third, Neptune's satellite system has been shattered by the intrusion of a foreign body, Triton, and its largest satellites are missing.
Current Trends in Engineering Science (CTES)
bstract There is compelling evidence that the poles have shifted in the past, but this idea is di... more bstract There is compelling evidence that the poles have shifted in the past, but this idea is dismissed as impossible by the scientific community on the assumption that the stabilizing effect of the equatorial bulge is so great that no conceivable force could make the Earth shifting on its axis, except for the collision with a planet-size body. In theory, however, a wide shift of the poles could be obtained simply by reshaping the equatorial bulge, a ring of matter that from about 15km at the equator decreases down to zero at the poles. At least 20% of this matter is made by water, which covers 2/3d of the whole Earth. A well-known physical law assures that free liquid surfaces create instability, thus Earth is an inherently unstable planet. Every displacement of water provokes a wobbling of the axis of rotation. An ocean wide tide or tsunami of hundreds of meters would displace the axis of some degrees, therefore the polar icecaps would rotate off-center developing a toppling torq...
SCIREA Journal of Sociology
No less than twelve chapters of Exodus and Numbers are dedicated to the mobile sanctuary built by... more No less than twelve chapters of Exodus and Numbers are dedicated to the mobile sanctuary built by the Jews on Moses' instructions during their sojourn at the feet of Mount Horeb. The biblical description is accurate, precise, and extremely detailed, down to every single element, at the point that, following its instructions, the Tabernacle can be reconstructed with precision and reliability; and the result is up to the expectations for people who wanted to create a grandiose mobile-temple where to host their God. Traditional exegesis, however, disregards the biblical description offering an impressive number of representations of the Mishkan, all based on the same model: a small strange structure, surrounded by a high fence. In all evidence this conception was initiated by Josephus Flavius, who in his book "Jewish Antiquities", reconstructs the tabernacle forcing Exodus' text in order to obtain a manufact that was a model in scale 1 to 2 of Jerusalem's Temple. In this way he also motivates the scholars to deny the reliability of Exodus' and Numbers' accounts, which, however, are proven to be historic by the discovery of an imprint left by a tent corresponding to their description on the place where the Mishkan was supposedly erected for the first time.
Human Evolution, 2020
A hypothetical rational process of establishing a unit of time with a meaningful connection to bo... more A hypothetical rational process of establishing a unit of time with a meaningful connection to both, the length of the day and that of the tropic year, would lead to a natural candidate which represents the average error per year in a cycle of 365,2422 x 128 = 46751.0016 days, that is: 0.0016/128 = 1/80,000. However, if we multiply that unit by the number 1.08 we obtain: 80,000 x 1.08 = 86,400, that is the actual unit of time. The odds are that such a process was done by an ancient unknown civilisation which influenced on one side the Eurasian continent, where the second and a trigonometric system on base 60 were adopted and the number 108 and its multiples and submultiples (54, 108, 216, 432, 86400 etc) represent the scientific, mythological and sacred numerology of all ancient civilisations. On the other side central America, where a numerical system on base 20 was adopted and a calendar based on the cycle of 128 years. It can be demonstrated that it belongs to a family of 18 calendars, characterised by an ever rolling week and an auxiliary year which together with the solar year are submultiples of an auxiliary century. There
are precise relations between all these units, allowing to design astronomical “clocks” with the same characteristics of the central American calendar for whatever length of the week.
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANTHROPOLOGY Vol. 35 - n. 1-2 (113-143) - 2020, 2020
In this paper sudden shifts of the poles are proposed as an explanation for the recurrent geologi... more In this paper sudden shifts of the poles are proposed as an explanation for the recurrent geological crisis during which volcanic eruptions, orogenesis, climatic changes, sea levels variations, together with mass extinctions occur. Such shifts are usually considered impossible on the assumption that only a planetary impact could change in a significant way the Earth’s momentum. The position of the poles, however, is determined by the equatorial bulges; if they are “reshaped” for some reason, the poles shift without any significant change of the momentum. Due to the enormous extend of its oceans, Earth is an inherently unstable planet, so much so that a kick apparently irrelevant can trigger a process that in a very short period, that is instantaneously in geological time, provokes a reshaping of the equatorial bulge, thus making the poles shift permanently. When this happens all the masses on its surface, atmosphere, oceans and continents, are suddenly subjected to tangential forces, thus triggering a global catastrophe and long lasting effects for what concerns climate, volcanism and circulation cells of the mantle.
Throughout the world, thousands of people—the cohanim, the Jewish priestly class—declare themselv... more Throughout the world, thousands of people—the cohanim, the Jewish priestly class—declare themselves to be directly descended from the man whom the Bible presents as Moses's elder brother, Aaron. Yet what about Moses' line? Why does nobody today claim the greatest of the prophets among his ancestors? By examining the information contained in the only truly " historical " document we have on the subject, the Bible, we discover a surprising quantity of precise and detailed information on Moses's family, allowing us to establish with certainty that he had descendants and to reconstruct the relevant events regarding his family in a thorough and reliable way for the whole historical period covered by the Bible. It is a riveting and surprising story that many, no doubt, will find disconcerting; but it is a true story, as far as what the Hebrew Scriptures tells us can be considered true. Jacob, saying, I will give it unto thy seed: I have caused thee to see [it] with thine eyes, but thou shalt not go over thither. So Moses the servant of the Lord died there in the land of Moab, according to the word of the Lord. And he buried him in a valley in the land of Moab, over against Bethpeor: but no man knoweth of his sepulchre unto this day " (Deuteronomy 34:1–6.)
In this presentation are briefly exposed the results of a 20 years research made by Flavio Barbi... more In this presentation are briefly exposed the results of a 20 years research made by Flavio Barbiero and his brother Claudio in Israel. The precise location is Har Karkom, in the Negev desert, a site surveyed since 1980 by Prof. Emmanuel Anati, who has an archaeological concession in that area. On the base of more than 1200 archaeological sites, Anati claims that Har Karkom is the real Mount Sinai. The Barbieros have joined Anati’s research group since 1990 and made a specific research, aimed to locate the exact position of mount Horeb. A number of precise correspondences between archaeological sites and written texts prove that the account of Exodus is really historical and that Har Karkom is the real Sinai.
Hiding treasures, sacred objects and precious documents, belonging to temples or religious commun... more Hiding treasures, sacred objects and precious documents, belonging to temples or religious communities, in some secret hiding places was common practice in ancient Palestine. There are numerous and precise indications about it and even archaeological evidence.
It seems that the priests of Jerusalem’s Temple, during Judas’s kings time, also followed this practice. Tradition exists about a crypt where, just before Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the Temple, several objects of cult were hidden and amongst them the ark of the covenant. It is precisely these traditions that gave rise to extensive research and diggings on the Temple Mount, since the times of first Templars. A vast literature exists on the subject, not worth mentioning as it relates to traditions of unknown origin and trustworthiness, food to daydreams of lovers of mystery, but of very little use in establishing the truth.
It would be quite different if we could find some precise reference to this supposed hiding place in the Bible itself, or in some independent and equally ancient sources. This expectation, however, looks naïve to say the least. The primary prerogative of a secret is that of being kept “secret”. It is therefore only obvious to expect that the actual owners of it, besides avoiding talking about it, did control as far as they could the “media” of their time, trying to prevent the news about its existence to become public.
It would be then surprising if we could find direct reference about such a hiding place in the Bible itself, which is a product of that same caste of priests who supposedly were the owners of the secret.
There could be, however, some clues in the Bible, as other clues and direct information could be found in those texts which were out of the Jerusalem priests’ control. This research may look bleak, but we will see that it is not completely hopeless.
The paper shows that Har Karkom was known as the biblical Mount Sinai by Christian pilgrims of th... more The paper shows that Har Karkom was known as the biblical Mount Sinai by Christian pilgrims of the first four centuries C.E. Evidence is provided by a manuscript found in 1884 in the Tuscan town of Arezzo, with the diary kept by a Christian pilgrim, named Egeria, who at the end of the IV century made a trip to the mountain of Moses. Immediately the scholars decided that the account was referred to St Katherine, but unfortunately the description, very accurate and detailed, does not fit at all the reality of that mountain, perhaps apart a single match at the end of the visit. The described distances, travel times and description of the environment are unsuitable to the area of Santa Catherina in a macroscopic way. Besides, the pilgrim reports the existence of monks' communities and agricultural sites both on the mountain and in the surrounding valley, including dwellings and churches which, according to the archaeological evidence, did not exist there at that time. In all evidence the account is referring to a different location. Through an accurate survey at Har Karkom, however, it becomes plausible that the narrative refers to a journey made on that precise area. If we strictly follow the indications of the manuscript, starting from the very point where the pilgrim looked out from a gorge over the God's valley, we are then taken along an itinerary completely matching, down to the smallest detail, the information provided by the diary, at the point that it could be regarded as the best guide ever to a biblical tour of Har Karkom.
The stability of Earth is provided by its equatorial bulge, a ring of matter that from about 13 k... more The stability of Earth is provided by its equatorial bulge, a ring of matter that from about 13 km decreases down to zero at the poles. However, at least 30% of this layer is made by water any displacement of which provokes a wobbling of the axis of rotation. An ocean wide tide of some hundred meters would displace the axis of several degrees, thus provoking the sudden rebound (and flattening) of large portions of the mantle and in the end a reshaping of the equatorial bulge around a different axis of rotation, The physics of the gyroscope provides a process capable of provoking a tide of that amplitude
Analizzando la propagazione di un lampo di luce omnidirezionale, nell’assunto che la velocità del... more Analizzando la propagazione di un lampo di luce omnidirezionale, nell’assunto che la velocità della luce sia invariante rispetto al riferimento, si ottengono formule di trasformazione fra il riferimento stazionario e quello in moto che sono l’espressione generale delle note equazioni di Lorentz.
Da esse risulta che il moto genera una componente spazio-temporale normale rispetto alla velocità v e agli assi x, y, z; è pertanto una componente “immaginaria” trasversale rispetto al moto stesso. Questo presuppone l’esistenza di una quarta dimensione “spaziale” come condizione necessaria perché la velocità della luce sia invariante, il che comporta un nuovo modello di spazio-tempo.
Poiché non possiamo separare gli oggetti dallo spazio che li contiene, la componente trasversale deve essere presente anche in ogni oggetto in movimento, al quale pertanto devono essere applicate le stesse formule di trasformazione.
Si verifica immediatamente che il campo magnetico è generato da un flusso continuo di componenti trasversali associate alle cariche elettriche in movimento.
Applicate ad una massa in movimento, le formule di trasformazione dimostrano che il suo valore non aumenta con la velocità, ma al contrario diminuisce nella stessa misura dello spazio che la contiene, e cioè M =Mo sqrt{1-\frac{v^2}{c^2}}. Pertanto, l’energia necessaria per accelerarla fino alla velocità della luce è finita e tale velocità non costituisce un limite invalicabile nell’universo.
Un flusso continuo di componenti trasversali associate a masse in movimento genera un campo gravito-magnetico analogo a quello elettro-magnetico. Grazie ad esso, le masse in movimento si attraggono o respingono a seconda della direzione delle rispettive velocità. Questo campo inoltre spiega fenomeni astronomici come la precessione del perielio dei pianeti o la velocità delle stelle alla periferia delle galassie senza richiedere l’esistenza di massa oscura.
La rotazione produce campi trasversali (sia gravitazionali che elettrici) diretti secondo l’asse di rotazione che si propagano indefinitamente senza attenuazione. Pertanto, stelle pulsanti generano onde gravito-magnetiche che si propagano indefinitamente nella direzione del loro asse di rotazione trasportando l’energia dissipata nel processo di pulsazione. Allo stesso modo un elettrone che ruota su se stesso e contemporaneamente pulsa con frequenza ν emette un quanto di energia con tutte le caratteristiche di un fotone.
Analysing the propagation of a flash of light with the condition of the invariance of light’s spe... more Analysing the propagation of a flash of light with the condition of the invariance of light’s speed, we obtain a set of transformation equations between a stationary RF and one in motion that are the general expression of Lorentz’ equations.
According to them, motion generates a spatial component normal to the velocity v and to the x, y, z coordinates, therefore an “imaginary” component transverse to the motion itself. This means that the invariance of light speed requires a new model of the space-time in which the concepts of dimensions and motion must be revised.
As we cannot separate objects from the space that contains them, the transverse component is also present in every object in motion, therefore the transformation equations apply to them also.
We immediately verify that the magnetic field is generated by a continuous flow of transverse components associated with electric charges in motion.
Applied to a mass in motion, the transformation equations demonstrate that its value does not increase with the speed, but on the contrary it decreases with the same ratio of the space in which it is immersed, M = Mo sqrt{1-v^2/c^2} . Therefore, the energy necessary to accelerate a mass to the speed of light is finite and that speed cannot be considered an unsurpassable limit in the universe.
A continuous flow of transverse components of masses in motion generates a gravito-magnetic field analogous to the electro-magnetic. Thanks to it, masses in motion attract or repulse each other according to the direction of their velocities. It also explains astronomical phenomena like the precession of the planets’ perihelion or the velocity of the stars at the outskirts of galaxies.
Rotation produces transverse fields (both gravitational and electric) directed along the axis of rotation and propagating indefinitely without attenuation. Therefore, pulsating stars produce gravito-magnetic waves that propagate indefinitely along their axis of rotation, carrying away the energy dissipated in the pulsating process. For the same reason, an electron that besides rotating is also pulsating with frequency ν would emit a quantum of energy with all the characteristics of a photon.
No less than twelve chapters of Exodus and Numbers are dedicated to the mobile sanctuary built by... more No less than twelve chapters of Exodus and Numbers are dedicated to the mobile sanctuary built by the Jews on Moses' instructions during their sojourn at the feet of Mount Horeb. The biblical description is accurate, precise, and extremely detailed, down to every single element, at the point that, following its instructions, the Tabernacle can be reconstructed with precision and reliability; and the result is up to the expectations for people who wanted to create a grandiose mobile-temple where to host their God. Traditional exegesis, however, disregards the biblical description offering an impressive number of representations of the Mishkan, all based on the same model: a small strange structure, surrounded by a high fence. In all evidence this conception was initiated by Josephus Flavius, who in his book "Jewish Antiquities", reconstructs the tabernacle forcing Exodus' text in order to obtain a manufact that was a model in scale 1 to 2 of Jerusalem's Temple. In this way he also motivates the scholars to deny the reliability of Exodus' and Numbers' accounts, which, however, are proven to be historic by the discovery of an imprint left by a tent corresponding to their description on the place where the Mishkan was supposedly erected for the first time.
Applied Sciences Research Periodicals – ISSN 3033-330X June 2024, Vol. 2, No. 6, pp. 05-27., 2024
Abstract: The invariance of the speed of light in RFs in relative motion between them is a clear ... more Abstract:
The invariance of the speed of light in RFs in relative motion between them is a clear indication of the nature of space-time. Lorenz's transformation equations were obtained by analysing the propagation of a single ray of light in a single direction and therefore are valid only for that single case. A set of general transformation equations can be obtained by analysing the propagation of an omnidirectional flash of light emitted by a source in motion with respect to a stationary observer. According to these equations, motion generates a spatial component normal to the velocity v and to the coordinates (x, y, z) of the source’s RF, displacing it into an “imaginary” fourth dimension for a value v/c, thus reducing its "density" by a ratio √(1-v^2/c^2 ). The density of a RF plays a major role in the perception of physical reality. In fact, two observers in motion between them, watching the same phenomenon, would measure different spaces and times, same velocities, but different acceleration and therefore different forces acting on the same object. The transformation equations show that motion modifies only the RF, i.e the space-time, of objects, but as we cannot separate them from their space, they too are modified by a component transverse to the motion, and their “density” is also reduced. If the object is an electric charge, the transverse component of its field is identified with the magnetic field, which induces attractive or repulsive (or nil) forces only on other charges in motion, depending on the angle between their velocities. The same happens for the motion of a mass, with the fundamental difference that a rotating mass, in addition to a gravito-magnetic field, produces a transverse field which lines of flux are parallel to the axis of rotation, and therefore it propagates indefinitely, without attenuation, inside a cylinder with the same diameter of the mass. This field has a critical importance if we assume that the space-time is a field of the mass, coinciding with its gravitational field. The space-time of the Earth-bound observer would be made by the sum of the gravitational fields of the surrounding atomic masses, plus that of the transverse fields generated by the motion of those same masses; the main part of it would be produced by a sort of “ether” formed by “quanta” of space-time generated by the rotation around themselves of the atomic components of the whole universe. This would imply that the space-time at the atomic level is extremely "denser" than that at macroscopic level, therefore the Earth-bound observer would measure forces interacting amongst the atomic masses extremely higher than those calculated with Newton’s law. He will then be forced to postulate the existence of a mysterious agent, the electric charge, capable of developing those forces. With this assumption, instead, the atomic world would be populated only by masses subject, at their level, to gravitational and gravito-magnetic forces. It will become similar to the macroscopic world.