Conservation of primary structure in the hisI gene of the archaebacterium, Methanococcus vannielii, the eubacterium Escherichia coli, and the eucaryote Saccharomyces cerevisiae - PubMed (original) (raw)

Comparative Study

. 1986 Jul;204(1):133-40.

doi: 10.1007/BF00330200.

Comparative Study

Conservation of primary structure in the hisI gene of the archaebacterium, Methanococcus vannielii, the eubacterium Escherichia coli, and the eucaryote Saccharomyces cerevisiae

G S Beckler et al. Mol Gen Genet. 1986 Jul.


A 2.7 kilobase pair (Kb) fragment of DNA, which complements mutations in the hisI locus of Escherichia coli, has been cloned and sequenced from the genome of the methanogenic archaebacterium Methanococcus vannielii. The cloned DNA directs the synthesis of three polypeptides, with molecular weights of 71,000, 29,000 and 15,600 in minicells of E. coli. Subcloning and mutagenesis demonstrates that hisI complementation results from the activity of the 15,600 molecular weight polypeptide. The primary structure of this archaebacterial gene and its gene product have been compared with the functionally equivalent gene and protein from the eubacterium E. coli (hisI) (Chiariotti et al. 1986) and from the eucaryote Saccharomyces cerevisiae (his4A) (Donahue et al. 1982). The DNA sequences of the archaebacterial and eubacterial genes are 40% homologous, the archaebacterial and eucaryotic DNA sequences are 47% homologous and, as previously reported (Bruni et al. 1986) the eubacterial and eucaryotic DNA sequences are 45% homologous. In E. coli the hisI locus is part of a bifunctional gene (hisI/E) within the single his operon. In S. cerevisiae the his4A locus is part of a multifunctional gene (his4) which encodes a protein with at least four enzymatic activities. The his genes of S. cerevisiae do not form an operon and are not physically linked. The M. vannielii hisI gene does not appear to be part of a multifunctional DNA sequence and, although it does appear to be within an operon, the open reading frames (ORFs) 5' and 3' to the M. vannielii hisI gene are not related to any published his sequences.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

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