I want to turn your attention that the purchasing.. - текст для исправления (редакторской правки) от пользователя nar1968 (original) (raw)

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I want to turn your attention that the purchasing of grey cloth at “Krenholm” carry out without any system on low profession­al level. Actually, prices for grey cloth has grown up in comparison with November 2009. But I can not understand why “Krenholm” buy grey cloth at the price 10-20% more than our competitor­s which produce same production as “Krenholm”. Now we have a possibilit­y to buy grey cloth of good quality from Middle Asia and Russia cheaper than from Pakistan without any intermedia­tors. The delivery time in this case is about 2-3 weeks after order. I know all sources where “Krenholm”` s supplier from Lithuania “Imlitex” buy grey cloth and resell it to us. And this supplier has 10-20% of margin which “Krenholm” could have. I can present all proper documents about that also.

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I, N., do conjure thee, O Spirit N., by the living God, by the true God, by the holy and all-ruling God, who created from nothingnes­s the heaven, the earth, the sea, and all
