people being people (original) (raw)

lame. [11 Feb 2006|08:08pm]
yeah, I'm posting. 'cause I'm new and I thought this was prettyyy awesome.
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[14 Nov 2003|02:43pm]
This is your moderator! My old name was Pajamishh. So you will respect my authority. And Katyx got a new name now (_frenchvacation) so remember WE ARE INCHARGE FOREVER.Here is a song Katy and I wrote:Segregation!Segregation read all about itHappening all over the town andKids from adultsAdults from old menSegregation will happen againTeacher, teacher teach me to hateTeach me the word segregateI said segregate!The reds and the whites,I said segregate!the wrongs and the rightsSegregation a growing sensationHappening All over the nationEast from the westWest from the seasSegregation took a hold of the keysOur band is called Los Negros.( More songs we wroteCollapse )
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[17 Oct 2003|03:21pm]
whoa this is so and sara forgot about this happy little commune! and then to my dismay, people have actually joined. ok im definitely going to make an effort to make this community more fun :)
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.. eat fresh .. [12 Oct 2003|12:28am]
[ **mood** | weird ] hey people .. *clears throat*the name's Ben, Benj, Benjo, Max, Maximums, Benjii, Benjamin, Benty .. take your pic, i dont mind.*removes lint from belly button*i'll be __hanging__ around from time to time .. if that's kool
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[16 Sep 2003|04:58pm]
this place is somewhat dead, so i thought i'd tell a bedtime story.when i was 3 and a half and sitting in my maths class at nursery school in my grey pleated skirt and white flowery blouse uniform, i suddenly got an idea. in fact, in my three and a half years of being alive this was my best idea yet. i had always been taught to tell the truth, and though the answer was unprovoked i figured that this was neccesary.i raised my handmy red faced and annoying teacher asked me what it was.this was it... my masterplan"mrs politilo, my daddy says you're a cow."yes, it's all true.
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Story Telling: David Klein's Little Leg [14 Jun 2003|07:48pm]
In a cramped 2nd grade class room, a class of 20 children began to draw self portraits. Among those children where Katy Glosser, Sara Pinkerton, and the more challenged, David Klein. Sara drew herself with blonde hair and glowing Blue Eyes. The teacher gave her a sticker. Katy's came out just as great. The girls went around looking at each other’s portraits when they came across David Klein. He sat in the corner with a Pocahontas Barbie Doll propped on his desk. The girls asked how his portrait was coming along and he eagerly showed them. The girls were quiet confused and intrigued with what they saw. On the portrait they saw a boy scribbled on the paper with a third leg between two larger legs. The girls, who were quiet shocked, asked David what this monstrosity was. He replied with no more than - "It's my Little Leg"This story is completely fact - True Story - happened to me and katyxLater the teacher ate the cat.
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STORY TELLING:mr. spider's paintshop [14 Jun 2003|04:34pm]
Me and sara, founder and cofounder of this community, have decided to liven things up a bit and make this place a story telling community. you can still post about anything you want, but we can tell stories, fact or fiction. so here is a factual story im going to tell you about me and sara in grade school.MR. SPIDER'S PAINTSHOP:A TRUE TALE.It was a crisp afternoon in the 90's when me and sara were in the second grade. I had just moved to Roxbury, New Jersey from a town nearby called Randolph. I joined sara's second grade class. Our teacher was named Mrs. Reimers. Every day or so we would have gym class. We had a teacher named Mr. McDonald. Mr. "Mc" (as he liked to be called) was a big bustling man with a big grey beard. He talked in a bit of a hickish country accent, if you will, and he frightened the children. Mr. Mc was always devising strange games for us youngins' to play, but the strangest one of all was a game called Mr. Spider's Paintshop. How you play the game is, Mr. Mc would gather the kids in a big circle in the middle of the gymnasium and then call out "Come on down to Mr. Spider's Paintshop, what color do you want me to paint your house today?". If the kids blurted out the correct color Mr. McDonald was thinking of, he would say "AH HA!" and chase us all around the gym. Then he would wrap his big bear arms around one of us and yell "GOTCHA!". Now at the time, this game was terrifying, but looking back on it, Sara and I have thought about how Mr. Mc was indeed a child pedophile getting sick pleasures out of this game. It's now illegal in 38 states (i dont know if thats the number) to touch kids ...especially while shouting GOTCHA. I'm truly surprised Mr. McDonald, the child predator he was, didn't get fired for such rubbish behavior. Maybe no one knew about it. But us kids knew...and boy was it frightening. THE END. leave nice comments.thank you,the staff.
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[09 Jun 2003|10:16am]
Ohman..I didn't even ask if I could join this. I just looked at how many members and you all are friends. Sorry! :/ Hah, I feel like the biggest dork ever.
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hello [09 Jun 2003|10:03am]
[ mood | awake ] I was searching "Great Britian" and "London" in interests to see if there was a community who adored any cultures over there or just had an "interest in it". Anyway, I came across THIS community and thought it looked really nice.I'm lame because it all started when I was in Hot_Fashion and some girl typed like this "hi boiz n gurlz wuts up 4 2day" and then obviously, because people get so angry at everything, they flipped out about her typing. I know it's annoying when people type like that but it was annoying because it was SO predictable. Then I realized the girl was from Europe so it's probably hip for some kids to do that..and if she spoke a different laungage then she must have been even MORE confused. Then I was bored (at 3am) and looked at her friends and friends of friends, cause I'm a freak and do that sort of thing. and I was reading some British and Scotish kids journals. It reminded me of when I was in London and France and how it felt. Then I remmeber when I used to talk to this boy I met there from Birmingham and how much I loved his accent and just different things about him. Whatever..none of this is really relevent to ANYTHING haha..and sorry if people are bored/annoyed that I posted this...moral of story is that I love London/Europe and I found THIS lovely community. I won't post stuff like that anymore..I just thought I'd let you know how I found this place. Ha.Bye:)
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Solitary Act [14 Apr 2003|08:17pm]
[ mood | serious ] As cofounder, Sara Pinkerton, of The Plastic Love Company I am considering issuing the Solitary Act. The act is the first and only rule to the Company it states as follows"All members must recruit 2 members or will be excommunicated and shot on the spot."All members in favor say yayAll members that oppose say nayTHE SOLITARY ACT IS NOT YET IN ACTION!
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[12 Apr 2003|11:26pm]
err actually that should read INCLUDING sara and i. this is lame. go scout for new members.
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[12 Apr 2003|11:24pm]
HOLY CRAP THREE MEMBERS. [besides sara and i]this day is going down in history. lets get this place moving
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[09 Apr 2003|07:14pm]
The Plastic Love Company is currently underconstruction. We apologize for this because we know so many of you have been long awaiting the opening of The Plastic Love Company (or not). Please feel free to join at anytime and we will notify you as soon as we are up and running. Thanks for your patience!Love,katy and sara.
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