Polymorphous vascular patterns in dermoscopy as a sign of malignant skin tumors. A case of an amelanotic melanoma and a porocarcinoma - PubMed (original) (raw)

Case Reports

doi: 10.1159/000081486.


Case Reports

Polymorphous vascular patterns in dermoscopy as a sign of malignant skin tumors. A case of an amelanotic melanoma and a porocarcinoma

Andreas Blum et al. Dermatology. 2005.


Background: Using dermoscopy (dermatoscopy, epiluminescence microscopy), malignant skin tumors can be detected earlier and unnecessary excisions of benign tumors can be avoided.

Objective: Description of the dermoscopic vascular patterns of an amelanotic melanoma and a porocarcinoma.

Methods: Dermoscopy of an amelanotic melanoma and a porocarcinoma at 10-fold magnification.

Results: On dermoscopy polymorphous vascular patterns with pinpoint and hairpin-like vessels were seen.

Conclusion: A reddish tumor without any pigmented network, globules or streaks but with polymorphous vascular patterns must be considered a malignant melanocytic or nonmelanocytic skin tumor.

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