roma_andfriends - Profile (original) (raw)
on 26 May 2004 (#3272661)
Are you anti-racist? Do you think you know who Gypsies are? Or do you have a Rromani background yourself (a.k.a. Romani – ethnically "Gypsy" [not Romanian])? We who inherited the Sanskrit-based Romani language trace our roots to India, roughly 1000 years ago. Others of us don’t speak Romani anymore but are still descended from South Asian ancestors and may very well have the looks to prove it. Or not. This community is for anyone who can read romanes as well as for people who can’t count from ekh to pandj. Opre Roma!
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This is a community for the discussion of Romani related topics. If you have an article or information to post, you are most welcome. If you wish to post an article written by someone else (or found in an outside news group), please limit yourself to articles that you have a special interest in and/or knowledge of that you would like to start a discussion with. Please open a discussion or provide a link to the news group(s) where the article(s) may be found.
Trolling and spamming are not welcome. Such posts will be deleted and the lj-user making such posts will be banned from the community. There may be no other warning than this. Please do not flame. If someone states something incorrectly, explain it to them politely.
To create a safer space and a more productive community, posting will be moderated as of 9 January 2008.
This community is linked to Romany_Women.
academia, academic misinformation, activism, albania, anthropology, anti-oppression, anti-racism, anti-racist education, central europe, central european politics, civil rights, community development, critical theory, cultural anthropology, cultural representation, cultural studies, czech republic, diaspora, diaspora studies, diasporas, discrimination, discrimination in employment, diversity, east european politics, eastern europe, education, educational equality, employment discrimination, employment equality, equal opportunity, equal rights, equality, ethnic cleansing, ethnic identity, ethnic stereotypes, ethnic studies, eu parliament, eugenics, europe, european history, european politics, exclusion, exoticized minorities, exoticizing, exoticizing stereotypes, extremism, genocide, greece, gypsies, holocaust, human rights, hungary, indic languages, inequality, institutional discrimination, institutional racism, intercultural education, international politics, invisible minorities, judicial reform, linguistics, macedonia, manouche, minorities, misrepresentation, multicultural education, multiculturalism, nationalism, nazi ideologies, neo-nazis, people of color, police brutality, race, racial categories, racial discrimination, racism, racist ideologies, roma, romanes, romania, romanies, romany, rromanes, rromani, russia, serbia, sinti, skinheads, slovakia, social change, social exclusion, sociology, spain, structural violence, systems of oppression, transnational communities, tsiganes, tziganes, visible minorities, white privilege, women's rights,