Ok, Now I know everything about this... (original) (raw)

Ok, Now I know everything about this... [Oct. 17th, 2004|10:33 pm]The Red Smurfs
Previous Entry Flag Next EntryOctober 23rd (aka, this upcoming Saturday), at about 7-8pm up until maybe 10-11pm, at the Park District (nearby the mini golf, "under the canopy" is where i've been told). Yes, that means it's outside, but then it's a goodtime to get close to your loved ones and rock, lol. or rock so much, you get all warm and toasty inside, lol.It's open for at least 6-12 grades, so that ESPECIALLY INCLUDES YOU HIGH SCHOOL KIDS.Come watch the Red Smurfs play just about every song we've played...and remembered; lol.
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