Eduard Baidaus | Red Deer Polytechnic (original) (raw)


Papers by Eduard Baidaus

Research paper thumbnail of Eduard Baidaus, “The River that Killed and Saved: Illegal Border Crossing of the Dniester in Romania during Stalin’s Collectivization and Great Soviet Famine in the Late 1920s – Early 1930s.”

Journal of Romanian Studies, Vol. 6, No. 1: 5-26, 2024

This article examines the fate of Soviet refugees who fled collectivization and the famine by foc... more This article examines the fate of Soviet refugees who fled collectivization and the famine by focusing on the residents of the Moldavian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (MASSR) who attempted to cross the Soviet–Romanian frontier during the late 1920s–early 1930s. The article discusses their lives in the USSR prior to their flight, their perilous journey across the border, and their experiences in Romania.

Research paper thumbnail of "Stalin’s Collectivization and the 1932–1933 Great Famine in Soviet and Romanian narratives: the case study of the “Moldavian Piedmont” (mid-1920s–1947).”

Historical Yearbook, 2023

Until 1934, Royal Romania did not establish a diplomatic mission inside the USSR. However, the co... more Until 1934, Royal Romania did not establish a diplomatic mission inside the USSR. However, the country shared a common border with the Bolshevik state and dealt with Soviet refugees escaping persecution, repressions, collectivization, and famine throughout the 1920s and 1930s.

Research paper thumbnail of Available at: The River that Killed and Saved: Crossing the Dniester River into Romania during the Famine in Soviet Ukraine, 1932–1933.


The presentation focuses on the circumstances in which Soviet citizens (in particular the populat... more The presentation focuses on the circumstances in which Soviet citizens (in particular the population of the Moldavian ASSR in the Ukrainian SSR) crossed the border into Romania to save themselves from Stalin's collectivization, persecution, and death by starvation. It also discusses Romania's response to the Great Soviet Famine of 1932 -1933 and its approach toward the Soviet refugees. Available at:

Research paper thumbnail of "Prietenia popoarelor: mit şi realitate (cazul raporturilor româno ruso-ucrainene în secolele XV-XIX)

"Prietenia popoarelor: mit şi realitate (cazul raporturilor româno ruso-ucrainene în secolele XV-XIX)," in Demistificarea sau Remistificarea istoriei (Antim, Chişinău, 2000): 62 -73., 2000

Research paper thumbnail of Portraying heroes and villains: Moldovan and Transnistrian print media during the 1992 war in the Dniester Valley

Journal Canadian Slavonic Papers Revue Canadienne des Slavistes Volume 60, 2018 - Issue 3-4, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Штрихи к политическому портрету Б. Хмельницкого в контексте молдавско-украинских отношений (1648-53 гг.)

Україна в Центрально-Східній Європі (з найдавніших часів до кінця ХVІІІ ст.). - 2000. - 1. - C. 197-206, 2000

Research paper thumbnail of De ce Cristofor Columb şi Martin Luther sunt personae non gratae în Republica Moldova? Reflecţii asupra predării istoriei universale şi europene într-o republică postsovietică.

Analele Asociaţiei Naţionale a Tinerilor Istorici din Moldova. Revistă de Istorie. Nr. 10. Bucureşti-Chişinău, 2012, 88-109., 2012

The article focuses on periodization of the medieval and the early modern history. The Republic o... more The article focuses on periodization of the medieval and the early modern history. The Republic of Moldova is the only post-Soviet state in Eastern Europe that continues to use in history education and research the Soviet (Stalin's) periodization of the world/western history adopted back in 1940. The larger summary in English at the end of the article.

Research paper thumbnail of David R. Marples, Eduard Baidaus & Mariya Melentyeva, Causes of the 1932 Famine in Soviet Ukraine: Debates at the Third All-Ukrainian Party Conference

Research paper thumbnail of War, Diplomacy, and “Family Affairs” in Seventeenth-Century Eastern Europe: Moldavia in the Danubian Policy of Bohdan Khmelnytsky (1648–1653)


Volumul a fost segmentat în trei părţi, fiecare conţinând la rândul ei mai multe capitole. Prima ... more Volumul a fost segmentat în trei părţi, fiecare conţinând la rândul ei mai multe capitole. Prima parte cuprinde evenimentele anilor 1626-1638, cea de a doua este consacrată perioadei anilor 1638-1648, iar ultima, anilor 1648-1650. Textul propriu-zis este precedat de studiul introductiv semnat de Frank E. Sysyn 2 . Cititorului i se oferă posibilitatea să cunoască unele detalii despre contextul în care Mihail Hruşevski a elaborat acest volum, care a fost conjunctura politică în anii 1909-1917 şi, evident, impactul general al acesteia asupra procesului de scriere a magnum opus-ului. Frank E. Sysyn menţionează două probleme esenţiale: evoluţia vieţii bisericeşti în Ucraina polonă şi situaţia cazacilor după încheierea războiului de la Hotin şi până la începutul insurecţiei conduse de Bogdan Hmelniţki. Studiul introductiv mai scoate în relief şi reacţia pe care a provocat-o opera lui Hruşevski în istoriografia şi politica de atunci, cât şi moştenirea lăsată de acest autor şi de opera lui istoriei, istoriografiei şi politicii Republicii Ucraina de azi.


Motto: "Pentru o perioadă destul de îndelungată Moldova şi Muntenia au fost un caz clasic de intr... more Motto: "Pentru o perioadă destul de îndelungată Moldova şi Muntenia au fost un caz clasic de intrigi politice, care deseori erau greu de înţeles …"


Motto: "Mihail Hruşevski … posibil mai mult decât oricine altul merită titlul de părinte al naţio... more Motto: "Mihail Hruşevski … posibil mai mult decât oricine altul merită titlul de părinte al naţionalismului ucrainean" 2 .

Book Reviews by Eduard Baidaus

Research paper thumbnail of Honourable Mention: The 2024 Canadian Association of Slavists/Taylor and Francis Book Prize in Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies

Good news: The 2024 Canadian Association of Slavists/Taylor and Francis Book Prize in Slavic, Eas... more Good news: The 2024 Canadian Association of Slavists/Taylor and Francis Book Prize in Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies granted honourable mentions to my book and to the book authored by Dr. Serhiy Bilenky "Laboratory of Modernity. Ukraine between Empire and Nation, 1772–1914." The prize will be awarded to Dr. Natalie Kononenko's "Ukrainian Ritual on the Prairies. Growing a Ukrainian Canadian Identity." I thank the Book Prize committee members for their effort and assessment of my book, and I congratulate my colleagues on the results of this year's contest.

Research paper thumbnail of DAVID R. MARPLES, Rusia în secolul XX. În căutarea stabilităţii, trad. MIHAIDAN PAVELESCU, Meteor Press, Bucureşti, 2014, 510 p.

Research paper thumbnail of Republica Moldova, între România şi Rusia 1989–2009, by Dorin Cimpoeşu

Bren's analysis reveals the ingeniousness behind the state's efforts to solve the difficult quest... more Bren's analysis reveals the ingeniousness behind the state's efforts to solve the difficult question of how to encourage conformity in the wake of political unrest. The Husak regime tried to use television as a subtle mechanism of subjugation, performing and promoting appropriate socialist role models and institutions as a weekly practice of mass entertainment. Augmenting this fresh look at state socialist media, Bren provides an excellent summary of the diversity of dissent in 1970s Prague, from the anti-politics of Havel and his critics Mandler and Benda, to the conflict-mongering of Rezek. The paperbased samizdat of key Charter 77 figures however is countered with the relentless nightly coverage of a state televised Anti-Charter rally, showing how difficult was the dissident challenge to win hearts and minds. But the media sector was not necessarily an easy space in which party loyalty and individual creativity could collaborate as Bren also provides the reader with special backstage access to the manoeuvrings and the professional and political fates of writers and producers, such as Jaroslav Dietl, who were ultimately responsible for blending artistic inspiration with complacency through the mechanism of totalitarian entertainment.

Research paper thumbnail of Pridnestrov'e v makroregional'nom kontekste chernomorskogo poberezh'ia. Sbornik statei. Slavic Eurasian Studies, no. 18 by Kimitaka Matsuzato

Books by Eduard Baidaus

Research paper thumbnail of Eduard Baidaus, An Unsettled Nation: Moldova in the Geopolitics of Russia, Romania, and Ukraine, ibidem-Press, 2023, 680 p. or

This book investigates state-building, distorted identities, and separatism in the Republic of Mo... more This book investigates state-building, distorted identities, and separatism in the Republic of Moldova. At various times, this region was a former imperial Russia borderland, a province in interwar Romania, a republic in the Soviet Union, and ultimately a modern state where the interests of Moscow and the West collide. The book presents research on the historical preconditions and spread of the secessionist movement in Transnistria, the war in the Dniester River valley, and the diplomatic deadlock of the Transnistrian problem. It further examines the conflicting positions that political parties, the public, and experts have taken towards the problems that challenge the nation- and state-building processes in this post-Soviet state. Additional focal points include the reassertion of Russia's power in the post-Soviet space, Ukraine's effort to become a major political player in the region, and Romania's attempt to retrieve its influence in Moldova. This study demonstrates that separatism generates mutually exclusive nation-building projects on the territory of a single state, where pre-existing historical conditions and geopolitical realities interweave and impede the construction of a modern nation-state. It also evinces that international actors play a significant role in this process, and that they are dominant and superimposed on the local decision-makers. Moreover, domestic and external factors connected with nation-building policies often conflict with each other and hinder the development of a resolution of the so-called "frozen conflict" over Transnistria.

Research paper thumbnail of Eduard Baidaus, “The River that Killed and Saved: Illegal Border Crossing of the Dniester in Romania during Stalin’s Collectivization and Great Soviet Famine in the Late 1920s – Early 1930s.”

Journal of Romanian Studies, Vol. 6, No. 1: 5-26, 2024

This article examines the fate of Soviet refugees who fled collectivization and the famine by foc... more This article examines the fate of Soviet refugees who fled collectivization and the famine by focusing on the residents of the Moldavian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (MASSR) who attempted to cross the Soviet–Romanian frontier during the late 1920s–early 1930s. The article discusses their lives in the USSR prior to their flight, their perilous journey across the border, and their experiences in Romania.

Research paper thumbnail of "Stalin’s Collectivization and the 1932–1933 Great Famine in Soviet and Romanian narratives: the case study of the “Moldavian Piedmont” (mid-1920s–1947).”

Historical Yearbook, 2023

Until 1934, Royal Romania did not establish a diplomatic mission inside the USSR. However, the co... more Until 1934, Royal Romania did not establish a diplomatic mission inside the USSR. However, the country shared a common border with the Bolshevik state and dealt with Soviet refugees escaping persecution, repressions, collectivization, and famine throughout the 1920s and 1930s.

Research paper thumbnail of Available at: The River that Killed and Saved: Crossing the Dniester River into Romania during the Famine in Soviet Ukraine, 1932–1933.


The presentation focuses on the circumstances in which Soviet citizens (in particular the populat... more The presentation focuses on the circumstances in which Soviet citizens (in particular the population of the Moldavian ASSR in the Ukrainian SSR) crossed the border into Romania to save themselves from Stalin's collectivization, persecution, and death by starvation. It also discusses Romania's response to the Great Soviet Famine of 1932 -1933 and its approach toward the Soviet refugees. Available at:

Research paper thumbnail of "Prietenia popoarelor: mit şi realitate (cazul raporturilor româno ruso-ucrainene în secolele XV-XIX)

"Prietenia popoarelor: mit şi realitate (cazul raporturilor româno ruso-ucrainene în secolele XV-XIX)," in Demistificarea sau Remistificarea istoriei (Antim, Chişinău, 2000): 62 -73., 2000

Research paper thumbnail of Portraying heroes and villains: Moldovan and Transnistrian print media during the 1992 war in the Dniester Valley

Journal Canadian Slavonic Papers Revue Canadienne des Slavistes Volume 60, 2018 - Issue 3-4, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Штрихи к политическому портрету Б. Хмельницкого в контексте молдавско-украинских отношений (1648-53 гг.)

Україна в Центрально-Східній Європі (з найдавніших часів до кінця ХVІІІ ст.). - 2000. - 1. - C. 197-206, 2000

Research paper thumbnail of De ce Cristofor Columb şi Martin Luther sunt personae non gratae în Republica Moldova? Reflecţii asupra predării istoriei universale şi europene într-o republică postsovietică.

Analele Asociaţiei Naţionale a Tinerilor Istorici din Moldova. Revistă de Istorie. Nr. 10. Bucureşti-Chişinău, 2012, 88-109., 2012

The article focuses on periodization of the medieval and the early modern history. The Republic o... more The article focuses on periodization of the medieval and the early modern history. The Republic of Moldova is the only post-Soviet state in Eastern Europe that continues to use in history education and research the Soviet (Stalin's) periodization of the world/western history adopted back in 1940. The larger summary in English at the end of the article.

Research paper thumbnail of David R. Marples, Eduard Baidaus & Mariya Melentyeva, Causes of the 1932 Famine in Soviet Ukraine: Debates at the Third All-Ukrainian Party Conference

Research paper thumbnail of War, Diplomacy, and “Family Affairs” in Seventeenth-Century Eastern Europe: Moldavia in the Danubian Policy of Bohdan Khmelnytsky (1648–1653)


Volumul a fost segmentat în trei părţi, fiecare conţinând la rândul ei mai multe capitole. Prima ... more Volumul a fost segmentat în trei părţi, fiecare conţinând la rândul ei mai multe capitole. Prima parte cuprinde evenimentele anilor 1626-1638, cea de a doua este consacrată perioadei anilor 1638-1648, iar ultima, anilor 1648-1650. Textul propriu-zis este precedat de studiul introductiv semnat de Frank E. Sysyn 2 . Cititorului i se oferă posibilitatea să cunoască unele detalii despre contextul în care Mihail Hruşevski a elaborat acest volum, care a fost conjunctura politică în anii 1909-1917 şi, evident, impactul general al acesteia asupra procesului de scriere a magnum opus-ului. Frank E. Sysyn menţionează două probleme esenţiale: evoluţia vieţii bisericeşti în Ucraina polonă şi situaţia cazacilor după încheierea războiului de la Hotin şi până la începutul insurecţiei conduse de Bogdan Hmelniţki. Studiul introductiv mai scoate în relief şi reacţia pe care a provocat-o opera lui Hruşevski în istoriografia şi politica de atunci, cât şi moştenirea lăsată de acest autor şi de opera lui istoriei, istoriografiei şi politicii Republicii Ucraina de azi.


Motto: "Pentru o perioadă destul de îndelungată Moldova şi Muntenia au fost un caz clasic de intr... more Motto: "Pentru o perioadă destul de îndelungată Moldova şi Muntenia au fost un caz clasic de intrigi politice, care deseori erau greu de înţeles …"


Motto: "Mihail Hruşevski … posibil mai mult decât oricine altul merită titlul de părinte al naţio... more Motto: "Mihail Hruşevski … posibil mai mult decât oricine altul merită titlul de părinte al naţionalismului ucrainean" 2 .

Research paper thumbnail of Honourable Mention: The 2024 Canadian Association of Slavists/Taylor and Francis Book Prize in Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies

Good news: The 2024 Canadian Association of Slavists/Taylor and Francis Book Prize in Slavic, Eas... more Good news: The 2024 Canadian Association of Slavists/Taylor and Francis Book Prize in Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies granted honourable mentions to my book and to the book authored by Dr. Serhiy Bilenky "Laboratory of Modernity. Ukraine between Empire and Nation, 1772–1914." The prize will be awarded to Dr. Natalie Kononenko's "Ukrainian Ritual on the Prairies. Growing a Ukrainian Canadian Identity." I thank the Book Prize committee members for their effort and assessment of my book, and I congratulate my colleagues on the results of this year's contest.

Research paper thumbnail of DAVID R. MARPLES, Rusia în secolul XX. În căutarea stabilităţii, trad. MIHAIDAN PAVELESCU, Meteor Press, Bucureşti, 2014, 510 p.

Research paper thumbnail of Republica Moldova, între România şi Rusia 1989–2009, by Dorin Cimpoeşu

Bren's analysis reveals the ingeniousness behind the state's efforts to solve the difficult quest... more Bren's analysis reveals the ingeniousness behind the state's efforts to solve the difficult question of how to encourage conformity in the wake of political unrest. The Husak regime tried to use television as a subtle mechanism of subjugation, performing and promoting appropriate socialist role models and institutions as a weekly practice of mass entertainment. Augmenting this fresh look at state socialist media, Bren provides an excellent summary of the diversity of dissent in 1970s Prague, from the anti-politics of Havel and his critics Mandler and Benda, to the conflict-mongering of Rezek. The paperbased samizdat of key Charter 77 figures however is countered with the relentless nightly coverage of a state televised Anti-Charter rally, showing how difficult was the dissident challenge to win hearts and minds. But the media sector was not necessarily an easy space in which party loyalty and individual creativity could collaborate as Bren also provides the reader with special backstage access to the manoeuvrings and the professional and political fates of writers and producers, such as Jaroslav Dietl, who were ultimately responsible for blending artistic inspiration with complacency through the mechanism of totalitarian entertainment.

Research paper thumbnail of Pridnestrov'e v makroregional'nom kontekste chernomorskogo poberezh'ia. Sbornik statei. Slavic Eurasian Studies, no. 18 by Kimitaka Matsuzato

Research paper thumbnail of Eduard Baidaus, An Unsettled Nation: Moldova in the Geopolitics of Russia, Romania, and Ukraine, ibidem-Press, 2023, 680 p. or

This book investigates state-building, distorted identities, and separatism in the Republic of Mo... more This book investigates state-building, distorted identities, and separatism in the Republic of Moldova. At various times, this region was a former imperial Russia borderland, a province in interwar Romania, a republic in the Soviet Union, and ultimately a modern state where the interests of Moscow and the West collide. The book presents research on the historical preconditions and spread of the secessionist movement in Transnistria, the war in the Dniester River valley, and the diplomatic deadlock of the Transnistrian problem. It further examines the conflicting positions that political parties, the public, and experts have taken towards the problems that challenge the nation- and state-building processes in this post-Soviet state. Additional focal points include the reassertion of Russia's power in the post-Soviet space, Ukraine's effort to become a major political player in the region, and Romania's attempt to retrieve its influence in Moldova. This study demonstrates that separatism generates mutually exclusive nation-building projects on the territory of a single state, where pre-existing historical conditions and geopolitical realities interweave and impede the construction of a modern nation-state. It also evinces that international actors play a significant role in this process, and that they are dominant and superimposed on the local decision-makers. Moreover, domestic and external factors connected with nation-building policies often conflict with each other and hinder the development of a resolution of the so-called "frozen conflict" over Transnistria.