ragnarok_yaoi - Profile (original) (raw)
on 20 January 2004 (#1947388)
What our community is for:
This community is dedicated to the exchange of Ragnarok Online-related yaoi, shounen-ai, and even pictures of RO favourite male characters. Fics, fanart, and general discussion about RO-yaoi is encouraged posting material. Please read the simple rules below before posting, and remember The Golden Rule: ALWAYS use an lj-cut when posting pictures or stories.
Community Rules
1. When posting pictures, be they art or photographs, please credit the artist or photographer if you know them. If you see an uncredited picture posted and know artist/photographer, please comment and share the information.
2. Advertising for your own photography/art gallery on this community is allowed, as long as you do it by posting examples of your own work.
3. Use an lj-cut! I cannot stress this enough. Large graphics that load on a friends list everytime it's viewed drains bandwidth and can play merry hell with a person's lj design and/or cause unwanted long loading times. If you do not know how to use an lj-cut, please see livejournals FAQ on it here: How do I use an lj-cut?
4. Do not direct-link, please! Do not direct link to pictures posted herein, and do not direct link from sites that are not your own to post here! Bandwidth theft is unacceptable.
5. Be creative. Posting RO yaoi-related wallpapers, icons, winamp skins, themes, and even things which are not strictly yaoi, (yuri, het,) is encouraged. Always use the LJ cut or title to warn other users if the content of your post will not contain yaoi. NOTE: When posting things such as icons, please state whether or not you'd like to allow others to use these icons, and what kind of credit you would like for them, ect.
6. Never take anything posted on this community and post it on your own website without permission from the artist responsible for that piece.
7. Play nice. Respect each other, respect the moderators.
8. FEEDBACK. This is the most essential part of any community. Leaving feedback encourages others to post more, meaning you see more material and everyone has a good time. Please take the time to let other people know what you think of what they've posted--this also ensures that you'll see more of what YOU like.
8. Subclause If posting your own fanart/fic, you must comment on the last fanart/fic posted before yours. (Pictures/Fics posted by someone other than the artist/author do not count!) This is to encourage a more talkative community and help other artists and writers get helpful feedback on their work. It's not hard to adhere to this rule, and is a good rule to practise in any community that shares personal work.
Posting Format will be:
Subject: (Yaoi/shounen-ai/Other): (title of piece/story/or direction of discussion) | (G/PG-13/R/etc)*
Body Header:
*Please be responsible about tagging the graphic level of your posts. Some yaoi fans ONLY like the romantic side of it, and some yaoi fans ONLY like the graphic side of it. Any posts made without proper subject tags may or may not recieve a warning before they're deleted, so please adhere strictly to this rule. Younger fans should be able to use the community without being tricked or forced into seeing things they are not old enough to.
ragnarok_yaoi is moderated by
kofi and
foxfur. Please contact them if you have any issues about the community to address.
acolytes, al de baran, alchemists, archers, assassins, bards, bongun, comodo, dancers, doppleganger, fanart, fanfics, gaming, geffen, glast heim, gravity, hunters, ic, in character, iro, juno, knights, leveling, lutie, mages, mmorgs, mmorpg, monks, morroc, mvp, novices, online gaming, payon, priestess, priests, prontera, ragnarok, ragnarok online, ro, rogues, roleplay, rp, sass, shounen ai, shounen-ai, smut, swordsmen, thieves, wizards, yaoi