have you tried the wayback machine? that's the only place I've had any luck finding anything lately. ummm, I don't know what that is??? I don't know how to use this site, why are there no directions? And if the site is dead, then how are you supposed to know what the address was? From: _(Anonymous)_2011-02-08 11:03 pm (UTC) (Link) Here is a link to the completed story. This site has many of the stories that are now sadly missing due to sites closing down. We mods have done our best to save Roswell Fanfic history.Here's the link:http://roswellheaven.yuku.com/topic/10164/Sexual-Education-by-Ana-s-Nin-M-L-ADULT-Complete I knew about this site, and I tried to search it, but it's not exactly user friendly, at least for me it's not, I'm not even the littlest bit computer savvy, and I will shut up now! You are a most awsome and kind and beautiful Mod! |