pussycatpirates - Profile (original) (raw)

on 18 February 2006 (#9543903)

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Official LJ community for the Pussiecat Pirates guild in World of Warcraft. Yes, we realize 'pussycat' isn't spelled correctly, this is due to the World of Warcraft naming censor function not allowing the word 'pussy'. The guild's original name was intended to be The Pussycat Pirates, but alas, we had to butcher the spelling in order to salvage the name. So on this website, it will be portrayed the way it was intended, not the crappy way we got stuck with.

We reside on the Moonrunner server. Our main goal is to just have fun (and make lots of Pirate jokes).

The Guild is headed by the occasionally-lovely, rarely-ladylike, sailor-mouthed, rum-swilling Shotiechan; a Night Elf Druid with a penchant for profanity and bad jokes and getting so drunk she falls out of her chair while playing WoW.

Her sweet (but easily distracted) lover and First Mate, Pingping, is second in command, and often spends his time PvPing. He is currently also our guild's only level 60 character, because of the rest of us are also damned easily distracted and thus level slower.

Our guild is comprised almost entirely of former Final Fantasy XI players, who knew each other across many different servers, and all joined together under one glorious, drunken, banner in WoW in search of good times and booty. Avast!

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Nothing goes together better than Pirates and Pussy.

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