pokebreeding - Profile (original) (raw)
on 15 June 2007 (#13167219)
Pokemon Breeding -- For fun, AND profit!
Welcome to POKEBREEDING, your one-stop shop for answers to your Pokemon breeding questions!
Your moderators:micchi: likes long walks on Cinnibar Island
jchaos: the pokepimp
Be civil. No, we're not going to require you to be "nice". However, exercise common sense. No trolling personal journals, take your hissy fits with other members elsewhere, and please contact us if there is a problem!
This community is for discussion of breeding, and breeding only. All elements of breeding are allowed.
- Egg Move discussion? Allowed.
- Breeding techniques? Allowed.
- Locations of things that can be used for difficult breeding? Allowed.
- Requests for team ratings, battles, what to do next? NOT allowed.
You may pimp your breeding service, but please limit your advertising to no more than one post per week. Please note, this is a limit on specifically how many posts you can make advertising breeding services, not an overall post limit.
You may request breeding services, but please limit your requests to no more than one post per day. Please note, this is a limit on specifically how many posts you can make requesting breeding services, not an overall post limit.
Obligatory LJ-Cut Guidelines: Please use an LJ cut when...
- ...your post is long. Exercise common sense here, please.
- ...you have an image larger than 200x200 pixels.
- ...you have multiple images.
If there is a problem, no matter what it is, please leave a comment here. Comments are screened on this post.
Other Pokemon Communities:pokemon -- Your general, catch-all, where it all happens Pokemon community.
breeding, breeding pokemon, crystal, diamond, emerald, fire red, gold, individual values, ivs, leaf green, natures, nintedo gba, nintendo ds, pearl, pokemon, pokemon natures, ruby, sapphire, silver
- 19
- 82
Comments received - 26