Svetlana Šašerina | Slovak Academy of Sciences (original) (raw)
Books by Svetlana Šašerina
Žeňuch, P. - Šašerina, S. (eds.): Crisis as an Opportunity for the Revival of Values. , 2022
From the denominational aspect, linguistic and cultural diversification of Europe is a rewarding ... more From the denominational aspect, linguistic and cultural diversification
of Europe is a rewarding subject of study in several scientific disciplines.
For a better knowledge and deeper understanding of the complexity of
this diversity, it is not possible to limit oneself to a single research area
of Slavistics. Comprehensiveness and interdisciplinarity are important because
such a method of Slavist research is also one of the major contributions
of axiological exploration of European culture and civilisation. The
complementarity of scientific disciplines such as linguistics, culturology
and historiography is nowadays a generally accepted and applied working
method, therefore the uncovering and interpretation of axiological linguistic
and cultural processes ranks among the major contributions of philological
and historiographical research with such orientation. The description and
characterisation of linguistic and cultural and denominational processes affects
both the building and development of cultural and denominational
awareness and the understanding of those identification processes that enable
flexibility, mobility and identification of individuals and communities
with particular value attitudes.
Interdisciplinary perspectives on the cultural vicissitudes of societal development
through historical written sources is a scientifically challenging
but distinctive methodological approach. Using historical sources, this approach
allows to verify the validity of values, which offer a critical view on
learning about a cultured society.
Шестой том международной научной серии Monumenta byzantino-slavica et latina Slovaciae под назван... more Шестой том международной научной серии Monumenta byzantino-slavica et latina Slovaciae под названием "Dva uglianske rukopisy ponaučení a exempiel zo 17. storočia / Две углянские рукописи поучений и притч XVIII в." содержит текст Углянского учительского евангелия и Углянского сборника Ключ с комментарием на словацком и русском языках
Papers by Svetlana Šašerina
Slavica Slovaca, Dec 26, 2023
Institute of Slavic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences eBooks, 2019
Slavica Slovaca, Jun 12, 2023
The paper summarizes several years of research on the image of the fair world of the Slavs, which... more The paper summarizes several years of research on the image of the fair world of the Slavs, which is reflected in a number of written texts of various genres. It deals with the question of traditional human thought, points to its role in the formation of popular Christian thought and the value system of society, and sees itself as a reflection of the development of the Christian tradition of Europe. The symbiosis of Christian and pre-Christian values was applied in man's relationship to the traditional values of family and justice, which are reflected, for example, in Marian veneration. An important source of knowledge about the ideas and thinking of the common man about the organization of the physical world is also the diverse texts of didactic writing, such as lucidaries and collections of texts for entertaining reading, inspired by biblical events, etc. Law, justice, spiritual texts, didactic texts, didactical gospels, Cyrillic writings in Slovakia.
Гомилетическая традиция, а именно толкования и поучения на евангелия, которые читали во время лит... more Гомилетическая традиция, а именно толкования и поучения на евангелия, которые читали во время литургии, носит явный дидактический характер. Учительные евангелия возникали для подготовки, обучения основам вероучения как простых верующих, так и священников. Толкования помогали понять учение церкви; поучения и толкования на евангельские перикопы воскресений и праздников церковного года являются, по сути, пособием по повседневной праведной христианской жизни. Они учат человека жить, следуя заповедям в системе тех ценностей, которые формируют основу для познания самого себя и своего места в жизни общества. Церковь учит верующих жить в соответствии с основами вероучения, объясняет, какие ценности формируют и представляют духовный образ мира, поэтому и проповеди, и толкования текстов Священного Писания отражают церковную традицию в местной среде и систему ценностей простых людей. Свое исследование мы строим на материале Углянского учительного евангелия, кириллического рукописного памятника письменности рубежа XVII-XVIII вв. Рукопись содержит евангельские перикопы, переведенные на местный вариант культурного языка, и их толкование с поучением. Углянское учительное евангелие представляет собой типичное учительное евангелие, хотя следует отметить, что по составу памятник не совпадает ни с одним известным до настоящего времени учительным евангелием и является особой редакцией текста данного жанра. (Под-1 В статье представлены результаты исследования в рамках работы над проектом "Linguistic and Ethnocultural Dynamics of Traditional and Non-traditional Values in the Slavic World" / «Лингвистическая и этнокультурная динамика традиционных и нетрадиционных ценностей в славянском мире», LED-SW; ERA.NET RUS Plus; RUS_ST2017-472.
Akropolis, Nov 17, 2021
Language as a Means of Communication with God Linguistic Fashioning of a Visible and of an Invisi... more Language as a Means of Communication with God Linguistic Fashioning of a Visible and of an Invisible World Humans' ability to speak, that is, to articulate their thoughts and feelings, is a conscious process. 1 In language, a selected system of linguistic signs is used to express them. This system of linguistic signs reflects the needs of communication in a family, lineage, society, and church, and together with written culture it constitutes a unique whole documenting human thought. People capture and convey a visible and a spiritual image of the world in a demonstrative manner through linguistic means of expression. The language represents a community, which uses it in every stage of its historical and cultural development. Language reflects the common thinking of its users, which indicates the cultural advancement of a community and at the same time documents the historical memory. The written culture has preserved the picture of the linguistic and cultural development of the national community. The evolution of society's thinking is documented by all types of written culture. The written tradition in the European context is represented by literary, administrative and legal, and religious texts, which inherently include translations of texts from the Old and New Testament into national languages. For linguists and historians, these texts are an inexhaustible source of knowledge on the development of individual national communities. These writings varied in nature allow us to follow the development of language as a historical and cultural phenomenon. Language as such reflects the cultural devel
Slavica Slovaca
In the context of the historic Mukachevo Eparchy, there was a tradition of translation of the bib... more In the context of the historic Mukachevo Eparchy, there was a tradition of translation of the biblical text, which was read during Sunday and feast day liturgies. This is evidenced by the numerous manuscript books, known as didactical Gospels, which were produced and used in the Eastern Rite Church environment in the studied area. In this paper we are comparing the translations of the Gospel pericopes with the Church Slavonic text. Didactical Gospels, translations of pericopes, Church Slavonic, Mukachevo Eparchy, manuscripts, liturgical tradition.
Slavica Slovaca
The paper summarizes several years of research on the image of the fair world of the Slavs, which... more The paper summarizes several years of research on the image of the fair world of the Slavs, which is reflected in a number of written texts of various genres. It deals with the question of traditional human thought, points to its role in the formation of popular Christian thought and the value system of society, and sees itself as a reflection of the development of the Christian tradition of Europe. The symbiosis of Christian and pre-Christian values was applied in man's relationship to the traditional values of family and justice, which are reflected, for example, in Marian veneration. An important source of knowledge about the ideas and thinking of the common man about the organization of the physical world is also the diverse texts of didactic writing, such as lucidaries and collections of texts for entertaining reading, inspired by biblical events, etc. Law, justice, spiritual texts, didactic texts, didactical gospels, Cyrillic writings in Slovakia.
Slavica Slovaca
PETER ŽEŇUCH-SVETLANA ŠAŠERINA-MARÍNA HRÍBOVÁ * Z výsledkov pramenného výskumu o usporiadaní a pr... more PETER ŽEŇUCH-SVETLANA ŠAŠERINA-MARÍNA HRÍBOVÁ * Z výsledkov pramenného výskumu o usporiadaní a predstavách o svete v kontexte slovanských jazykových vzťahov: axiologické, etnolingvistické a kultúrne aspekty ŽEŇUCH, P.-ŠAŠERINA, S.-HRÍBOVÁ, M.: From the results of source research on the arrangement and ideas about the world in the context of Slavic language relations: axiological, ethnolinguistic and cultural aspects. Slavica Slovaca, 57, 2022, No 2, pp. 156-167 (Bratislava). The relationship between language and culture is related to the naming of various objects, phenomena and attitudes that are part of the daily life of a person and society. Language is the source of anthropological knowledge of this relationship, while it itself reflects the development processes of society from the past to the present. The article provides an insight into the issue of research into Slavic cultural and spiritual thought, which Bulgarian, Polish, Russian, Serbian and Slovak Slavists discussed at the interdisciplinary Slavistics conference entitled "Interdisciplinary research of sources on language and spiritual culture-Slovak-Slavic connections" (September 21-23, 2022) as part of international project cooperation. Slavistics, ethnolinguistic, dialectology, axiology, heuristic. Úvod Pramenné texty naračnej i písomnej povahy petrifikujú rozmanité spoločensko-kultúrne i religiózne prejavy práve formou jazykových prostriedkov. Jazyk je nielen dôležitým svedectvom o živote a myslení v súčasnosti, ale aj v minulosti, a tak si zachováva status živého organizmu. Jazyk v každom spoločenstve však predstavuje dôležitý prostriedok na komunikáciu a na túto komunikáciu prirodzene tvorí, absorbuje a používa slová, ktoré na túto vedomú myšlienkovú činnosť nevyhnutne potrebuje. Jazyk používa na pomenovanie vecí, javov, dejov i predstáv vlastné prostriedky, alebo cudzie slová z iných jazykových systémov adaptuje vo svojom jazykovo-kultúrnom prostredí. Práve rozmanité pramenné texty tvoria významný zdroj pre výskum jazykovo-kultúrnej pamäti o každodennom živote človeka a spoločenstva. Keďže je jazyk v prvom rade nástrojom na komunikáciu, jeho úlohou je sprostredkúvať myslenie o rozmanitých viditeľných veciach, ktoré vnímame nielen zmyslami. Pomocou jazykových výrazových prostriedkov sa sprostred
Crisis as an Opportunity for the Revival of Values
Slavica Slovaca, No 2., 2022
ŽEŇUCH, P.-ŠAŠERINA, S.-HRÍBOVÁ, M.: From the results of source research on the arrangement and ... more ŽEŇUCH, P.-ŠAŠERINA, S.-HRÍBOVÁ, M.: From the results of source research on the arrangement and ideas about the world in the context of Slavic language relations: axiological, ethnolinguistic and cultural aspects. Slavica Slovaca, 57, 2022, No 2, pp. 156-167 (Bratislava).
The relationship between language and culture is related to the naming of various objects, phenomena and attitudes that are part of the daily life of a person and society. Language is the source of anthropological knowledge of this relationship, while it itself reflects the development processes of society from the past to the present. The article provides an insight into the issue of research into Slavic cultural and spiritual thought, which Bulgarian, Polish, Russian, Serbian and Slovak Slavists discussed at the interdisciplinary Slavistics conference entitled "Interdisciplinary research of sources on language and spiritual culture-Slovak-Slavic connections" (September 21-23, 2022) as part of international project cooperation. Slavistics, ethnolinguistic, dialectology, axiology, heuristic.
Akropolis: Journal of Hellenic Studies
The communicative function of the language of translation, as can be seen from the examples of Go... more The communicative function of the language of translation, as can be seen from the examples of God's names contained in the oldest Slavic translations of a biblical nature, is an important component of understanding a whole range of liturgical texts and part of the Christian cultural identity of the believer. The need to translate biblical and liturgical texts therefore stems from the needs of believers. One desires to understand as best and as accurately as possible not only the text of the Bible but also the liturgical process itself. The liturgical process contains a number of symbols, actions, gestures and scenes reminiscent of the Divine Performance in the cosmos. In the Bible and in the Divine Liturgy, individual biblical events are constantly present. The understanding of the biblical and liturgical texts is therefore based not only on the correct use of terms but also on a reliable description of the realities. This principle is one of the starting points on which the ho...
Žeňuch, P. - Šašerina, S. (eds.): Crisis as an Opportunity for the Revival of Values. , 2022
From the denominational aspect, linguistic and cultural diversification of Europe is a rewarding ... more From the denominational aspect, linguistic and cultural diversification
of Europe is a rewarding subject of study in several scientific disciplines.
For a better knowledge and deeper understanding of the complexity of
this diversity, it is not possible to limit oneself to a single research area
of Slavistics. Comprehensiveness and interdisciplinarity are important because
such a method of Slavist research is also one of the major contributions
of axiological exploration of European culture and civilisation. The
complementarity of scientific disciplines such as linguistics, culturology
and historiography is nowadays a generally accepted and applied working
method, therefore the uncovering and interpretation of axiological linguistic
and cultural processes ranks among the major contributions of philological
and historiographical research with such orientation. The description and
characterisation of linguistic and cultural and denominational processes affects
both the building and development of cultural and denominational
awareness and the understanding of those identification processes that enable
flexibility, mobility and identification of individuals and communities
with particular value attitudes.
Interdisciplinary perspectives on the cultural vicissitudes of societal development
through historical written sources is a scientifically challenging
but distinctive methodological approach. Using historical sources, this approach
allows to verify the validity of values, which offer a critical view on
learning about a cultured society.
Шестой том международной научной серии Monumenta byzantino-slavica et latina Slovaciae под назван... more Шестой том международной научной серии Monumenta byzantino-slavica et latina Slovaciae под названием "Dva uglianske rukopisy ponaučení a exempiel zo 17. storočia / Две углянские рукописи поучений и притч XVIII в." содержит текст Углянского учительского евангелия и Углянского сборника Ключ с комментарием на словацком и русском языках
Slavica Slovaca, Dec 26, 2023
Institute of Slavic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences eBooks, 2019
Slavica Slovaca, Jun 12, 2023
The paper summarizes several years of research on the image of the fair world of the Slavs, which... more The paper summarizes several years of research on the image of the fair world of the Slavs, which is reflected in a number of written texts of various genres. It deals with the question of traditional human thought, points to its role in the formation of popular Christian thought and the value system of society, and sees itself as a reflection of the development of the Christian tradition of Europe. The symbiosis of Christian and pre-Christian values was applied in man's relationship to the traditional values of family and justice, which are reflected, for example, in Marian veneration. An important source of knowledge about the ideas and thinking of the common man about the organization of the physical world is also the diverse texts of didactic writing, such as lucidaries and collections of texts for entertaining reading, inspired by biblical events, etc. Law, justice, spiritual texts, didactic texts, didactical gospels, Cyrillic writings in Slovakia.
Гомилетическая традиция, а именно толкования и поучения на евангелия, которые читали во время лит... more Гомилетическая традиция, а именно толкования и поучения на евангелия, которые читали во время литургии, носит явный дидактический характер. Учительные евангелия возникали для подготовки, обучения основам вероучения как простых верующих, так и священников. Толкования помогали понять учение церкви; поучения и толкования на евангельские перикопы воскресений и праздников церковного года являются, по сути, пособием по повседневной праведной христианской жизни. Они учат человека жить, следуя заповедям в системе тех ценностей, которые формируют основу для познания самого себя и своего места в жизни общества. Церковь учит верующих жить в соответствии с основами вероучения, объясняет, какие ценности формируют и представляют духовный образ мира, поэтому и проповеди, и толкования текстов Священного Писания отражают церковную традицию в местной среде и систему ценностей простых людей. Свое исследование мы строим на материале Углянского учительного евангелия, кириллического рукописного памятника письменности рубежа XVII-XVIII вв. Рукопись содержит евангельские перикопы, переведенные на местный вариант культурного языка, и их толкование с поучением. Углянское учительное евангелие представляет собой типичное учительное евангелие, хотя следует отметить, что по составу памятник не совпадает ни с одним известным до настоящего времени учительным евангелием и является особой редакцией текста данного жанра. (Под-1 В статье представлены результаты исследования в рамках работы над проектом "Linguistic and Ethnocultural Dynamics of Traditional and Non-traditional Values in the Slavic World" / «Лингвистическая и этнокультурная динамика традиционных и нетрадиционных ценностей в славянском мире», LED-SW; ERA.NET RUS Plus; RUS_ST2017-472.
Akropolis, Nov 17, 2021
Language as a Means of Communication with God Linguistic Fashioning of a Visible and of an Invisi... more Language as a Means of Communication with God Linguistic Fashioning of a Visible and of an Invisible World Humans' ability to speak, that is, to articulate their thoughts and feelings, is a conscious process. 1 In language, a selected system of linguistic signs is used to express them. This system of linguistic signs reflects the needs of communication in a family, lineage, society, and church, and together with written culture it constitutes a unique whole documenting human thought. People capture and convey a visible and a spiritual image of the world in a demonstrative manner through linguistic means of expression. The language represents a community, which uses it in every stage of its historical and cultural development. Language reflects the common thinking of its users, which indicates the cultural advancement of a community and at the same time documents the historical memory. The written culture has preserved the picture of the linguistic and cultural development of the national community. The evolution of society's thinking is documented by all types of written culture. The written tradition in the European context is represented by literary, administrative and legal, and religious texts, which inherently include translations of texts from the Old and New Testament into national languages. For linguists and historians, these texts are an inexhaustible source of knowledge on the development of individual national communities. These writings varied in nature allow us to follow the development of language as a historical and cultural phenomenon. Language as such reflects the cultural devel
Slavica Slovaca
In the context of the historic Mukachevo Eparchy, there was a tradition of translation of the bib... more In the context of the historic Mukachevo Eparchy, there was a tradition of translation of the biblical text, which was read during Sunday and feast day liturgies. This is evidenced by the numerous manuscript books, known as didactical Gospels, which were produced and used in the Eastern Rite Church environment in the studied area. In this paper we are comparing the translations of the Gospel pericopes with the Church Slavonic text. Didactical Gospels, translations of pericopes, Church Slavonic, Mukachevo Eparchy, manuscripts, liturgical tradition.
Slavica Slovaca
The paper summarizes several years of research on the image of the fair world of the Slavs, which... more The paper summarizes several years of research on the image of the fair world of the Slavs, which is reflected in a number of written texts of various genres. It deals with the question of traditional human thought, points to its role in the formation of popular Christian thought and the value system of society, and sees itself as a reflection of the development of the Christian tradition of Europe. The symbiosis of Christian and pre-Christian values was applied in man's relationship to the traditional values of family and justice, which are reflected, for example, in Marian veneration. An important source of knowledge about the ideas and thinking of the common man about the organization of the physical world is also the diverse texts of didactic writing, such as lucidaries and collections of texts for entertaining reading, inspired by biblical events, etc. Law, justice, spiritual texts, didactic texts, didactical gospels, Cyrillic writings in Slovakia.
Slavica Slovaca
PETER ŽEŇUCH-SVETLANA ŠAŠERINA-MARÍNA HRÍBOVÁ * Z výsledkov pramenného výskumu o usporiadaní a pr... more PETER ŽEŇUCH-SVETLANA ŠAŠERINA-MARÍNA HRÍBOVÁ * Z výsledkov pramenného výskumu o usporiadaní a predstavách o svete v kontexte slovanských jazykových vzťahov: axiologické, etnolingvistické a kultúrne aspekty ŽEŇUCH, P.-ŠAŠERINA, S.-HRÍBOVÁ, M.: From the results of source research on the arrangement and ideas about the world in the context of Slavic language relations: axiological, ethnolinguistic and cultural aspects. Slavica Slovaca, 57, 2022, No 2, pp. 156-167 (Bratislava). The relationship between language and culture is related to the naming of various objects, phenomena and attitudes that are part of the daily life of a person and society. Language is the source of anthropological knowledge of this relationship, while it itself reflects the development processes of society from the past to the present. The article provides an insight into the issue of research into Slavic cultural and spiritual thought, which Bulgarian, Polish, Russian, Serbian and Slovak Slavists discussed at the interdisciplinary Slavistics conference entitled "Interdisciplinary research of sources on language and spiritual culture-Slovak-Slavic connections" (September 21-23, 2022) as part of international project cooperation. Slavistics, ethnolinguistic, dialectology, axiology, heuristic. Úvod Pramenné texty naračnej i písomnej povahy petrifikujú rozmanité spoločensko-kultúrne i religiózne prejavy práve formou jazykových prostriedkov. Jazyk je nielen dôležitým svedectvom o živote a myslení v súčasnosti, ale aj v minulosti, a tak si zachováva status živého organizmu. Jazyk v každom spoločenstve však predstavuje dôležitý prostriedok na komunikáciu a na túto komunikáciu prirodzene tvorí, absorbuje a používa slová, ktoré na túto vedomú myšlienkovú činnosť nevyhnutne potrebuje. Jazyk používa na pomenovanie vecí, javov, dejov i predstáv vlastné prostriedky, alebo cudzie slová z iných jazykových systémov adaptuje vo svojom jazykovo-kultúrnom prostredí. Práve rozmanité pramenné texty tvoria významný zdroj pre výskum jazykovo-kultúrnej pamäti o každodennom živote človeka a spoločenstva. Keďže je jazyk v prvom rade nástrojom na komunikáciu, jeho úlohou je sprostredkúvať myslenie o rozmanitých viditeľných veciach, ktoré vnímame nielen zmyslami. Pomocou jazykových výrazových prostriedkov sa sprostred
Crisis as an Opportunity for the Revival of Values
Slavica Slovaca, No 2., 2022
ŽEŇUCH, P.-ŠAŠERINA, S.-HRÍBOVÁ, M.: From the results of source research on the arrangement and ... more ŽEŇUCH, P.-ŠAŠERINA, S.-HRÍBOVÁ, M.: From the results of source research on the arrangement and ideas about the world in the context of Slavic language relations: axiological, ethnolinguistic and cultural aspects. Slavica Slovaca, 57, 2022, No 2, pp. 156-167 (Bratislava).
The relationship between language and culture is related to the naming of various objects, phenomena and attitudes that are part of the daily life of a person and society. Language is the source of anthropological knowledge of this relationship, while it itself reflects the development processes of society from the past to the present. The article provides an insight into the issue of research into Slavic cultural and spiritual thought, which Bulgarian, Polish, Russian, Serbian and Slovak Slavists discussed at the interdisciplinary Slavistics conference entitled "Interdisciplinary research of sources on language and spiritual culture-Slovak-Slavic connections" (September 21-23, 2022) as part of international project cooperation. Slavistics, ethnolinguistic, dialectology, axiology, heuristic.
Akropolis: Journal of Hellenic Studies
The communicative function of the language of translation, as can be seen from the examples of Go... more The communicative function of the language of translation, as can be seen from the examples of God's names contained in the oldest Slavic translations of a biblical nature, is an important component of understanding a whole range of liturgical texts and part of the Christian cultural identity of the believer. The need to translate biblical and liturgical texts therefore stems from the needs of believers. One desires to understand as best and as accurately as possible not only the text of the Bible but also the liturgical process itself. The liturgical process contains a number of symbols, actions, gestures and scenes reminiscent of the Divine Performance in the cosmos. In the Bible and in the Divine Liturgy, individual biblical events are constantly present. The understanding of the biblical and liturgical texts is therefore based not only on the correct use of terms but also on a reliable description of the realities. This principle is one of the starting points on which the ho...
Axiological Investigation into the Slavic Languages, 2019