Marco Cavallaro | Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau (original) (raw)

Books by Marco Cavallaro

Research paper thumbnail of Antonucci, Elio, Marco Cavallaro, & Thiemo Breyer, (Eds.). “Perspectives on the Philosophy of Culture: Husserl and Cassirer”. Schriften zur Phänomenologie und Anthropologie 3. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2022

Perspectives on the Philosophy of Culture: Husserl and Cassirer, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Cavallaro, Marco, & George Heffernan (Eds.), The Existential Husserl: A Collection of Critical Essays. Contributions to Phenomenology 120. Dordrecht: Springer, 2022

This book examines Husserl’s approach to the question concerning meaning in life and demonstrates... more This book examines Husserl’s approach to the question concerning meaning in life and demonstrates that his philosophy includes a phenomenology of existence. Given his critique of the fashionable “philosophy of existence” of the late 1920s and early 1930s, one might think that Husserl posited an opposition between transcendental phenomenology and existential philosophy, as well as that in this respect he differed from existential phenomenologists after him. But texts composed between 1908 and 1937 and recently published in Husserliana XLII, Grenzprobleme der Phänomenologie (2014), show that the existential Husserl was not opposed but open to the phenomenological investigation of several basic topics of a philosophy of existence. A collection of contributions from a team of internationally recognized scholars drawing on these and other sources, the present volume offers insights into the relationship between phenomenology and philosophy of existence. It does so by (1) delineating the basic outlines of Husserl’s phenomenology of existence, (2) reinterpreting the tension between Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology and Jaspers’s and Heidegger’s philosophy of existence as well as Kierkegaard’s and Sartre’s existentialism, and (3) investigating the existential aspects of Husserl’s phenomenological ethics. Thus focusing on neglected aspects of Husserl’s thought, the volume shows that there is a consensus between classical phenomenology and existential phenomenology on the urgency of addressing the existential questions that in The Crisis of the European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology (1936) Husserl calls “the questions concerning the meaning or meaninglessness of this entire human existence”. The Existential Husserl represents a major contribution to the clarification of the historical and philosophical developments from transcendental phenomenology to existential phenomenology. The book should appeal to a wide audience of many readers at all levels looking for phenomenological answers to existential questions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Breyer, Thiemo, Marco Cavallaro, & Rodrigo Sandoval (Eds.). Phenomenology of Phantasy and Emotions. Schriften zur Phänomenologie und Anthropologie 1. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2022

This book confronts a topic largely neglected in research on phantasy: the relationship between f... more This book confronts a topic largely neglected in research on phantasy: the relationship between fictional events and the emotions of the subject having a phantasy experience. What is the nature of an emotional response to fiction? Are emotions indifferent to the existence of what causes them? How do fictional emotions relate to their real counterparts? The volume gathers ten innovative essays tackling these questions from a phenomenological perspective.

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Papers by Marco Cavallaro

Research paper thumbnail of "Husserl's Theory of Science". In Hanne Jacobs (ed.), "The Husserlian Mind". London: Routledge, 2021

Hanne Jacobs (ed.), The Husserlian Mind. London: Routledge, 2021

The idea of theory of science (Wissenschaftslehre) forms the backbone of Edmund Husserl's philoso... more The idea of theory of science (Wissenschaftslehre) forms the backbone of Edmund Husserl's philosophical agenda. This paper provides a cartography of Husserl's theory of science, delineating its scope, tasks, and disciplines with their respective fields. The first section discusses Husserl's system of a theory of science. The second reconstructs the architectonic of Husserl's formal logic, intended both as formal apophantics and formal ontology. The third considers the evolution of the scope of Husserl's theory of science as including a plurality of material logics. The fourth discusses Husserl's notion of noetics as subjective logic. The fifth and last section specifies the function of phenomenology in Husserl's program of Wissenschaftslehre.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Ego-Splitting and the Transcendental Subject. Kant’s Original Insight and Husserl’s Reappraisal". In Iulian Apostolescu (ed.), "The Subject(s) of Phenomenology. Rereading Husserl". Contributions to Phenomenology 108. Dordrecht: Springer 2020, 107-133

Iulian Apostolescu (ed.), "The Subject(s) of Phenomenology. Rereading Husserl", 2020

In this paper, I contend that there are at least two essential traits that commonly define being ... more In this paper, I contend that there are at least two essential traits that commonly define being an I: self-identity and self-consciousness. I argue that they bear quite an odd relation to each other in the sense that self-consciousness seems to jeopardize self-identity. My main concern is to elucidate this issue within the range of the transcendental philosophies of Immanuel Kant and Edmund Husserl. In the first section, I shall briefly consider Kant’s own rendition of the problem of the Egosplitting. My reading of the Kantian texts reveals that Kant himself was aware of this phenomenon but eventually deems it an unexplainable fact. The second part of the paper tackles the same problematic from the standpoint of Husserlian phenomenology. What Husserl’s extensive analyses on this topic bring to light is that the phenomenon of the Ego-splitting constitutes the bedrock not only of his thought but also of every philosophy that works within the framework of transcendental thinking.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Der Heroismus der Vernunft. Ein Beitrag zur späten Ethik Husserls". In Fausto Fraisopi (Hrsg.), "Mathesis, Grund, Vernunft. Die philosophische Identität Europas zwischen Deutschem Idealismus und Phänomenologie". Würzburg: Ergon 2019, 147-168

Fausto Fraisopi (ed.), Mathesis, Grund, Vernunft Die philosophische Identität Europas zwischen Deutschem Idealismus und Phänomenologie, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of (with George Heffernan) "From Happiness to Blessedness: Husserl on Eudaimonia, Virtue, and the Best Life". In: Horizon. Studies in Phenomenology, Vol. 8, Issue 2, 2019, 353-388

Horizon. Studies in Phenomenology, 2019

This paper treats of Husserl's phenomenology of happiness or eudaimonia in five parts. In the fi ... more This paper treats of Husserl's phenomenology of happiness or eudaimonia in five parts. In the fi rst part, we argue that phenomenology of happiness is an important albeit relatively neglected area of research, and we show that Husserl engages in it. In the second part, we examine the relationship between phenomenological ethics and virtue ethics. In the third part, we identify and clarify essential aspects of Husserl's phenomenology of happiness, namely, the nature of the question concerning happiness and the possibility of a phenomenological answer, the power of the will, the role of vocation, the place of obligation, the signifi cance of habituation, the necessity of self-refl ection and self-criticism, the importance of sociability and solidarity, the impact of chance and destiny, and the specter of regret. In the fourth part, we establish the inextricable linkage between Husserl's metaethics and his metaphysics. In the fi ft h part, we provide a provisional exploration of his conception of the connection between happiness and blessedness. We acknowledge that there is an extensive literature on Husserl's phenomenological ethics, and our study has benefi tted greatly from it, but we also suggest that our holistic approach critically clarifi es his description of happiness, virtue, and blessedness by fully recognizing that his phenomenological metaethics is embedded in his phenomenological metaphysics.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Towards a Phenomenological Analysis of Fictional Emotions". In: Phainomenon. Journal of Phenomenological Philosophy, Vol. 29, 2019, 57-81

Phainomenon. Journal of Phenomenological Philosophy, 2019

What are fictional emotions and what has phenomenology to say about them? This paper argues that ... more What are fictional emotions and what has phenomenology to say about them? This paper argues that the experience of fictional emotions entails a splitting of the subject between a real and a phantasy ego. The real ego is the ego that imagines something; the phantasy ego is the ego that is necessarily co-posited by any experience of imagining something. Fictional emotions are phantasy emotions of the phantasy ego. The intentional structure of fictional emotions, the nature of their fictional object, as well as the process of constituting the phantasy ego in representificational acts of consciousness are further elaborated to provide the groundwork for a phenomenological analysis of fictional emotions.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Erkenntnis ohne Subjekt? Zum Begriff der Synthesis in Husserls 'Philosophie der Arithmetik'". In:  Phänomenologische Forschungen 2018-1, 68-89

Phänomenologische Forschungen, 2018

In Husserlian scholarship it is common to characterize Husserl’s early analyses in the Philosophy... more In Husserlian scholarship it is common to characterize Husserl’s early analyses in the Philosophy of Arithmetic as an epistemology without a subject. The article questions this reading. First, I introduce the method used by Husserl in his analyses of the concept of number in the Philosophy of Arithmetic. Second, I outline Husserl’s critique of Kant’s conception of synthesis and contrast it with its phenomenological alternative, namely relation theory. Finally, I focus on the product of synthesis, that is, the number, and argue that even if Husserl’s early analyses of the concept of number contains a reference to the subject of synthesis, his theory cannot be regarded as psychologistic.

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Research paper thumbnail of "The Phenomenon of Ego-Splitting in Husserl's Phenomenology of Pure Phantasy". In: Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, Vol. 48, Issue 2, 2017, 162-177

Husserl’s phenomenology of imagination embraces a cluster of different theories and approaches re... more Husserl’s phenomenology of imagination embraces a cluster of different theories and approaches regarding the multi-faced phenomenon of imaginative experience. In this paper I consider one aspect that seems to be crucial to the understanding of a particular form of imagination that Husserl names pure phantasy. I argue that the phenomenon of Ego-splitting discloses the best way to elucidate the peculiarity of pure phantasy with respect to other forms of representative acts (such as remembering) and to any simple form of act modification (such as neutrality modification). First, I unravel the phenomenological distinctions which, respectively, oppose phantasy to perception, on the one hand, and phantasy to other forms of the so-called “intuitive re-presentations”. Second, I introduce the difference between presentative and representative acts, arguing that this cannot help us to single out the defining feature of phantasy experiences. The third section draws again an important distinction between pure phantasy and neutrality modification, which allows me to finally determine an internal trait of phantasy experiences, which Husserl refers to as the “Ego-splitting” (Ichspaltung). In this way, I hope to contribute to a refined characterization of Husserl’s phenomenology of imagination.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Das ‚Problem‘ der Habituskonstitution und die Spätlehre des Ich in der genetischen Phänomenologie E. Husserls." In: Husserl Studies, Vol. 32, Issue 3, 2016, 237-261

Der vorliegende Aufsatz behandelt zwei Bereiche, deren Zusammenhang in der aktuellen Husserlforsc... more Der vorliegende Aufsatz behandelt zwei Bereiche, deren Zusammenhang in der aktuellen Husserlforschung zu Unrecht in Vergessenheit geraten zu sein scheint: Zum einen konturiere ich den Habitusbegriff und das damit verbundene Problem der Habituskonstitution im Spätwerk E. Husserls. Zum anderen dient das Ergebnis dieser ersten Untersuchung dann als Grundlage für die Frage nach dem Wesen des Ich in der genetischen Phänomenologie. Die Untersuchung besteht (nach einer kurzen Einleitung) aus drei Teilen: Zuerst stelle ich, um die Bedeutung des Begriffs „Habitus“ zu klären, Ingardens Interpretationsalternativen der Habituskonstitution vor. Im Anschluss daran werde ich mich mit dem sogenannten „transzendentalen Okkasionalismus“ befassen, der eine der zuvor vorgestellten Alternativen Ingardens aufgreift und weiterführt. Der „transzendentale Okkasionalismus“ vertritt die These, dass die habituellen Eigenschaften des Ich durch den einfachen Vollzug der Akte entstünden. Weil diese These als Interpretation des Habitusbegriffs bei Husserl weit verbreitet ist, muss sie als Lösungsansatz in Erwägung gezogen werden. Jedoch zeigt eine genaue Lektüre der Forschungsmanuskripte Husserls, dass dieser scheinbare Lösungsansatz einen dort wichtigen Begriff außer Acht lässt: die „Geschichte des Ich“. Diese wird im dritten und letzten Teil dieses Aufsatzes näher betrachtet und erläutert. Husserl selbst hob nämlich einen wesenhaften Zusammenhang zwischen den mannigfaltigen Erfahrungen des Ich hervor, durch den die Bezeichnung der Habituskonstitution als „Okkasionalismus“ nicht zutreffend sein kann. Aus diesem Grund geht dieser Beitrag über die reine Wiedergabe der Habitusproblematik in Husserls Phänomenologie hinaus und beschreibt eine Auffassung der transzendentalen Subjektivität, die aus dem Spätwerk Husserls stammt.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Las raíces empiriocriticistas del concepto de mundo natural en Edmund Husserl." In: Investigaciones Fenomenológicas, n. 12, 2015, 33-50

In this paper I investigate the relationship between the philosophies of Edmund Husserl and Richa... more In this paper I investigate the relationship between the philosophies of Edmund Husserl and Richard Avenarius. Despite this topic has been almost disregarded by Husserlian scholars, it is of uttermost importance if one aims at illuminating the origins of Husserl's phenomenological thinking. My thesis is that Husserl's concept of natural attitude and
its correlate, the natural world (Umwelt) —as they emerge in various lectures during the 1910s and especially in Ideen I with respect to the phenomenological reduction— stem from an early confrontation with Avenarius’ “empiriocriticist” standpoint as laid out in his book Der menschliche Weltbegriff. In order to uphold this claim, I will discuss in my paper Husserl's gradual approach to the theories of the Swiss-German philosopher as well as his late critique of the same. Although Husserl in fact conceived of Avenarius’ standpoint as a valuable beginning, he was decisively prompted in his late reflections to call into question some of the premises of the “empirio-criticist” philosophy.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Der Beitrag der Phänomenologie Edmund Husserls zur Debatte um die Fundierung der Geisteswissenschaften." In: Phänomenologische Forschungen, hrsg. von D. Lohmar und D. Fonfara. Hambrug: Felix Meiner Verlag, 2013, 77-93

Dieser Aufsatz möchte den Beitrag der Phänomenologie Edmund Husserls zur Debatte über die Fundier... more Dieser Aufsatz möchte den Beitrag der Phänomenologie Edmund Husserls zur Debatte über die Fundierung der Geisteswissenschaft in groben Zügen enthüllen. Zunächst wird eine schematische Zusammenfassung der aus der deutschen Philosophie des 19. Jahrhunderts stammenden Debatte über die Fundierung der Geisteswissenschaften dargeboten. Dies soll dazu dienen, den philosophisch-historischen Hintergrund, in den Husserls Denkmotiv über die Beziehung zwischen Phänomenologie und Geisteswissenschaften eingebunden ist, zu begreifen. Danach wird Husserls Beitrag in dieser Debatte abgewägt, wobei im Besonderen die neuen Begriffe und Denkmotive, die von ihm in die Diskussion eingefügt wurden, nämlich der der regionalen Ontologie und der der personalistischen Einstellung, betrachtet werden. Dieser zweite und letzte Teil schließt mit einer Erörterung des von Husserl angegebenen Vorrangs der Geisteswissenschaften und des Geistes als ihr Korrelat, vor den Naturwissenschaften ab.

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Reviews by Marco Cavallaro

Research paper thumbnail of Book Review: The Routledge Handbook of Phenomenology of Emotion

Husserl Studies, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Carmine Di Martino, Viventi umani e non umani. Milano, Raffaello Cortina 2017

Discipline Filosofiche, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Edmund Husserl, Fantasia e immagine, a cura di Claudio Rozzoni. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino 2017

Discipline Filosofiche, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Fausto Fraisopi, Philosophie und Frage. Band 1: Über Metaphilosophie/Band 2: Untersuchungen über die Formen der Mathesis. Freiburg im Breisgau, Alber 2016

Phenomenological Reviews, Apr 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Laura Massacra, Il corpo cosciente. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino 2015

ReF - Recensioni filosofiche, Apr 25, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Andrea Staiti (ed.), Commentary on Ideas I. Berlin, De Gruyter 2015

Philosophy in Review, Apr 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Michela Summa, Spatio-Temporal Intertwining: Husserl's Transcendental Aesthetic. Phaenomenologica 213. Cham, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London, Springer 2014

Husserl Studies 32 (1), 91-99, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Antonucci, Elio, Marco Cavallaro, & Thiemo Breyer, (Eds.). “Perspectives on the Philosophy of Culture: Husserl and Cassirer”. Schriften zur Phänomenologie und Anthropologie 3. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2022

Perspectives on the Philosophy of Culture: Husserl and Cassirer, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Cavallaro, Marco, & George Heffernan (Eds.), The Existential Husserl: A Collection of Critical Essays. Contributions to Phenomenology 120. Dordrecht: Springer, 2022

This book examines Husserl’s approach to the question concerning meaning in life and demonstrates... more This book examines Husserl’s approach to the question concerning meaning in life and demonstrates that his philosophy includes a phenomenology of existence. Given his critique of the fashionable “philosophy of existence” of the late 1920s and early 1930s, one might think that Husserl posited an opposition between transcendental phenomenology and existential philosophy, as well as that in this respect he differed from existential phenomenologists after him. But texts composed between 1908 and 1937 and recently published in Husserliana XLII, Grenzprobleme der Phänomenologie (2014), show that the existential Husserl was not opposed but open to the phenomenological investigation of several basic topics of a philosophy of existence. A collection of contributions from a team of internationally recognized scholars drawing on these and other sources, the present volume offers insights into the relationship between phenomenology and philosophy of existence. It does so by (1) delineating the basic outlines of Husserl’s phenomenology of existence, (2) reinterpreting the tension between Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology and Jaspers’s and Heidegger’s philosophy of existence as well as Kierkegaard’s and Sartre’s existentialism, and (3) investigating the existential aspects of Husserl’s phenomenological ethics. Thus focusing on neglected aspects of Husserl’s thought, the volume shows that there is a consensus between classical phenomenology and existential phenomenology on the urgency of addressing the existential questions that in The Crisis of the European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology (1936) Husserl calls “the questions concerning the meaning or meaninglessness of this entire human existence”. The Existential Husserl represents a major contribution to the clarification of the historical and philosophical developments from transcendental phenomenology to existential phenomenology. The book should appeal to a wide audience of many readers at all levels looking for phenomenological answers to existential questions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Breyer, Thiemo, Marco Cavallaro, & Rodrigo Sandoval (Eds.). Phenomenology of Phantasy and Emotions. Schriften zur Phänomenologie und Anthropologie 1. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2022

This book confronts a topic largely neglected in research on phantasy: the relationship between f... more This book confronts a topic largely neglected in research on phantasy: the relationship between fictional events and the emotions of the subject having a phantasy experience. What is the nature of an emotional response to fiction? Are emotions indifferent to the existence of what causes them? How do fictional emotions relate to their real counterparts? The volume gathers ten innovative essays tackling these questions from a phenomenological perspective.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Husserl's Theory of Science". In Hanne Jacobs (ed.), "The Husserlian Mind". London: Routledge, 2021

Hanne Jacobs (ed.), The Husserlian Mind. London: Routledge, 2021

The idea of theory of science (Wissenschaftslehre) forms the backbone of Edmund Husserl's philoso... more The idea of theory of science (Wissenschaftslehre) forms the backbone of Edmund Husserl's philosophical agenda. This paper provides a cartography of Husserl's theory of science, delineating its scope, tasks, and disciplines with their respective fields. The first section discusses Husserl's system of a theory of science. The second reconstructs the architectonic of Husserl's formal logic, intended both as formal apophantics and formal ontology. The third considers the evolution of the scope of Husserl's theory of science as including a plurality of material logics. The fourth discusses Husserl's notion of noetics as subjective logic. The fifth and last section specifies the function of phenomenology in Husserl's program of Wissenschaftslehre.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Ego-Splitting and the Transcendental Subject. Kant’s Original Insight and Husserl’s Reappraisal". In Iulian Apostolescu (ed.), "The Subject(s) of Phenomenology. Rereading Husserl". Contributions to Phenomenology 108. Dordrecht: Springer 2020, 107-133

Iulian Apostolescu (ed.), "The Subject(s) of Phenomenology. Rereading Husserl", 2020

In this paper, I contend that there are at least two essential traits that commonly define being ... more In this paper, I contend that there are at least two essential traits that commonly define being an I: self-identity and self-consciousness. I argue that they bear quite an odd relation to each other in the sense that self-consciousness seems to jeopardize self-identity. My main concern is to elucidate this issue within the range of the transcendental philosophies of Immanuel Kant and Edmund Husserl. In the first section, I shall briefly consider Kant’s own rendition of the problem of the Egosplitting. My reading of the Kantian texts reveals that Kant himself was aware of this phenomenon but eventually deems it an unexplainable fact. The second part of the paper tackles the same problematic from the standpoint of Husserlian phenomenology. What Husserl’s extensive analyses on this topic bring to light is that the phenomenon of the Ego-splitting constitutes the bedrock not only of his thought but also of every philosophy that works within the framework of transcendental thinking.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Der Heroismus der Vernunft. Ein Beitrag zur späten Ethik Husserls". In Fausto Fraisopi (Hrsg.), "Mathesis, Grund, Vernunft. Die philosophische Identität Europas zwischen Deutschem Idealismus und Phänomenologie". Würzburg: Ergon 2019, 147-168

Fausto Fraisopi (ed.), Mathesis, Grund, Vernunft Die philosophische Identität Europas zwischen Deutschem Idealismus und Phänomenologie, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of (with George Heffernan) "From Happiness to Blessedness: Husserl on Eudaimonia, Virtue, and the Best Life". In: Horizon. Studies in Phenomenology, Vol. 8, Issue 2, 2019, 353-388

Horizon. Studies in Phenomenology, 2019

This paper treats of Husserl's phenomenology of happiness or eudaimonia in five parts. In the fi ... more This paper treats of Husserl's phenomenology of happiness or eudaimonia in five parts. In the fi rst part, we argue that phenomenology of happiness is an important albeit relatively neglected area of research, and we show that Husserl engages in it. In the second part, we examine the relationship between phenomenological ethics and virtue ethics. In the third part, we identify and clarify essential aspects of Husserl's phenomenology of happiness, namely, the nature of the question concerning happiness and the possibility of a phenomenological answer, the power of the will, the role of vocation, the place of obligation, the signifi cance of habituation, the necessity of self-refl ection and self-criticism, the importance of sociability and solidarity, the impact of chance and destiny, and the specter of regret. In the fourth part, we establish the inextricable linkage between Husserl's metaethics and his metaphysics. In the fi ft h part, we provide a provisional exploration of his conception of the connection between happiness and blessedness. We acknowledge that there is an extensive literature on Husserl's phenomenological ethics, and our study has benefi tted greatly from it, but we also suggest that our holistic approach critically clarifi es his description of happiness, virtue, and blessedness by fully recognizing that his phenomenological metaethics is embedded in his phenomenological metaphysics.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Towards a Phenomenological Analysis of Fictional Emotions". In: Phainomenon. Journal of Phenomenological Philosophy, Vol. 29, 2019, 57-81

Phainomenon. Journal of Phenomenological Philosophy, 2019

What are fictional emotions and what has phenomenology to say about them? This paper argues that ... more What are fictional emotions and what has phenomenology to say about them? This paper argues that the experience of fictional emotions entails a splitting of the subject between a real and a phantasy ego. The real ego is the ego that imagines something; the phantasy ego is the ego that is necessarily co-posited by any experience of imagining something. Fictional emotions are phantasy emotions of the phantasy ego. The intentional structure of fictional emotions, the nature of their fictional object, as well as the process of constituting the phantasy ego in representificational acts of consciousness are further elaborated to provide the groundwork for a phenomenological analysis of fictional emotions.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Erkenntnis ohne Subjekt? Zum Begriff der Synthesis in Husserls 'Philosophie der Arithmetik'". In:  Phänomenologische Forschungen 2018-1, 68-89

Phänomenologische Forschungen, 2018

In Husserlian scholarship it is common to characterize Husserl’s early analyses in the Philosophy... more In Husserlian scholarship it is common to characterize Husserl’s early analyses in the Philosophy of Arithmetic as an epistemology without a subject. The article questions this reading. First, I introduce the method used by Husserl in his analyses of the concept of number in the Philosophy of Arithmetic. Second, I outline Husserl’s critique of Kant’s conception of synthesis and contrast it with its phenomenological alternative, namely relation theory. Finally, I focus on the product of synthesis, that is, the number, and argue that even if Husserl’s early analyses of the concept of number contains a reference to the subject of synthesis, his theory cannot be regarded as psychologistic.

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Research paper thumbnail of "The Phenomenon of Ego-Splitting in Husserl's Phenomenology of Pure Phantasy". In: Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, Vol. 48, Issue 2, 2017, 162-177

Husserl’s phenomenology of imagination embraces a cluster of different theories and approaches re... more Husserl’s phenomenology of imagination embraces a cluster of different theories and approaches regarding the multi-faced phenomenon of imaginative experience. In this paper I consider one aspect that seems to be crucial to the understanding of a particular form of imagination that Husserl names pure phantasy. I argue that the phenomenon of Ego-splitting discloses the best way to elucidate the peculiarity of pure phantasy with respect to other forms of representative acts (such as remembering) and to any simple form of act modification (such as neutrality modification). First, I unravel the phenomenological distinctions which, respectively, oppose phantasy to perception, on the one hand, and phantasy to other forms of the so-called “intuitive re-presentations”. Second, I introduce the difference between presentative and representative acts, arguing that this cannot help us to single out the defining feature of phantasy experiences. The third section draws again an important distinction between pure phantasy and neutrality modification, which allows me to finally determine an internal trait of phantasy experiences, which Husserl refers to as the “Ego-splitting” (Ichspaltung). In this way, I hope to contribute to a refined characterization of Husserl’s phenomenology of imagination.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Das ‚Problem‘ der Habituskonstitution und die Spätlehre des Ich in der genetischen Phänomenologie E. Husserls." In: Husserl Studies, Vol. 32, Issue 3, 2016, 237-261

Der vorliegende Aufsatz behandelt zwei Bereiche, deren Zusammenhang in der aktuellen Husserlforsc... more Der vorliegende Aufsatz behandelt zwei Bereiche, deren Zusammenhang in der aktuellen Husserlforschung zu Unrecht in Vergessenheit geraten zu sein scheint: Zum einen konturiere ich den Habitusbegriff und das damit verbundene Problem der Habituskonstitution im Spätwerk E. Husserls. Zum anderen dient das Ergebnis dieser ersten Untersuchung dann als Grundlage für die Frage nach dem Wesen des Ich in der genetischen Phänomenologie. Die Untersuchung besteht (nach einer kurzen Einleitung) aus drei Teilen: Zuerst stelle ich, um die Bedeutung des Begriffs „Habitus“ zu klären, Ingardens Interpretationsalternativen der Habituskonstitution vor. Im Anschluss daran werde ich mich mit dem sogenannten „transzendentalen Okkasionalismus“ befassen, der eine der zuvor vorgestellten Alternativen Ingardens aufgreift und weiterführt. Der „transzendentale Okkasionalismus“ vertritt die These, dass die habituellen Eigenschaften des Ich durch den einfachen Vollzug der Akte entstünden. Weil diese These als Interpretation des Habitusbegriffs bei Husserl weit verbreitet ist, muss sie als Lösungsansatz in Erwägung gezogen werden. Jedoch zeigt eine genaue Lektüre der Forschungsmanuskripte Husserls, dass dieser scheinbare Lösungsansatz einen dort wichtigen Begriff außer Acht lässt: die „Geschichte des Ich“. Diese wird im dritten und letzten Teil dieses Aufsatzes näher betrachtet und erläutert. Husserl selbst hob nämlich einen wesenhaften Zusammenhang zwischen den mannigfaltigen Erfahrungen des Ich hervor, durch den die Bezeichnung der Habituskonstitution als „Okkasionalismus“ nicht zutreffend sein kann. Aus diesem Grund geht dieser Beitrag über die reine Wiedergabe der Habitusproblematik in Husserls Phänomenologie hinaus und beschreibt eine Auffassung der transzendentalen Subjektivität, die aus dem Spätwerk Husserls stammt.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Las raíces empiriocriticistas del concepto de mundo natural en Edmund Husserl." In: Investigaciones Fenomenológicas, n. 12, 2015, 33-50

In this paper I investigate the relationship between the philosophies of Edmund Husserl and Richa... more In this paper I investigate the relationship between the philosophies of Edmund Husserl and Richard Avenarius. Despite this topic has been almost disregarded by Husserlian scholars, it is of uttermost importance if one aims at illuminating the origins of Husserl's phenomenological thinking. My thesis is that Husserl's concept of natural attitude and
its correlate, the natural world (Umwelt) —as they emerge in various lectures during the 1910s and especially in Ideen I with respect to the phenomenological reduction— stem from an early confrontation with Avenarius’ “empiriocriticist” standpoint as laid out in his book Der menschliche Weltbegriff. In order to uphold this claim, I will discuss in my paper Husserl's gradual approach to the theories of the Swiss-German philosopher as well as his late critique of the same. Although Husserl in fact conceived of Avenarius’ standpoint as a valuable beginning, he was decisively prompted in his late reflections to call into question some of the premises of the “empirio-criticist” philosophy.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Der Beitrag der Phänomenologie Edmund Husserls zur Debatte um die Fundierung der Geisteswissenschaften." In: Phänomenologische Forschungen, hrsg. von D. Lohmar und D. Fonfara. Hambrug: Felix Meiner Verlag, 2013, 77-93

Dieser Aufsatz möchte den Beitrag der Phänomenologie Edmund Husserls zur Debatte über die Fundier... more Dieser Aufsatz möchte den Beitrag der Phänomenologie Edmund Husserls zur Debatte über die Fundierung der Geisteswissenschaft in groben Zügen enthüllen. Zunächst wird eine schematische Zusammenfassung der aus der deutschen Philosophie des 19. Jahrhunderts stammenden Debatte über die Fundierung der Geisteswissenschaften dargeboten. Dies soll dazu dienen, den philosophisch-historischen Hintergrund, in den Husserls Denkmotiv über die Beziehung zwischen Phänomenologie und Geisteswissenschaften eingebunden ist, zu begreifen. Danach wird Husserls Beitrag in dieser Debatte abgewägt, wobei im Besonderen die neuen Begriffe und Denkmotive, die von ihm in die Diskussion eingefügt wurden, nämlich der der regionalen Ontologie und der der personalistischen Einstellung, betrachtet werden. Dieser zweite und letzte Teil schließt mit einer Erörterung des von Husserl angegebenen Vorrangs der Geisteswissenschaften und des Geistes als ihr Korrelat, vor den Naturwissenschaften ab.

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Research paper thumbnail of Book Review: The Routledge Handbook of Phenomenology of Emotion

Husserl Studies, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Carmine Di Martino, Viventi umani e non umani. Milano, Raffaello Cortina 2017

Discipline Filosofiche, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Edmund Husserl, Fantasia e immagine, a cura di Claudio Rozzoni. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino 2017

Discipline Filosofiche, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Fausto Fraisopi, Philosophie und Frage. Band 1: Über Metaphilosophie/Band 2: Untersuchungen über die Formen der Mathesis. Freiburg im Breisgau, Alber 2016

Phenomenological Reviews, Apr 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Laura Massacra, Il corpo cosciente. Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino 2015

ReF - Recensioni filosofiche, Apr 25, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Andrea Staiti (ed.), Commentary on Ideas I. Berlin, De Gruyter 2015

Philosophy in Review, Apr 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Michela Summa, Spatio-Temporal Intertwining: Husserl's Transcendental Aesthetic. Phaenomenologica 213. Cham, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London, Springer 2014

Husserl Studies 32 (1), 91-99, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Mario Autieri, Husserl. Intenzionalità e precategoriale. Milano, Ledizioni 2015

ReF - Recensioni filosofiche, Jul 12, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Francesca Buongiorno, La logica delle forme sensibili. Sul precategoriale nel primo Husserl. Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura 2014

ReF - Recensioni Filosofiche, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Chiara Russo Krauss, Il sistema dell'esperienza pura. Struttura e genesi dell'empiriocriticismo di Richard Avenarius. Firenze, Le Cáriti 2013

Discipline Filosofiche, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Andrea Staiti, Husserl's Transcendental Phenomenology. Nature, Spirit, and Life. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 2014

Discipline Filosofiche, Jun 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Victor Biceaga, The Concept of Passivity in Husserl's Phenomenology. Contributions to Phenomenology 60. Dordrecht, Springer 2010

Bibliographia, Nov 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Salvatore Lavecchia (ed.), Istante. L'esperienza dell'illocalizzabile nella filosofia di Platone. Milano-Udine, Mimesis 2012

ReF - Recensioni Filosofiche, Sep 12, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Theodor Lipps, “The Knowledge of Other Egos,” transl. by M. Cavallaro. Edited and with an introduction by Timothy Burns, in The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy, XVI (2018), 261-282

The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Alexander Schnell, Husserl e i fondamenti della fenomenologia costruttiva. Trad. it. di Marco Cavallaro. Inschibboleth Edizioni, Roma, 2015, pp. 320

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Research paper thumbnail of “A Memory That Serves No Purpose”: Exploring Exile Experience through the Phenomenology of Displaced Habits

Exile, a pervasive aspect of human history, reflects the embeddedness of the human subject to a p... more Exile, a pervasive aspect of human history, reflects the embeddedness of the human subject to a place and the negative consequences of being uprooted. This paper adopts a phenomenological perspective to explore the subjective conditions inherent in the experience of exile, with a specific focus on the displacement associated with it. In delving into the unique phenomenology of exile, the paper contends that a genetic phenomenological standpoint is apt for describing the disembedded habits of the exile subject (Lohmar 2013). This disembedding gives rise to the phenomenon of hysteresis (Bourdieu 2010), creating a rift between the exile’s habits and their experience of place. Unlike other forms of displacement, the paper argues that the exile’s uprootedness is irreparable, as their habits remain anchored to the homeworld even when physically located in an alien world (Steinbock 1995). This displaced state is akin to living in a “median state” (Said 1996), where the old and new, the homeworld and the alien world, coexist in an intricate but impossible connection. The feeling of disorientation experienced by the exile (Améry 1980) is attributed to the failure of typification (Schutz 1944), a consequence of the disembedding of their habits. The habits of home (Flusser 2004) persist as an indelible memory within the body (Fuchs 2012), contributing to the existential challenge faced by the exile in reconciling a lost attachment to a place. In summary, this paper employs a genetic phenomenological lens to unravel the complexities of exile displacement, shedding light on the irreparable disjunction between the exile’s habits and their physical location, resulting in a perpetual “median state” of existence.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ethisches Subjekt und Schicksal bei Husserl

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Research paper thumbnail of Self-Preservation and Habit. Two Categories of the Modern Subject in Husserl's Phenomenology

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Research paper thumbnail of Das Problem der Ichindividuation bei E. Husserl

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Research paper thumbnail of Habits and the Ego. A Husserlian Investigation

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Research paper thumbnail of Husserls Kategorienlehre. Realismus, Konzeptualismus oder beides?

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Research paper thumbnail of Die Sedimentierung intersubjektiver Praktiken bei Husserl

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Research paper thumbnail of Das habituelle Ich. Hexiale Genesis und Subjektivitätskonstitution aus phänomenologischem Gesichtspunkt

Mein Vortrag will einen Beitrag zur Problematik der personalen Identität leisten. Diese Problemat... more Mein Vortrag will einen Beitrag zur Problematik der personalen Identität leisten. Diese Problematik betrifft eine Reihe unterschiedlicher Fragestellungen, unter denen die folgende: Wie ist die Beharrlichkeit des Subjekts im Verlaufe der Zeit möglich? Die Methode, mit der ich jene Fragen der sogenannten " diachronischen Identität " beantworten möchte, ist die Phänomenologie. Diese versteht sich dem Hauptgedanken ihres Gründers, Edmund Husserls, gemäß als eine Wissenschaft, die nach den erfahrungsmäßigen Bedingungen der Möglichkeit jeder Art von Phänomenen sucht. In diesem Zusammenhang werden demnach die Bedingungen der Erfahrung der diachronischen Identität des Subjekts berücksichtigt. Die aktuelle Debatte um die Natur der Subjektivität wird von zwei teils konkurrierenden, teils komplementären Perspektiven beherrscht. Die eine beantwortet die Frage nach der Identität des Subjekts in verschiedenen Zeiten mittels des Rekurses auf die Theorie der narrativen Identität. Diese Theorie geht von der Annahme aus, dass nur eine sozial-konstruktivistische Auffassung der " Lebensgeschichte " eines Subjekts den Grund für seine Identität durch die Zeit ausmachen kann. Demgegenüber wurde an der entgegengesetzten Seite der Debatte die Meinung vertreten, dass die Bedingungen der Möglichkeit für eine subjektiv erfahrbare Identität des Subjekts in dem Begriff des sogenannten " minimalen Selbst " zu finden sind. Das minimale Selbst bezeichnet die Art und Weise, wie jedwede Erfahrung aus der Erste-Person-Perspektive vom Subjekt erlebt wird. Nun ist es meine Ansicht, dass beide Positionen Vorteile sowie Nachteile aufweisen. In meinem Beitrag werde ich in erster Linie die Unzulänglichkeiten beider Pole der Debatte um die personale Identität betrachten, um daraus die Bedingungen feststellen zu können, die sich für eine Theorie des Subjekts als unentbehrlich aufweisen. Als eigenen Interpretationsvorschlag werde ich dann die Lehre der habitualisierenden Sedimentation der Erfahrung vonseiten der späten, genetischen Phänomenologie E. Husserls in Erwägung ziehen, um eine bisher unbeachtete Alternative in dieser Debatte einzubringen. Meiner Ansicht nach ist nämlich die Theorie der Habitualitäten imstande, die Unzulänglichkeiten der beiden genannten Interpretationen der diachronischen Identität des Ich zu beseitigen und sich als konkurrenzfähige Alternative zu beweisen. Auf diese Weise möchte ich darauf abzielen, die Grundlagen für eine phänomenologische Theorie der personalen Identität umzureißen.

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Research paper thumbnail of Method in Phenomenology and the Human Sciences

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Research paper thumbnail of Husserl's Eudaimonism. Laying the (Transcendental) Conditions for a Blessed Life

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Research paper thumbnail of Husserl on Happiness

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Research paper thumbnail of Aristotle and Husserl on the Unity of Human Life

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Research paper thumbnail of Time, Habit, and Life-History. A Phenomenological Investigation

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Research paper thumbnail of Habits, Life Histories, and the Self

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Research paper thumbnail of Zum Begriff der Synthesis in der "Philosophie der Arithmetik"

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Research paper thumbnail of Habitualisierung und Lebensgeschichte. Zur Frage der personalen Identität aus phänomenologischer Sicht

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Research paper thumbnail of Vom Weltbegriff zur Lebenswelt. Husserls Auseinandersetzung mit dem empiriokritischen Ansatz Avenarius‘

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Research paper thumbnail of The Seduction of a Geometrical Phenomenology and its Overcoming in Husserl's Ideen I

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Research paper thumbnail of Das Problem der Habituskonstitution im Spätwerk E. Husserls

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Research paper thumbnail of I-Fissure in Phantasmatic Experiences

If one wishes to look at the problem of imagination within the framework of Edmund Husserl’s phil... more If one wishes to look at the problem of imagination within the framework of Edmund Husserl’s philosophical undertaking, one has to recall at least two aspects of his theory. The first is its fundamentally non-systematic character. This means to say that Husserl actually never reached a full-fledged theory of imagination, as we may expect from probably more systematic philosophers such as, for instance, Aristotle, David Hume or Immanuel Kant. In other terms, it would be (and, indeed, it has been ) a research topic per se to single out the various nuances and versions of Husserl’s versions of his theory about imaginative phenomena. These find namely their place not solely in the texts published during his life , but also in a conspicuous number of lectures and research manuscripts that constitute a great part of his Nachlass . A second aspect beyond the just stressed non-systematicity of Husserl’s analyses for what regard the phenomenon of imagination, and naturally depended on the latter, is its not definitive character. In other terms, we must recognize the fact that Husserl’s analyses are not a now and forever fulfilled task, but they ask for completion and, in some cases, perhaps even for correction. Far from being a distinctive marking of Husserl’s investigations into the realm of imaginative experiences, this aspect is, after all, a common feature of his phenomenological enterprise in general. Accordingly, the principal task of a philosophical assessment of Husserl’s theory of imagination does not simply involve an historical overview of his changing positions concerning the notion of imagination during his lifetime, but also, and probably more stringently, a challenging confrontation with its biases and, if possible, the opening of new research fields.
The present paper wants to place itself in the second of these vectors of analysis. It is my intent to provide here an examination of a particular form of imagination, namely pure phantasy, as carried out by Husserl. In this respect, I will knowingly put aside historical and philological aspects, while focusing more on the theoretical traits that characterize Husserl’s phenomenology of phantasy.
Once displayed the main goal that should guide the following discussion, let me briefly sketch out the structure of the present paper. First, I will tackle the problem of imagination in Husserl’s phenomenology by focusing, as already said, on what Husserl calls “pure phantasy” (reine Phantasie). This compels me to unravel in the first place the phenomenological distinctions which respectively oppose phantasy to perception, on the one hand, and phantasy to other forms of the so-called “intuitive re-presentations” (anschauliche Vergegenwärtigungen), such as image-consciousness, remembering, and empathy, on the other. Second, I shall determine an internal trait of phantasy experiences, which Husserl in his manuscripts and lectures refers to as the “I-fissure” (Spaltung des Ich). This fact, namely that phantasy entails a sort of reduplication of the I and of the stream of consciousness, plays a crucial role in Husserl’s definition of phantasmatic experiences in contrast to perception and the other forms of re-presentation. In this section, I shall then introduce a particular notion that should help us closely to understand this phenomenon: namely, the notion of internal consciousness (also known with the more popular expression ‘pre-reflective self-awareness’). In this way, I hope to contribute to a refined characterization of Husserl’s phenomenology of imagination and, in particular, of his theory of phantasy.

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[Research paper thumbnail of SUMMER SCHOOL Transcendental Idealism in Post-Kantian German Philosophy (Cologne, June 22-26, 2020) [Postponed]](

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Research paper thumbnail of Husserl and Cassirer. Perspectives on the Philosophy of Culture (AGSHC, 09.-10.10.2019)

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Research paper thumbnail of Husserl's Phenomenology of Phantasy and Emotions (AGSHC, 18.-19.07.2019)

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Research paper thumbnail of a.r.t.e.s. forum 2018 - Societies and Social Practices (AGSHC, 06.07.2018)

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Research paper thumbnail of Husserl und das Denken der Existenz (Husserl-Archiv Köln, 17.04.2018)

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Research paper thumbnail of Subject, Character, Habit (AGSHC, 16.-17.11.2017)

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Research paper thumbnail of Habitusgenese. An Analysis of the Concept of Habit in E. Husserl's Phenomenology

MPhil Thesis, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Gli strati del senso. Idealità, segno e fenomeno nelle Ricerche Logiche di Edmund Husserl

Master Thesis, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Il fenomeno e l'altro. Husserl e la trasformazione intersoggettiva della filosofia trascendentale

Bachelor Thesis, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Announcement Summer School & Call for Presentations Cologne - Marquette

Please see the announcement for the Summer School at the end of June held at University of Cologn... more Please see the announcement for the Summer School at the end of June held at University of Cologne with a star-studded lineup of speakers. We will have afternoon sessions with presentations by early-career scholars (pre- and post-doc), so if you're interested, please respond to the call by May 1.

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Research paper thumbnail of et al. – Ein Blog für phänomenologische Philosophie

et al. – Ein Blog für phänomenologische Philosophie Ab sofort ist ein neuer Blog online, zu find... more et al. – Ein Blog für phänomenologische Philosophie

Ab sofort ist ein neuer Blog online, zu finden unter:

et al. versteht sich als ein Forum, das Debatten und Ereignisse sowie Theorie und Praxis phänomenologischer Forschung sichtbar macht.

Unter den Menüpunkten Reflexion, Kooperation und Information finden sich alle wichtigen Informationen rund um die Disziplin. Neben einer Landkarte, einem Archiv der Porträts und allen Infos rund um Stellen, Neuerscheinungen oder Calls findet man auf et al. zudem (multimediale) Beiträge wie Videos, Audios und Texte. Schaut euch um, denn es ist schon einiges hochgeladen!

Unterstützt wird et al. unter anderem von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für phänomenologische Forschung (DGPF) und den Open Commons of Phenomenology (

Zu finden ist der Blog auch auf Facebook:

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Research paper thumbnail of CfA: Husserl's Phenomenology of Phantasy and Emotions (International Workshop)

This workshop is a small conference organized by the Husserl-Archive in Cologne and the a.r.t.e.s... more This workshop is a small conference organized by the Husserl-Archive in Cologne and the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne. Its goal is to bring together graduate students as well as experienced researchers interested in the relation of phantasy and emotions in the Husserlian work. Two keynote speakers from the Husserl Archive Cologne and four keynote speakers from abroad will lead the discussion.

Since the publication in 1980 of Husserliana 23, Phantasie, Bildbewusstsein, Erinnerung, the topic of phantasy has experienced a renewal of interest among phenomenologists and researchers from different backgrounds. Not only philosophers but also transdisciplinary investigators have paid attention to Husserlian insights related to the phenomenological method, the nature of pictoriality and aesthetic experiences, the classification of presentifications, and the differences between sensations and phantasms, among others. In the contemporary era marked by mass media products in constant reinvention, a Husserlian framework for disciplines trying to clarify experiences such as watching movies, listening to and reading literary fiction, or playing video games, continues to be promising and attractive. However, almost 40 years after its publication, we can say that specialized works on the subject have neglected one of the problems mentioned by Husserl. This problem concerns an important feature difficult to avoid in our everyday phantasy experiences, namely, the relation between the fictional object and the emotions of the subject actually experiencing it. For instance, reading about the fate of Anna Karenina we have sympathy for her, despite knowing she is a fictional character. Or watching a horror movie, we are afraid of the dreadful events depicted on the screen. Also, looking at a painted landscape of Caspar David Friedrich, we might feel anguish and despair. What is the nature of such emotional responses to phantasied objects? Are emotions indifferent to the actual existence of that which they relate to? How do these fictional emotions relate to their real counterparts? This international workshop aims to address this set of problems, thus promising to fill a gap in the Husserlian scholarship on the phenomenology of phantasy.

Confirmed participants:
Jagna Brudzinska (Cologne)
Saulius Geniusas (Hong Kong)
Dieter Lohmar (Cologne)
Ricardo Mendoza-Canales (Lisbon)
Regina-Nino Mion (Tallinn)
Claudio Rozzoni (Lisbon)
Michela Summa (Würzburg)

Call for Abstracts:
Graduate students and Postdocs are welcome to apply for a talk slot in the workshop. Please submit per email an abstract (maximum 400 words) for a 20 minutes talk addressing the topic of the workshop. Abstracts should be formatted for double-blind review. Please write in the email the title of the presentation, name, affiliation, and contact information. The attached document should only include the abstract and its title. The deadline for submission of abstracts is May 6, 2019. Submissions should be sent to and Selection results will be delivered by May 17.

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Research paper thumbnail of Call for Papers: Husserl and Cassirer. Perspectives on the Philosophy of Culture

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Research paper thumbnail of Cologne-Leuven Summer School in Phenomenology 2017 Phenomenology and Its Methods

This Cologne Leuven Summer School will concentrate on the methods of Phenomenology in two lines o... more This Cologne Leuven Summer School will concentrate on the methods of Phenomenology in two lines of thought: The first will present phenomenological methods in close orientation to Husserl's phenomenology, i.e. intentional analysis, Deskription, analysis of constitution, eidetic method, reductive methods and the genetic analysis of human consciousness. A further line will be dedicated to the relation of phenomenological methods to experimental methods in general, Science of Nature and Human Sciences.

The lecturers are: Prof. Dr. Dieter Lohmar (Cologne), Jun. Prof. Dr. Thiemo Breyer (Cologne), Prof. Dr. Jagna Brudzińska (Köln/Warschau), Prof. Dr. Christian Ferencz-Flatz (Bucarest/Köln), Prof. Dr. Alice Pugliese (Palermo), Dr. Emanuele Caminada (KUW Leuven), Marco Cavallaro MA (Köln), Sergio Pérez Gatica MA (Mexico/Cologne), Regina Schreiber MA (Cologne).

We are planning for a medium level that should inform intensively on the different aspects, but we are also open for discussions and questions on the level of doctoral students and postdocs.

This course will also be handled as a "Hauptseminar" for students of Cologne University. For those students of the University of Cologne who want to obtain a qualified certificate for this Hauptseminar, a written paper on a topic to be determined is expected.
This international Summer School is open for students from all countries. The courses will be held mostly in English.

Because we have no financial support to offer for participants we strongly encourage you to apply for short term grants at your university or other institutions.

Time: Monday-Friday 31 July – 04 August 2017, each day 10:00–13.00 and 15:00–17.00
Location: University of Cologne, Main Building, Room 4.011
IMPORTANT: Written registration is required because of limited capacities!
Registration is to be done before June 20, 2017 (deadline) with the secretary of the Cologne Husserl-Archives: klaus.sellge[at]

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Research paper thumbnail of Cologne-Leuven Summer School in Phenomenology 2016 Genetic Phenomenology

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Research paper thumbnail of Cologne-Leuven Summer School in Phenomenology 2015 Fantasy and Imagination in Husserl’s Phenomenology

This Summer School will focus on imagination and fantasy in Husserl’s phenomenology. The topics o... more This Summer School will focus on imagination and fantasy in Husserl’s phenomenology. The topics of the courses will be fantasy as a case of intentionality, the relation of fantasy and image consciousness, seeing of essences and eidetic variation, fantasy as cognitive function, body-fantasy and the second-person perspective, fantasy in non-linguistic thinking, fantasy and understanding others, motivation, Sartre and Ricoeur on fantasy and the relation of fantasy, feeling and sociality.

These topics will be presented in lectures, each day in the time 10-13.00 including discussions. On two afternoons in the time 15-17.00 there will be a textual analysis that should go into some details and in this way enhance the understanding.
Beside this on two afternoons there will be the possibility to present own doctoral research in short presentations of 10-15 minutes. Because of the limited time please indicate to us if you would like to present your project.

The lecturers are: Prof. Dr. Saulius Geniusas (Chinese University of Hongkong), Prof. Dr. Andrea Staiti (Boston College/Cologne), Jun. Prof. Thiemo Breyer (A.R.T.E.S. Cologne), Dr. J. Brudzinska (Köln / Warschau), Prof. Dr. Alice Pugliese (Palermo), Prof. Dr. D. Lohmar (Köln), Dr. Emanuele Caminada (a.r.t.e.s. Cologne), Marco Cavallaro (a.r.t.e.s. Cologne).

We are planning for a medium level that should inform intensively on the different aspects of fantasy in Husserl’s phenomenology but we are also open for discussions of questions on the level of doctoral students and postdocs.

This course will be also handled as a "Hauptseminar" for the students of Cologne University. For students of the University of Cologne who want to reach a qualified certificate for this Hauptseminar a written paper on a topic to be determined is expected.

This international Summer School is open for students from all countries. The courses will be held in English and German.

Because we have no financial support to offer for participants we strongly encourage you to apply for short term grants at your university or other institutions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Cologne-Leuven Summer School in Phenomenology 2014 Subjektivität in Husserls  Phänomenologie

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Research paper thumbnail of Cologne-Leuven Summer School in Phenomenology 2013 Essentials of Husserl's Phenomenology

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Research paper thumbnail of Program of the workshop Husserl's Phenomenology of Phantasy and Emotions

Program of the workshop. July 18th-19th, 2019, University of Cologne.

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Research paper thumbnail of PLAKATT MATHESIS GRUND VERNUNFT

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Research paper thumbnail of Conference: PERSPECTIVES ON THE PHILOSOPHY OF CULTURE (Husserl and Cassirer)

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Research paper thumbnail of Toward a Phenomenology of Photographic Looking. Husserl and Barthes Revisited

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Research paper thumbnail of Las Raíces Empiriocríticas del Concepto de Mundo Natural en E. Husserl

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Research paper thumbnail of Las Raíces Empiriocríticas del Concepto de Mundo Natural en E. Husserl

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Research paper thumbnail of I-Fissure in Phantasmatic Experiences

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Research paper thumbnail of ERLEBNIS UND DASEIN. Un confronto tra l'ermeneutica diltheyana e il pensiero del giovane Heidegger

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Research paper thumbnail of F. Fraisopi, Philosophie und Frage

Phenomenological Reviews

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Research paper thumbnail of The phenomenon of Ego-splitting in Husserl’s phenomenology of pure phantasy

Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Cologne-Leuven Summer School of Phenomenology 2016 “Genetic Phenomenology”: A Report

Since 2008 the Cologne-Leuven Summer School for phenomenology has been a hallmark within the land... more Since 2008 the Cologne-Leuven Summer School for phenomenology has been a hallmark within the landscape of the phenomenological summer schools of philosophy. Moreover, it is the only school which deals specifically with Edmund Husserl, and, as such, it is a must for anybody interested in the founder of the phenomenological movement.

This year’s topic was genetic phenomenology. Related issues, such as pre-predicative experience, the lived body, the relation of phenomenology to psychology, the access to other persons, intersubjective constitution, history, phantasy and the life-world, were also touched upon by a series of presentations carried out by internationally renowned Husserl scholars.

In the morning sessions, professors and post-graduates presented accessible lectures which unraveled particular topics related to Husserl’s thought. The afternoon sessions were devoted to either textual discussions or presentations by graduate students.

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Research paper thumbnail of Annotated Bibliography: Writings on the Topic of Habits

Phenomenology and Mind. The Online Journal of the Research Center in Phenomenology and Sciences of the Person, Jul 2014

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