Dynamic interaction of amphiphysin with N-WASP regulates actin assembly - PubMed (original) (raw)

. 2009 Dec 4;284(49):34244-56.

doi: 10.1074/jbc.M109.064204. Epub 2009 Sep 16.

Sergi Padilla-Parra, Sun-Joo Park, Toshiki Itoh, Mathilde Chaineau, Ilaria Monaldi, Ottavio Cremona, Fabio Benfenati, Pietro De Camilli, Maïté Coppey-Moisan, Marc Tramier, Thierry Galli, Kohji Takei


Dynamic interaction of amphiphysin with N-WASP regulates actin assembly

Hiroshi Yamada et al. J Biol Chem. 2009.


Amphiphysin 1, an endocytic adaptor concentrated at synapses that couples clathrin-mediated endocytosis to dynamin-dependent fission, was also shown to have a regulatory role in actin dynamics. Here, we report that amphiphysin 1 interacts with N-WASP and stimulates N-WASP- and Arp2/3-dependent actin polymerization. Both the Src homology 3 and the N-BAR domains are required for this stimulation. Acidic liposome-triggered, N-WASP-dependent actin polymerization is strongly impaired in brain cytosol of amphiphysin 1 knock-out mice. FRET-FLIM analysis of Sertoli cells, where endogenously expressed amphiphysin 1 co-localizes with N-WASP in peripheral ruffles, confirmed the association between the two proteins in vivo. This association undergoes regulation and is enhanced by stimulating phosphatidylserine receptors on the cell surface with phosphatidylserine-containing liposomes that trigger ruffle formation. These results indicate that actin regulation is a key function of amphiphysin 1 and that such function cooperates with the endocytic adaptor role and membrane shaping/curvature sensing properties of the protein during the endocytic reaction.

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Actin dynamics is reduced in amphiphysin 1−/− in synapse and brain cytosol. A, liposome-induced actin polymerization measured by pyrene fluorescence. Wild type brain cytosols were treated with 100 μ


liposomes composed of 50% PS and 50% PC (+PS-lipo.) or 90% PC and 10% PI(4,5)P2 (+PI(4,5)P_2_-lipo.). As controls, the incubation was carried out in the presence of 100 μ


100% PC (+PC-lipo.) or in the absence of liposomes (+Buffer). Time 0 indicates the time when the liposomes were added. B, inhibition of PS-induced actin polymerization by wiskostatin. Brain cytosol was pretreated with 5 or 10 μ


wiskostatin (Wisko.) for 10 min. Then, the cytosol was stimulated with PS-liposomes or PC-liposomes. C, reduction of actin polymerization in amphiphysin 1−/− brain cytosol ((−/−) + PS-lipo.). The reduction was recovered in the presence of PS by adding back 1 or 2 μ


of recombinant full-length amphiphysin to the amphiphysin 1−/− cytosol. The incubation was carried out as in B. D, actin, but not dynamin 1 and synaptophysin, was decreased in amphiphysin 1−/− synaptosomes. Quantitative comparison of actin levels in total brain cytosol (left panel, n = 8 for both genotypes) and synaptosomes (right panel, n = 4 for both genotypes) from WT or amphiphysin 1−/− mice. Twenty μg of each fraction per lane were analyzed. Representative Western blots using antibody directed against actin, synaptophysin, or dynamin 1 were shown (upper panel). The amount of actin was measured by densitometry. Statistical significance was determined by Student's t tests (**, p < 0.01). E, cycling of actin assembly in depolarized synaptosomes. Synaptosomes from of WT (closed circles) and amphiphysin 1−/− mice (open circles) were depolarized with high K+ for the indicated times. Amounts of F-actin (left panel) and G-actin (right panel) were fluorometrically measured by rhodamine-phalloidin and Oregon Green-DNase I, respectively. Each data point represents the mean ± S.E. of the fluorometric readings performed from 10 independent experiments.



Actin dynamics is reduced in amphiphysin 1−/− in synapse and brain cytosol. A, liposome-induced actin polymerization measured by pyrene fluorescence. Wild type brain cytosols were treated with 100 μ


liposomes composed of 50% PS and 50% PC (+PS-lipo.) or 90% PC and 10% PI(4,5)P2 (+PI(4,5)P_2_-lipo.). As controls, the incubation was carried out in the presence of 100 μ


100% PC (+PC-lipo.) or in the absence of liposomes (+Buffer). Time 0 indicates the time when the liposomes were added. B, inhibition of PS-induced actin polymerization by wiskostatin. Brain cytosol was pretreated with 5 or 10 μ


wiskostatin (Wisko.) for 10 min. Then, the cytosol was stimulated with PS-liposomes or PC-liposomes. C, reduction of actin polymerization in amphiphysin 1−/− brain cytosol ((−/−) + PS-lipo.). The reduction was recovered in the presence of PS by adding back 1 or 2 μ


of recombinant full-length amphiphysin to the amphiphysin 1−/− cytosol. The incubation was carried out as in B. D, actin, but not dynamin 1 and synaptophysin, was decreased in amphiphysin 1−/− synaptosomes. Quantitative comparison of actin levels in total brain cytosol (left panel, n = 8 for both genotypes) and synaptosomes (right panel, n = 4 for both genotypes) from WT or amphiphysin 1−/− mice. Twenty μg of each fraction per lane were analyzed. Representative Western blots using antibody directed against actin, synaptophysin, or dynamin 1 were shown (upper panel). The amount of actin was measured by densitometry. Statistical significance was determined by Student's t tests (**, p < 0.01). E, cycling of actin assembly in depolarized synaptosomes. Synaptosomes from of WT (closed circles) and amphiphysin 1−/− mice (open circles) were depolarized with high K+ for the indicated times. Amounts of F-actin (left panel) and G-actin (right panel) were fluorometrically measured by rhodamine-phalloidin and Oregon Green-DNase I, respectively. Each data point represents the mean ± S.E. of the fluorometric readings performed from 10 independent experiments.



Amphiphysin 1 directly interacts with N-WASP. SH3-mediated binding of amphiphysin 1 (Amph) with N-WASP in synaptosomes (A) and Sertoli cells (B). A, Western blot analysis of a representative pulldown experiment from RIPA extracts of rat brain synaptosomes (2 mg of protein/sample) with GST or GST fused to the SH3 domains of amphiphysin 1 (5 nmol of fusion protein/sample preadsorbed to 60 μl of GSH-Sepharose). Wave was used as a negative control. Proteins that bound to GSH beads were probed with antibodies recognizing both endogenous N-WASP and WAVE. The 1st lane (Input) shows the total amount of N-WASP and WAVE in the starting material. The experiments were performed five times with similar results. B, 300 μg of GST-Amph (WT), GST-Amph (Δ_SH3_), GST-Amph (SH3), GST-Amph (Δ_N-BAR_), or GST bound to GSH beads were incubated with 0.7 mg of Ser-W3 cell lysates transfected with myc-N-WASP proteins solubilized by 1% Triton X-100 for 2 h. N-WASP bound to the beads was analyzed by Western blotting with antibodies against Myc. The same samples were analyzed using anti-dynamin 2 antibodies. C, pulldown experiments using purified proteins. His6-N-WASP at 100 μg was incubated with 50 μl of Ni-NTA beads for 1 h at 4 °C. After gentle washing, 20 μl of His6-N-WASP-bound Ni-NTA beads or Ni-NTA beads alone were incubated with 50 μg of amphiphysin WT in PBS (pH 8.0) containing 0.01% Tween 20 at 4 °C for 2 h. N-WASP and amphiphysin WT (Amph WT) bound to the beads were separated by SDS-PAGE and stained with Coomassie Brilliant Blue. Five hundred ng of His6-N-WASP or amphiphysin WT were loaded as standards.



Amphiphysin 1 stimulates N-WASP-dependent actin assembly. A, actin polymerization with 60 n


Arp2/3 complex and 100 n


N-WASP in XB buffer was examined in the presence of various concentrations of recombinant amphiphysin 1 (+Amph WT). One hundred n


GST-VCA was used as positive control as described previously (20, 44). B, domain structures of the amphiphysin 1 constructs used in C. N-BAR, N-terminal amphipathic helix preceding the consensus BAR (BIN/amphiphysin/Rvs) domain; PRS, proline-rich stretch; CLAP, clathrin-AP2-binding domain; SH3, Src homology 3. C, both N-BAR and SH3 domain are required for stimulating N-WASP-dependent actin assembly. Actin polymerization with Arp2/3 complex and N-WASP proteins was examined as described in A using 5 μ


of mutant proteins.



Amphiphysin 1 and N-WASP accumulate at ruffles. Ser-W3 cells were transfected with myc-N-WASP. After 24 h of transfection, ruffle formation was induced by stimulating PS receptors on the cell surface with 0.25 m


PS-liposomes at 37 °C for 10 min. Cells were fixed, permeabilized, and stained with anti-Myc antibodies and/or anti-amphiphysin 1 (Amph 1) antibodies (monoclonal antibody 3). Actin filaments were visualized by Alexa 568-phalloidin. Arrowheads in the upper panel indicate ruffles. Areas enclosed with rectangles in the middle panel were shown at higher magnification in the lower panel. Note that the co-localization of amphiphysin 1 and N-WASP is restricted to ruffles (arrowheads). Bar, 20 μm.



Amphiphysin 1-N-WASP complex is involved in PS-dependent ruffle formation. A, dysfunction of N-WASP causes decrease of PS-dependent ruffle formation in Ser-W3 cells. Ser-W3 cells were preincubated with or without wiskostatin (Wisko.) at the indicated concentrations at 37 °C for 30 min, and then cells were stimulated, and the ruffle formation was analyzed. All results represent the mean ± S.E. from the three experiments. Statistical significance was determined by Student's t tests (**, p < 0.01; *, p < 0.05). Bar, 20 μm. B, expression of mCherry-tagged proline-rich domain of N-WASP inhibited PS-dependent recruitment of amphiphysin 1 (Amph) to cell periphery in Ser-W3 cells (B, left two columns) and ruffle formation (B, right two columns). Cells were stimulated with PS-liposomes at 37 °C for 10 min. Then, endogenous amphiphysin 1 or F-actin was stained with anti-amphiphysin 1 antibodies (monoclonal antibody 3) or Alexa 488-phalloidin. Bar, 10 μm. C, effect of Myc-taggedΔN-BAR of amphiphysin 1 on PS-dependent ruffle formation was shown. Quantitative analysis for the results in B and C represents the mean ± S.E. from the three experiments. Statistical significance was determined by Student's t tests (**, p < 0.01). Bar, 10 μm. All the samples were examined by fluorescent confocal microscopy, and representative micrographs are shown. Arrowheads indicate ruffles.



Dimerization of amphiphysin 1 in Ser-W3 cell by FRET-FLIM. A, dimerization of amphiphysin 1 in Ser-W3 cells. FLIM and minimal fraction of donor engaged in FRET (_mf_D) images of GFP-amphiphysin expressed alone as control (upper panel) or with amphiphysin 1-mCherry (lower panel) were obtained using TriMscope as described under “Experimental Procedures.” Three-dimensional representation of _mf_D images was obtained using a threshold limit given by the control (0.2). GFP-lifetime decreased in the presence of amphiphysin 1-mCherry. Bar, 10 μm. B, lifetime (left panel) and _mf_D histograms (right panel) of the control (green) and the co-transfection (red) cells show a decrease of the GFP lifetime from 2.48 ns (control) to 2.41 ns (co-expression) and the mean value of _mf_D from 0 (control) to 0.11 (co-expression).



Spatio-temporal association of amphiphysin 1 with N-WASP. A, amphiphysin 1/N-WASP interaction. FLIM and _mf_D images of GFP-amphiphysin 1 expressed alone as control (upper panel) or with mCherry-N-WASP (lower panel) present a localized decrease at the periphery of the cell (shown by arrowhead). Three-dimensional _mf_D image (threshold limit of 0.1 given by the control) highlights the localization and its extent (up to 0.30 for this example). Bar, 10 μm. B, lifetime (left panel) and _mf_D histograms (right panel) of control (green) and co-transfected (red) cells show a lifetime and _mf_D variation from 2.48 ns (control) to 2.43 ns (co-expression) and from 0 (control) to 0.09 (co-expression), respectively. C, time-lapse of amphiphysin 1/N-WASP interaction. GFP-amphiphysin 1 expressed with mCherry-N-WASP in Ser-W3 cell was imaged and captured every 12 s during 240 s using the TriM-FLIM system. Time-lapse of the 20 _mf_D images is presented in

supplemental Movie S1

. Here, three-dimensional images of _mf_D values at time 60, 72, and 84 s are shown (threshold limit of 0.1 given by the control), exhibiting the increase of transient localized amphiphysin 1/N-WASP interaction at the periphery of the cell. D, time profile of the region of interest shown in C during all the time-lapse experiments presents two consecutive peaks for amphiphysin 1/N-WASP transient interaction (time lag 7 (84 s) and time lag 15 (180 s)) at the same region of the cell.



Possible role of amphiphysin 1-N-WASP complex in actin assembly. N-WASP is activated upon binding to the amphiphysin dimer, and the complex induces Arp2/3-dependent actin assembly. This interaction occurs in proximity to the plasma membrane where polymerized actin network may assist dynamin-dependent endocytosis or support ruffle formation. For simplification, coat components and other actin related proteins are omitted.

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