The Journey Beyond Logic ~世界30カ国110都市以上を旅したMBAホルダーが見た景色と旅の記憶 (original) (raw)

August 2000, Gyeongju, South Korea

*The Unchanging Night Sky and Changing Human Structures: Visiting the Oldest Observatory in the East
The Zijing Mountain and the Atlas Comet will soon be at their best viewing point. This is the first great comet in Japan visible to the naked eye in a quarter century, sparking excitement among astronomy enthusiasts. As I’ve mentioned in another post, I hold a qualification as a “Star Sommelier,” and I am among those eagerly awaiting this celestial spectacle.
Astronomy has an ancient history, with the earliest constellations dating back 5,000 years to ancient Babylonia. People have long gazed at the stars and advanced astronomy. While there are observatories around the world, the oldest in the East is in Korea. During my twenties, I traveled to Korea overland via ferry and visited the Gyeongju Historic Areas, home to Cheomseongdae, the oldest observatory in the East, built during the 7th century Silla period. While it may seem like a simple stone structure, it’s based on precise calculations. The stars we see today remain unchanged, connecting us to the ancient observers who once looked up from this very spot.
As I gazed at the observatory, I couldn’t help but imagine the ancient people observing the same stars I love so much. Though the history of humanity is brief compared to the vastness of the universe, it is fascinating to think that these same stars have been watched by countless generations before us. The structures we build will eventually decay, but the stars, unchanged and eternal, remain constant.
At Cheomseongdae, standing in front of this historical structure, I felt a profound connection between the past and the present. The observatory, though modest in size at about 9 meters tall, seemed monumental in its significance. The precise calculations used to construct it were a testament to the advanced understanding of the cosmos in ancient times. Imagining the astronomers of the past studying the skies from here filled me with excitement, reminding me once again of the timeless nature of stargazing.

紫金山・アトラス彗星(C/2023 A3)完全ガイド (impress mook)

August 2024, Jarkarta, Indonesia

*The Struggles of Corporate Warriors Seen in a Giant Shopping Mall in Asia’s Wasteland
Due to having a subsidiary in Jakarta, I visit Indonesia once a year on business trips. During one of these trips, I visited a Japanese shopping mall located in an industrial area near Jakarta. This newly built mall is said to be the largest in Southeast Asia. As I drove towards it, the tranquil surroundings with cows roaming suddenly gave way to the massive mall. Inside, there were both Japanese and local stores, offering a trendy and slightly upscale atmosphere where young people and families gathered on weekends. The modern digital displays and features made it feel even more advanced than in Japan.
What struck me was that this mall represented the monumental achievement of Japan’s corporate warriors, who have painstakingly built this over the years. The process typically starts with trading companies, followed by major manufacturers, and eventually smaller businesses. As more Japanese expatriates arrive, Japanese eateries and stores follow, culminating in the construction of Japanese department stores and malls.
Seeing this massive mall in the middle of the Indonesian wasteland made me reflect on Japan’s overseas expansion and the struggles of its corporate warriors, especially in contrast to the now overly developed China and Thailand.
However, it’s unfortunate that while working holidays are popular among the younger generation, there seems to be less interest in overseas assignments within companies. Working holidays are essentially temporary labor opportunities and don’t contribute to Japan’s overseas expansion or the growth of its national power. Japan's current standing in the world rests on the efforts of the corporate warriors from the era of rapid economic growth up until now. But when I think about the future, I can’t help but feel a bit concerned. Perhaps these worries come from my own advancing age.

Lonely Planet Indonesia (Travel Guide)

October 2003, Edfu, Egypt

*Traces of National and Religious Changes Seen in Ancient Egyptian Ruins
When we think of Egypt, the pyramids are likely the first things that come to mind, but the country also has a complex religious history. Today, Egypt is a predominantly Muslim country, with 90% of its population following Islam, and Cairo is home to numerous mosques. Christianity also has deep roots in Egypt, with the Coptic Church, a Christian sect, having developed there. Before that, the gods of ancient Egypt were worshiped. The traces of these religious transitions are still visible in the ruins.
During my graduation trip to Egypt after finishing my postgraduate studies in the UK, I visited the Temple of Horus in Edfu, located on the way from Aswan to Luxor. The temple was built around the 3rd century BCE to honor the falcon god Horus. Later, under Roman rule, Egypt saw the banning of religions other than Christianity. In the Temple of Horus, you can see crosses carved over beautiful reliefs, marking the historical shift. Seeing these symbols, ruthlessly engraved over the gods once revered, I felt the harshness of changing nations and religions.

October 2003, Athens, Greece

*An Easy Cruise Around the Aegean Islands
When people think of Greece, the beautiful islands of the Aegean Sea often come to mind. A cruise around these islands evokes an image of luxury and is a dream trip for many. Although I only planned to stay in Athens for two days, I longed to experience an Aegean cruise. After some research, I discovered a day cruise from Athens that visits Hydra, Poros, and Aegina islands, so I decided to join. The cruise is operated by a local company, so whether you book through a Japanese travel agency or directly at the location, you'll be on the same ship. However, booking locally is significantly cheaper, so I arranged it on-site. The islands visited on the cruise were peaceful, with a slower pace than Athens. Each island is small, allowing plenty of free time to swim in the Aegean or relax on the beach. A day cruise from Athens offers an easy way to enjoy a vacation atmosphere in the Aegean Sea.

Lonely Planet Greece (Travel Guide)

October 2003, Athens, Greece

*Reason to Visit That City Again
After graduating from a postgraduate program in the UK, I took a trip to Greece and Egypt. Since the main focus was Egypt, I only allocated two days in Athens, Greece. For my generation, Athens brings to mind “Saint Seiya.” The Parthenon on the Acropolis hill frequently appeared in the manga, so I was eager to see it. Unfortunately, upon arrival, I found a sign stating that the Acropolis was temporarily closed for that day. The next day, I was scheduled to cruise around the Aegean Sea, and the following day I was off to Egypt, so adjusting my schedule was impossible. Disappointed, I decided to visit Cape Sounion instead, another spot I wanted to see. The Temple of Poseidon, standing majestically against the Aegean Sea, was breathtaking, and I felt glad to have made the trip. Though I couldn’t see the Parthenon, the lingering regret has become a reason for me to return to Athens someday.

Lonely Planet Greece (Travel Guide)

April 1996, Chatsworth, UK

*A Visit to an English Aristocratic Mansion
During my study abroad in the UK, I was studying at a university in the Midlands. Early in the semester, we had an excursion to Chatsworth House, a grand estate. Chatsworth, with its expansive gardens and luxurious mansion, perfectly embodies the European aristocratic image. Historically, it has hosted the Iwakura Mission from the Meiji era and has been used as a filming location. The estate is divided into public and private areas, with some parts still inhabited. Having read many medieval European novels in my childhood, I was amazed to see such a real-life embodiment of those stories and to realize that it continues to this day.

Lonely Planet Lonely Planet's Ultimate United Kingdom Travelist (English Edition)

August 1996, Copenhagen, Denmark

昔、倉敷にチボリ公園という遊園地があった。私も訪れたことがあるが、何となく中途半端な規模で微妙な感じだったが、案の定、入場者が伸び悩んだ事で程なく閉園となってしまった。チボリ公園の元はデンマークコペンハーゲンにあるが、私は北欧を旅行した時にそちらも行ったことがある。規模としてはディズニーなどと比べるべくもないし、派手なアトラクションがある訳では無いが、雰囲気は悪くなかった。私は夕方涼しくなってから数時間だけ訪れたが、メリーゴーランドから見たライトアップされた遊園地は印象に残っている。ただ、日本のテーマパークのように一日目一杯楽しむというようなものでは無い。夏にバカンスや観光に来た人々が 、夕暮れの遊園地を少しの時間楽しんている感じだった。元々、観光客が多く訪れる街にあるちょっとした遊園地とそれを目玉として観光客を呼び込もうとする遊園地ではかなり期待値に違いがあるため、日本で同じものを作っても難しかったのかもしれない。
*Visiting Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen and Kurashiki
There used to be an amusement park called Tivoli Gardens in Kurashiki. I visited it once, but it felt somewhat mediocre due to its small scale. Unsurprisingly, it struggled to attract visitors and eventually closed. The original Tivoli Gardens is in Copenhagen, Denmark, which I also visited during my trip to Northern Europe. Compared to Disney and other major parks, it is smaller and lacks flashy attractions, but it had a pleasant atmosphere. I visited for a few hours in the cool of the evening, and the illuminated park seen from the carousel left a lasting impression. However, it’s not the kind of place you spend an entire day enjoying, like Japanese theme parks. It seemed to be a spot for vacationers and tourists to enjoy a bit of evening fun. The difference in expectations between a small amusement park in a popular tourist city and one trying to draw tourists as a main attraction might explain why the Kurashiki park struggled.

Lonely Planet Denmark (Travel Guide)