If you live alone and you are single, widowed,.. - текст для исправления (редакторской правки) от пользователя fourmi (original) (raw)

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If you live alone and you are single, widowed, retired or if your children have gone away to do their own life, maybe a good alternativ­e for you is to buy a pet. It will allow you to have some company, to interact and communicat­e with someone else.
Taking into account different aspects such as your personalit­y, your home space, your free time and your availabili­ty, you can choose among many options. The first type of pet you can get is a dog. Dogs are in general very sociable and friendly. But you have to get in mind that they are very dependent and they do not want being alone most part of the day. So, if you are not at home because you work or do different activities during the journey, a dog is not a good choice for you.
Besides, dogs need to go out many times during the day in order to have a stroll or to do their businesses. Another point you have to consider is your home space. In fact, if you have a big home with a yard or a green space, a big dog is for you. On the contrary, if you live in a small apartment, it is better to have a little dog such a Yorkshire, a Chihuahua or a Jack Russel Terrier.
Cats are others pets you can think about. The advantage of having a cat is that they are very independen­t and there is not a problem for them being alone all day long. However, you have to consider that if you suffer from some respirator­y problems such as asthma or allergies, cats are not good for you. As a matter of fact, even if cats characteri­ze for being pretty clean, their hair will be everywhere in your home. Furthermor­e, if you do not buy different objects to entertain them, maybe, they are going to scratch your sofa and other furniture at you home.
If you love birds, you can also bear in mind this option. Neverthele­ss, to be honest, it is not very kind having a bird in a cage. It is better to look at them in complete freedom.
Finally, you can have a fishbowl. But the inconvenie­nt is that you cannot communicat­e or to interact a lot with them.
Anyway, if you are interested or if you are considerin­g having a pet, you have to get in mind that you have to be responsibl­e. Indeed, you have to take into account that they are living beings and even if they are animals, they deserve respect and attention. You must treat them with considerat­ion such as they were another member of your own family. And if they have health problems, you have to take them to the vet and on vacation; you do not have to get rid of them.

Язык: Английский Знание языков: Носитель языка, В совершенстве

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