Slashin' and Pervin'. WWE Girls Do it Best (original) (raw)

Bella, Queen Hate-a-Bitch.  Be Jealous. [userpic]

This journal is...

June 18th, 2011 (02:03 pm)

current mood: grateful



Bella, Queen Hate-a-Bitch.  Be Jealous. [userpic]

Apex Predator (Part II) - Devil in Disguise

June 10th, 2010 (05:00 pm)

current mood: blah

Author: Rkowhore79
Title: Apex Predator (Part II) - Devil in Disguise
Pairing: Centon
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Just a small part this time with an excerpt from Part III at the end
Disclaimer: Completely fiction, unfortunately. Every word comes from some sick and twisted voice inside of my head.
Word Count: 1, 832

*Author’s Note: Song lyrics from Cowboy Casanova by Carrie Underwood

( Apex Predator (Part II) - Devil in DisguiseCollapse )

Bella, Queen Hate-a-Bitch.  Be Jealous. [userpic]

Size Doesn't Matter (2/2)

May 31st, 2010 (09:35 pm)

current mood: aggravated

Author: Rkowhore79
Title: Size Doesn't Matter
Pairing: Centon..with a few mentions of Codiasi here and there I guess:)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Somewhat non-con, there might be some blood spilled, some know, the usual;)
Disclaimers: No beta, yada yada...all these mistakes are mine and mine only. And of course it is AU, as always. I do what I please with mah boyz. I always do;)
Word Count: 12,406
Feedback: Yes PLEASE!

*Author's Note: I started this fic a year ago this June, forgot about it, just found it a few weeks ago and have been struggling to finish it ever since. It was originally supposed to be for my lovely twin, Erica's, birthday (last year lol) but it has since evolved into something bloody and brutal and I know she isn't really into all of that is now just a fic for my archives.

*Edit: I absolutely hate breaking up fics that aren't supposed to be in parts, but I just tried to post and LJ is telling me it's too big sooo...gonna have to cut it up. There's no way I'm going to go back and read this sucker again trying to find stuff to axe. I'm sick of looking at this!

( Size Doesn't Matter (2/2)Collapse )

Bella, Queen Hate-a-Bitch.  Be Jealous. [userpic]

Size Doesn't Matter (1/2)

May 31st, 2010 (09:33 pm)

current location: couch
current mood: anxious
current song: should be RAW, but i haven't turned it on yet:(

Author: Rkowhore79
Title: Size Doesn't Matter
Pairing: Centon..with a few mentions of Codiasi here and there I guess:)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Somewhat non-con, there might be some blood spilled, some know, the usual;)
Disclaimers: No beta, yada yada...all these mistakes are mine and mine only. And of course it is AU, as always. I do what I please with mah boyz. I always do;)
Word Count: 12,406
Feedback: Yes PLEASE!

*Author's Note: I started this fic a year ago this June, forgot about it, just found it a few weeks ago and have been struggling to finish it ever since. It was originally supposed to be for my lovely twin, Erica's, birthday (last year lol) but it has since evolved into something bloody and brutal and I know she isn't really into all of that is now just a fic for my archives.

*Edit: I absolutely hate breaking up fics that aren't supposed to be in parts, but I just tried to post and LJ is telling me it's too big sooo...gonna have to cut it up. There's no way I'm going to go back and read this sucker again trying to find stuff to axe. I'm sick of looking at this!

( Size Doesn't Matter (1/2)Collapse )

Bella, Queen Hate-a-Bitch.  Be Jealous. [userpic]


May 8th, 2010 (09:42 pm)

current location: my comfy couch
current mood: cheerful
current song: everybody loves raymond

**3 posts in one day. Who IS this girl???**

Author: Rkowhore79

Title: Apex Predator

Pairing: Centon

Rating: NC-17

Word Count: 1,110

Summary: Randy’s finally lost it this time. The, what was formally known as IED, has taken over and he has gone crazy within his already crazy mind.

Disclaimer: Randy is my bitch. He does what I tell him, when I tell him. Other than that, I don’t own either him or John.
Feedback: Yes please

*Author’s Note: I know I haven’t really posted any full fics lately, but I have been writing a lot of “starts” to fics here and there. This would be one such example, so it may or may not get continued, I really couldn’t tell you. I just write what/when the voices tell me to…..


Bella, Queen Hate-a-Bitch.  Be Jealous. [userpic]

It's been a long time, I shouldn't have left you. Without a dope....fic to come to?

May 8th, 2010 (01:16 pm)

current mood: accomplished

Author: Rkowhore79

Title: Alone

Pairing: Codiasi

Rating: NC-17

Word Count: 5,034

Disclaimer: I don’t own these boys or their characters. The only things that I own are my words. Although, I’m not quite sure I even want to lay claim to those right about now…

Summary: Cody is feeling isolated and alone after the draft, but is in for a nice surprise that might just turn that frown upside down;) Cody’s POV.

*Author’s Note: It’s been over a year since I’ve written a fic, or at least it feels like it, and this I wrote pretty quickly so please excuse any mistakes and/or suckiness. I’m just finding my way back into the writing groove, or at least I hope I am. Please don't hesitate to give me your honest opinions, either. I know it's pretty short and lacking in my usual details, angst, and what not but it's like my first time all over again and I'm starting from square one:)

( AloneCollapse )

Bella, Queen Hate-a-Bitch.  Be Jealous. [userpic]

Tension Rising (Part 3)

September 20th, 2009 (03:20 pm)

current mood: accomplished

Author: Rkowhore79
Title: Tension Rising (Part 3)
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Centon
Summary: Randy lives a very secret and very dark life. Question is, can he trust John to be a part of it?
Warnings: Oh there will be blood...
Disclaimers: Randy isn't really as dark and depraved in real life as I make him out to be in this fic. Or at least I don't think he is;) Shit, you never know though, right?
Word Count: 1,422

*Author's Note: Sorry this part is so short. I've been really busy this week with RL shenanigans..but now I have like a month and a half to myself so FTW!!! I'm going to start Part 4 tonight most definitely!

( Tension Rising (Part 3)Collapse )

Bella, Queen Hate-a-Bitch.  Be Jealous. [userpic]

Tension Rising (Part 2)

September 13th, 2009 (05:44 pm)

current mood: busy

Author: Rkowhore79
Title: Tension Rising (Part 2)
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Centon
Summary: Randy lives a very secret and very dark life. Question is, can he trust John to be a part of it?
Warnings: Oh there will be blood...
Disclaimers: Randy isn't really as dark and depraved in real life as I make him out to be in this fic. Or at least I don't think he is;) Shit, you never know though, right?
Word Count: 2,892

Tension Rising (Part 1)

( Tension Rising (Part 2)Collapse )

Bella, Queen Hate-a-Bitch.  Be Jealous. [userpic]

Tension Rising

September 4th, 2009 (07:02 pm)

current location: dining room table
current mood: bitin my nails in anticipation
current song: ice clinking in my glass

Author: Rkowhore79
Title: Tension Rising (Part 1)
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Centon
Summary: Randy lives a very secret and very dark life. Question is, can he trust John to be a part of it?
Warnings: Oh there will be blood...
Disclaimers: Randy isn't really as dark and depraved in real life as I make him out to be in this fic. Or at least I don't think he is;) Shit, you never know though, right?
Word Count: 3,447

FEEDBACK: Please? I'd really love to hear any thoughts or ideas that any of you might have as to where you might want to see this go or as to what you'd like to maybe see happen. I know this is also not really going to be everyone's taste what with Randy's penchant for...the darker things and well..blood, so I'll understand if you don't want to see this go anywhere! lol


Author's Note

: Ok, so this is my first foray back into fic writing in like..months. I'm really not sure quite where I'm going with this one yet, but I am inspired by the show Dexter on Shotime. My husband and I have just started watching it and already I'm hooked and right from the beginning I've been picturing Randy in Dexter's place for some reason. And if you've never seen the show than you have no idea what I'm talking about...but that's ok. Just go with it:) I'll also understand if not that many of you even want to read this, I know I've been a terrible fic reading friend as of late and I feel really bad about it:( Please forgive me.

( Tension Rising (Part 1)Collapse )

Bella, Queen Hate-a-Bitch.  Be Jealous. [userpic]

Happy Birthday, Kitty!!

July 24th, 2009 (01:53 am)

current mood: nervous

Author: Rkowhore79
Title: Sudsy Sunday
Pairing: Centon
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Fluff. And lots of it. This is so not my usual type of fic but since this was written for someone, I had to take into account their likes and dislikes. As much as it pained me to do so :P Oh, and no sex. *gasp* So I guess the rating is just for some language.
Disclaimer: John and Randy are really not this mushy and sappy. At least in my head they aren't!
Word Count: 4,318

*Author's Note: This fic was written for the lovely Kitty, goddessrockgeek, for her birthday today! I've never written a fic for anyone before, well I did, for Jane, but that was more of my type of fic. Bloody and violent and pornographic, so it was easy. But with this one I took into account the types of fics that Kitty leans more towards and came up with this. I really hope you like it because I am sooo nervous about posting it. It's been through at least three different people to get opinions and help on a few grammar issues and I am still not happy with it. But I guess that's just because it's not my type of fic, it's yours! Well, at least I hope it is! Ok, enough procrastinating...*takes a deep breath*. Onto the fic...

( Sudsy SundayCollapse )