MicroRNA targeting specificity in mammals: determinants beyond seed pairing - PubMed (original) (raw)

MicroRNA targeting specificity in mammals: determinants beyond seed pairing

Andrew Grimson et al. Mol Cell. 2007.


Mammalian microRNAs (miRNAs) pair to 3'UTRs of mRNAs to direct their posttranscriptional repression. Important for target recognition are approximately 7 nt sites that match the seed region of the miRNA. However, these seed matches are not always sufficient for repression, indicating that other characteristics help specify targeting. By combining computational and experimental approaches, we uncovered five general features of site context that boost site efficacy: AU-rich nucleotide composition near the site, proximity to sites for coexpressed miRNAs (which leads to cooperative action), proximity to residues pairing to miRNA nucleotides 13-16, positioning within the 3'UTR at least 15 nt from the stop codon, and positioning away from the center of long UTRs. A model combining these context determinants quantitatively predicts site performance both for exogenously added miRNAs and for endogenous miRNA-message interactions. Because it predicts site efficacy without recourse to evolutionary conservation, the model also identifies effective nonconserved sites and siRNA off-targets.

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Figure 1

Figure 1. Downregulation of messages with 6-8mer sites

(A) Canonical miRNA complementary sites. (B) Effectiveness of single canonical sites. Changes in abundance of mRNAs following miRNA transfection were monitored with microarrays. Distributions of changes (0.1 unit bins) for messages containing the indicated single sites in their UTRs are shown (left), together with the cumulative distributions (right). The dashed line in the cumulative distributions indicates that 27% of mRNAs with UTRs containing a single 8mer were down-regulated at least 29% (2−0.5 = 0.71). Results of eleven experiments, each performed in duplicate and each transfecting a duplex for a different miRNA (Table S2), were consolidated. Results shown were an amalgam of the data from all 11 miRNAs; the relative strengths of the different sites were consistent when examining each transfection individually. For the cumulative plots, the minimal fraction of downregulated genes in that distribution is reported (parentheses), based on comparison with the no site distribution. Repression from UTRs containing an 8mer site was significantly more than that from UTRs with a 7mer-m1 site (P < 10−20, 1-sided K-S test); similar comparisons between UTRs containing a 7mer-m8 site versus a 7mer-A1 site, a 7mer-A1 versus a 6mer, and, a 6mer versus no site were also significant (_P_ < 10−6, _P_ < 10−20 and _P_ < 10−31, respectively). (C) Increased effectiveness of dual sites. Changes in mRNA abundance following miRNA transfection, represented as in B, except mRNAs with 3'UTRs containing the indicated pairs of sites were monitored. Repression from UTRs containing both an 8mer and either a 7mer or 8mer site was significantly more than that from UTRs with two 7mer-m8 sites (_P_ < 10−3, 1-sided K-S test); similar comparisons between UTRs containing two 7mer-m8 sites versus two 7mer-A1 sites, two 7mer-A1 versus two 6mer, and, two 6mer versus no site were also significant (_P_ = 0.034, _P_ < 10−11 and _P_ < 10−6 respectively). (D) Independence of most dual sites. Cumulative distributions of changes in mRNA levels following miRNA transfection for messages containing the indicated combinations of miRNA binding sites. Simulated values for 3'UTRs containing two 7mer sites (green) were calculated by combining the effect of two single 7mers; actual values for 3'UTRs containing two 7mers are in blue and those with length-matched UTRs containing single 7mers are in purple; otherwise as shown for Figure 1B. (E) Synergism between closely spaced sites. Cumulative distributions of changes in mRNA levels as for (D), except the plot for two observed sites (blue) only considered 3'UTRs containing two closely spaced 7mers (within 100 nt of each other). Repression from UTRs containing two adjacent sites was significantly increased compared to simulated UTRs containing one plus one site (_P_ = 0.040, 1000 resampling iterations), whereas repression from UTRs containing two sites irrespective of distance did not significantly differ from simulated UTRs containing one plus one site (_P_ = 0.81). (F) Selective maintenance of dual sites spaced at different intervals. Human 3'UTRs with exactly two 7mer sites to the same miRNA were binned based on inter-site distance (counting the number of nucleotides between the 3' nt of the first site and the 5' nt of the second site). The number of conserved dual sites exceeding the background (as estimated from the average of control cohorts) was plotted after performing for each bin site-conservation analysis analogous to that in Lewis et al (2005), using the miRNA families conserved broadly among vertebrates (Table S1). (G) MicroRNA-mediated repression of luciferase reporter genes fused to 3'UTR fragments containing two miR-124 target sites with different spacing intervals. After normalizing to the transfection control, luciferase activity from HeLa cells cotransfected with each reporter construct and its cognate miRNA (miR-124) was normalized to that from cotransfection of each reporter with its non-cognate miRNA (miR-1). Plotted are the normalized values, with error bars representing the third largest and third smallest values among 12 replicates. _P_ values (Wilcoxon rank-sum test) indicate whether repression from a reporter containing both sites (blue) was significantly greater than expected from multiplicative effects (green). For modeling independent activity of sites, repression expected from a reporter with two sites was the product of repression observed from otherwise identical reporters containing single intact sites (purple and yellow; pairing off the repression values in the order that they were generated). Reporters of the rightmost quintet were identical to those of the leftmost quintet, except the point substitutions disrupting target sites differed. (H) Repression observed for the reporter constructs as in the leftmost quintet of (G) but modified such that both miR-124 sites were substituted with miR-1 sites. miR-196 served as the noncognate miRNA. (I) Repression of reporter constructs containing 3'UTR fragments with naturally closely spaced miR-1 and miR-133 sites, compared to that of mutant derivatives of these fragments. A mixture of miR-1 and miR-133 was co-transfected as the cognate miRNA, and miR-196 served as the noncognate control. (J) Cooperativity between sites to transfected and endogenous miRNAs in HeLa. Endogenous sites considered were those for _let-7_ RNA, miR-16, miR-21, miR-23, miR-24, miR-27, and miR-30 (Tom Tuschl, personal communication). 7mer-m8 sites at a cooperative distance (>7 nt and <40 nt) from an endogenous miRNA 7-8mer site were significantly more downregulated than sites that were either too close to an endogenous miRNA (≤7 nt, including overlapping sites; P = 0.0054, 1-sided K-S test), or not close to an endogenous site (≥40 nt, or no endogenous site, P = 0.036, 1-sided K-S test).

Figure 2

Figure 2. Characteristics of beneficial 3' pairing

(A) Pairing scheme, highlighting the core region of productive 3' pairing between the miRNA (orange) and 3'UTR (green). (B) Preferential position of supplementary pairing within the miRNA 3' region. Starting with 7mer-m8 sites for representative vertebrate miRNAs of Table S1, a 4mer window was slid across the 3' end of the miRNA, searching for its Watson-Crick match in the opposing region of the message. A 3' pairing score was assigned to each miRNA 4mer, crediting one point for each contiguous pair within the 4mer, a half point for extending the contiguous pairing 1 nt upstream and a half point for extending it 1 nt downstream. The position of the miRNA 4mer and its complement in the message were allowed to be offset, but a ½ point penalty was assessed for each nucleotide of offset beyond ± 2 nt, and pairing to message positions already paired to the miRNA seed region (1–8) was disallowed. When the 4mer had alternative regions of contiguous pairing, it was assigned the highest of the alternative scores. For each position, the Spearman correlation between the score and down-regulation on the array was determined and its P value plotted. (C) Preferred offsets between paired regions of miRNA and mRNA. Analysis of (B) was repeated using a 4mer fixed at miRNA nucleotides 13–16, and the correlation between score and down-regulation was evaluated for alternative pairing offsets. A positive offset shifts the miRNA 3' pairing segment to the right, relative to the message. (D) Preferential positions of conserved pairing. Human 3'UTRs were scanned for sites with at least a 6mer seed match to miRNAs of Table S1. For each contiguous 4mer beginning at nucleotide 9 of the miRNA, we searched for the complementary Watson-Crick 4mer directly opposite in the message, allowing for a ± 2-nt offset and excluding overlap into nucleotides 1–8. Those cases in which the seed and its supplemental 4mer were co-conserved were considered conserved instances of 3' pairing. This was compared to control chimeric miRNA sequences with the same 5' seed sequence but with the 3' end of a different miRNA, and signal/background was calculated. The analysis was repeated for 3mers and 5mers. (E) 4mers conserved among paralogous human miRNAs. For each position the number of human miRNA families that have a perfectly conserved 4mer is indicated; families with only a single human paralog were excluded. (F) Effectiveness of 7mer-m8 sites compensated with either good or poor 3' pairing. Distributions (left) and cumulative distributions (right) of changes in abundance of mRNAs following miRNA transfection were monitored with microarrays, and are displayed as in Figure 1B, including for reference the results of canonical 8mer sites. Sites with good pairing were those with scores ≥ 4 and sites with poor pairing were those with scores ≤ 2. Pairing score was determined as in (B) but using a fixed miRNA 4mer corresponding to nucleotides 13–16 and crediting contiguous pairing elsewhere with ½ point per pair. Sites with good pairing were significantly more effective than sites with poor pairing (P = 0.007, 1-sided K-S test).

Figure 3

Figure 3. Substantial influence of local AU content

(A) Preferred nucleotide composition in the vicinity of effective and conserved 8mer sites. For the site-efficacy analysis (green), sites associated with the greatest down-regulation in the expression arrays (top third of sites when ranking for down-regulation) were compared with those associated with least down-regulation (bottom third of sites). At each position, counting from the site, the fractional difference in AU composition within a ±5-nt window is plotted. The analysis was repeated for conservation (blue), comparing nucleotide composition flanking conserved sites versus nonconserved sites for the 11 miRNA families (Table S1). (B) Weighting of the AU composition for the different types of sites. For each position within 30 nt upstream and downstream of the site, the presence of an A or a U increased the score for the site by an amount proportional to the height of the bar for that nucleotide. When moving away from the site, the weight (bar height) decreased with the inverse of the distance from the site. For example, the weight of the nucleotides downstream of the 8mer were 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5 … that of the nucleotide upstream of the 8mer. (C) Effectiveness of 8mer (left) and 7mer-m8 (right) sites with varying local AU content. Sites were separated into four quartiles according to rubrics of (B). For reference, the results of another canonical site is included (grey), otherwise as in Figure 1B. For both site types, the quartile with the highest local AU content was significantly more downregulated than the quartile with the lowest local AU content (P < 10−7 for 8mer sites, P < 10−29 for 7mer-m1 sites). (D) Site-depletion analysis implying greater efficacy of sites emerging with high local AU composition. To evaluate the efficacy of sites in different local AU contexts, sites were partitioned at the median into two equal-sized groups based on their local AU content, and the depletion analysis was performed for each tissue-miRNA pair. P values indicate the extent of depletion for individual pairs. The boxes on the grid indicate those pairs in which the miRNA is expressed, which was where highly expressed messages were expected to be most depleted in sites to that miRNA.

Figure 4

Figure 4. Poor efficacy of sites within 15 nt of the stop codon

(A) Distributions (left) and cumulative distributions (right) of changes to the levels of messages with one 8mer site following miRNA transfection, analyzed and displayed as in Figure 1B. Messages with a site in their 3'UTR or ORF were significantly more repressed than those with no site (P < 10−126 and < 10−16, respectively), whereas those in 5'UTRs were not (P = 0.181). (B) Conservation of 7-8mer sites in the region near the stop codon. Plotted are the number of sites conserved above background per nucleotide in the ±5-nt window centered on the indicated mRNA position, with position 0 being the first nucleotide of the 3'UTR. A site was scored as within the window if the 5'-most nucleotide of the 7-8mer was within the window. (C) MicroRNA-mediated repression of luciferase reporter genes fused to 3'UTR fragments containing miR-124 sites or mutant derivatives. After normalizing for transfection, luciferase activity from HeLa cells cotransfected with each reporter construct and its cognate miRNA (green and blue bars) was normalized to that from co-transfection of each reporter with its non-cognate miRNA (purple and orange bars). Error bars represent the fourth largest and smallest values among 18 replicates. P values (Wilcoxon rank-sum test) indicate whether repression from reporters containing the original ORF (blue) was significantly greater than that with a reporter with an extended ORF that stopped 9 nt from the upstream site (green).

Figure 5

Figure 5. Poorer performance of sites near the middle of long 3'UTRs

(A) Fraction of sites associated with repression for 8mers residing at different positions in 3'UTRs. UTRs of at least 1300 nt with single 8mer sites were split into 10 equally spaced bins based on the relative position of the site (distance from stop codon divided by the UTR length). For each bin, the point is plotted that corresponded to the mean site position and the fraction of messages downregulated at a threshold P < 0.05 on the microarray. The lines are the least-squares fit to all the data, using a model assuming equal effects from both ends of the UTR. (B) Number of sites conserved above background for 8mers residing at different positions in 3'UTRs. UTRs of at least 1300 nt were divided into 10 equally spaced bins, and each bin, the point is plotted that corresponded to the mean site position and the number of sites conserved above the background. The lines are the least-squares fit to the binned data, using a model assuming equal effects from both ends of the UTR. (C) Site-depletion analysis implying greater efficacy of sites near the ends of UTRs. To evaluate the efficacy of sites in different UTR regions, total 3'UTR sequence for mouse UTRs of at least 1300 nt was divided into the middle half (right panel) and the two remaining terminal quarters (left), and the depletion analysis was performed for each group as in Figure 3D.

Figure 6

Figure 6. A quantitative model that considers site context to predict site efficacy

(A) Increased efficacy of 7mer-m8 sites with more 3' pairing. Messages with a single site were scored as described in Figure 2F, and for each score, the mean downregulation on the microarray is plotted. The regression line is the best least-squares fit to the full data and represents the relationship between score and downregulation on the array (P < 10−3, r = −0.07, Pearson correlation). The average log2 fold change (−0.161) is indicated (dashed line). The few sites with pairing score <1 or >5 were folded into the first and last bins, respectively. (B) Increased efficacy of 7mer-m8 sites within higher local AU content. Messages with a single site were split into 14 equally sized bins based on scoring described in Figure 3B, where 1.0 equaled the maximum possible score. For each bin, the point is plotted that corresponded to the mean score and the mean downregulation on the microarray, and the line was fit as in (A) (P < 10−32, r = −0.21, Pearson correlation). (C) Decreased efficacy of 7mer-m8 sites further from the 3'UTR ends. Messages with a single site were split into 14 equally sized bins based on their distance from the closest UTR ends, and the points and regression line were plotted as in (B) (P < 10−8, r = 0.11, Pearson correlation). (D) Correspondence between the predicted and observed efficacy of single 7mer-m8 sites. Messages with a single site were split into 14 equally sized bins based on their the context score, calculated for each message by predicting the offsets from the mean for the three context determinants (panels A–C) and then adding these three contributions to the average log2 fold change for 7mer-m8 sites (Figure S6). Points correspond to the mean score and mean downregulation for each bin. The regression line is the best least-squares fit to the full data (P < 10−45, r = 0.25, Pearson correlation). (E) Performance of the combined model when applied to a dataset that was not used to derive the model. Shown are the cumulative distributions of changes in mRNA levels following siRNA transfection (Jackson et al. 2003) after first predicting the top and bottom quartiles using context scores calculated as in (D) for messages with single 7mer-m8 sites to the siRNAs (Figure S5); otherwise as shown for Figure 1B (P < 10−31, 2-sided KS test, comparing top and bottom quartiles). (F) A unified model that considers the differential efficacy of the 7-8mer canonical sites and the influence of context determinants. Human messages with a single 7mer-A1, 7mer-m8, or 8mer site were split into two sets based on whether the site was conserved in orthologous UTRs of mouse, rat and dog. For each site, a context score was calculated using the regressions of panels A–C and analogous ones for the other two types of sites (Table S6). For conserved (orange) and nonconserved (blue) sets, sites were divided into 14 bins based on context score, and the mean score and mean repression was plotted for each bin. The regression lines were fit to the full data (conserved: P < 10−24, r = 0.25, nonconserved: P < 10−50, r = 0.32, Pearson correlations). (G) Performance of different types of sites predicted to be in favorable or unfavorable contexts, as ranked using the context scores of (F). Shown are the minimum number of downregulated messages, as calculated using cumulative distributions like that of (E). (H) MicroRNA-mediated repression of luciferase reporter genes fused to 3'UTR fragments containing a single 7mer-m8 miR-25 site located in favorable context. After normalizing to the transfection control, luciferase activity from HEK293 cells cotransfected with each reporter construct and its cognate miRNA (miR-25) was normalized to that from cotransfection of a reporter with a mutated miR-25 site and cognate miRNA. Similarly, luciferase acitivity from cotransfected wild-type reporter constructs and non-cognate miRNA (miR-196) was normalized to that from cotransfection of mutant reporter constructs and non-cognate miRNA. Plotted are the normalized values, with error bars representing the third largest and third smallest values among 12 replicates, with significant repression when comparing results for the cognate and noncognate miRNA indicated (*, P < 0.01; **, P < 0.001; Wilcoxon rank-sum test). Below each gene name is the context score for the miR-25 site and the three context contributions used to calculate, as in (D), this score. (I) MicroRNA-mediated repression of luciferase reporter genes fused to 3'UTR fragments containing a single 7mer-m8 miR-25 target site located in unfavorable context, otherwise as in (H).

Figure 7

Figure 7. Relevance of the model and its component features for endogenous miRNA targeting

(A) Correspondence between context score and in vivo efficacy for endogenous miR-430-target interactions in zebrafish. Messages containing 6mer, 7mer-A1, 7mer-m8, or 8mer sites were analyzed as in Figure 6F, using published array data (Giraldez et al. 2006) monitoring the stabilization of endogenous messages after removing miR-430 and other miRNAs. (B) Correspondence between context score and in vivo efficacy for miR-430-target interactions after restoring miR-430 to embryos missing all miRNAs (Giraldez et al. 2006), analyzed as in (A). (C) Correspondence between context score and in vivo efficacy for endogenous miR-122-target interactions in mouse liver. Analyzed as in (A), using published array data (Krutzfeldt et al. 2005) monitoring the stabilization of endogenous messages after inhibiting endogenous miR-122. (D) Correspondence between context score and in vivo efficacy for endogenous miR-155-target interactions in mouse T cells. Analyzed as in (A), using published array data (Rodriguez et al. 2007) monitoring the stabilization of endogenous messages after deleting miR-155. (E) Confirmation that the 3' pairing score correlates with endogenous targeting efficacy. Messages containing 6mer, 7mer-A1, 7mer-m8, or 8mer sites were analyzed as in Figure 6A, using published array data (Rodriguez et al. 2007) monitoring the stabilization of endogenous T-cell messages after deleting miR-155. To enable data for all four site types to be considered in aggregate, values were normalized by the average log2 fold change for each site type. Linear regression on all the data (red line), as in Figure 6A, yielded a significant correlation (P = 0.003, r = .10, Pearson correlation). As discussed for the siRNA transfection dataset (Figure S5A), this linear model appeared too simple because messages with sites scoring < 3 displayed no discernable trend (dashed blue line), whereas the handful of messages with high-scoring sites (<3% of sites have scores ≥ 4) were associated with strong de-repression. Linear regression on only the data with scores ≥ 3 (blue line) yielded a significant correlation (P = 0.004, Pearson correlation). (F) Confirmation that local AU content correlates with endogenous targeting efficacy. Analyzed as in (A), except sites were scored for local AU content, as in Figure 6B (P < 10−3, r = 0.12, Pearson correlation). (G) Confirmation that site position correlates with endogenous targeting efficacy. Analyzed as in (A), except sites were scored for position, as in Figure 6C (P < 10−4, r = −0.14, Pearson correlation).


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