Yay! Red Smurfs! (original) (raw)

(no subject) [Jul. 30th, 2005|10:26 pm]The Red Smurfs
So...are you guys playing together anymore?
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Battle Of The Bands [Nov. 22nd, 2004|11:31 pm]The Red Smurfs
[**Current Mood** |calmcalm]So, for those of you who went to Battle Of The Bands, and saw us play...1.)How'd you like it?2.)How'd you like the songs?3.)Do you have any pics/videos?4.)How'd you like the show/the other bands, like D(runk) O(n) D(isaster)?5.)Do you want me to stop listing these questions so formally?6.)Too bad. Lol.
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(no subject) [Nov. 15th, 2004|07:34 pm]The Red Smurfs
what are you guys playing at the battle of the bands?
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Battle Of The Bands [Nov. 9th, 2004|10:03 pm]The Red Smurfs
So who's all going to Battle Of The Bands on November 19th? (it's the friday after this friday)Red Smurfs are playing there. I dunno when, but i know we are.
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Ok, Now I know everything about this... [Oct. 17th, 2004|10:33 pm]The Red Smurfs
October 23rd (aka, this upcoming Saturday), at about 7-8pm up until maybe 10-11pm, at the Park District (nearby the mini golf, "under the canopy" is where i've been told). Yes, that means it's outside, but then it's a goodtime to get close to your loved ones and rock, lol. or rock so much, you get all warm and toasty inside, lol.It's open for at least 6-12 grades, so that ESPECIALLY INCLUDES YOU HIGH SCHOOL KIDS.Come watch the Red Smurfs play just about every song we've played...and remembered; lol.
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(no subject) [Oct. 8th, 2004|03:06 pm]The Red Smurfs
So I understand, the Red Smurfs have about 2 gigs lined up already.1)October 23rd late in the night for the Park District. i guess the age group allowed at this thing is about grades 6-12 (or something like that...but at least high school kids are allowed). As soon as i get the exact location & time, i'll post it here; and then spread the word from there.2)Battle Of The Bands is right around the corner. There's a meeting about it after school on Tuesday, and then the actual show is November....the friday after the last performance of the musical (would that make it the 12th or so?). Anyways, we probably have a VERY VERY VERY VERY good chance of getting in somewhere on the bill, so there's that too.and if any one else knows of other places we can play, please tell us. Any of the 4 of us. Thanx.
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(no subject) [Sep. 25th, 2004|11:30 pm]The Red Smurfs
Red Smurfs,You need to cell cd's. Even if it's the one that has 4 tracks on it. I happen to like that cd very much.
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The First [Sep. 25th, 2004|09:02 pm]The Red Smurfs
[Current Mood |accomplished]Hi Everyone! one of the Guitarists of the Red Smurfs here, saying welcome to the Red Smurfs community. Let's have some fun with this, ok? good. lol.
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