scryed_yaoi - Profile (original) (raw)
on 16 May 2005 (#7136317)
RulesX All images larger than 500 x 500 must be placed under a cut. If you have more than five icons they must go under a cut. X All spoilers must come with a warning and they must go under a cut. This is anything about the manga that is not common knowledge. Common knowledge would be something like - Kazuma is an Alter user. We leave this to your judgment.X Be considerate. No flaming, no bashing, no offensive remarks, no provoking other members. This community may have adult themes and we are slash and BL friendly. If this is not your bag then please do not join. X Fandom Nazis will not be tolerated. This means people who are all about their OTP and can accept nothing outside of that OTP. In the world of fandom no pairing is absolute.X All downloads must be friends locked. X Keep your drama in your own journal. If you are in a bad mood please do not post in this community about it. If you are having a dispute with someone outside of this community please do not come here to talk about it. If you are having a dispute with someone inside of the community then let the mods know, do not post it in the community. We leave it up to your judgment to define drama in your own terms, the above mentioned are simply the things we do not wish to see here. X Try not to get too off topic. This is a s.CRY.ed community so all related posts are definitely welcome, though this is essentially BL oriented.X Credit if you use any icons, wallpapers, banners or any other type of media. If someone does a piece of fan art and you would like to use it to make an icon ask the artist first.X Do not post art and fiction that is not your own and claim that it is. Theft will not be tolerated.X All adult content must be friends locked. This is due to one of livejournal's bylaws. This means any writen works or images depicting adult themes and sexual content. We think this is clear enough.QuestionsGeneral: X Where can I purchase s.CRY.ed? and are good online sources. Suncoast is good for all of your anime needs. As for the manga Ebay and Amazon are also excellent places to look, Tokyopop is the direct source. Books-a-Million, Barnes and Nobels, Waldens or you can try your local book stores.X Where can I purchace doujinshi? is an excellent source for doujinshi and I'm sure there is something in the way of s.CRY.ed there.X Where can I find fan fiction? Media Miner dot Org, Fan Fiction dot Net, and Adult Fan Fiction dot Net. Sitely: XHow do I cut or lj-cut? For information on how to cut, follow the link lj-cut.AffiliatesWe reserve the right to affiliate with any anime, manga, video game, fantasy, rp, icon, graphics, yaoi, shounen ai, shoujo ai, and yuri community. If we find your community too offensive in terms of communities that promote hate, racism, sexism, etc. then we may be disinclined.If you wish to affiliate with ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
alter users, anime, cougar, cougar/kazuma, cougar/kimishima, cougar/ryuhou, cougar/t.t., cougar/tachibana, cougar/taiki, cougar/zigmar, kazuma, kazuma/cougar, kazuma/kimishima, kazuma/ryuhou, kazuma/t.t., kazuma/tachibana, kazuma/zigmar, kimishima, kimishima/cougar, kimishima/kazuma, kimishima/ryuhou, kimishima/t.t., kimishima/tachibana, kimishima/taiki, kimishima/zigmar, manga, ryuhou, ryuhou/cougar, ryuhou/kazuma, ryuhou/kimishima, ryuhou/t.t., ryuhou/tachibana, ryuhou/taiki, ryuhou/zigmar, s.cry.ed, scryed, t.t., t.t./cougar, t.t./taiki, t.t./zigmar, t.t/kazuma, t.t/kimishima, t.t/ryuhou, t.t/tachibana, tachibana, tachibana/cougar, tachibana/kazuma, tachibana/kimishima, tachibana/ryuhou, tachibana/t.t., tachibana/taiki, tachibana/zigmar, taiki, taiki/cougar, taiki/kimishima, taiki/ryuhou, taiki/t.t., taiki/tachibana, taiki/zigmar, yaoi, zigmar, zigmar/cougar, zigmar/kazuma, zigmar/kimishima, zigmar/ryuhou, zigmar/t.t., zigmar/tachibana, zigmar/taiki