The SYSTERS protein sequence cluster set - PubMed (original) (raw)

The SYSTERS protein sequence cluster set

A Krause et al. Nucleic Acids Res. 2000.


The SYSTERS (short for SYSTEmatic Re-Searching) protein sequence cluster set consists of the classification of all sequences from SWISS-PROT and PIR into disjoint protein family clusters and hierarchically into superfamily and subfamily clusters. The cluster set can be searched with a sequence using the SSMAL search tool or a traditional database search tool like BLAST or FASTA. Additionally a multiple alignment is generated for each cluster and annotated with domain information from the Pfam database of protein domain families. A taxonomic overview of the organisms covered by a cluster is given based on the NCBI taxonomy. The cluster set is available for querying and browsing at http://www.dkfz-heidelberg. de/tbi/services/cluster/systersform

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Figure 1

Figure 1

Overview of the SYSTERS Web server. As an example, the cluster set was searched with a query sequence (top left). A more detailed insight into the overlapping cluster O97 containing 17 sequences sorted into two subfamilies is given (middle right). Additionally, the taxonomic overview of the organisms covered by the cluster (middle left), the list of clusters contained in the corresponding superfamily (bottom left), and the domain composition of the sequences in the cluster (bottom right) is shown.

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