Leukocyte adhesion receptors are stored in peroxidase-negative granules of human neutrophils - PubMed (original) (raw)

Leukocyte adhesion receptors are stored in peroxidase-negative granules of human neutrophils

D F Bainton et al. J Exp Med. 1987.


Previous studies have suggested that the leukocyte adhesion proteins Mac-1 and p150,95 are stored in a latent intracellular pool in neutrophils, and cellular fractionation studies have shown that Mac-1 is localized primarily in the peroxidase-negative specific granules. To determine the subcellular location of leukocyte adhesion receptors (LAR), we used immunocytochemical techniques on frozen thin sections of human blood leukocytes that had been incubated for peroxidase to mark the peroxidase-positive azurophil granules. To enhance the sensitivity of detection, polyclonal antibodies against immunoaffinity-purified p150,95 were raised in rabbits and absorbed with leukocytes from a patient deficient in this protein. The antiserum reacted with p150,95 and two other antigens with the same beta subunit, Mac-1 and lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1 (LFA-1). In neutrophils, we observed immunogold label for LAR predominantly on the membranes of peroxidase-negative granules, and in smaller amounts on the plasma and perinuclear membranes. In double-label experiments, there was colocalization of LAR with lactoferrin in some of the peroxidase-negative granules. We conclude that the latent pool of LAR resides in the membranes of peroxidase-negative granules. A significant increase in label on the plasma membrane of neutrophils stimulated with PMA is consistent with secretion of LAR to the exterior of the cell during degranulation. While LFA-1 appears very early in neutrophil maturation, it is becoming clear that Mac-1 and p150,95 are upregulated from an intracellular storage pool of peroxidase-negative granules that appear during the myelocyte stage of differentiation. Further studies are indicated to determine the significance of these proteins on the plasma membrane of two other granulocytes, eosinophils and basophils.

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