Anna Moiseeva | National Research University “Higher School of Economics” (HSE), Moscow, Russia (original) (raw)
Papers by Anna Moiseeva
Контекстные роли в ситуационной семантике Дж. Барвайса и Дж. Перри. Путь к значению через эпистемологию и прагматику, 2023
Рассматривается аппарат контекстных ролей, использующийся в ситуационной семантике Дж. Барвайса и... more Рассматривается аппарат контекстных ролей, использующийся в ситуационной семантике Дж. Барвайса и Дж. Перри для формализации значения индексикалов и демонстративов, а также для решения более широких объяснительных задач, связанных с прагматическим анализом контекстов. Продемонстрировано, что анализ в терминах ролей позволяет объяснять не только значение контекстно-зависимых выражений, но и транзит между контекстами в процессе коммуникации с сохранением содержания высказывания. Раскрыта глубокая взаимосвязь в рамках данного подхода между семантикой, с одной стороны, прагматикой и эпистемологией, с другой, а затем предложен способ отграничения семантики от смежных дисциплин на уровне приложения теории к конкретным задачам. Ключевые слова: индексикалы и индексикальность в языке, контекст, эпистемическая перспектива, семантика и прагматика
Для цитирования: Моисеева А.Ю. Контекстные роли в ситуационной семантике Дж. Барвайса и Дж. Перри. Путь к значению через эпистемологию и прагматику // Вестник Томского государственного университета.
Философия науки (Philosophy of Sciences), 2022
In their articles on the distinction between semantics and pragmatics of natural lan- guage, O.A.... more In their articles on the distinction between semantics and pragmatics of natural lan- guage, O.A. Kozyreva and E.V. Borisov present polar opinions. There is also an intermediate position (it is defended, in particular, by J. Perry), according to which there are reasons to maintain the distinction between semantics and pragmatics, but the number and set of semantically significant context factors can be radically expanded by including factors such as language. Therefore, the concept of semantic meaning is also expanded; it is proposed to be defined as a set of propositions and propositional functions that express the conditions for the statement truth, depending on the context. The article presents arguments in favor of such a position.
Analytica, 2022
This article discusses one approach to belief modeling that has been developed to overcome the pr... more This article discusses one approach to belief modeling that has been developed to overcome the problems of the standard possible world semantics, namely the semantics with impossible worlds. It is shown that the introduction of impossible worlds in itself does not allow coping with these problems, as long as the worlds remain closed with respect to some accepted logic. The essence of the problem of modeling bounded rationality is revealed and the method of its solution in the semantics developed by M. Jago and later developed by him together with F. Berto is characterized. It is concluded that the task was indeed solved in the semantics of Jago. However, the peculiarities of this semantics made it difficult to build epistemic and doxastic logics on its basis and the subsequent proof of theorems. Nevertheless, the prospects for this approach and, in general, the semantics of beliefs using impossible worlds are assessed as favorable against the backdrop of significant success and rapid development of this whole trend in recent times.
Философские науки (Philosophical sciences), 2021
В статье рассматриваются перспективы применения интеррогативной эпистемологии Я. Хинтикки для мод... more В статье рассматриваются перспективы применения интеррогативной эпистемологии Я. Хинтикки для моделирования когнитивных операций, осуществляемых познающим агентом, с целью создания машины, способной к полноценному познанию. Показано, что задача моделирования распадается на две задачи: моделирование самих познавательных операций и моделирование стратегических рассуждений. С первой задачей интеррогативная эпистемология успешно справляется, поскольку она опирается на теоретико-игровой формальный аппарат, позволяющий корректно описывать все виды ходов, которые являются возможными в рамках отдельной познавательной игры. Вторая задача не может быть решена в рамках общей эпистемологической теории, поскольку стратегические рассуждения, касающиеся организации исследования, и даже само понятие знания оказываются неизбежно зависимыми от более широкого контекста практической деятельности агента. Поэтому интеррогативная эпистемология отказывается от претензий на универсальное и полное описание процесса познания, концентрируясь на других задачах – в первую очередь на выявлении скрытых посылок, которые используются познающими агентами в своих рассуждениях. По той же причине возможность существования познающей машины с точки зрения интеррогативной эпистемологии не может быть формально обоснована и представляется достаточно сомнительной. Однако приведены аргументы в пользу того, что интеррогативная эпистемология является хорошим концептуальным каркасом для прояснения характера трудностей, встающих при попытке решения этой второй задачи, и в целом для улучшения качества философского дискурса в области исследований искусственного интеллекта, поскольку оказывается, что способность к познанию может предполагать обладание всеми основными функциями, которые мы обычно называем психическими.
Semiotic studies, 2021
David Chalmers and John Perry both construe phenomenal concepts as irreducible to descriptive con... more David Chalmers and John Perry both construe phenomenal concepts as irreducible to descriptive concepts of physical properties or properties, which logically supervene on them. But they draw different conclusions from this point. D. Chalmers in The Conscious Mind argues that the epistemic gap between phenomenal and physical properties shows that the former cannot be ontologically identified with the latter. J. Perry in Knowledge, Possibility and Consciousness claims that we can identify phenomenal properties with physical ones without being committed to reductionism. In this paper I am going to examine Chalmers and Perrys views on meaning and necessity, especially with respect to identity statements, in order to find where exactly their ways of thinking about the content of phenomenal concepts.
The article outlines one of the theories of meaning, namely situation semantics in its original v... more The article outlines one of the theories of meaning, namely situation semantics in its original version, developed by J. Barwise and J. Perry. It examines basic principles, on which this theory is constructed and its applications to the analysis of the meaning of statements with a context-dependent and context-independent meaning, as well as the analysis of the content of intentional states and the meaning of reports on them, using the example of belief reports. It is concluded that the relational approach to meaning and content realized in this theory gives more possibilities to express different kinds of meaning than the classical approach and allows us to be open to questions of the related disciplines. Key words: situation, meaning, content, constraint, belief repots semantics, Frege’s puzzle.
Philosophy. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 2020
Discussion: Butakov, P. A. 2020. “Vo chto i kak nado verit’: otvet sobesednikam [What to Believe ... more Discussion: Butakov, P. A. 2020. “Vo chto i kak nado verit’: otvet sobesednikam [What to Believe and How to Believe It: A Response to My Interlocutors]” [in Russian]. Filosofiya. Zhurnal Vysshey shkoly ekonomiki [Philosophy. Journal of the Higher School of Economics] 4(4), 167-184.
Philosophy. Journal of the Higher School of Economics
Respublica Literaria, 2021
The article traces one of the lines of influence of the analytic philosophy of language on the hu... more The article traces one of the lines of influence of the analytic philosophy of language on the humanities, in particular, on linguistics – the line that is associated with the perception of the concept of performativity and the corresponding view of language in studies of indirect communication. The distinction between illocutionary and perlocutionary speech act formulated by J. Austin is applied to the case of indirect communication, as a result of which it is concluded that the performative properties of language can manifest themselves not only in illocution, but also in perlocution. It is shown that many examples of indirect communication function like performatives – the concept of an indirect performative is introduced to denote them – and can be described from the point of view of a performative approach.
Semiotic Studies, 2021
D. Chalmers and J. Perry both construe phenomenal concepts as irreducible to descriptive concepts... more D. Chalmers and J. Perry both construe phenomenal concepts as irreducible to descriptive concepts of physical properties or properties, which logically supervene on them. But they draw different conclusions from this point. D. Chalmers in "The Conscious Mind" argues that the epistemic gap between phenomenal and physical properties shows that the former cannot be ontologically identified with the latter. J. Perry in "Knowledge, Possibility and Consciousness" claims that we can identify phenomenal properties with physical ones without being committed to reductionism. In this paper I am going to examine Chalmers' and Perry's views on meaning and necessity, especially with respect to identity statements, in order to find where exactly their ways of thinking about the content of phenomenal concepts.
Философия. Журнал Высшей школы экономики [Philosophy. Journal of The Higher School of Economics], 2020
A reply to P. A. Butakov's paper “Kak verit' predanno i tverdo? [How to Believe Faithfully and F... more A reply to P. A. Butakov's paper “Kak verit' predanno i tverdo? [How to Believe Faithfully and Firmly?]”.
Философия науки (Philosophy of Sciences), 2019
В статье рассматривается понятие факта, а также другие базовые понятия ситуационной семантики, ка... more В статье рассматривается понятие факта, а также другие базовые понятия ситуационной семантики, как они даны в версии А. Кратцер. Выявляются преимущества способа их конструирования, используемого Кратцер, перед способом, который использовался Дж. Барвайсом и Дж. Перри. Особое внимание уделяется функциям понятия факта в версии Кратцер в семантике эпистемических установок, а также в теории особого вида следования («сильного» следования), выделяемого в ситуационной семантике.
Философия. Журнал Высшей школы экономики (Philosophy. Journal of the Higher School of Economics), 2019
This article is an attempt to find a new way of justifying H. Putnam’s conception of internal rea... more This article is an attempt to find a new way of justifying H. Putnam’s conception of internal realism and, more broadly, any conceptions that use nontraditional (weakened) forms of realism. The main idea of the article is that the adoption of this or some similar conception is already justified by the pragmatic need to preserve epistemology as a scientific discipline and social practice. In order to show this, in the first half of the article we make a brief excursion into the history of the development of the concept of justification in philosophy in general and in the philosophy of pragmatism in particular and reveal the essence of the dispute of W. Clifford and W. James about the ethics of belief. Then we trace the development of this dispute in the later pragmatism and reveal the ethical background of the modern dispute between realists and anti-realists, based on the discussion of H. Putnam and R. Rorty around
the notion of truth. In the second half of the article, we articulate a pragmatic argument in favor of Putnam’s realistic position and outline the basics of his conception of internal realism. In conclusion, we reveal the pragmatic significance of Putnam’s conception as a means of
preserving epistemology in its classic normative form, while being freed from many overly optimistic and tendentious assumptions of the classical period.
Вестник Томского государственного университета. Философия. Социология. Политология. (Tomsk State University Journal of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science), 2019
The article is devoted to evaluate the significance of the ideas of P. Winch and his followers F.... more The article is devoted to evaluate the significance of the ideas of P. Winch and his followers F. Hutchinson, R. Read and V. Sharrock for the methodology of sociological research. The essence of Winch's argument formulated in “The Idea of Social Science and Its Relation to Philosophy” is that, within sociology, what is explored consists not in the empirical regularities but in the rules shared by a particular community, so the method should be considered as a conceptual analysis. The most radical interpretation of this argument by Hutchinson, Read and Sharrock implies that sociology cannot produce new knowledge at all and should be reduced only to clarifying what is already known to the social actors themselves. As it turned out in the course of research on the development of the ideas of H. Skjervheim and G. Garfinkel that are similar to Winch's ones, accepting of Winch’s methodological criticism of the “objectifying” sociology does not cancel the fact that the interpretive sociology supported by Winch cannot solve the problem posed by himself. Moreover, as it is shown below, similar problems exist in the natural sciences, therefore, to prove the impossibility of applying the scientific method in sociology something else is required. If one looks at the situation more broadly, it will be unclear why the assumption of usefulness of the scientific method in sociology is more dubious and more in need of argumentation than the assumption of its uselessness. In addition, when Winch and his followers discuss the sociology as a science they errors in that the subject for the sociologist’s explanation is not the action themselves but its descriptions, and, therefore, perhaps those descriptions that do not allow the nomological explanation can be replaced with those ones that allow it. The article presents examples of such a replacement, taken from the works of A. Danto on the methodology of history, that can be easily translated into a sociological context. Thus, it has been demonstrated that an adequate scientific method for the sociological research is possible in principle, even if it is not possible to justify the adequacy of any of the existing specific methods.
Известия Уральского федерального университета. Серия 3. Общественные науки (Izvestia Ural Federal University Journal. Social and Political Science), 2018
The article gives an outline of one of the theories of meaning, namely situationa semantics in it... more The article gives an outline of one of the theories of meaning, namely situationa semantics in its original version, developed by J. Barwise and J. Perry. It contains the examination of the basic principles on which this theory is constructed and its applications to the analysis of the meaning of statements with a context-dependent and context-independent meaning, as well as the analysis of the content of intentional states and the meaning of reports on them, using the example of belief reports. It is concluded that the relational approach to meaning and content realized in this theory gives more possibilities to express different kinds of meaning than the classical approach and allows us to be open to questions of the related disciplines.
Философия науки (Philosophy of Sciences), 2017
Reflecting upon processes of recognition and identification in mind, J. Perry came to the conclus... more Reflecting upon processes of recognition and identification in mind, J. Perry came to the conclusion that everything we know or believe refers to a certain subjective perspective from which this knowledge or belief may be applied in practice. If we impute content to propositional attitudes sen-tences taking into account this perspective, we can easily solve such old philosophical problems as the problem of violation of the substitutability principle and that of informative identities. Perry offers his own concept of content which is enough flexible to cope with the task.
Философия науки (Philosophy of Sciences), 2016
Different theories of de re ascriptions are being discussed in the light of how they do notion sp... more Different theories of de re ascriptions are being discussed in the light of how they do notion specification, if they do. It is shown, that the approach which is not notionally specifying gives such theory of de re ascriptions that it has some implausible consequences, and notionally specifying approach shifts the very understanding of de re ascription.
Философия науки (Philosophy of Sciences), 2018
The article postulates the existence of the “evidentialist” and “actualist” conceptions of belief... more The article postulates the existence of the “evidentialist” and “actualist” conceptions of belief in epistemology, which originate from classical philosophy. There is a move from a primitive, non-analyzed concept of belief to a concept which allows an epistemologist to consider belief not only from his or her own perspective, but also from perspectives of a philosopher of language and a philosopher of mind. Such an approach enriches and deepens epistemological consequences that an epistemologist receives. This move is considered in the context of the “pragmatization” trend, which is a general property of modern philosophy.
Контекстные роли в ситуационной семантике Дж. Барвайса и Дж. Перри. Путь к значению через эпистемологию и прагматику, 2023
Рассматривается аппарат контекстных ролей, использующийся в ситуационной семантике Дж. Барвайса и... more Рассматривается аппарат контекстных ролей, использующийся в ситуационной семантике Дж. Барвайса и Дж. Перри для формализации значения индексикалов и демонстративов, а также для решения более широких объяснительных задач, связанных с прагматическим анализом контекстов. Продемонстрировано, что анализ в терминах ролей позволяет объяснять не только значение контекстно-зависимых выражений, но и транзит между контекстами в процессе коммуникации с сохранением содержания высказывания. Раскрыта глубокая взаимосвязь в рамках данного подхода между семантикой, с одной стороны, прагматикой и эпистемологией, с другой, а затем предложен способ отграничения семантики от смежных дисциплин на уровне приложения теории к конкретным задачам. Ключевые слова: индексикалы и индексикальность в языке, контекст, эпистемическая перспектива, семантика и прагматика
Для цитирования: Моисеева А.Ю. Контекстные роли в ситуационной семантике Дж. Барвайса и Дж. Перри. Путь к значению через эпистемологию и прагматику // Вестник Томского государственного университета.
Философия науки (Philosophy of Sciences), 2022
In their articles on the distinction between semantics and pragmatics of natural lan- guage, O.A.... more In their articles on the distinction between semantics and pragmatics of natural lan- guage, O.A. Kozyreva and E.V. Borisov present polar opinions. There is also an intermediate position (it is defended, in particular, by J. Perry), according to which there are reasons to maintain the distinction between semantics and pragmatics, but the number and set of semantically significant context factors can be radically expanded by including factors such as language. Therefore, the concept of semantic meaning is also expanded; it is proposed to be defined as a set of propositions and propositional functions that express the conditions for the statement truth, depending on the context. The article presents arguments in favor of such a position.
Analytica, 2022
This article discusses one approach to belief modeling that has been developed to overcome the pr... more This article discusses one approach to belief modeling that has been developed to overcome the problems of the standard possible world semantics, namely the semantics with impossible worlds. It is shown that the introduction of impossible worlds in itself does not allow coping with these problems, as long as the worlds remain closed with respect to some accepted logic. The essence of the problem of modeling bounded rationality is revealed and the method of its solution in the semantics developed by M. Jago and later developed by him together with F. Berto is characterized. It is concluded that the task was indeed solved in the semantics of Jago. However, the peculiarities of this semantics made it difficult to build epistemic and doxastic logics on its basis and the subsequent proof of theorems. Nevertheless, the prospects for this approach and, in general, the semantics of beliefs using impossible worlds are assessed as favorable against the backdrop of significant success and rapid development of this whole trend in recent times.
Философские науки (Philosophical sciences), 2021
В статье рассматриваются перспективы применения интеррогативной эпистемологии Я. Хинтикки для мод... more В статье рассматриваются перспективы применения интеррогативной эпистемологии Я. Хинтикки для моделирования когнитивных операций, осуществляемых познающим агентом, с целью создания машины, способной к полноценному познанию. Показано, что задача моделирования распадается на две задачи: моделирование самих познавательных операций и моделирование стратегических рассуждений. С первой задачей интеррогативная эпистемология успешно справляется, поскольку она опирается на теоретико-игровой формальный аппарат, позволяющий корректно описывать все виды ходов, которые являются возможными в рамках отдельной познавательной игры. Вторая задача не может быть решена в рамках общей эпистемологической теории, поскольку стратегические рассуждения, касающиеся организации исследования, и даже само понятие знания оказываются неизбежно зависимыми от более широкого контекста практической деятельности агента. Поэтому интеррогативная эпистемология отказывается от претензий на универсальное и полное описание процесса познания, концентрируясь на других задачах – в первую очередь на выявлении скрытых посылок, которые используются познающими агентами в своих рассуждениях. По той же причине возможность существования познающей машины с точки зрения интеррогативной эпистемологии не может быть формально обоснована и представляется достаточно сомнительной. Однако приведены аргументы в пользу того, что интеррогативная эпистемология является хорошим концептуальным каркасом для прояснения характера трудностей, встающих при попытке решения этой второй задачи, и в целом для улучшения качества философского дискурса в области исследований искусственного интеллекта, поскольку оказывается, что способность к познанию может предполагать обладание всеми основными функциями, которые мы обычно называем психическими.
Semiotic studies, 2021
David Chalmers and John Perry both construe phenomenal concepts as irreducible to descriptive con... more David Chalmers and John Perry both construe phenomenal concepts as irreducible to descriptive concepts of physical properties or properties, which logically supervene on them. But they draw different conclusions from this point. D. Chalmers in The Conscious Mind argues that the epistemic gap between phenomenal and physical properties shows that the former cannot be ontologically identified with the latter. J. Perry in Knowledge, Possibility and Consciousness claims that we can identify phenomenal properties with physical ones without being committed to reductionism. In this paper I am going to examine Chalmers and Perrys views on meaning and necessity, especially with respect to identity statements, in order to find where exactly their ways of thinking about the content of phenomenal concepts.
The article outlines one of the theories of meaning, namely situation semantics in its original v... more The article outlines one of the theories of meaning, namely situation semantics in its original version, developed by J. Barwise and J. Perry. It examines basic principles, on which this theory is constructed and its applications to the analysis of the meaning of statements with a context-dependent and context-independent meaning, as well as the analysis of the content of intentional states and the meaning of reports on them, using the example of belief reports. It is concluded that the relational approach to meaning and content realized in this theory gives more possibilities to express different kinds of meaning than the classical approach and allows us to be open to questions of the related disciplines. Key words: situation, meaning, content, constraint, belief repots semantics, Frege’s puzzle.
Philosophy. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 2020
Discussion: Butakov, P. A. 2020. “Vo chto i kak nado verit’: otvet sobesednikam [What to Believe ... more Discussion: Butakov, P. A. 2020. “Vo chto i kak nado verit’: otvet sobesednikam [What to Believe and How to Believe It: A Response to My Interlocutors]” [in Russian]. Filosofiya. Zhurnal Vysshey shkoly ekonomiki [Philosophy. Journal of the Higher School of Economics] 4(4), 167-184.
Philosophy. Journal of the Higher School of Economics
Respublica Literaria, 2021
The article traces one of the lines of influence of the analytic philosophy of language on the hu... more The article traces one of the lines of influence of the analytic philosophy of language on the humanities, in particular, on linguistics – the line that is associated with the perception of the concept of performativity and the corresponding view of language in studies of indirect communication. The distinction between illocutionary and perlocutionary speech act formulated by J. Austin is applied to the case of indirect communication, as a result of which it is concluded that the performative properties of language can manifest themselves not only in illocution, but also in perlocution. It is shown that many examples of indirect communication function like performatives – the concept of an indirect performative is introduced to denote them – and can be described from the point of view of a performative approach.
Semiotic Studies, 2021
D. Chalmers and J. Perry both construe phenomenal concepts as irreducible to descriptive concepts... more D. Chalmers and J. Perry both construe phenomenal concepts as irreducible to descriptive concepts of physical properties or properties, which logically supervene on them. But they draw different conclusions from this point. D. Chalmers in "The Conscious Mind" argues that the epistemic gap between phenomenal and physical properties shows that the former cannot be ontologically identified with the latter. J. Perry in "Knowledge, Possibility and Consciousness" claims that we can identify phenomenal properties with physical ones without being committed to reductionism. In this paper I am going to examine Chalmers' and Perry's views on meaning and necessity, especially with respect to identity statements, in order to find where exactly their ways of thinking about the content of phenomenal concepts.
Философия. Журнал Высшей школы экономики [Philosophy. Journal of The Higher School of Economics], 2020
A reply to P. A. Butakov's paper “Kak verit' predanno i tverdo? [How to Believe Faithfully and F... more A reply to P. A. Butakov's paper “Kak verit' predanno i tverdo? [How to Believe Faithfully and Firmly?]”.
Философия науки (Philosophy of Sciences), 2019
В статье рассматривается понятие факта, а также другие базовые понятия ситуационной семантики, ка... more В статье рассматривается понятие факта, а также другие базовые понятия ситуационной семантики, как они даны в версии А. Кратцер. Выявляются преимущества способа их конструирования, используемого Кратцер, перед способом, который использовался Дж. Барвайсом и Дж. Перри. Особое внимание уделяется функциям понятия факта в версии Кратцер в семантике эпистемических установок, а также в теории особого вида следования («сильного» следования), выделяемого в ситуационной семантике.
Философия. Журнал Высшей школы экономики (Philosophy. Journal of the Higher School of Economics), 2019
This article is an attempt to find a new way of justifying H. Putnam’s conception of internal rea... more This article is an attempt to find a new way of justifying H. Putnam’s conception of internal realism and, more broadly, any conceptions that use nontraditional (weakened) forms of realism. The main idea of the article is that the adoption of this or some similar conception is already justified by the pragmatic need to preserve epistemology as a scientific discipline and social practice. In order to show this, in the first half of the article we make a brief excursion into the history of the development of the concept of justification in philosophy in general and in the philosophy of pragmatism in particular and reveal the essence of the dispute of W. Clifford and W. James about the ethics of belief. Then we trace the development of this dispute in the later pragmatism and reveal the ethical background of the modern dispute between realists and anti-realists, based on the discussion of H. Putnam and R. Rorty around
the notion of truth. In the second half of the article, we articulate a pragmatic argument in favor of Putnam’s realistic position and outline the basics of his conception of internal realism. In conclusion, we reveal the pragmatic significance of Putnam’s conception as a means of
preserving epistemology in its classic normative form, while being freed from many overly optimistic and tendentious assumptions of the classical period.
Вестник Томского государственного университета. Философия. Социология. Политология. (Tomsk State University Journal of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science), 2019
The article is devoted to evaluate the significance of the ideas of P. Winch and his followers F.... more The article is devoted to evaluate the significance of the ideas of P. Winch and his followers F. Hutchinson, R. Read and V. Sharrock for the methodology of sociological research. The essence of Winch's argument formulated in “The Idea of Social Science and Its Relation to Philosophy” is that, within sociology, what is explored consists not in the empirical regularities but in the rules shared by a particular community, so the method should be considered as a conceptual analysis. The most radical interpretation of this argument by Hutchinson, Read and Sharrock implies that sociology cannot produce new knowledge at all and should be reduced only to clarifying what is already known to the social actors themselves. As it turned out in the course of research on the development of the ideas of H. Skjervheim and G. Garfinkel that are similar to Winch's ones, accepting of Winch’s methodological criticism of the “objectifying” sociology does not cancel the fact that the interpretive sociology supported by Winch cannot solve the problem posed by himself. Moreover, as it is shown below, similar problems exist in the natural sciences, therefore, to prove the impossibility of applying the scientific method in sociology something else is required. If one looks at the situation more broadly, it will be unclear why the assumption of usefulness of the scientific method in sociology is more dubious and more in need of argumentation than the assumption of its uselessness. In addition, when Winch and his followers discuss the sociology as a science they errors in that the subject for the sociologist’s explanation is not the action themselves but its descriptions, and, therefore, perhaps those descriptions that do not allow the nomological explanation can be replaced with those ones that allow it. The article presents examples of such a replacement, taken from the works of A. Danto on the methodology of history, that can be easily translated into a sociological context. Thus, it has been demonstrated that an adequate scientific method for the sociological research is possible in principle, even if it is not possible to justify the adequacy of any of the existing specific methods.
Известия Уральского федерального университета. Серия 3. Общественные науки (Izvestia Ural Federal University Journal. Social and Political Science), 2018
The article gives an outline of one of the theories of meaning, namely situationa semantics in it... more The article gives an outline of one of the theories of meaning, namely situationa semantics in its original version, developed by J. Barwise and J. Perry. It contains the examination of the basic principles on which this theory is constructed and its applications to the analysis of the meaning of statements with a context-dependent and context-independent meaning, as well as the analysis of the content of intentional states and the meaning of reports on them, using the example of belief reports. It is concluded that the relational approach to meaning and content realized in this theory gives more possibilities to express different kinds of meaning than the classical approach and allows us to be open to questions of the related disciplines.
Философия науки (Philosophy of Sciences), 2017
Reflecting upon processes of recognition and identification in mind, J. Perry came to the conclus... more Reflecting upon processes of recognition and identification in mind, J. Perry came to the conclusion that everything we know or believe refers to a certain subjective perspective from which this knowledge or belief may be applied in practice. If we impute content to propositional attitudes sen-tences taking into account this perspective, we can easily solve such old philosophical problems as the problem of violation of the substitutability principle and that of informative identities. Perry offers his own concept of content which is enough flexible to cope with the task.
Философия науки (Philosophy of Sciences), 2016
Different theories of de re ascriptions are being discussed in the light of how they do notion sp... more Different theories of de re ascriptions are being discussed in the light of how they do notion specification, if they do. It is shown, that the approach which is not notionally specifying gives such theory of de re ascriptions that it has some implausible consequences, and notionally specifying approach shifts the very understanding of de re ascription.
Философия науки (Philosophy of Sciences), 2018
The article postulates the existence of the “evidentialist” and “actualist” conceptions of belief... more The article postulates the existence of the “evidentialist” and “actualist” conceptions of belief in epistemology, which originate from classical philosophy. There is a move from a primitive, non-analyzed concept of belief to a concept which allows an epistemologist to consider belief not only from his or her own perspective, but also from perspectives of a philosopher of language and a philosopher of mind. Such an approach enriches and deepens epistemological consequences that an epistemologist receives. This move is considered in the context of the “pragmatization” trend, which is a general property of modern philosophy.