Aftab Hameed Memon | QUEST Engineering University Nawabshah, Sindh, Pakistan (original) (raw)

Books and Monographs by Aftab Hameed Memon

Research paper thumbnail of Resource-Driven Scheduling: Barriers to Implementation

Monograph: ISBN 978-3-8473-4176-5, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Introduction to Lean Construction

Book - ISBN 978-983-42366-4-9, 2011

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Journal Papers by Aftab Hameed Memon

Research paper thumbnail of Improving Time Performance in Construction Projects: Perspective of Contractor

Malaysian construction sector has not escaped from the problem of time overrun. Huge numbers of c... more Malaysian construction sector has not escaped from the problem of time overrun. Huge numbers of construction projects are experiencing this important issue of overrun in time nationwide. This might be because of poor project management. Thus; it is very important to develop a proper time management system. Further, due to the uniqueness of construction projects, it is also imperative to propose various possible improvement methods which can be applied in various projects according to prevailing conditions. Hence, this study aims to study the methods to help the construction players in reducing time overrun problem. For this, a total of 89 gathered samples collected through survey in Peninsular Malaysia were analyzed using statistical software SPSS v21.0 with the Kendall’s concordance test. The findings of this study revealed that top improving method for controlling time are proper planning of work, committed leadership and management, close monitoring, send clear and complete message to the worker to ensure effective communication, and hire skilled workers to achieve good progress. Overall, this study has suggested 13 improvement methods for reducing the occurrence of time overrun in Malaysian construction industry. These findings will assist practitioners to prepare the effective strategies for achieving successful completion of the projects.

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Research paper thumbnail of Significant Causes and Effects of Variation Orders in Construction Projects

Variation Order (VO) is a common phenomenon in construction projects. It involves an amendment of... more Variation Order (VO) is a common phenomenon in construction projects. It involves an amendment of the original scope of work as in the contract. VO is caused from various factors. Variations often cause disputes and dissatisfactions among the parties involved in construction projects. Thus, it is very important to control VOs in a construction project. For this, the first step is to uncover and understand the causes and effects of VO. Hence, the aim of this study is to determine the significant causes and effects of VO in construction projects. Data collection involved the survey with a structured questionnaire consisting of 18 causes and 9 effects of variation orders identified through comprehensive literature review. Survey was carried out among client representatives, consultants and contractors involved in handling projects of Malaysian Public Works Department (PWD) known as Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia (JKR). A total of 101 completed questionnaire sets were collected against 200 questionnaires distributed among the practitioners. Collected questionnaires were analyzed with statistical software package SPSS and Average Index formula. The results of the study showed that in Malaysia’s JKR projects often variation orders are occurred; these VO’s are majorly caused because of unavailability of equipment, poor workmanship and design complexity. While most significant effects of VO on the projects are increased project cost, delay in completion and logistic delays. Early participation of professionals may be beneficial in reducing the occurrence of variations. Also, improved design and avoiding frequent design changes will be very effective in controlling the problem of variations.

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Research paper thumbnail of Significant Factors Causing Time Overrun in Construction Projects of Peninsular Malaysia

This study has identified the significant factors causing time overrun in Malaysian construction ... more This study has identified the significant factors causing time overrun in Malaysian construction industry. Investigation through survey was carried out in central and southern parts of Malaysian among the respondents from three categories i.e. client, consultant and contractors. The feedback was received from 75 respondents against 300 companies contacted. The feedback was analyzed statistically which revealed that cash flow and financial difficulties faced by contractor, poor site management and supervision, incompetent subcontractor,
shortage of workers and financial difficulties of the owner are major contributors of time overrun. The author recommends that the problem of time overrun can be controlled through proper planning of work, committed leadership and management, and effective communication system.

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Time overrun has become a major concern in construction projects worldwide including Malaysia. Th... more Time overrun has become a major concern in construction projects worldwide including Malaysia. The occurrence of the over run in time is caused due to several factors. This paper has investigated significant factors which cause time overrun run in Malaysian construction projects. For this investigation, data was carried out through survey among the contractors registered under top two categories of G6 and G7 with Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB). Average index calculation of the gathered data showed that frequent design changes, change in the scope of the project, financial difficulties of owner, delays in decisions making and unforeseen ground condition are major factors of time overrun. These factors are owner related issue, hence for improving time performance owners are required to adopt effective contract management.

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Research paper thumbnail of Expert opinion on risk level for factors affecting time and cost overrun along the project lifecycle in Malaysian Construction Projects

Construction projects in Malaysia are currently facing a severe problem of time and cost overrun.... more Construction projects in Malaysia are currently facing a severe problem of time and cost overrun. It is increasing with the rapid growth in development. The problem of time and cost overrun in resulted from various factors. These factors occur in construction projects at various phases and have different level of risk which is very essential to determine. Hence, this study is carried out through risk matrix for assessing risk level of various factors of time and cost overrun throughout the life cycle of a construction project. This research work involved 35
common factors of time and cost overrun identified from reviewing previous studies published worldwide. For assessing the relatively of those factors and determining their occurrence in various phase of project lifecycle, structured interviews were conducted with 5 experts from construction industry. Experts were asked about the occurrence and severity level of each factor along each phase which were analyzed with average index calculation and risk matrix. The findings revealed that the factors have low and medium risk on time and cost overrun during planning and design phase. While, in the construction phase majority of factors have medium risks and 5 factors have a high risk on time overrun while 6 factors have a high risk on cost overrun. The findings of this study give a better understanding to construction practitioners for risk level of the factors causing time and cost overrun in each phase of construction projects. This will help the practitioners in taking proper actions for improving construction time and cost performance.

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Research paper thumbnail of Factors affecting construction cost performance in project management projects: Case of MARA large projects

Aim of Study This study has focused on investigating procurement strategies adopted in MARA large... more Aim of Study
This study has focused on investigating procurement strategies adopted in MARA large construction projects. It also identified
various factor affecting construction cost performance of MARA
large construction projects.

Need of Study
Very rarely MARA projects are finished within estimated project
cost. For improving cost performance, it is very important to identify the reasons affecting cost performance of MARA projects. Hence, there is a need of study in understanding the reasons and factors affecting project cost performance of construction projects.

Research Approach
The project was carried out through interviews and survey using the questionnaire among the personnel involved in handling MARA large projects. Gathered data was analyzed statistically using SPSS software package.

Research Findings
This study revealed that fluctuation in price of the material, cash flow and financial difficulties faced by contractors, shortage of site workers, lack of communication between parties, incorrect planning and scheduling by contractors are most severe factors while frequent design changes and owner interference are least affecting factors on construction cost performance in MARA large projects.

This study was limited to large construction projects
administrated by Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA) Malaysia.
Importance and Contribution This study has highlighted various issues causing poor project performance in MARA large projects. Ranking of the factors will enable the MARA engineers for taking appropriate actions in improving the performance of cost in construction projects.

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Research paper thumbnail of Life Cycle Assessment in Building Projects of Libya: Barriers to implementation

Aim of Study: Aim of this study is to identify the barriers to implanting LCA implementation in b... more Aim of Study:
Aim of this study is to identify the barriers to implanting
LCA implementation in building projects of Libya.

Need of Study
LCA implementation is very low in Libyan building projects
as it is a new concept for practitioners of Libya. This might be
because of various reasons. Hence, this study focused on
identifying major barriers to implementation of LCA.

Research Approach
A total of 24 barriers identified from the literature review
were investigated through questionnaire survey. Statistical
analysis was carried for analyzing 72 collected questionnaires
sets with SPSS software Package.

Research Findings
It is found that five most common barriers in implementing
LCA tool in Libyan construction industry are lacked grounds for
modern integrated management skills, lack of awareness, high
initial cost, lack of accuracies of available data, lacked available
background and information on LCA and no laws and procedure been established.

This study adopted a quantitative approach for collecting
data. The targeted respondents were from only two cities of
Libya, which included Benghazi and Tripoli.

Importance and Contribution
In Libya, rapid growth of developments has contributed
significantly in CO2 and green house gases omission to
environment. This has motivated the practitioners to adopt
environmental management systems (EMS). One of the most
common practices for EMS is Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).
This study has highlighted the barriers faced by building
industry of Libya which will enable the practitioner for moving
forward to control those barriers for enhancing the use of LCA.
Finally, this study has suggested that international building
standards and assessment tools should be adapted as guide to
produce the laws and guidebook for LCA practices in Libya.

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessing Low-Cost Housing Demand in Melaka: PLS-SEM Approach

Housing is one of the basic needs of human. Population in Malaysia is increasing and expected to ... more Housing is one of the basic needs of human. Population in Malaysia is increasing and expected to reach up to 35 million in year 2020. This phenomenon creates high demand for housing.
To tackle the squatter problems, the government introduces low-cost housing. Low cost house is known as the government house, where the price is cheaper but still comfortable. Although there are many of low-cost housing projects have been completed to cope with the need of the citizen especially
for low-income group. However, census report reveled that these is huge demand of low-cost housing. This demand might be because of various factors which are very essential to identify in order to meet the required demand of low cost houses. Hence, this study is carried out to assess the demand of low cost housing in Melaka, determine the significant factors affecting demand of low-cost housing, and establish PLS-SEM model for assessing factors affecting low-cost housing demand. In this study, data are collected by distributing questionnaire in Melaka state. The collected data from survey was analyzed using statistical software SPSS and presented in graphs and chart. Further, factors affecting low cost housing demand in Melaka were modeled with the SmartPLS v2.0. The model shows the relationship between low cost housing demand and its indicators. The finding of the study showed that most significant indicators affecting the demand of low-cost housing in Melaka are the economic factors which include housing stock, inflation rate and Gross Domestic Products (GDP). The
Goodness of Fit showed that the model has substantial explaining power for the assessing factors affecting low cost housing demand in Melaka which the values is 0.481. This means that the economic factor has a great influence on the low-cost housing demand in Melaka.

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Cost Overrun Factors for Small Scale Construction Projects in Malaysia Using PLS-SEM Method

This study investigated the effect of various factors affecting cost performance in achieving pro... more This study investigated the effect of various factors affecting cost performance in achieving project success. Investigation was carried out with quantitative approach of questionnaire survey to understand the perception of practitioners involved in construction industry towards various factors in causing cost overrun. The targeted respondents were client, contractor, and consultant representative involved in handling small scale projects in Malaysia. A total of 54 completed responses were collected against 100 sets of questionnaire distributed.
Collected questionnaires were analyzed with advance multivariate statistical approach of Partial Least Square
Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). It modeled the relationship of various factors and their relative effects to cost overrun. Structural Model analysis results showed that the identified factors have overall substantial impact on cost overrun. This was assessed with convergent and discriminant validity test where R2 value for the model is 0.71 which means that 71% variance extraction is resulted from investigated factors. Further, GoF value of the model achieved is 0.70 which shows that developed structural model has substantial power in explaining the factors of cost overrun in small scale projects of Malaysia. Amongst all the factors, contractor’s site management related factors are found as most significant factors. This indicated that for achieving better cost performance in small projects, contractors are required to improve their management related to the identified factors. Beside that, these findings will benefit parties involved in managing cost performance of small scale construction projects

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Research paper thumbnail of Budget overrun issues in construction projects of southern part of Malaysia

Aim of Study: This study has focused on identifying the issues related to budget overrun faced by... more Aim of Study: This study has focused on identifying the issues related to budget overrun faced by construction industry.

Need of Study: Construction industry is very significant in contributing socio-economic growth of a country. Hence, Malaysian government has allocated huge amounts of money for construction development in recent years. Unfortunately, the industry is facing severe problem of budget overrun.

Research Approach: This study was carried out quantitatively by conducting questionnaire survey amongst the client, consultant and contractors. A total of 122 collected questionnaires (97 large projects and 25 small scale projects) were analyzed statistically using SPSS software package.

Research Findings: The findings show that budget overrun is a common phenomenon in large as well as small projects. For large project, amount of cost overrun ranges from 5-10% of the estimated cost while in small projects, it was found as 10-15% of estimated cost. The major contributors to theses overrun in large projects are material and construction costs while in small construction projects, the causes are material and plant & equipment costs. Most of the respondents suggested that the effective methods of controlling these overrun are cost code system and value management technique.

Limitations: Data collection for this was limited to construction industry of southern region of Malaysia.

Importance and Contribution: The findings of the study gave a very clear insight about the budget overrun problem in construction industry. Determined level of implementation for various techniques and significant contributors of budget overrun will be helpful for practitioners and researchers in developing a better system for controlling budget overrun.

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Research paper thumbnail of Implementation of LCA tools during Construction Phase in Context of Libyan Building Projects

After recent revolution in Libya, construction development works have been increased significantl... more After recent revolution in Libya, construction development works have been increased significantly. This has resulted in huge quantity of cement use which is contributing to the large amount of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gas emission. It has become a major risk for the environment and human life. Hence, life cycle assessment is being popularized in the construction industry for analyzing environmental impact of the projects. Current study has examined various life cycle assessment tools used during the construction phase of project. The study has gathered data using questionnaire survey. With statistical analysis of the surveyed data, it is found that, in Libyan building projects, level of implementation of life cycle assessment is very low. Among 18 LCA tool examined in the study, five commonly adopted tools in construction phases of the project are Environmental accounting, Extended procedure responsibility, Product stewardship, Specific audit, certification, standards and Environmental reporting.

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Research paper thumbnail of PPP Procurement Methods in Malaysian Construction Industry

Public Private Partnership PPP procurement method is being popularized worldwide. It is very usef... more Public Private Partnership PPP procurement method is being popularized worldwide. It is very useful for handling very large public projects through a joint venture arrangement between government and private sector. This paper is a review paper focusing on understanding of PPP mechanism and its modes of application. It also explores various contractual arrangements being adopted in Malaysian construction industry

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Research paper thumbnail of Application of Life Cycle Management (LCM) in Infrastructure Projects of Malaysia

Life Cycle Management (LCM) has been employed in the management of construction projects worldwid... more Life Cycle Management (LCM) has been employed in the management of construction projects worldwide for many years in order to reduce whole life cost, time, risk and for improving the service to owners. Despite an increasing enthusiasm to propose the LCM practice as a useful approach in an environmental context, the adoption and application of LCM in the construction projects remain limited. LCM can be implemented in various stages of a project lifecycle starting from project initiation phase until the project closure phase. However, in Malaysia LCM is still considered as a new practice and seems ambiguously understood in the construction industry in Malaysia. Objective: This study is to assess the level of implementation and different tools of LCM at various stages of construction projects. Results: The quantitative data for this study was gathered through questionnaire surveys among the contractors, consultants, architects and developers. The data obtained was analyzed using frequency
analysis and cross tabulation analysis. From the analysis, it was found that although 102 (80%) of the respondents mentioned that they have applied LCM in their project but yet the level application is very low. Only sometimes in the project LCM is applied. Further, LCM is not applied throughout the lifecycle, various practitioner apply it partially and in a certain phase of project lifecycle. Conclusion: Life Cycle Management (LCM) application in infrastructure projects should be promoted to achieve it potential benefits through enforcement from the clients.

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Research paper thumbnail of Web-based Risk Assessment Technique for Time and Cost Overrun (WRATTCO) – A Framework

Controlling time and cost overrun of construction projects is very crucial in achieving successfu... more Controlling time and cost overrun of construction projects is very crucial in achieving successful completion of any projects. Unfortunately, construction industry today is facing a major risk in achieving completion of project within estimated time and cost. This risk is caused by various factors. Aiming to treat this problem, this study presents a framework for web-based expert and decision support system in order to assess the risk level of causative factors of time and cost overrun on project success throughout the lifecycle of construction process. It will be integrated with project schedule to estimate the consequences of these factors and forecast the loss of time and cost if the risk factors are not controlled. This will be achieving by implanting the technique of neural network. The program will also be able to suggest the corrective actions in order to control the identified risk factors. Finally, various reports can be generated in presenting the associated problems of the factors and their relative impact of project performance.

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Research paper thumbnail of Rule Based DSS in Controlling Construction Waste

This paper presents the concept and the protocol in developing a Decision Support System (DSS) in... more This paper presents the concept and the protocol in developing a Decision Support System (DSS) in which the system enables to trigger the construction waste generation factors. Once these factors are determined, the system will be able to provide options for controlling the generation of the waste. The system applies the rule-based reasoning in deciding right output for a specific input to the system. The proposed DSS will use software package together with SQL Server for the database of the system. This system will help the practitioners and the government agencies in triggering the factors of construction waste generation and also for finding the possible controlling actions with their level of effectiveness. This will be useful for selecting the most suitable method for construction waste control

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessing the Occurrence and Significance of VO Factors in affecting Quality of Construction Projects

Construction projects are often facing a severe problem of variations. The variations are caused ... more Construction projects are often facing a severe problem of variations. The variations are caused by numerous factors. These variations have significant effect on the project performance especially the quality of the works. This paper has investigated the probability of occurrence of various factors of variations and the relative responsible party causing this occurrence of factors. Also, level of significance for each factor in affecting the quality of the projects is assessed. Data collection for this study involved survey using questionnaire with client, consultant and contractors. Statistical analysis of all 101 completed questionnaire received against 200 distributed forms was carried out with SPSS software package and average index method. Finding of the study highlighted that the top 5 factors which are most commonly occurred in construction projects are unavailability of equipments, poor workmanship, design complexity, change of schedule and impediment to prompt decision making process. Consultants are found as responsible for most of the factors i.e. 12 factors out of 18 investigated factors. Poor workmanship, changes in specification, financial difficulties, inadequate working drawing details and change in design are rated as the top 5 significant factors in affecting quality of the projects. It is recommended that changes in specification and design be minimized; effective financial management be adopted to reduce variations and improve the quality of the projects.

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Research paper thumbnail of Failure Reasons of PPP Infrastructure Projects: Case Study of Kuala Lumpur LRT Project

PPP is an alternative procurement method being adopted for public infrastructure development worl... more PPP is an alternative procurement method being adopted for public infrastructure development worldwide. In PPP method, public sector invites private agencies to bring their capital and technical assets for executing public projects. PPP is being popularized worldwide for its potential benefits. However, a number of projects with PPP process are failed in achieving the target in many countries. In Malaysia also, nowadays, Public-private partnership (PPP) has been widely used in large scale infrastructure projects. PPP is considered as derivative of privatization concept in Malaysian context. The success and failure of PPP project depends on the performance of both public and private sectors. Thus, in order to achieve successful projects, it is very imperative that the role and performance of the two sectors be clearly identified and studied. Further, for achieving successful PPP projects, it is also very essential to learn the lesson from the past fail projects. Hence, this paper presents a case study of LRT project of Malaysia to understand the reason of failure. Study highlighted that Kuala Lumpur LRT project was failed during the operation phase. Key reason of the failure was the financial crisis of 1997 where inflation rate increased from 8% to over 40%. This financial crisis resulted to the less profit rate, and the concessionaires were not able to repay the loan to the banks which they had taken for LRT construction works. Finally, through undergoing a legal process in 2002, Syarikat Prasana Negara Berhad took over PUTRA-LRT and STAR-LRT on the behalf of the government of Malaysia.

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Research paper thumbnail of Severity of Variation Order Factors in affecting Construction Project Performance

Construction industry continues to be a driving force in the growth of the nation’s socio-economi... more Construction industry continues to be a driving force in the growth of the nation’s socio-economic development. Hence, construction industry is growing rapidly. Unfortunately, many of the construction projects fail in achieving desired performance specifically performance of time and cost as targeted. This is resulted due to various reasons. One of the reasons for this failure is variation order. Variation Order (VO) in the construction industry has become one of the common and serious issues. Undoubtedly, frequent occurrence of variations may decelerate the growth of the economy. Thus, it is very indispensable to discover and review the factors causing variation orders. Therefore, this study is focusing on identifying various causes of the variation order and assesses their effect on time and cost. This was done through comprehensive quantitative data collection method using questionnaire survey. The questionnaires were distributed to clients, consultants and contractors involved in the construction industry. The factors were categorized in groups by analyzing gathered data with multivariate statistical method of Factor Analysis. Factor analysis was run with SPSS software for Principal Component Analysis (PCA) test. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO), the measure of sampling adequacy was found as 0.834 at significance level of 0.000, which showed that the data was adequate for further analysis. It resulted in categorizing data into 4 components which were used to calculate Average Index (AI) in evaluating the severity of various factors in affecting time and cost performance. Results showed that severe VO factors affecting time performance are; change in schedule, change of scope, change in design, financial problem and lack of strategic planning. Severe factors in affecting cost performance were change of schedule, financial problem, inadequate working drawing detail, change in specification, and financial difficulties. It is recommended that effective financial management and careful design can be very useful in reducing variation orders and hence project performance can be improved.

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Research paper thumbnail of Resource-Driven Scheduling: Barriers to Implementation

Monograph: ISBN 978-3-8473-4176-5, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Introduction to Lean Construction

Book - ISBN 978-983-42366-4-9, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Improving Time Performance in Construction Projects: Perspective of Contractor

Malaysian construction sector has not escaped from the problem of time overrun. Huge numbers of c... more Malaysian construction sector has not escaped from the problem of time overrun. Huge numbers of construction projects are experiencing this important issue of overrun in time nationwide. This might be because of poor project management. Thus; it is very important to develop a proper time management system. Further, due to the uniqueness of construction projects, it is also imperative to propose various possible improvement methods which can be applied in various projects according to prevailing conditions. Hence, this study aims to study the methods to help the construction players in reducing time overrun problem. For this, a total of 89 gathered samples collected through survey in Peninsular Malaysia were analyzed using statistical software SPSS v21.0 with the Kendall’s concordance test. The findings of this study revealed that top improving method for controlling time are proper planning of work, committed leadership and management, close monitoring, send clear and complete message to the worker to ensure effective communication, and hire skilled workers to achieve good progress. Overall, this study has suggested 13 improvement methods for reducing the occurrence of time overrun in Malaysian construction industry. These findings will assist practitioners to prepare the effective strategies for achieving successful completion of the projects.

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Research paper thumbnail of Significant Causes and Effects of Variation Orders in Construction Projects

Variation Order (VO) is a common phenomenon in construction projects. It involves an amendment of... more Variation Order (VO) is a common phenomenon in construction projects. It involves an amendment of the original scope of work as in the contract. VO is caused from various factors. Variations often cause disputes and dissatisfactions among the parties involved in construction projects. Thus, it is very important to control VOs in a construction project. For this, the first step is to uncover and understand the causes and effects of VO. Hence, the aim of this study is to determine the significant causes and effects of VO in construction projects. Data collection involved the survey with a structured questionnaire consisting of 18 causes and 9 effects of variation orders identified through comprehensive literature review. Survey was carried out among client representatives, consultants and contractors involved in handling projects of Malaysian Public Works Department (PWD) known as Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia (JKR). A total of 101 completed questionnaire sets were collected against 200 questionnaires distributed among the practitioners. Collected questionnaires were analyzed with statistical software package SPSS and Average Index formula. The results of the study showed that in Malaysia’s JKR projects often variation orders are occurred; these VO’s are majorly caused because of unavailability of equipment, poor workmanship and design complexity. While most significant effects of VO on the projects are increased project cost, delay in completion and logistic delays. Early participation of professionals may be beneficial in reducing the occurrence of variations. Also, improved design and avoiding frequent design changes will be very effective in controlling the problem of variations.

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Research paper thumbnail of Significant Factors Causing Time Overrun in Construction Projects of Peninsular Malaysia

This study has identified the significant factors causing time overrun in Malaysian construction ... more This study has identified the significant factors causing time overrun in Malaysian construction industry. Investigation through survey was carried out in central and southern parts of Malaysian among the respondents from three categories i.e. client, consultant and contractors. The feedback was received from 75 respondents against 300 companies contacted. The feedback was analyzed statistically which revealed that cash flow and financial difficulties faced by contractor, poor site management and supervision, incompetent subcontractor,
shortage of workers and financial difficulties of the owner are major contributors of time overrun. The author recommends that the problem of time overrun can be controlled through proper planning of work, committed leadership and management, and effective communication system.

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Time overrun has become a major concern in construction projects worldwide including Malaysia. Th... more Time overrun has become a major concern in construction projects worldwide including Malaysia. The occurrence of the over run in time is caused due to several factors. This paper has investigated significant factors which cause time overrun run in Malaysian construction projects. For this investigation, data was carried out through survey among the contractors registered under top two categories of G6 and G7 with Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB). Average index calculation of the gathered data showed that frequent design changes, change in the scope of the project, financial difficulties of owner, delays in decisions making and unforeseen ground condition are major factors of time overrun. These factors are owner related issue, hence for improving time performance owners are required to adopt effective contract management.

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Research paper thumbnail of Expert opinion on risk level for factors affecting time and cost overrun along the project lifecycle in Malaysian Construction Projects

Construction projects in Malaysia are currently facing a severe problem of time and cost overrun.... more Construction projects in Malaysia are currently facing a severe problem of time and cost overrun. It is increasing with the rapid growth in development. The problem of time and cost overrun in resulted from various factors. These factors occur in construction projects at various phases and have different level of risk which is very essential to determine. Hence, this study is carried out through risk matrix for assessing risk level of various factors of time and cost overrun throughout the life cycle of a construction project. This research work involved 35
common factors of time and cost overrun identified from reviewing previous studies published worldwide. For assessing the relatively of those factors and determining their occurrence in various phase of project lifecycle, structured interviews were conducted with 5 experts from construction industry. Experts were asked about the occurrence and severity level of each factor along each phase which were analyzed with average index calculation and risk matrix. The findings revealed that the factors have low and medium risk on time and cost overrun during planning and design phase. While, in the construction phase majority of factors have medium risks and 5 factors have a high risk on time overrun while 6 factors have a high risk on cost overrun. The findings of this study give a better understanding to construction practitioners for risk level of the factors causing time and cost overrun in each phase of construction projects. This will help the practitioners in taking proper actions for improving construction time and cost performance.

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Research paper thumbnail of Factors affecting construction cost performance in project management projects: Case of MARA large projects

Aim of Study This study has focused on investigating procurement strategies adopted in MARA large... more Aim of Study
This study has focused on investigating procurement strategies adopted in MARA large construction projects. It also identified
various factor affecting construction cost performance of MARA
large construction projects.

Need of Study
Very rarely MARA projects are finished within estimated project
cost. For improving cost performance, it is very important to identify the reasons affecting cost performance of MARA projects. Hence, there is a need of study in understanding the reasons and factors affecting project cost performance of construction projects.

Research Approach
The project was carried out through interviews and survey using the questionnaire among the personnel involved in handling MARA large projects. Gathered data was analyzed statistically using SPSS software package.

Research Findings
This study revealed that fluctuation in price of the material, cash flow and financial difficulties faced by contractors, shortage of site workers, lack of communication between parties, incorrect planning and scheduling by contractors are most severe factors while frequent design changes and owner interference are least affecting factors on construction cost performance in MARA large projects.

This study was limited to large construction projects
administrated by Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA) Malaysia.
Importance and Contribution This study has highlighted various issues causing poor project performance in MARA large projects. Ranking of the factors will enable the MARA engineers for taking appropriate actions in improving the performance of cost in construction projects.

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Research paper thumbnail of Life Cycle Assessment in Building Projects of Libya: Barriers to implementation

Aim of Study: Aim of this study is to identify the barriers to implanting LCA implementation in b... more Aim of Study:
Aim of this study is to identify the barriers to implanting
LCA implementation in building projects of Libya.

Need of Study
LCA implementation is very low in Libyan building projects
as it is a new concept for practitioners of Libya. This might be
because of various reasons. Hence, this study focused on
identifying major barriers to implementation of LCA.

Research Approach
A total of 24 barriers identified from the literature review
were investigated through questionnaire survey. Statistical
analysis was carried for analyzing 72 collected questionnaires
sets with SPSS software Package.

Research Findings
It is found that five most common barriers in implementing
LCA tool in Libyan construction industry are lacked grounds for
modern integrated management skills, lack of awareness, high
initial cost, lack of accuracies of available data, lacked available
background and information on LCA and no laws and procedure been established.

This study adopted a quantitative approach for collecting
data. The targeted respondents were from only two cities of
Libya, which included Benghazi and Tripoli.

Importance and Contribution
In Libya, rapid growth of developments has contributed
significantly in CO2 and green house gases omission to
environment. This has motivated the practitioners to adopt
environmental management systems (EMS). One of the most
common practices for EMS is Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).
This study has highlighted the barriers faced by building
industry of Libya which will enable the practitioner for moving
forward to control those barriers for enhancing the use of LCA.
Finally, this study has suggested that international building
standards and assessment tools should be adapted as guide to
produce the laws and guidebook for LCA practices in Libya.

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessing Low-Cost Housing Demand in Melaka: PLS-SEM Approach

Housing is one of the basic needs of human. Population in Malaysia is increasing and expected to ... more Housing is one of the basic needs of human. Population in Malaysia is increasing and expected to reach up to 35 million in year 2020. This phenomenon creates high demand for housing.
To tackle the squatter problems, the government introduces low-cost housing. Low cost house is known as the government house, where the price is cheaper but still comfortable. Although there are many of low-cost housing projects have been completed to cope with the need of the citizen especially
for low-income group. However, census report reveled that these is huge demand of low-cost housing. This demand might be because of various factors which are very essential to identify in order to meet the required demand of low cost houses. Hence, this study is carried out to assess the demand of low cost housing in Melaka, determine the significant factors affecting demand of low-cost housing, and establish PLS-SEM model for assessing factors affecting low-cost housing demand. In this study, data are collected by distributing questionnaire in Melaka state. The collected data from survey was analyzed using statistical software SPSS and presented in graphs and chart. Further, factors affecting low cost housing demand in Melaka were modeled with the SmartPLS v2.0. The model shows the relationship between low cost housing demand and its indicators. The finding of the study showed that most significant indicators affecting the demand of low-cost housing in Melaka are the economic factors which include housing stock, inflation rate and Gross Domestic Products (GDP). The
Goodness of Fit showed that the model has substantial explaining power for the assessing factors affecting low cost housing demand in Melaka which the values is 0.481. This means that the economic factor has a great influence on the low-cost housing demand in Melaka.

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Cost Overrun Factors for Small Scale Construction Projects in Malaysia Using PLS-SEM Method

This study investigated the effect of various factors affecting cost performance in achieving pro... more This study investigated the effect of various factors affecting cost performance in achieving project success. Investigation was carried out with quantitative approach of questionnaire survey to understand the perception of practitioners involved in construction industry towards various factors in causing cost overrun. The targeted respondents were client, contractor, and consultant representative involved in handling small scale projects in Malaysia. A total of 54 completed responses were collected against 100 sets of questionnaire distributed.
Collected questionnaires were analyzed with advance multivariate statistical approach of Partial Least Square
Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). It modeled the relationship of various factors and their relative effects to cost overrun. Structural Model analysis results showed that the identified factors have overall substantial impact on cost overrun. This was assessed with convergent and discriminant validity test where R2 value for the model is 0.71 which means that 71% variance extraction is resulted from investigated factors. Further, GoF value of the model achieved is 0.70 which shows that developed structural model has substantial power in explaining the factors of cost overrun in small scale projects of Malaysia. Amongst all the factors, contractor’s site management related factors are found as most significant factors. This indicated that for achieving better cost performance in small projects, contractors are required to improve their management related to the identified factors. Beside that, these findings will benefit parties involved in managing cost performance of small scale construction projects

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Research paper thumbnail of Budget overrun issues in construction projects of southern part of Malaysia

Aim of Study: This study has focused on identifying the issues related to budget overrun faced by... more Aim of Study: This study has focused on identifying the issues related to budget overrun faced by construction industry.

Need of Study: Construction industry is very significant in contributing socio-economic growth of a country. Hence, Malaysian government has allocated huge amounts of money for construction development in recent years. Unfortunately, the industry is facing severe problem of budget overrun.

Research Approach: This study was carried out quantitatively by conducting questionnaire survey amongst the client, consultant and contractors. A total of 122 collected questionnaires (97 large projects and 25 small scale projects) were analyzed statistically using SPSS software package.

Research Findings: The findings show that budget overrun is a common phenomenon in large as well as small projects. For large project, amount of cost overrun ranges from 5-10% of the estimated cost while in small projects, it was found as 10-15% of estimated cost. The major contributors to theses overrun in large projects are material and construction costs while in small construction projects, the causes are material and plant & equipment costs. Most of the respondents suggested that the effective methods of controlling these overrun are cost code system and value management technique.

Limitations: Data collection for this was limited to construction industry of southern region of Malaysia.

Importance and Contribution: The findings of the study gave a very clear insight about the budget overrun problem in construction industry. Determined level of implementation for various techniques and significant contributors of budget overrun will be helpful for practitioners and researchers in developing a better system for controlling budget overrun.

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Research paper thumbnail of Implementation of LCA tools during Construction Phase in Context of Libyan Building Projects

After recent revolution in Libya, construction development works have been increased significantl... more After recent revolution in Libya, construction development works have been increased significantly. This has resulted in huge quantity of cement use which is contributing to the large amount of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gas emission. It has become a major risk for the environment and human life. Hence, life cycle assessment is being popularized in the construction industry for analyzing environmental impact of the projects. Current study has examined various life cycle assessment tools used during the construction phase of project. The study has gathered data using questionnaire survey. With statistical analysis of the surveyed data, it is found that, in Libyan building projects, level of implementation of life cycle assessment is very low. Among 18 LCA tool examined in the study, five commonly adopted tools in construction phases of the project are Environmental accounting, Extended procedure responsibility, Product stewardship, Specific audit, certification, standards and Environmental reporting.

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Research paper thumbnail of PPP Procurement Methods in Malaysian Construction Industry

Public Private Partnership PPP procurement method is being popularized worldwide. It is very usef... more Public Private Partnership PPP procurement method is being popularized worldwide. It is very useful for handling very large public projects through a joint venture arrangement between government and private sector. This paper is a review paper focusing on understanding of PPP mechanism and its modes of application. It also explores various contractual arrangements being adopted in Malaysian construction industry

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Research paper thumbnail of Application of Life Cycle Management (LCM) in Infrastructure Projects of Malaysia

Life Cycle Management (LCM) has been employed in the management of construction projects worldwid... more Life Cycle Management (LCM) has been employed in the management of construction projects worldwide for many years in order to reduce whole life cost, time, risk and for improving the service to owners. Despite an increasing enthusiasm to propose the LCM practice as a useful approach in an environmental context, the adoption and application of LCM in the construction projects remain limited. LCM can be implemented in various stages of a project lifecycle starting from project initiation phase until the project closure phase. However, in Malaysia LCM is still considered as a new practice and seems ambiguously understood in the construction industry in Malaysia. Objective: This study is to assess the level of implementation and different tools of LCM at various stages of construction projects. Results: The quantitative data for this study was gathered through questionnaire surveys among the contractors, consultants, architects and developers. The data obtained was analyzed using frequency
analysis and cross tabulation analysis. From the analysis, it was found that although 102 (80%) of the respondents mentioned that they have applied LCM in their project but yet the level application is very low. Only sometimes in the project LCM is applied. Further, LCM is not applied throughout the lifecycle, various practitioner apply it partially and in a certain phase of project lifecycle. Conclusion: Life Cycle Management (LCM) application in infrastructure projects should be promoted to achieve it potential benefits through enforcement from the clients.

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Research paper thumbnail of Web-based Risk Assessment Technique for Time and Cost Overrun (WRATTCO) – A Framework

Controlling time and cost overrun of construction projects is very crucial in achieving successfu... more Controlling time and cost overrun of construction projects is very crucial in achieving successful completion of any projects. Unfortunately, construction industry today is facing a major risk in achieving completion of project within estimated time and cost. This risk is caused by various factors. Aiming to treat this problem, this study presents a framework for web-based expert and decision support system in order to assess the risk level of causative factors of time and cost overrun on project success throughout the lifecycle of construction process. It will be integrated with project schedule to estimate the consequences of these factors and forecast the loss of time and cost if the risk factors are not controlled. This will be achieving by implanting the technique of neural network. The program will also be able to suggest the corrective actions in order to control the identified risk factors. Finally, various reports can be generated in presenting the associated problems of the factors and their relative impact of project performance.

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Research paper thumbnail of Rule Based DSS in Controlling Construction Waste

This paper presents the concept and the protocol in developing a Decision Support System (DSS) in... more This paper presents the concept and the protocol in developing a Decision Support System (DSS) in which the system enables to trigger the construction waste generation factors. Once these factors are determined, the system will be able to provide options for controlling the generation of the waste. The system applies the rule-based reasoning in deciding right output for a specific input to the system. The proposed DSS will use software package together with SQL Server for the database of the system. This system will help the practitioners and the government agencies in triggering the factors of construction waste generation and also for finding the possible controlling actions with their level of effectiveness. This will be useful for selecting the most suitable method for construction waste control

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessing the Occurrence and Significance of VO Factors in affecting Quality of Construction Projects

Construction projects are often facing a severe problem of variations. The variations are caused ... more Construction projects are often facing a severe problem of variations. The variations are caused by numerous factors. These variations have significant effect on the project performance especially the quality of the works. This paper has investigated the probability of occurrence of various factors of variations and the relative responsible party causing this occurrence of factors. Also, level of significance for each factor in affecting the quality of the projects is assessed. Data collection for this study involved survey using questionnaire with client, consultant and contractors. Statistical analysis of all 101 completed questionnaire received against 200 distributed forms was carried out with SPSS software package and average index method. Finding of the study highlighted that the top 5 factors which are most commonly occurred in construction projects are unavailability of equipments, poor workmanship, design complexity, change of schedule and impediment to prompt decision making process. Consultants are found as responsible for most of the factors i.e. 12 factors out of 18 investigated factors. Poor workmanship, changes in specification, financial difficulties, inadequate working drawing details and change in design are rated as the top 5 significant factors in affecting quality of the projects. It is recommended that changes in specification and design be minimized; effective financial management be adopted to reduce variations and improve the quality of the projects.

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Research paper thumbnail of Failure Reasons of PPP Infrastructure Projects: Case Study of Kuala Lumpur LRT Project

PPP is an alternative procurement method being adopted for public infrastructure development worl... more PPP is an alternative procurement method being adopted for public infrastructure development worldwide. In PPP method, public sector invites private agencies to bring their capital and technical assets for executing public projects. PPP is being popularized worldwide for its potential benefits. However, a number of projects with PPP process are failed in achieving the target in many countries. In Malaysia also, nowadays, Public-private partnership (PPP) has been widely used in large scale infrastructure projects. PPP is considered as derivative of privatization concept in Malaysian context. The success and failure of PPP project depends on the performance of both public and private sectors. Thus, in order to achieve successful projects, it is very imperative that the role and performance of the two sectors be clearly identified and studied. Further, for achieving successful PPP projects, it is also very essential to learn the lesson from the past fail projects. Hence, this paper presents a case study of LRT project of Malaysia to understand the reason of failure. Study highlighted that Kuala Lumpur LRT project was failed during the operation phase. Key reason of the failure was the financial crisis of 1997 where inflation rate increased from 8% to over 40%. This financial crisis resulted to the less profit rate, and the concessionaires were not able to repay the loan to the banks which they had taken for LRT construction works. Finally, through undergoing a legal process in 2002, Syarikat Prasana Negara Berhad took over PUTRA-LRT and STAR-LRT on the behalf of the government of Malaysia.

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Research paper thumbnail of Severity of Variation Order Factors in affecting Construction Project Performance

Construction industry continues to be a driving force in the growth of the nation’s socio-economi... more Construction industry continues to be a driving force in the growth of the nation’s socio-economic development. Hence, construction industry is growing rapidly. Unfortunately, many of the construction projects fail in achieving desired performance specifically performance of time and cost as targeted. This is resulted due to various reasons. One of the reasons for this failure is variation order. Variation Order (VO) in the construction industry has become one of the common and serious issues. Undoubtedly, frequent occurrence of variations may decelerate the growth of the economy. Thus, it is very indispensable to discover and review the factors causing variation orders. Therefore, this study is focusing on identifying various causes of the variation order and assesses their effect on time and cost. This was done through comprehensive quantitative data collection method using questionnaire survey. The questionnaires were distributed to clients, consultants and contractors involved in the construction industry. The factors were categorized in groups by analyzing gathered data with multivariate statistical method of Factor Analysis. Factor analysis was run with SPSS software for Principal Component Analysis (PCA) test. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO), the measure of sampling adequacy was found as 0.834 at significance level of 0.000, which showed that the data was adequate for further analysis. It resulted in categorizing data into 4 components which were used to calculate Average Index (AI) in evaluating the severity of various factors in affecting time and cost performance. Results showed that severe VO factors affecting time performance are; change in schedule, change of scope, change in design, financial problem and lack of strategic planning. Severe factors in affecting cost performance were change of schedule, financial problem, inadequate working drawing detail, change in specification, and financial difficulties. It is recommended that effective financial management and careful design can be very useful in reducing variation orders and hence project performance can be improved.

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessing Causal Relationships Between Construction Resources and Cost Overrun Using PLS Pa th Modelling Focusing in Southern and Central Region of Malaysia

Construction resources are fundamental requirement for any construction project to achieve projec... more Construction resources are fundamental requirement for any construction project to achieve project completion within estimated budget. The fundamental construction resources include material, manpower, machinery and money. These resources have significant effect on construction cost. Construction cost is now a days facing problem of coverrun. Hence, it is very critical to assess impact of various resources on cost overrun. Data collection was carried out using structured questionnaire survey amongst client, consultant and contractors in southern and central region of Malaysia. A total of 234 questionnaire were collected including 128 in southern part and 106 in central part. Data was analysed with PLS path modelling using SmartPLS v2.0 software. The result showed that resources have significant effect on cost overrun. Extracted variance showed that in southern region, around 40% of cost variation can be caused because of construction resource while in central region variance is achieved as 59%. Material resource was found as common and most significant resource in southern and central region. GoF value was achieved as 0.529 and 0.566 for southern and central regions respectively confirming the explaining power of the proposed path model.

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Research paper thumbnail of Examining factors affecting budget overrun of construction projects undertaken through management procurement method using PLS-SEM approach

This paper focused on examining the effect of various factors on budget overrun in construction p... more This paper focused on examining the effect of various factors on budget overrun in construction projects undertaken using management procurement method in Malaysia. It adopted a quantitative method for data collection using structured questionnaire survey amongst contractors, consultant and clients. A total of 118 samples were collected against 200 questionnaires that had been distributed nationwide. Gathered data was analyzed with an advanced multivariate method of structural equation modeling with PLS approach using SmartPLS software. The major finding showed all the constructs in model contributed significantly to budget overrun with R2 value of 0.623. Also, the developed model has substantial explaining power with GoF value of 0.62. This indicates that the model was able to be generalized in representing the budget overrun factors occurring in construction projects nationwide. By identifying these factors, it will help the construction community to take measures in improving the cost performance of the projects.

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Research paper thumbnail of Implementation of Building Information Modeling in Malaysian Construction Industry

This study has assessed the implementation level of Building Information Modeling (BIM) in the co... more This study has assessed the implementation level of Building Information Modeling (BIM) in the construction industry of Malaysia. It also investigated several computer software packages facilitating BIM and challenges affecting its implementation. Data collection for this study was carried out using questionnaire survey among the construction practitioners. 95 completed forms of questionnaire received against 150 distributed questionnaire sets from consultant, contractor and client organizations were analyzed statistically. Analysis findings indicated that the level of implementation of BIM in the construction industry of Malaysia is very low. Average index method employed to assess the effectiveness of various software packages of BIM highlighted that Bentley construction, AutoCAD and ArchiCAD are three most popular and effective software packages. Major challenges to BIM implementation are it requires enhanced collaboration, add work to a designer, interoperability and needs enhanced collaboration. For improving the level of implementing BIM in Malaysian industry, it is recommended that a flexible training program of BIM for all practitioners must be created.

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Research paper thumbnail of Time Management Practices in Large Construction Projects

Challenge of completing construction projects within estimated time frame is biggest concern amon... more Challenge of completing construction projects within estimated time frame is biggest concern amongst the practitioners. Several approaches and tools have been introduced over the past years to enhance the management of the construction projects. This paper has identified commonly used techniques and software packages of time management together with their effectiveness level in large construction projects of Malaysia. Data was gathered through survey technique amongst the practitioners involved in handling large construction projects. Relative Importance Index calculation was employed to assess the level of effectiveness for time management techniques and software packages adopted in the construction project. The results highlighted that most common and effective time management technique and software Package are CPM and Microsoft Project respectively. Although, this technique and software package in almost every project is applied, but still the industry practitioners fail in achieving effective time management. Hence, this study recommends the further investigation be carried out in uncovering the related issue which hindrance in achieving the benefits of these in construction projects.

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Research paper thumbnail of Indicators of Low-Cost Housing Demand in Malaysia

Government of Malaysia has introduced low-cost housing schemes to tackle the squatter problems of... more Government of Malaysia has introduced low-cost housing schemes to tackle the squatter problems of citizens from lower income as they do not afford to have their own house. However, yet the demand of low cost housing has been higher than the available number of houses. This demand depends on various indicators which are important to know so that the demand of the people for low cost housing can be met. Hence, this study focused on identifying indicators of low-cost housing demand in Melaka. It involved a questionnaire survey among citizens of Melaka, Developers, Local Housing Authority, Contractors, Consultants and personnel from Department of Statistic. Analysis of data was carried out statistically by the Average Index method. Survey form contained 9 indicators (identified through a comprehensive literature review) and the analysis results of the survey showed that top 4 indicators of low-cost housing demand are income rate, housing stock, population growth and gross domestic products

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Research paper thumbnail of Factors of Waste Generation throughout Construction Life Cycle

Construction industry has an adverse impact on environment due to its generation of construction ... more Construction industry has an adverse impact on environment due to its generation of construction waste. Besides the environment, the waste generated also affect the cost, productivity, time, social and economy of the industry. This waste generation is resulted from various factors at different stage of construction lifecycle. Current study has identified 46 factors of waste generation based on extensive literature review. These factors were classified into 7 groups and clustered according to their occurrence relative to various phases of construction lifecycle. It was found that most of these factors occur during construction phase. The significant factors that occur during construction phase are error ordering and poor workmanship. By identifying the crucial occurrence phase of factors which contribute to waste generation, it will help the construction community to avoid or lessen the construction waste generation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Study of Factors Causing Time and Cost Overrun throughout Life Cycle of Construction Project

This paper presents a study of factors affecting time and cost overruns throughout life cycle of ... more This paper presents a study of factors affecting time and cost overruns throughout life cycle of construction projects. The issues of overrun in construction are very common worldwide including Malaysia. However, no researchers investigate this problem according to the phases of construction. Hence, this study is to classify the overrun factors into phases of project life cycle which include planning phase, design phase, construction phase and finishing phase. A total of 35 factors were identified based on previous studies involving a number of different countries. These factors were classified according to degree of occurrence of each phase. Based on this classification, it shows that most of the factors occurred in construction phase. This classification gives better understanding amongst construction practitioners.

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Research paper thumbnail of Application of Time Management Tools and Techniques by Construction Industry Players: A Comparative Study between Kedah and Kelantan

Effective time management is very important in determining a success of any project. Thus, withou... more Effective time management is very important in determining a success of any project. Thus, without proper controlling of time will cause project delay and consequently budget overrun. There are various techniques and software which can be adopted for controlling time in construction projects. Hence, this study is to assess the mostly applied of various techniques of time managements and software packages applied in Malaysia’s construction industry. Data collection was carried out quantitatively using structured questionnaire survey amongst the practitioners involved in construction projects. Average index calculation was employed to assess the level of mostly applied of time management techniques and software packages adopted in construction project. It was found that two mostly applied techniques adopted in Kedah and Kelantan are the same for CPM and Gantt Bar Chart. While the three mostly applied software packages used for time management for both states are Microsoft Project, Microsoft Excel and Primavera. Hence, it is recommended that time management practices need to be investigated in detail to uncover any activity or action which may contribute to time overrun.

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Research paper thumbnail of Significant Risk Factors in Construction Projects: Contractor’s Perception

Risk plays an important role in the success of construction project. In managing risk, identifica... more Risk plays an important role in the success of construction project. In managing risk, identification of risk factors is very critical. Hence, this study focused on the investigation of risk factors from contractors’ perspective as the contractors are key players in the success of a project. The scope of this study was limited to Batu Pahat and Muar districts only. Data were gathered using structured questionnaire survey from contractors registered with Pusat Khidmat Kontraktor (PKK). Investigations on the risk factor involved 25 common risk factors classified in five categories, which were identified through literature works. Statistical methods were used to analyse the data. Results found that the five most important risk factors in construction project are shortage of material, late deliveries of material, insufficient technology, poor quality of workmanship, and cash flow difficulties. These significant factors are from two major categories of construction and finance. The findings of this study would assist contractors in dealing with risks encountered in construction projects

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Research paper thumbnail of Issues on Construction Waste: The Need for Sustainable Waste Management

Construction wastes have become a pressing issue in many developing countries and have adverse ef... more Construction wastes have become a pressing issue in many developing countries and have adverse effects on environment, economy and social aspects. Illegal dumping is a common issue created from the physical construction waste and besides that non physical waste like cost and time overruns are not properly addressed among the construction players. This paper explores the impacts of construction on sustainable construction and contributing causes which will help the practitioners to formulate ways in avoiding or reducing the waste. It also highlights the sustainable approach in managing the construction waste as practice.

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Research paper thumbnail of Cost Management of Large Construction Projects in South Malaysia

Achieving project completion within the estimated cost is fundamental criteria for success of any... more Achieving project completion within the estimated cost is fundamental criteria for success of any project. Hence cost management and control is very important consideration for ensuring cost performance. Various cost management techniques can be applied throughout the project life cycle to avoid poor cost performance and overrun of cost. This study focused assessing project cost performance and level of effectiveness of various cost management techniques implemented in large construction project in south Malaysia. Data collection was carried out through structured questionnaire survey which resulted in collecting 97 data samples. It was found that most of projects face cost overrun problem with an average overrun in the range of 5% to 10% of the total project cost. Most effective approaches of cost management adopted in construction projects were cash flow forecasting, tender budgeting/estimating and elemental cost plan. Value management and cost code system were rated as less effective technique. One of possible reason for low level of value management application in Malaysian construction industry may be unawareness of the benefits of value management. Realizing the advantages of value management, it should be considered to implement this method to achieve better cost performance.

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Research paper thumbnail of Challenges faced By Construction Industry in Accomplishing Sustainablity Goals

Rapid growth of construction projects have benefited mankind by providing social requirement like... more Rapid growth of construction projects have benefited mankind by providing social requirement like infrastructure, building etc as well contributing significantly in economic growth of country. At the same time is contributing significantly in generating high amount of construction waste, consuming resource excessively, and adverse impacts to environment, facing schedule delay and using excessive budget. These challenges has put the practitioners to adopt sustainable development principles in construction as traditional design and construction focuses on cost, time and quality only and pay very little attention on environmental impacts. On the contrary Sustainable construction merges sound environmentally responsible practices into one discipline that looks at the environmental, economic and social effects of a building or building project as a whole. Sustainable construction benefits by consuming fewer resources in construction and operation, reduce negative impacts on environment, minimize construction waste, and reduce planning risk, extended building life and viability.

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Research paper thumbnail of Identifying Construction Resource Factors Affecting Construction Cost: Case of johor

Malaysian Technical Universities International Conference on Engineering & Technology (MUiCET 2011), 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Factors Affecting Construction Cost Performance in Project Management Projects: Case of MARA Large Projects,

Proceeding of Post Graduate Seminar (PGS2010), 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparative Study of Resource Scheduling with Primavera Project Planner and Microsoft Project

Proceeding of National Seminar on Civil Engineering Research, SEPKA 2006, ISBN 983-42613-3-0, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Proceeding of CoGIS2010, Conference on Postgraduates Incentive Research Grant

Proceeding of CoGIS2010, Conference on Postgraduates Incentive Research Grant, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Structural Relationship of Causes and Effects of Construction Changes: Case of UAE Construction


Changes during construction is one of the critical issues faced in the construction industry. Eff... more Changes during construction is one of the critical issues faced in the construction industry. Effective management of construction changes will reduce the financial burden faced in construction projects due to cost overrun, and practitioners will be able to complete projects on time. On the other hand, construction changes exert severe effects on project performance. Hence, this paper uncovers several changes occurring in construction projects. It also evaluates the effect on various parameters of project performance due to changes. This was done by uncovering the underlying causes and effects of changes through the PLS method of structural equation modeling technique. SmartPLS software was used to develop and evaluate the study model based on 58 change causes and 48 change effects that were identified from the literature review. Causes of changes were categorized into three constructs which are client-related causes (CLE), consultant-related causes (COS), and contractor-related cau...

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Research paper thumbnail of Solid Waste Management Issues in Hyderabad City

Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering and Technology

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Research paper thumbnail of Significant Risk Factors in Construction Projects: Contractor’s Perception

Risk plays an important role in the success of construction project. In managing risk, identifica... more Risk plays an important role in the success of construction project. In managing risk, identification of risk factors is very critical. Hence, this study focused on the investigation of risk factors from contractors’ perspective as the contractors are key players in the success of a project. The scope of this study was limited to Batu Pahat and Muar districts only. Data were gathered using structured questionnaire survey from contractors registered with Pusat Khidmat Kontraktor (PKK). Investigations on the risk factor involved 25 common risk factors classified in five categories, which were identified through literature works. Statistical methods were used to analyse the data. Results found that the five most important risk factors in construction project are shortage of material, late deliveries of material, insufficient technology, poor quality of workmanship, and cash flow difficulties. These significant factors are from two major categories of construction and finance. The findings of this study would assist contractors in dealing with risks encountered in construction projects.

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