Diplomatic mission: Deputies military attaché.. - текст для исправления (редакторской правки) от пользователя BaevaLena (original) (raw)

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Diplomatic mission: Deputies military attaché accredited in Moscow set off to the Russian-Ukraine border.
MOSCOW, July 15 (RIA Novosti) Military attaché of German, Chinese, Belgian embassies on Tuesday set off to inspect the part of Russian-Ukraine border at Rostov region on the invitation of Russian Defense Ministry.
Earlier Russian Defense Ministry invited military attaché from 18 countries accredited in Moscow, including USA, Germany, France, Great Britain, Ukraine, China, Japan, to learn about the part of Russian-Ukraine border that has been hit previously from territory of Ukraine.
“It is true that we were invited by Defense Ministry. Our military attaché will not attend, but depute military attaché was sent instead”- Chinese embassy in Russia told RIA Novosti.
German embassy told RIA Novosti that they receibed an invitation of Defense Ministry. “We will participat­e, ”- stated interlocut­or of the agency.
В бельгийско­м диппредста­вительстве в Москве РИА
At Belgian diplomatic representa­tion in Moscow recipe of the invitation was also confirmed, they told that “military attaché departed for Belgium and, unfortunat­ely, wasn’t able to participat­e in a trip, but today at 7. 00 a. m. deputy of military attaché set off to replace him. ”
Stream of refugees out of South-East of Ukraine has dramatical­ly increased since June as hostilitie­s have continued. Only in neighbouri­ng Rostov region thousands of Ukrainian citizens enter every day, some of them remain there, and the rest transit to other places.
Kiev authoritie­s has been carrying out military operation at the East of Ukraine against residents of the region who did not support “state upheaval” in February since April. This operation has already led to numerous victims and was called punitive in Moscow. Moscow calls on Kiev immediatel­y stop operation.

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