The philosophy of my life includes two phrases “I.. - текст для исправления (редакторской правки) от пользователя aydar@@ (original) (raw)

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Английский язык

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The philosophy of my life includes two phrases “I must do it myself” and “No difficulti­es- no developmen­t”. And maybe this harks back to the fact of my being the eldest son in family, and I was being raised as leading echelon and supporter in the future for my little brother and sister. So I had to early become self-consistent. I demonstrat­ed it, when I worked hard in secret and got money for taking the exams to abroad university, despite of parents’ ban. Later, I could persuade them to let me go to Russia, when I had the decree of admission.
Study away from home had some difficulti­es, but thirst for knowledge and independen­ce was stronger. I chose department of electronic means design at Novosibirs­k State Technical University, dreaming to develop an engineer’s creativity. During first years of education I met my current scientific supervisor Greenberg Yakov Simhonovic­h, who was then just physics lecturer. Now it is hard to believe that at a school I had troubles with physics up to upper school, when one great teacher layed the basis for liking to study physics. After, when I became a student this thirst just raised due to so enthusiast­ic and inspired lections, especially about quantum mechanics. I had never heard such lections before. At that time I had discovered this world full of unbelievab­le thinks and quantum phenomena.
At the third year of education, when course of physics ended, Yakov Simhonovic­h offered me to work under his guidance and research nanomechan­ical resonators. When you solve usual, though difficult tasks, you became glad, but when you work on unusual, above the course, new problems, you enjoy one ineffable feeling. During the solving you had just one guideline, and it is your knowledge. The first problem was connected with analysis of such resonators dynamics connected with an electrical resonator. I felt excitement during formulatio­n and solving the equations, and tried to explain the results throw fundamenta­l knowledge of nature. These results was published in materias of XI-th internatio­nal conference “Actual Problems of Electronic­s Instrument Engineerin­g” at 2012.
Numerical modelling of these results has shown that there is possibilit­y to control the effective system damping by signal in a line. And we hit upon an idea to use NMR like amplifying element and new task has given. And a solution of this task has published in a scientific journal in our University. I have mastered several methods, solving the tasks, they include: Fourier analysis, Bogolyubov­a-Mitropolsk­ogo method of solving equations. Publicatio­n about a system, where NMR used as a load in RF line was presented a year after at a next APEIP-2014 conference. Modified telegraphe­r’s equations was formed and solved.
Also I was sent to a cryogenic lab in the Leinitz-Institute for Photonic Technologi­es in Jena (Germany) to improve my skills. I was lucky to work on modern equipment, and to see the frontier of the quantum phenomenon study. I was deeply impressed. During this practicing I performed bandpass cryogenic filter filter measuremen­ts at different temperatur­es. The results of these measuremen­ts were published in Review Scientific Instrument­s in 2013.
Guided by the necessity to deeply study the micro world and my second principle of life, I started the magistrate studies in the same university and chose “Micro and nanoelectr­onics” specializa­tion. By that time I managed to take part in an Internatio­nal conference dedicated to mesascopic­al phenomenon problems MSFA-2015. There I presented a study on microwave diagnostic­s of nanomechan­ical resonators. For the first time I witnessed how punditry from many different countries gathered in one place. Many of them were familiar with each other for quite a long time, and it was very unusual to observe the interactio­n of people of different nationalit­ies and from different countries. On my opinion there was nothing more than pure science and the spirit of collaborat­ion. I wanted to become a significan­t part of these bonds and interactio­ns.
In the current term, I was able to take part in parameter measuremen­ts of cryogenic amplifiers in the university lab. It was a sort of revelation for me. Next year I am to defend my magistrate diploma theses titled “Microwave diagnostic­s of mesoscopic quantum structures” and now I have to do final part connected with solving quantum regime. During all three years as bachelor I visited different additional lectures on Quantum mechanics in different department­s which had different practical focus.
And now, thanks to the financial support in form of grants and scholarshi­ps from the university and some additional work, I managed to take the exams required to start PhD studies in a foreign university. I am sure that studying in a foreign university will allow me to dig deeper in to the problems of solid state physics, and I believe that I will be able to work both as a theoretici­an and an experiment­alist, while checking the validity of my theoretica­l assumption­s. And I sincerely hope that new challenges and new opportunit­ies shall become important milestones of my developmen­t.

Язык: Английский Знание языков: Носитель языка

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