Junaedi Prasetyo | Politeknik Negeri Malang (original) (raw)

Papers by Junaedi Prasetyo

Research paper thumbnail of Design and Optimization of Solar Panel Based on Sun Detector

Jurnal Jartel Jurnal Jaringan Telekomunikasi

Many factors cause people to be reluctant to apply solar panel technology as a source of renewabl... more Many factors cause people to be reluctant to apply solar panel technology as a source of renewable electrical energy, one of which is the efficiency level of solar panels which is still very low because the position of solar panels is generally facing in one direction. In this study, we designed a tool that can automatically drive the solar panel motor according to the comparison value obtained from the LDR sensor. There are four LDR sensors for comparison that are used as a reference tool to move towards the brightest light intensity. From this solar panel, the power will be stored in the battery which at the same time drives the motor so that the rays obtained are more optimal and faster for charging the battery. From the results of the research conducted, the energy efficiency in a day is 9 percent from normal conditions without using optimization. It is hoped that this tool can help the community to use alternative renewable energy sources that are more effective and efficient.

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi Tracer Study Berbasis Web Robot Telegram DI SMKN Ihya Ulumudddin Banyuwangi

Jurnal terapan Abdimas, Jun 25, 2022

Alumni tracking or what is known as a tracer study is one of the most important activities at thi... more Alumni tracking or what is known as a tracer study is one of the most important activities at this time, especially in vocational-based education. With the link and match carried out in schools with industry, schools will be able to know the quality of their graduates and further information can be used to improve the learning curriculum.Currently, Ihya Ulumuddin Vocational School is conducting a tracer study still using the manual method with paper, when their alumni come to school and the results are not optimal. Completing a study tracker with this method is only able to track less than 15% of the number of graduates each year so that the picture of graduates of SMK Ihya Ulumuddin is very lacking. This data tracking study must also be submitted to the Director General of Vocational Schools at the end of each year and the school always has difficulties in providing this data. From this problem, it is said that the creation of a telegram robot application that is connected to the tracer study web application is the solution to the implementation of this tracer study. The creation of this system begins after building the system with the SMK and the application is complete, trials and implementations are carried out after the alumni graduate. Workshops and training on tracer studies were also carried out to support the implementation of this Telegram-based tracer study system. From the results of this community service, a total of 74% of the graduates were obtained in 2021. With the telegram robot that has been implemented, the tracer study implementation will assist in answering tracer study questions, making it easier to collect data on alumni of SMK Ihya Ulumuddin in an effective and efficient manner in every year.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Grit Batu Gerinda Pada Gerak Cross Feed Proses Gerinda Terhadap Getaran

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV), Nov 29, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Naive Bayes Classifier on Twitter Sentiment Analysis BPJS of HEALTH

2019 2nd International Conference of Computer and Informatics Engineering (IC2IE), 2019

Public health insurance is one indicator of the success of the government's active role in ma... more Public health insurance is one indicator of the success of the government's active role in managing and facilitating its citizens. Health media and excellent facilities undoubtedly read a positive impact on the development of society, especially at this time. BPJS, as a government health media for the people of Indonesia, of course, must bring change and be a solution to the imbalance of health services for small and medium people. Sentiment analysis of BPJS products is one solution to get information on the active role of the community as the primary user of their health products. Sentiment analysis is carried out by utilizing social media as the primary basis for data collection. In this study, the initial stage taken was data collection and continued to do Post Tagging on community tweet data. Furthermore, these data are classified again using the Naïve Bayes model to obtain optimal results. The results of the study note that BPJS health services get an accuracy rate of 70% negative for payment topics and 72% positive for information topics, and get a 65% score likely from users in using BPJS services as their health service.

Research paper thumbnail of Rancang bangun aplikasi presensi berbasis geolokasi dan interval waktu

Dewasa ini, masih banyak didapati kecurangan presensi kehadiran saat bekerja seperti melakukan ti... more Dewasa ini, masih banyak didapati kecurangan presensi kehadiran saat bekerja seperti melakukan titip absen kepada pegawai lain atau hanya absen saat jam masuk dan jam pulang, namun pegawai tersebut tidak sedang berada di kantor selama jam kerja. Hal ini dapat menyebabkan produktifitas menurun yang berakibat pada kualitas pegawai. Permasalahan ini dapat diselesaikan dengan memanfaatkan penerapan teknologi informasi dan komonukasi seperti Global Positioning System (GPS) yang dapat mendata informasi spasial seseorang dalam area lingkup. Melalui aplikasi android pada setiap perangkat yang dimiliki pegawai, dapat memudahkan serta transparansi dari kegiatan presensi. Sistem didalamnya akan membatasi cakupan area lingkup dengan area luar lingkup yang diambil dari titik koordinat latitude dan longtitu ditempat kerja. Lingkupan area ditentukan dari radius pada masing-masing lokasi. Nilai koordinat dijadikan dasar dalam kehadiran serta waktu kerja yang ditentukan dan dicek secara berkala atau...

Research paper thumbnail of Implementation and Analysis of Wireless VoIP Networks with Routerboard Management at State Polytechnic of Malang

Jurnal Jartel: Jurnal Jaringan Telekomunikasi, 2015

In this article, the implementation of wirelessVoIP at State Polytechnic of Malang uses microtic ... more In this article, the implementation of wirelessVoIP at State Polytechnic of Malang uses microtic management with the aim of knowing the QoS (Quality of Services) performance between systems without microtic management and systems using microtic management. In the implementation of this system, two tests were carried out, namely QoS testing when without proxy management and when using proxy management. From the two tests, the performance will be compared by doing data compilation using the VQ manager software. The QoS parameters to be taken are delay, jitter, packet loss and throughput. From the measurement it is known that when the VoIP server serves <= 3 calls simultaneously, the MOS value between the managed system (MOS = 3.7) and the system without management (MOS = 3.7) is almost the same because the value of delay and packet loss in the system without management and systems with management did not differ much, namely 107 ms and 83 ms, and the packet loss value was the same, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi Dan Analisis Jaringan Wireless Voip Dengan Manajemen Routerboard DI Politeknik Negeri Malang

Sistem Wireless VoIP yang diimplementasikan di Politeknik Negeri Malang mungkin saja mengalami pe... more Sistem Wireless VoIP yang diimplementasikan di Politeknik Negeri Malang mungkin saja mengalami penurunan kualitas QOS karena meningkatnya trafik oleh pengguna. Bertambahnya pengguna layanan VoIP mengakibatkan server VoIP tidak mampu melayani permintaan akses data voice dengan kualitas yang baik sehingga kebutuhan akan manajemen layanan VoIP sangat diperlukan untuk dapat menjaga kualitas layanan data voice pada VoIP. Agar kualitas layanan voice tetap terjaga, perlu dilakukan manajemen pada sistem VoIP. Manajemen sistem VoIP ini dilakukan dengan cara tetap memprioritaskan paket data VoIP pada jaringan yang dibangun. Dengan membuat proritas ini diharapkan walaupun terjadi trafik yang padat pada jaringan, kualitas layanan VoIP tetap terjaga karena paket VoIP telah menjadi prioritas utama. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan implementasi wireless VoIP di Politeknik Negeri Malang menggunakan manajemen mikrotik dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui performansi QoS ( Quality of Services ) antara siste...

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi dan Unjuk Kerja Jaringan Wireless VoIP Multi Nodes di Politeknik Negeri Banyuwangi

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) merupakan teknologi komunikasi yang sangat berkembang di era ... more Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) merupakan teknologi komunikasi yang sangat berkembang di era saat ini, khususnya karena adanya perkembangan teknologi pengiriman data. Jika sebelumnya pengguna VoIP harus menggunakan sebuah desktop dan terhubung dengan jaringan kabel, saat ini hal tersebut sudah disederhanakan dengan cukup menggunakan sebuah smartphone yang terhubung dengan jaringan wireless. Dalam implementasi jaringan wireless, pastinya akan ada beberapa access point /node yang terhubung disana dan pastinya kualitas komunikasi (QoS) akan berbeda – beda pada setiap nodes. Pada penelitian ini, Kami menggunakan elastix versi 5.0 sebagai server dan tiga buah nodes access point yang dimana nantinya dilakukan percobaan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kualitas komunikasi jika antar pengguna dan server VoIP berada di berbeda nodes. Penelitian ini diharapkan bermanfaat untuk perkembangan teknologi VoIP khususnya jika diimplementasikan pada jaringan wireless yang terdiri dari beberapa nodes.

Research paper thumbnail of Investigasi Performansi Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Pada Jaringan Wireless Dengan Menggunakan Server Elastix

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) adalah salah satu bentuk komunikasi suara dengan menggunakan ... more Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) adalah salah satu bentuk komunikasi suara dengan menggunakan internet protocol sebagai media transportasi untuk berkomunikasi. Dalam satu dekade terakhir, teknologi ini merupakan salah satu teknologi penting di dalam dunia telekomunikasi selain perkembangan media telekomunikasi dari jaringan kabel ke jarigan nirkabel. Namun, perkembangan media telekomunikasi ini juga menimbulkan beberapa tantangan untuk teknologi VoIP. Seperti yang sudah kita ketahui bahwa teknologi nirkabel ini memang memberikan solusi untuk masalah jarak dan fleksibilitas. Namun, ada hal yang harus kita berikan perhatian khusus, yaitu dari segi kualitas (QoS). Dalam penelitian ini, kami fokus membahas tentang Implementasi VoIP menggunakan server elastix dan menggunakan jaringan nirkabel dengan harapan bahwa penelitian ini bermanfaat dalam perkembangan teknologi Voice over IP melalui jaringan nirkabel.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Performances in Various Network Topologies

Buletin Pos dan Telekomunikasi, 2020

VoIP is a digital communication technology that is currently developing because VoIP can be imple... more VoIP is a digital communication technology that is currently developing because VoIP can be implemented on several network topologies, such as bus, star, and ring. Each of these topologies has advantages and disadvantages. So, a study is required to find out in which topology can VoIP be implemented optimally. In this research, VoIP is implemented in several topologies and furthermore the performance measurements are carried out for each topology. VQ manager is installed in order to measure the VoIP performance. For the server, we used Elastix and for the node implementation network topologies, we use several access points. From the results of the research, the performance of VoIP implemented in the star topology produces QoS that is better than other topologies with a delay value of 185 ms, 18 ms jitter, and 1% packet loss. This happens because in the star topology, all packets are distributed centrally. It is expected that the results of this research can be used as a reference in the application of VoIP technology in several types of topologies.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Laboratorium Teknik Informatika Dan Penentuan Pengadaan Bahan Habis Pakai Praktikum Menggunakan Algoritma C4.5

Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Informasi dan Robotika, 2019

Laboratorium Teknik Informatika Politeknik Negeri Banyuwangi bertugas untuk menyediakan sarana da... more Laboratorium Teknik Informatika Politeknik Negeri Banyuwangi bertugas untuk menyediakan sarana dan prasarana untuk mendukung pendidikan vokasi untuk mencetak tenaga terampil yang mampu bersaing di dunia kerja saat ini melalui kegiatan praktikum di laboratorium. Pengelola laboratorium mengalami kesulitan dalam mengelola, melaporkan dan mengambil kebijakan karena sedikitnya informasi tentang keadaan inventaris laboratorium baik peralatan maupun bahan habis pakai. Kesulitan juga dialami ketika menentukan pengajuan bahan habis pakai laboratorium pada setiap tahunnya, seringkali terjadi perbaikan berulang kali terhadap pengajuan bahkan pernah terjadi gagal pengadaan pada tahun tertentu. Hal ini disebabkan oleh proses inventarisasi serta pelayanan alat dan bahan habis pakai yang masih menggunakan formulir tertulis dan program spreadsheet seperti Microsoft Excel. Algoritma C4.5 merupakan algoritma dengan menggunakan pohon keputusan. Semakin banyak data yang digunakan sebagai bahan pembelaj...

Research paper thumbnail of Sistem Cerdas Pemantau Hewan Ternak Pada Alam Bebas Berbasis Internet of Things (Iot)


One of the common problems experienced by animal farmers is heat stress or cold stress caused by ... more One of the common problems experienced by animal farmers is heat stress or cold stress caused by changes in the environment. This resulted in a decrease in the productivity of livestock, cattle. Early monitoring needs to be done to avoid problems through monitoring tools for temperature, heart rate, and internet-based location of things (IoT). The monitor receives the value through the paired sensor and is sent to the web server. Users or breeders get information about the condition of farm animals and observe changes in value through graphs through the android application. The system built is able to receive values in a short interval time (10 seconds) so that the value obtained is the most recent value. Based on observations on the graph, the user can identify drastic changes, both decreases or increases, in the temperature and heart rate of the animal's condition and take precautions as early as possible.

Research paper thumbnail of Pemetaan Lokasi Bencana Menggunakan Teknologi Sistem Informasi Geografis Sebagai Upaya Untuk Membantu Proses Mitigasi Bencana


Dalam sebuah bencana, mitigasi merupakan salah satu langkah penting untuk memberikan bantuan kepa... more Dalam sebuah bencana, mitigasi merupakan salah satu langkah penting untuk memberikan bantuan kepada para korban bencana dan mengurangi dampak. Keakuratan distribusi bantuan akan membantu korban dalam proses pemulihan yang cepat dari kejadian bencana. Informasi yang valid tentang lokasi bencana akan memudahkan instansi terkait untuk membuat keputusan dalam mitigasi bencana. Dalam penelitian ini pemetaan titik lokasi bencana dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan teknologi sistem informasi geografis. Output dari penelitian ini adalah aplikasi mobile sebagai media untuk mencatat lokasi titik-titik kejadian bencana dan dikombinasikan dengan sistem informasi geografis (GIS) berbasis web untuk merekam lokasi bencana dan data korban. Diharapkan output dari penelitian ini dapat digunakan instansi terkait seperti Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) untuk mencatat titik-titik lokasi bencana secara akurat sehingga dapat mempercepat keputusan mitigasi bencana dan penyaluran bantuan. In a disast...

Research paper thumbnail of Performance investigation of 6Lo with RPL mesh networking for home and building automation

2016 3rd International Symposium on Wireless Systems within the Conferences on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems (IDAACS-SWS), 2016

IPv6 over resource-constrained devices (6Lo) emerged as a de-facto standard for the Internet of T... more IPv6 over resource-constrained devices (6Lo) emerged as a de-facto standard for the Internet of Things (IoT) applications especially in home and building automation systems. We provide results of an investigation of the applicability of 6LoWPAN with RPL mesh networks for home and building automation use cases. The proper selection of Trickle parameters and neighbor reachable time-outs is important in the RPL protocol suite to respond efficiently to any path failure. These parameters were analyzed in the context of energy consumption w.r.t the number of control packets. The measurements were performed in an Automated Physical Testbeds (APTB). The results match the recommendation by RFC 7733 for selecting various parameters of RPL protocol suite. This paper shows the relationship between various RPL parameters and control traffic overhead during network rebuild. Comparative measurement results with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) in this work showed that 6Lo with RPL outperformed BLE in this use case with less control traffic overheads.

Research paper thumbnail of Investigations on the performance of bluetooth enabled mesh networking

2016 3rd International Symposium on Wireless Systems within the Conferences on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems (IDAACS-SWS), 2016

The Bluetooth community is in the process to develop mesh technology. This is highly promising as... more The Bluetooth community is in the process to develop mesh technology. This is highly promising as Bluetooth is widely available in Smart Phones and Tablet PCs, allowing an easy access to the Internet of Things. In this paper work, we investigate the performance of Bluetooth enabled mesh networking that we performed to identify the strengths and weaknesses. A demonstrator for this protocol has been implemented by using the Fruity Mesh protocol implementation. Extensive test cases have been executed to measure the performance, the reliability, the power consumption and the delay. For this, an Automated Physical Testbed (APTB), which emulates the physical channels has been used. The results of these measurements are considered useful for the real implementation of Bluetooth; not only for home and building automation, but also for industrial automation.

Research paper thumbnail of Vertical Take Off Landing (VTOL) Untuk Drop Kits Pada Quadcopter

Journal of Applied Smart Electrical Network and Systems, 2020

A structure due to natural disasters often occurs in Indonesia, and this is caused by the locatio... more A structure due to natural disasters often occurs in Indonesia, and this is caused by the location of Indonesia in the path of earthquakes and volcanoes. Logistics delivery in the form of medicines and food has been hampered, and this is acknowledged by the Indonesian government, which experienced many obstacles when it had to reach an isolated location due to land transportation lines being cut off. So it was designed an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) or drone that can deliver survival kits to some places that are isolated due to natural disasters autonomously. Flight orders will be made through the Mission Planner software, which is then sent to the drone using 433 MHz telemetries. Survival kits carried by drones will be dropped using a servo to a predetermined location. The work of Vertical Take-Off Landing (VTOL) for Drop Kits has successfully carried out a mission to deliver survival kits to 4 different locations in one flight. By using the 433 MHz Telemetry, the drone can trave...

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi 3D Virtual Tour DI SMKN 1 Glagah Banyuwangi

Jurnal Terapan Abdimas, 2020

Banyuwangi by utilizing virtual reality technology. This web-based system is in the form of a Vir... more Banyuwangi by utilizing virtual reality technology. This web-based system is in the form of a Virtual tour with several locations in SMKN 1 Glagah which is a combination of several 360 ° horizontal panoramic images. Implementation of community service is carried out by conducting field surveys, determining the location of points, taking panoramic images in each location, merging images as well as making a virtual tour, virtual tour trials on localhost & evaluation and continued with hosting & website publication. The web that can be accessed in https://jelajah.smkn1glagah.sch.id has 21 location points starting from the main page in front of the school to the location of the workshop department at SMKN 1 Glagah. The benefits of a virtual web tour are as a medium for introducing an online school environment to the public, especially for the prospective new students.

Research paper thumbnail of Design and Optimization of Solar Panel Based on Sun Detector

Jurnal Jartel Jurnal Jaringan Telekomunikasi

Many factors cause people to be reluctant to apply solar panel technology as a source of renewabl... more Many factors cause people to be reluctant to apply solar panel technology as a source of renewable electrical energy, one of which is the efficiency level of solar panels which is still very low because the position of solar panels is generally facing in one direction. In this study, we designed a tool that can automatically drive the solar panel motor according to the comparison value obtained from the LDR sensor. There are four LDR sensors for comparison that are used as a reference tool to move towards the brightest light intensity. From this solar panel, the power will be stored in the battery which at the same time drives the motor so that the rays obtained are more optimal and faster for charging the battery. From the results of the research conducted, the energy efficiency in a day is 9 percent from normal conditions without using optimization. It is hoped that this tool can help the community to use alternative renewable energy sources that are more effective and efficient.

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi Tracer Study Berbasis Web Robot Telegram DI SMKN Ihya Ulumudddin Banyuwangi

Jurnal terapan Abdimas, Jun 25, 2022

Alumni tracking or what is known as a tracer study is one of the most important activities at thi... more Alumni tracking or what is known as a tracer study is one of the most important activities at this time, especially in vocational-based education. With the link and match carried out in schools with industry, schools will be able to know the quality of their graduates and further information can be used to improve the learning curriculum.Currently, Ihya Ulumuddin Vocational School is conducting a tracer study still using the manual method with paper, when their alumni come to school and the results are not optimal. Completing a study tracker with this method is only able to track less than 15% of the number of graduates each year so that the picture of graduates of SMK Ihya Ulumuddin is very lacking. This data tracking study must also be submitted to the Director General of Vocational Schools at the end of each year and the school always has difficulties in providing this data. From this problem, it is said that the creation of a telegram robot application that is connected to the tracer study web application is the solution to the implementation of this tracer study. The creation of this system begins after building the system with the SMK and the application is complete, trials and implementations are carried out after the alumni graduate. Workshops and training on tracer studies were also carried out to support the implementation of this Telegram-based tracer study system. From the results of this community service, a total of 74% of the graduates were obtained in 2021. With the telegram robot that has been implemented, the tracer study implementation will assist in answering tracer study questions, making it easier to collect data on alumni of SMK Ihya Ulumuddin in an effective and efficient manner in every year.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Grit Batu Gerinda Pada Gerak Cross Feed Proses Gerinda Terhadap Getaran

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV), Nov 29, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Naive Bayes Classifier on Twitter Sentiment Analysis BPJS of HEALTH

2019 2nd International Conference of Computer and Informatics Engineering (IC2IE), 2019

Public health insurance is one indicator of the success of the government's active role in ma... more Public health insurance is one indicator of the success of the government's active role in managing and facilitating its citizens. Health media and excellent facilities undoubtedly read a positive impact on the development of society, especially at this time. BPJS, as a government health media for the people of Indonesia, of course, must bring change and be a solution to the imbalance of health services for small and medium people. Sentiment analysis of BPJS products is one solution to get information on the active role of the community as the primary user of their health products. Sentiment analysis is carried out by utilizing social media as the primary basis for data collection. In this study, the initial stage taken was data collection and continued to do Post Tagging on community tweet data. Furthermore, these data are classified again using the Naïve Bayes model to obtain optimal results. The results of the study note that BPJS health services get an accuracy rate of 70% negative for payment topics and 72% positive for information topics, and get a 65% score likely from users in using BPJS services as their health service.

Research paper thumbnail of Rancang bangun aplikasi presensi berbasis geolokasi dan interval waktu

Dewasa ini, masih banyak didapati kecurangan presensi kehadiran saat bekerja seperti melakukan ti... more Dewasa ini, masih banyak didapati kecurangan presensi kehadiran saat bekerja seperti melakukan titip absen kepada pegawai lain atau hanya absen saat jam masuk dan jam pulang, namun pegawai tersebut tidak sedang berada di kantor selama jam kerja. Hal ini dapat menyebabkan produktifitas menurun yang berakibat pada kualitas pegawai. Permasalahan ini dapat diselesaikan dengan memanfaatkan penerapan teknologi informasi dan komonukasi seperti Global Positioning System (GPS) yang dapat mendata informasi spasial seseorang dalam area lingkup. Melalui aplikasi android pada setiap perangkat yang dimiliki pegawai, dapat memudahkan serta transparansi dari kegiatan presensi. Sistem didalamnya akan membatasi cakupan area lingkup dengan area luar lingkup yang diambil dari titik koordinat latitude dan longtitu ditempat kerja. Lingkupan area ditentukan dari radius pada masing-masing lokasi. Nilai koordinat dijadikan dasar dalam kehadiran serta waktu kerja yang ditentukan dan dicek secara berkala atau...

Research paper thumbnail of Implementation and Analysis of Wireless VoIP Networks with Routerboard Management at State Polytechnic of Malang

Jurnal Jartel: Jurnal Jaringan Telekomunikasi, 2015

In this article, the implementation of wirelessVoIP at State Polytechnic of Malang uses microtic ... more In this article, the implementation of wirelessVoIP at State Polytechnic of Malang uses microtic management with the aim of knowing the QoS (Quality of Services) performance between systems without microtic management and systems using microtic management. In the implementation of this system, two tests were carried out, namely QoS testing when without proxy management and when using proxy management. From the two tests, the performance will be compared by doing data compilation using the VQ manager software. The QoS parameters to be taken are delay, jitter, packet loss and throughput. From the measurement it is known that when the VoIP server serves <= 3 calls simultaneously, the MOS value between the managed system (MOS = 3.7) and the system without management (MOS = 3.7) is almost the same because the value of delay and packet loss in the system without management and systems with management did not differ much, namely 107 ms and 83 ms, and the packet loss value was the same, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi Dan Analisis Jaringan Wireless Voip Dengan Manajemen Routerboard DI Politeknik Negeri Malang

Sistem Wireless VoIP yang diimplementasikan di Politeknik Negeri Malang mungkin saja mengalami pe... more Sistem Wireless VoIP yang diimplementasikan di Politeknik Negeri Malang mungkin saja mengalami penurunan kualitas QOS karena meningkatnya trafik oleh pengguna. Bertambahnya pengguna layanan VoIP mengakibatkan server VoIP tidak mampu melayani permintaan akses data voice dengan kualitas yang baik sehingga kebutuhan akan manajemen layanan VoIP sangat diperlukan untuk dapat menjaga kualitas layanan data voice pada VoIP. Agar kualitas layanan voice tetap terjaga, perlu dilakukan manajemen pada sistem VoIP. Manajemen sistem VoIP ini dilakukan dengan cara tetap memprioritaskan paket data VoIP pada jaringan yang dibangun. Dengan membuat proritas ini diharapkan walaupun terjadi trafik yang padat pada jaringan, kualitas layanan VoIP tetap terjaga karena paket VoIP telah menjadi prioritas utama. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan implementasi wireless VoIP di Politeknik Negeri Malang menggunakan manajemen mikrotik dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui performansi QoS ( Quality of Services ) antara siste...

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi dan Unjuk Kerja Jaringan Wireless VoIP Multi Nodes di Politeknik Negeri Banyuwangi

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) merupakan teknologi komunikasi yang sangat berkembang di era ... more Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) merupakan teknologi komunikasi yang sangat berkembang di era saat ini, khususnya karena adanya perkembangan teknologi pengiriman data. Jika sebelumnya pengguna VoIP harus menggunakan sebuah desktop dan terhubung dengan jaringan kabel, saat ini hal tersebut sudah disederhanakan dengan cukup menggunakan sebuah smartphone yang terhubung dengan jaringan wireless. Dalam implementasi jaringan wireless, pastinya akan ada beberapa access point /node yang terhubung disana dan pastinya kualitas komunikasi (QoS) akan berbeda – beda pada setiap nodes. Pada penelitian ini, Kami menggunakan elastix versi 5.0 sebagai server dan tiga buah nodes access point yang dimana nantinya dilakukan percobaan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kualitas komunikasi jika antar pengguna dan server VoIP berada di berbeda nodes. Penelitian ini diharapkan bermanfaat untuk perkembangan teknologi VoIP khususnya jika diimplementasikan pada jaringan wireless yang terdiri dari beberapa nodes.

Research paper thumbnail of Investigasi Performansi Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Pada Jaringan Wireless Dengan Menggunakan Server Elastix

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) adalah salah satu bentuk komunikasi suara dengan menggunakan ... more Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) adalah salah satu bentuk komunikasi suara dengan menggunakan internet protocol sebagai media transportasi untuk berkomunikasi. Dalam satu dekade terakhir, teknologi ini merupakan salah satu teknologi penting di dalam dunia telekomunikasi selain perkembangan media telekomunikasi dari jaringan kabel ke jarigan nirkabel. Namun, perkembangan media telekomunikasi ini juga menimbulkan beberapa tantangan untuk teknologi VoIP. Seperti yang sudah kita ketahui bahwa teknologi nirkabel ini memang memberikan solusi untuk masalah jarak dan fleksibilitas. Namun, ada hal yang harus kita berikan perhatian khusus, yaitu dari segi kualitas (QoS). Dalam penelitian ini, kami fokus membahas tentang Implementasi VoIP menggunakan server elastix dan menggunakan jaringan nirkabel dengan harapan bahwa penelitian ini bermanfaat dalam perkembangan teknologi Voice over IP melalui jaringan nirkabel.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Performances in Various Network Topologies

Buletin Pos dan Telekomunikasi, 2020

VoIP is a digital communication technology that is currently developing because VoIP can be imple... more VoIP is a digital communication technology that is currently developing because VoIP can be implemented on several network topologies, such as bus, star, and ring. Each of these topologies has advantages and disadvantages. So, a study is required to find out in which topology can VoIP be implemented optimally. In this research, VoIP is implemented in several topologies and furthermore the performance measurements are carried out for each topology. VQ manager is installed in order to measure the VoIP performance. For the server, we used Elastix and for the node implementation network topologies, we use several access points. From the results of the research, the performance of VoIP implemented in the star topology produces QoS that is better than other topologies with a delay value of 185 ms, 18 ms jitter, and 1% packet loss. This happens because in the star topology, all packets are distributed centrally. It is expected that the results of this research can be used as a reference in the application of VoIP technology in several types of topologies.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Laboratorium Teknik Informatika Dan Penentuan Pengadaan Bahan Habis Pakai Praktikum Menggunakan Algoritma C4.5

Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Informasi dan Robotika, 2019

Laboratorium Teknik Informatika Politeknik Negeri Banyuwangi bertugas untuk menyediakan sarana da... more Laboratorium Teknik Informatika Politeknik Negeri Banyuwangi bertugas untuk menyediakan sarana dan prasarana untuk mendukung pendidikan vokasi untuk mencetak tenaga terampil yang mampu bersaing di dunia kerja saat ini melalui kegiatan praktikum di laboratorium. Pengelola laboratorium mengalami kesulitan dalam mengelola, melaporkan dan mengambil kebijakan karena sedikitnya informasi tentang keadaan inventaris laboratorium baik peralatan maupun bahan habis pakai. Kesulitan juga dialami ketika menentukan pengajuan bahan habis pakai laboratorium pada setiap tahunnya, seringkali terjadi perbaikan berulang kali terhadap pengajuan bahkan pernah terjadi gagal pengadaan pada tahun tertentu. Hal ini disebabkan oleh proses inventarisasi serta pelayanan alat dan bahan habis pakai yang masih menggunakan formulir tertulis dan program spreadsheet seperti Microsoft Excel. Algoritma C4.5 merupakan algoritma dengan menggunakan pohon keputusan. Semakin banyak data yang digunakan sebagai bahan pembelaj...

Research paper thumbnail of Sistem Cerdas Pemantau Hewan Ternak Pada Alam Bebas Berbasis Internet of Things (Iot)


One of the common problems experienced by animal farmers is heat stress or cold stress caused by ... more One of the common problems experienced by animal farmers is heat stress or cold stress caused by changes in the environment. This resulted in a decrease in the productivity of livestock, cattle. Early monitoring needs to be done to avoid problems through monitoring tools for temperature, heart rate, and internet-based location of things (IoT). The monitor receives the value through the paired sensor and is sent to the web server. Users or breeders get information about the condition of farm animals and observe changes in value through graphs through the android application. The system built is able to receive values in a short interval time (10 seconds) so that the value obtained is the most recent value. Based on observations on the graph, the user can identify drastic changes, both decreases or increases, in the temperature and heart rate of the animal's condition and take precautions as early as possible.

Research paper thumbnail of Pemetaan Lokasi Bencana Menggunakan Teknologi Sistem Informasi Geografis Sebagai Upaya Untuk Membantu Proses Mitigasi Bencana


Dalam sebuah bencana, mitigasi merupakan salah satu langkah penting untuk memberikan bantuan kepa... more Dalam sebuah bencana, mitigasi merupakan salah satu langkah penting untuk memberikan bantuan kepada para korban bencana dan mengurangi dampak. Keakuratan distribusi bantuan akan membantu korban dalam proses pemulihan yang cepat dari kejadian bencana. Informasi yang valid tentang lokasi bencana akan memudahkan instansi terkait untuk membuat keputusan dalam mitigasi bencana. Dalam penelitian ini pemetaan titik lokasi bencana dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan teknologi sistem informasi geografis. Output dari penelitian ini adalah aplikasi mobile sebagai media untuk mencatat lokasi titik-titik kejadian bencana dan dikombinasikan dengan sistem informasi geografis (GIS) berbasis web untuk merekam lokasi bencana dan data korban. Diharapkan output dari penelitian ini dapat digunakan instansi terkait seperti Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) untuk mencatat titik-titik lokasi bencana secara akurat sehingga dapat mempercepat keputusan mitigasi bencana dan penyaluran bantuan. In a disast...

Research paper thumbnail of Performance investigation of 6Lo with RPL mesh networking for home and building automation

2016 3rd International Symposium on Wireless Systems within the Conferences on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems (IDAACS-SWS), 2016

IPv6 over resource-constrained devices (6Lo) emerged as a de-facto standard for the Internet of T... more IPv6 over resource-constrained devices (6Lo) emerged as a de-facto standard for the Internet of Things (IoT) applications especially in home and building automation systems. We provide results of an investigation of the applicability of 6LoWPAN with RPL mesh networks for home and building automation use cases. The proper selection of Trickle parameters and neighbor reachable time-outs is important in the RPL protocol suite to respond efficiently to any path failure. These parameters were analyzed in the context of energy consumption w.r.t the number of control packets. The measurements were performed in an Automated Physical Testbeds (APTB). The results match the recommendation by RFC 7733 for selecting various parameters of RPL protocol suite. This paper shows the relationship between various RPL parameters and control traffic overhead during network rebuild. Comparative measurement results with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) in this work showed that 6Lo with RPL outperformed BLE in this use case with less control traffic overheads.

Research paper thumbnail of Investigations on the performance of bluetooth enabled mesh networking

2016 3rd International Symposium on Wireless Systems within the Conferences on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems (IDAACS-SWS), 2016

The Bluetooth community is in the process to develop mesh technology. This is highly promising as... more The Bluetooth community is in the process to develop mesh technology. This is highly promising as Bluetooth is widely available in Smart Phones and Tablet PCs, allowing an easy access to the Internet of Things. In this paper work, we investigate the performance of Bluetooth enabled mesh networking that we performed to identify the strengths and weaknesses. A demonstrator for this protocol has been implemented by using the Fruity Mesh protocol implementation. Extensive test cases have been executed to measure the performance, the reliability, the power consumption and the delay. For this, an Automated Physical Testbed (APTB), which emulates the physical channels has been used. The results of these measurements are considered useful for the real implementation of Bluetooth; not only for home and building automation, but also for industrial automation.

Research paper thumbnail of Vertical Take Off Landing (VTOL) Untuk Drop Kits Pada Quadcopter

Journal of Applied Smart Electrical Network and Systems, 2020

A structure due to natural disasters often occurs in Indonesia, and this is caused by the locatio... more A structure due to natural disasters often occurs in Indonesia, and this is caused by the location of Indonesia in the path of earthquakes and volcanoes. Logistics delivery in the form of medicines and food has been hampered, and this is acknowledged by the Indonesian government, which experienced many obstacles when it had to reach an isolated location due to land transportation lines being cut off. So it was designed an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) or drone that can deliver survival kits to some places that are isolated due to natural disasters autonomously. Flight orders will be made through the Mission Planner software, which is then sent to the drone using 433 MHz telemetries. Survival kits carried by drones will be dropped using a servo to a predetermined location. The work of Vertical Take-Off Landing (VTOL) for Drop Kits has successfully carried out a mission to deliver survival kits to 4 different locations in one flight. By using the 433 MHz Telemetry, the drone can trave...

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi 3D Virtual Tour DI SMKN 1 Glagah Banyuwangi

Jurnal Terapan Abdimas, 2020

Banyuwangi by utilizing virtual reality technology. This web-based system is in the form of a Vir... more Banyuwangi by utilizing virtual reality technology. This web-based system is in the form of a Virtual tour with several locations in SMKN 1 Glagah which is a combination of several 360 ° horizontal panoramic images. Implementation of community service is carried out by conducting field surveys, determining the location of points, taking panoramic images in each location, merging images as well as making a virtual tour, virtual tour trials on localhost & evaluation and continued with hosting & website publication. The web that can be accessed in https://jelajah.smkn1glagah.sch.id has 21 location points starting from the main page in front of the school to the location of the workshop department at SMKN 1 Glagah. The benefits of a virtual web tour are as a medium for introducing an online school environment to the public, especially for the prospective new students.