sarenity - Profile (original) (raw)
on 25 July 2002 (#644414)
Cent Poésies: La Régle du Jeu
[100 poems: the rules of the game]
- A poem is a poem if you write it so. No one can tell you otherwise.
- A poem can be in any language, or in any form; whether you speak that language or not.
- A poem is never finished, never perfect. What ever you submit is where it is at at the moment, nothing more.
- All poems are open to critique or criticism. But keep comments to yourself, unless the poet ask.
- Words of encouragement and support are always in short supply.
- One hundred poems in one hundred days does not mean 'a poem a day' though that is perhaps what we all may like. The goal is a measured step. Reality often begs to differ. Do what works best for you.
- Personal accounting is a must. (I recommend prefacing your poem with a counter, such as: poem 34, day 33)
- Others cannot tell you when you're done. One hundred may be too much for you now. Or too little.
- It is not a race or a competition, merely a shared striving towards common goals.
- Some of us will start late, or finish early. Who is to put absolute time limits on creativity.
Location: sarenity is the place. If no one minds. That's where some of us did it last time. Join in, and tell your friends.
Starting Date: January 1,
2007, yes, we've been at it this long!
End Date: whenever you feel the journey's done... some of us want to do 365/365 this year!
ai, atwood, blake, classic poetry, collins, contemporary poetry, cummings, dickinson, feringetti, frost, ginsberg, grey, hughes, hugo, mcewan, plath, poems, poetry, robinson, shakespeare, sidney, smart, spenser, thomas, whitman
- 1,280
- 1,877
Comments received - 13