professor_specs - Profile (original) (raw)

on 22 January 2004 (#1969644)

5 out of 25, 7th grade rachel katwan, antique telephones, arthur, awkward silences, black books, bloom county, bolshevik toupes, boombots, brian harper, british imperialism jokes, candy in trail mix, cartoons, changing blocks in qbert, cheating on gameshows, children's books, closet goths, cold bubbles, couch shaped kidneys, demanding hot dogs assertively, douglas tennapel, emptying the lint trap, enjoyable horse racing, events made linda, eyeglasses, fake ketchup in bottles, funnels, funny toothbrushes, funny toothpaste, garth marenghi, gear, geico dogs, general chaos tournaments, girls in sweaters, hammerers unite for women!, handwriting on circuit breakers, hat trick, hating steph, historic television, ice cream cone cookies, kevin costner's yearbook photo, koghead and meatus, looking underneath diving boards, looking underneath pool tables, memorizing teeth on keys, mushy funny, nes time attack movies, not cartoons, oc remix, old videogames, praying for grapes, railroad spike bugs, rain on car windows, recess, rocking out hardcore style, seriously aged dockers, skullmonkeys, smooshed cars, souffle humor, stamp-collecting trollusks, statler and waldorf, talking urinals, terry s. taylor, the doppler effect, the logic of weathermen, the neverhood, the sociology of walking, walking into interesting buildings, walt disney on speed-dial, wasted at the gugenheim, wood paneling, yellow legal pads, your life