Giuliano Bifolchi | University of Rome Tor Vergata (original) (raw)

Books by Giuliano Bifolchi

Research paper thumbnail of "Conflitto in Ucraina, Caucaso del Nord e propaganda jihadista in lingua russa", in Boltuc et al. (2022) Conflitto in Ucraina: rischio geopolitico, propaganda jihadista e minaccia per l'Europa, Firenze: Enigma Edizioni ISBN 9788899303990

Conflitto in Ucraina, propaganda jihadista e minaccia per l'Europa, Jun 2022

Nel secondo capitolo del libro "Conflitto in Ucraina: rischio geopolitico, propaganda jihadista e... more Nel secondo capitolo del libro "Conflitto in Ucraina: rischio geopolitico, propaganda jihadista e minaccia per l'Europa" analizza la propaganda in lingua russa inerente il conflitto in Ucraina e la presenza dei battaglioni ceceni Shaykh Mansur e Dzhokhar Dudayev nel territorio ucraino.

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Research paper thumbnail of Storia del Caucaso del Nord tra presenza russa Islam e terrorismo, Carviago: Anteo Edizioni ISBN 9791280769046

Anteo Edizioni, 2022

Crogiuolo di popoli, ponte tra Europa e Asia e frontiera naturale tra mondo musulmano e cristiano... more Crogiuolo di popoli, ponte tra Europa e Asia e frontiera naturale tra mondo musulmano e cristiano, il Caucaso del Nord è stato teatro di contesa tra i grandi imperi del passato e le potenze del mondo moderno. Entrato stabilmente nell’orbita russa nel XIX secolo durante l’espansione dell’Impero zarista, oggigiorno il Caucaso del Nord è parte integrante della Federazione Russa e una regione che ha ereditato una complessità e difficoltà nella comprensione e gestione dovuta a un processo storico che vede l’Islam e la presenza russa alternarsi, incontrarsi e scontrarsi e plasmare i diversi gruppi etnici che vi abitano. Conoscere e analizzare la storia della regione nord caucasica soffermandosi in special modo sulla Guerra Caucasica del XIX secolo, sul ruolo delle confraternite Sufi in epoca imperale e sovietica così come sull’importante influenza che l’Islam ha avuto nel processo di transizione tra l’Unione Sovietica e la Federazione Russa negli anni ‘90 con la successiva diffusione del fenomeno del terrorismo permette di fornire un quadro esaustivo per comprendere le dinamiche attuali nord caucasiche e i possibili sviluppi futuri della regione.

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Research paper thumbnail of Geopolitica del Caucaso russo. Gli interessi e l'influenza del Cremlino e degli attori stranieri nelle dinamiche locali nord caucasiche, Roma: Sandro Teti Editore ISBN 9788831492072

La Ciscaucasia, o Caucaso del Nord, è la regione della Federazione Russa compresa tra il Mar Nero... more La Ciscaucasia, o Caucaso del Nord, è la regione della Federazione Russa compresa tra il Mar Nero ed il Caspio, lo snodo delle vie di comunicazione che da Mosca raggiungono il Medio Oriente e l’Asia Centrale. Un’area unica per la varietà di etnie, lingue, culture e religioni, un territorio importantissimo, in termini geopolitici ed economici, che attrae gli interessi di Russia, Iran, Turchia, Stati Uniti, paesi del Golfo, Unione europea e Cina. La centralità strategica e le ingenti risorse energetiche e naturali, unite alla possibilità di esercitare un’influenza anche sull’area caucasica meridionale (Armenia, Azerbaigian e Georgia), lo rendono fondamentale per il Cremlino che negli ultimi anni ha indirizzato cospicue risorse finanziarie per risolvere economicamente e militarmente il problema dell’instabilità regionale.
Obiettivo di questo volume è quello di descrivere gli interessi geopolitici di attori internazionali e regionali nel Caucaso del Nord caratterizzata sin dalla caduta dell'Unione Sovietica da movimenti indipendentisti, scontri inter-etnici, affermazione della militanza armata locale e ascesa di diversi gruppi terroristici collegabili ad al-Qaeda o allo Stato Islamico.

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Research paper thumbnail of Strategic Communication in EU-Russia Relations: Tensions, Challenges and Opportunities

Since the outbreak of the Ukrainian crisis, the relations between the EU and Russia seem to be in... more Since the outbreak of the Ukrainian crisis, the relations between the EU and Russia seem to be in a constant process of deterioration. In an attempt to go beyond traditional analyses, this book wishes to present the underexplored role of strategic communication from a Russian and European perspective and this, through an interdisciplinary approach addressing security, international relations and economic issues. An international team of researchers from the EU and Russia endeavours to provide answers to the major tensions and challenges, in order to create a basis for reconciliation through dialogue and the rethinking of strategic communication in EU-Russia relations. Nine different case studies engage with a variety of issues ranging from geopolitics and security to diplomacy. This book is useful for researchers, specialists and students interested in strategic communication within the context of the current EU-Russia relations.

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Research paper thumbnail of Marija Chodynskaja Goleniščeva, Siria. Il tormentato cammino verso la pace (ed. Giuliano Bifolchi), Rome: Sandro Teti Editore ISBN 9788899918804

La diplomatica russa Marija Chodynskaja Goleniščeva analizza i retroscena e le cause scatenanti d... more La diplomatica russa Marija Chodynskaja Goleniščeva analizza i retroscena e le cause scatenanti del conflitto siriano; passa in rassegna le formazioni antigovernative e filogovernative; evidenzia l’importanza degli Usa e le possibili evoluzioni del loro ruolo; descrive le complesse direttrici della diplomazia moscovita, sia nell’ambito dell’Onu, sia a livello bilaterale e multilaterale. L’autrice, che padroneggia la lingua araba e ha una profonda conoscenza della questione mediorientale, ha fatto base presso la sede Onu di Ginevra per sette anni e ha seguito in prima persona il conflitto, sin dal suo inizio, recandosi frequentemente nella Siria martoriata e nel resto dei paesi coinvolti nelle trattative di pace. Marija Chodynskaja Goleniščeva ha attinto a un’impressionante mole di fonti e ha arricchito la sua opera con la sua personale esperienza.


The Russian diplomat Maria Khodynskaya Golenishcheva analyses the background and the main causes of the Syrian Civil War; she reviews anti-government and pro-government groups; highlights the importance of US and the role they could play in the future; describes the complex directives of Moscow diplomacy both within UN field of action and on a bilateral and multilateral level. The author, who perfectly speaks the Arabic language and has a deep knowledge of the Middle East issue, has been based in Geneva UN base for seven years. She has covered the conflict from its beginning, often visiting Syria and the other countries involved in peace negotiations. Maria Khodynskaya Golenishcheva used a series of documental sources and enriched her book thanks to her personal experience.

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Papers by Giuliano Bifolchi

Research paper thumbnail of "Terrorismo in Asia centrale", Opinio Juris - Law & Politics Review, Vol.7, pp. 17-23

Opinio Juris - Law & Politics Review, May 2024

L’attentato organizzato nel marzo 2024 al Crocus City Hall di Mosca ha evidenziato l’incombente m... more L’attentato organizzato nel marzo 2024 al Crocus City Hall di Mosca ha evidenziato l’incombente minaccia del terrorismo a livello internazionale. Questo attacco, il più letale in Russia dal 2004, ha mostrato la capacità e la determinazione dello Stato Islamico di colpire diversi obiettivi nel quadrante strategico eurasiatico e ha sollevato nuove preoccupazioni sulla minaccia rappresentata dalle reti jihadiste in Asia centrale.
La regione, infatti, negli anni è divenuta un terreno fertile per il reclutamento da parte dello Stato Islamico: non è un mistero che lo Stato Islamico Wilayat Khorasan (ISPK), compagine terroristica che si è andata ad affermare nella macroarea comprendente Afghanistan in primis e poi Pakistan, Xinjiang e Asia centrale, abbia già da tempo diffuso la propria propaganda jihadista con l’obiettivo di reclutare uzbeki, tagiki, e kirghisi .
A partire dal ritiro delle forze armate statunitensi dall’Afghanistan nell’agosto del 2021, evento seguito poi dall’affermazione dei talebani nel Paese, la propaganda e l’attività di ISKP è aumentata esponenzialmente dividendosi tra l’organizzazione di attacchi violenti ai danni della popolazione civile e degli stessi talebani e la promozione della propaganda jihadista con l’obiettivo di reclutare futuri combattenti.
Quanto fino ad ora dichiarato trova riscontro negli eventi nel marzo 2024 quando, proprio a seguito dell’attentato di Mosca, ISKP ha pubblicato il primo numero in lingua tagika di Voice of Khurasan in cui il gruppo terroristico ha ribadito il successo ottenuto al Crocus City Hall e ha attaccato la leadership tagika, in primis il presidente Emomali Rahmon, definendola ‘apostata’ e illegittima . A questo numero in lingua tagika ha fatto seguito, alcune settimane dopo, la versione inglese di Voice of Khurasan al cui interno ISKP aveva inserito un editoriale speciale proprio sulla Russia e su quello che l’organizzazione terroristica aveva definito come un successo che dimostrata l’operatività e la capacità di raggiungere diversi obiettivi da parte del gruppo e dei suoi sostenitori .
Se colleghiamo questi dati con gli arresti nell’ultimo anno di diversi cittadini centro asiatici in Russia, in primis i quattro attentatori del Crocus City Hall di Mosca di nazionalità tagika, così come in Turchia, ma anche in Italia e Germania, è doveroso affermare che esiste una reale minaccia terroristica proveniente dall’Asia centrale che deve essere monitorata e arginata per evitare una escalation di attacchi violenti in tutta l’area eurasiatica

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Research paper thumbnail of “Geopolitics of the North Caucasus: An Analysis of Local Ethnic Minorities and Indigenous Peoples”, Geopolitical Report ISSN 2532-845X, Vol.4, 2023, pp. 44-53.

Geopolitical Report ISSN 2532-845X, 2023

This paper critically examines the intricate dynamics between the Kremlin’s internal stabilisatio... more This paper critically examines the intricate dynamics between the Kremlin’s internal stabilisation strategy and the diverse ethnic landscape of the North Caucasus, a region of paramount geopolitical significance in the Russian Federation. Against the backdrop of heightened Western pressure following the beginning of the Ukraine conflict, the Kremlin faces the imperative to uphold national internal stability and cohesion. Within this context, the paper delves into the multifaceted approach undertaken by the Russian government in managing the diverse ethnic groups and indigenous populations residing in the North Caucasus. Indeed, the region, situated at the southern periphery of Russia and acting as a vital link between Europe and Asia, emerges as a focal point in Moscow’s domestic and foreign policy calculus. This study scrutinises the strategic importance of the region and the Kremlin’s concerted efforts to stabilise it, recognising the region’s pivotal role in shaping both regional and international dynamics. Furthermore, the study aims to elucidate the extent to which cooperation with local communities aligns with the Kremlin’s overarching goals and contributes to the realisation of its strategic objectives.

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Research paper thumbnail of Giuliano Bifolchi (2023) "Lotta al terrorismo, antipirateria e PMC russe come propensione strategica del Cremlino", Rivista Marittima, pp. 24-32

Rivista Marittima, 2023

Le compagnie militari private russe che operano in aree di rischio come forma di supporto ai gove... more Le compagnie militari private russe che operano in aree di rischio come forma di supporto ai governi locali e nelle attività di sicurezza marittima e contrasto al terrorismo si sono rivelate nel tempo attori geopolitici fondamentali per la politica estera di Mosca.

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Research paper thumbnail of Silvia Boltuc, Giuliano Bifolchi, “Analisi e valutazione del rischio geopolitico in Asia centrale”, Geopolitical Report ISSN 2532-845X, Vol.1, pp. 3-14

Geopolitical Report ISSN 2532-845X, Mar 2023

Abstract in English In recent years, the international arena has experienced several critical i... more Abstract in English

In recent years, the international arena has experienced several critical issues that have increased global geopolitical risk, such as the pandemic, terrorism and jihadist propaganda, the Ukraine conflict, and the economic crisis. Central Asia has not been immune from these phenomena: in 2022, the region faced a series of regional problems and external geopolitical pressures. This paper wants to evaluate Central Asia’s geopolitical risk by examining the regional geopolitical dynamics and the problems that could lead to destabilisation and lack of security and, therefore, affect the internal stability of the Central Asian republics and the possibility of attracting investment.

Abstract in Italiano

Gli ultimi anni hanno visto il panorama internazionale affrontare criticità che hanno elevato il rischio geopolitico mondiale. La pandemia, il terrorismo, il conflitto in Ucraina, la crisi economica. L’Asia centrale non è rimasta immune da questi fenomeni e nel 2022 la regione ha dovuto affrontare una serie di criticità interne e le pressioni geopolitiche esterne. Obiettivo di questo paper è quello di valutare il rischio geopolitico della regione centrasiatica prendendo in esame le dinamiche geopolitiche regionali e le problematiche che potrebbero comportare destabilizzazione e mancanza di si-curezza, fattori che influirebbero sulla tenuta interna delle repubbliche centrasiatiche così come sulla possibilità di attrarre investimenti.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Conflict in Ukraine, Russian language jihadist propaganda, Chechen battalions and the link with the Russian North Caucasus", Politika nacionalne bezbednosti Vol.2, pp. 33-45

Politika nacionalne bezbednosti, 2022

Since the beginning of the Ukraine conflict, international media have reported the presence of Ch... more Since the beginning of the Ukraine conflict, international media have reported the presence of Chechen battalions among the ranks of Kyiv and Moscow’s forces. The Chechen presence in the conflict has nourished the jihadist propaganda in the Russian language and created a debate in the Russian North Caucasus and among the Russian Muslim umma (community) regarding the legitimacy of fighting with or against the Russian Federation. This paper wants to analyse the Russian jihadist propaganda’s narrative over Ukraine, the Chechen battalions’ role in support of the Ukraine army, and the geopolitical risk for the entire Eurasian region from terrorist groups’ exploitation of the Ukraine conflict.

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Research paper thumbnail of "The Impact of Jihadist Propaganda in the Russian Language: Analysis of Kavkazcenter", The Rest. Journal of Politics and Development Vol. 11(1), pp. 6-14

The Rest. Journal of Politics and Development, 2021

Terrorism and jihadist propaganda are among the primary threats of the contemporary era. Because ... more Terrorism and jihadist propaganda are among the primary threats of the contemporary era. Because of the high number of foreign fighters from the post-Soviet republics among the rank of the Islamic State, there is a general concern about jihadist propaganda in the Russian language. Kavkazcenter has appeared as one of the main websites in the Russian language to support Imarat Kavkaz (Caucasus Emirate) and regional militant groups. Firstly, this paper examines scientific literature useful to classify Kavkazcenter as a jihadist portal or a media agency. Secondly, the research focuses on the website Kavkazcenter investigating its structure, ideologies and connection with the Arab-Muslim world and the international terrorist network. Finally, this investigation intends to describe if Kavkazcenter represents a serious threat not only for the Russian national security but also for the entire post-Soviet space and the European Union itself, where North Caucasian migrants and refugees live.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Assessment of the Russian strategy to contrast terrorism and jihadist propaganda in the North Caucasus"., e-journal of international relations. Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 19-32, e-journal of international relations, 2020

Terrorism, violent attacks and political Islam have affected the North Caucasus since the disinte... more Terrorism, violent attacks and political Islam have affected the North Caucasus since the disintegration of the Soviet Union. If in the past the Caucasus Emirate was the leading terrorist organisation in the region since 2014 the Islamic State gained popularity and established the Vilayat Kavkaz (Caucasus Province) as part of the Caliphate exploiting the local critical socioeconomic condition and promoting the jihadist propaganda in the Russian language (i.e. the magazine 'Istok') also thanks to the considerable presence of North Caucasian foreign fighters among the ranks of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Although currently the international coalition forces mainly defeated the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, this organisation still jeopardises the North Caucasus often identified as the most volatile and impoverished area of the Russian Federation characterised by ethnic conflicts, the rise of Salafism, stagnation, and corruption. This study aims at stressing that the Russian government has elaborated a strategy mostly based on special military operations and massive investments in tourism and logistics which can exacerbate more the precarious status quo of the region favouring the dissemination of jihadist propaganda because it does not consider the historical, sociocultural, ethnic, and religious background. The region is not exempt to jihadist propaganda and terrorism and, if the Russian government cannot financially and economically support the regional leaders or will not change its approach, terrorism and political Islam could critically influence the North Caucasus posing a dangerous menace to the stability and security of the Russian Federation and entire Eurasia.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Democracy, Russian governance and inter-ethnic conflict in the North Caucasus" Conflict.Stability.Democracy?/Sukoby. Stabilnost. Demokratija?The 2019 Serbian Political Science Association Annual Conference Proceedings, ISBN 978–86–6425–067–2, pp. 141-153

Conflict.Stability.Democracy?/Sukoby. Stabilnost. Demokratija? The 2019 Serbian Political Science Association Annual Conference Proceedings, 2019

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union the North Caucasus, a multi-ethnic region strategically im... more Since the collapse of the Soviet Union the North Caucasus, a multi-ethnic region strategically important for the Kremlins’ foreign and domestic policy, has experienced interethnic and territorial conflicts. After the collapse of the USSR the past ethnic tensions and the desire of independence from the Russian government exploded in inter-ethnic conflicts (i.e. the Eastern Prigorodny conflict) and the confrontation between local governments and the Kremlin (i.e. the Chechen conflict). This paper aims at analysing the Russian strategy to control the region and avoid any kind of inter-ethnic and territorial conflicts and any attempt of independence from the central authority underlining the Kremlin’s attitude to justify the reduction of democracy and civil rights in favour of the regional stability and safety.

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[Research paper thumbnail of "The North Caucasus in the Russian political discourse" in   DISKURS i politika [Elektronski izvor] = Discourse and Politics / priredili, edited by Dejana M. Vukasović and Petar Matić. - Belgrade : Institute for Political Studies, 2019 ISBN 978-86-7419-308-2, pp. 337-350](

DISKURS i politika [Elektronski izvor] = Discourse and Politics / priredili, edited by Dejana M. Vukasović and Petar Matić. - Belgrade : Institute for Political Studies, 2019 ISBN 978-86-7419-308-2, 2019

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Russian Federation has faced socioeconomic probl... more Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Russian Federation has faced socioeconomic problems, religious radicalisation, local conflicts and the rise of terrorist groups in the North Caucasus. Although the region has often been defined as the most problematic of Russia where the Kremlin has spent billions of rubles with the purpose of restoring economic development and addressing the issues of militant groups and socioeconomic problems, the Russian government has always described the North Caucasus as part of its vital space and a fundamental region for its national security. Various Russian members of the government have several times underlined the importance of the region and the impossibility to separate it from the rest of the country. On the other hand, members of the opposition and some civic organisations have stressed both the instability of the North Caucasus as one of the weakest points of the Russian Federation and the possible failure of the Kremlin’s regional strategy. Therefore, the feeling of Kavkazofobiya (fear of the Caucasus) has spread among the Russians and has been used to target the North Caucasians who lived in the country and to push the Kremlin to decrease its financial and military support to the region. This paper aims to describe the impact of the North Caucasus on the Russian political discourse, considering official statements released by the government and analysing the feelings towards the region expressed by the media and opposition parties. This research also highlights that the Russian political discourse has been characterised by opposite feelings: the Kremlin has positively presented the North Caucasus trying to convince the local populations that they are part of the Russian Federation, while some opposition parties have exploited the general feeling of fear regarding the North Caucasus and the North Caucasians diffused among the ethnic Russians conducting political and communication campaigns marked by hostility with the intent to oppose the Russian government.

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Research paper thumbnail of "The Fate of the Circassian Community in Iraq between the Struggle for Survival and Formal Recognition", IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), Vol. 24 (2), pp. 83-87

IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), 2019

The Circassian community in Iraq has been threatened for decades because of the political and soc... more The Circassian community in Iraq has been threatened for decades because of the political and socioeconomic situation and changes in the country. The fall of Saddam Hussein’s regime due to the United States’ military campaign, the conflict between the international military forces led by the USA and the local Islamist militants, and finally the rise of the Islamic State have threatened the fragile Iraqi status quo and affected the recent living conditions of the Circassians. This paper will attempt to examine the current situation of the Circassians focusing the attention on the effect which the recent Iraqi conflict and the war against Daesh have had on this community. Furthermore, this research aims at describing the efforts of the Circassian community to promote their social and political activities and defend the community’s identity, the historical and linguistic background, and the traditions.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Panorama Geopolitico del Mundo Actual: Geopolítica del Cáucaso del Norte en clave rusa", Didácticas Específicas N.19 (2018), pp. 112-119 ISNN: 1989 - 5240

Didácticas Específicas, 2018

Moscú continúa con su estrategia de apoyar al Cáucaso del Norte hasta tal punto que el presidente... more Moscú continúa con su estrategia de apoyar al Cáucaso del Norte hasta tal punto que el presidente ruso Vladimir Putin ha definido a la región como “la piedra sobre la que descansa Rusia, el apoyo del país, el centro más grande de un espíritu cultural ruso diferente pero unificado cuyo destino de las poblaciones locales es el mismo que el del pueblo ruso” (Kolosov y Sebentsov 2014). La pregunta natural es por qué Moscú está tan interesado, y en algunos casos obsesionado, por el norte del Cáucaso. ¿Cuáles son las principales razones de esta participación financiera y militar rusa en la región desde el siglo XVIII? ¿Y por qué el gobierno ruso está apoyando a las autoridades locales a pesar de que parte de la población rusa tiene una opinión negativa sobre los caucásicos del norte? El objetivo de este documento es responder a estas preguntas y explicar los motivos de la estrategia del Kremlin en el norte del Cáucaso analizando todos los diferentes factores desde el punto de vista de la geopolítica. Con la esperanza de ofrecer una amplia visión general del problema, la metodología de investigación de este documento se basa en literatura académica rusa e inglesa, informes de ONG, reportajes de medios y análisis producidos por firmas consultoras.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Tourism and Counterterrorism in Russia: the case of Kurorti Severnovo Kavkaza", International Symposium of Advancements in Tourism, Recreation and Sports Sciences - Procedings Book, pp. 27-37 ISBN: 978-605-81246-3-9

International Symposium of Advancements in Tourism, Recreation and Sport Sciences - Procedings Book, 2018

The North Caucasus is a Southern Russian region affected by terrorism and jihadist propaganda and... more The North Caucasus is a Southern Russian region affected by terrorism and jihadist propaganda and is considered the most unstable, underdeveloped and unsafe area in the Russian Federation. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the North Caucasus has experienced ethnic conflicts, militancy, the rise of radicalism, terrorist attacks, corruption and high unemployment rate. With the aim of contrasting the socioeconomic problems and the recruitment process among the ranks of local militant groups (Imarat Kavkaz) and international terrorist organisations (al-Qaeda and the Islamic State), the Kremlin started a strategy focused on tourism development. This paper wants to study the Russian policy of contrasting terrorism and improving socioeconomic conditions through the analysis of the Kurorti Severnovo Kavkaza (North Caucasus Resorts), a project whose goal is to realise regional tourist clusters to attract FDIs and create around 31 thousand new jobs. In this research, the author will assess the Russian tourism strategy on regional level evaluating at the same time the impact of terrorism and local militancy on the regional tourism development and the effects of the Kurorti Severnovo Kavkaza project in ethnic conflicts management and counterterrorism activities. Besides, this paper will try to estimate if tourism development might be a solution to contrast terrorism and radicalisation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Lo sviluppo dei cluster turistici nel Caucaso del Nord come forma di contrasto ai problemi socioeconomici: il caso di Kurorti Severnovo Kavkaza, Memorie Geografiche Vol. XVI "Barriere" (a cura di Marina Fuschi), Società di Studi Geografici, pp. 861-866

Memorie Geografiche , 2018

RIASSUNTO: La regione nord caucasica per la sua collocazione geografica è stata definita al conte... more RIASSUNTO: La regione nord caucasica per la sua collocazione geografica è stata definita al contempo un ponte di connessione tra Europa e Asia e una barriera che nei secoli ha diviso il mondo cristiano da quello musulmano e l’Occidente dal Vicino e Medio Oriente. Fin dall’antichità fondamentale per la sua collocazione strategica, attualmente il Caucaso del Nord fa parte della Federazione Russa e ha ereditato una serie di problematiche storiche, socio-culturali ed economiche tipiche di un’area di frontiera che sono esplose, a seguito del crollo dell’Unione Sovietica, in conflitti etnici, militanza armata in opposizione al governo centrale, affermazione dell’Islam politico e presenza di gruppi terroristici. Per superare questa situazione di crisi il Cremlino ha deciso nel 2010 di avviare una strategia di sviluppo socioeconomica incentrata sulla realizzazione di cluster turistici per diminuire la disoccupazione e favorire lo sviluppo economico puntando sulle risorse naturali e cercando di coinvolgere le diverse comunità locali. Obiettivo di questa ricerca è lo studio del progetto Kurorti Severnovo Kavkaza (Resort Caucaso del Nord) attraverso l’analisi sia delle politiche perpetrate dalle istituzioni governative sia della recezione/reazione delle comunità locali alla strategia di sviluppo di cluster turistici nella regione nord caucasica. Tale strategia politico-economica del Cremlino interessa un’area di frontiera importante come il Caucaso del Nord ed è connessa con il programma nazionale russo di potenziamento del settore turistico nelle regioni meridionali attraverso l’attrazione di FDI e l’organizzazione di eventi di portata mondiale come le Olimpiadi Invernali di Sochi 2014 ed i Mondiali di Calcio 2018.

SUMMARY: The North Caucasus region for its geographical location has been defined at the same time a “bridge” connecting Europe and Asia and a “barrier” that over the centuries has divided the Christian and the Muslim worlds and the West from the Near and Middle East. Since ancient times the region has played a fundamental role for its strategic location. Nowadays the North Caucasus is part of the Russian Federation characterised by historical, socio-cultural and economic problems typical of a border area. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the regional troubles have erupted in ethnic conflicts, armed militancy in opposition to the central authority, radicalisation, the affirmation of political Islam and the rise of terrorist groups.
To overcome this critical situation in 2010 the Kremlin adopted a strategy of socio-economic development focused on the creation of tourist clusters whose primary goals are the reduction of unemployment, the promotion of economic growth thanks to the exploitation of natural resources and the involvement of local communities. This paper aims at analysing the Kurorti Severnovo Kavkaza (Northern Caucasus Resort) project considering both the policies perpetrated by government institutions and the local communities’ reception/reaction to the strategy of developing tourist clusters in the Northern Caucasian region.
The Kremlin’s political and economic strategy interests a critical border area such as the North Caucasus and is connected to the Russian national program of strengthening the tourism sector in the southern regions through the attraction of FDI and the organisation of worldwide events such as the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympic Games and the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

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Research paper thumbnail of "The role of Georgia in the fight against the Islamist threats and terrorist activities in the Caucasus", Proceedings III International Scientific Conferenсe "Politics Around the Caucasus", 2018,  pp. 98-110 ISBN 978-9941-13-740-2

Proceedings III International Scientific Conferenсe "Politics Around the Caucasus", 2018

The geographical position of Georgia makes it a bridge which connects the North Caucasus region w... more The geographical position of Georgia makes it a bridge which connects the North Caucasus region with the South Caucasus and the Middle East. Even if the majority of the Georgian population is Christian, there is a significant Muslim umma in the Pankisi Gorge, Adjara Republic and Kvemo Kartli region where Daesh propaganda can find fertile ground for its recruiting process. The socio-cultural and political link with the North Caucasus, a volatile region characterised by ethnic conflicts, terrorist activities perpetrated by the Caucasus Emirate, the contrast between the local population and the central Russian authorities, the Northern Caucasian Diaspora inside the country, notably the Chechens, the diplomatic relations with Azerbaijan and the geographical ties with Turkey could turn Georgia into a jihadist logistic hub where Daesh or other terrorist groups could coordinate their activities and recruit foreign fighters from the post-Soviet space.
The aim of this paper is to describe the terrorist threat in Georgia related to its socioeconomic structure and its fundamental role in stabilizing the Caucasus, a region which has been affected by local insurgency and Islamist propaganda for decades and was designated by Daesh with the name of Vilayat Kavkaz (Caucasus Province) confirming the will of the Islamic State to extend its local influence and presence.
Furthermore, the paper would like to underline the necessity of better cooperation between the regional key players, particularly Georgia and the Russian Federation, in a period characterised by diplomatic tensions and contrasts which create a power vacuum and give more opportunities to jihadist groups to operate on the ground.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Terrorist Threats and Security on the Silk Road: Italian interests and perspectives", International Scientific Conference Journal Vol.1/2018, pp. 20-28

International Scientific Conference Journal, 2018

One Belt, One Road is a strategy which interests the Eurasian continent with the purpose of impro... more One Belt, One Road is a strategy which interests the Eurasian continent with the purpose of improving commercial trade and human interconnection. Terrorism and organised crime are potential threats to this project because they can affect the local situation and exploit ethnic tensions and social problems to weaken the region. Italy would like to play a fundamental role in the New Silk Road project thanks to its position in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea and its partnership with China and Caucasian and Central Asian countries. In this presentation the author briefly analysis threats and destabilising factors for the Belt and Road Initiative and the way these can interest and affect Italian commercial and diplomatic policies in the New Silk Road.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Conflitto in Ucraina, Caucaso del Nord e propaganda jihadista in lingua russa", in Boltuc et al. (2022) Conflitto in Ucraina: rischio geopolitico, propaganda jihadista e minaccia per l'Europa, Firenze: Enigma Edizioni ISBN 9788899303990

Conflitto in Ucraina, propaganda jihadista e minaccia per l'Europa, Jun 2022

Nel secondo capitolo del libro "Conflitto in Ucraina: rischio geopolitico, propaganda jihadista e... more Nel secondo capitolo del libro "Conflitto in Ucraina: rischio geopolitico, propaganda jihadista e minaccia per l'Europa" analizza la propaganda in lingua russa inerente il conflitto in Ucraina e la presenza dei battaglioni ceceni Shaykh Mansur e Dzhokhar Dudayev nel territorio ucraino.

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Research paper thumbnail of Storia del Caucaso del Nord tra presenza russa Islam e terrorismo, Carviago: Anteo Edizioni ISBN 9791280769046

Anteo Edizioni, 2022

Crogiuolo di popoli, ponte tra Europa e Asia e frontiera naturale tra mondo musulmano e cristiano... more Crogiuolo di popoli, ponte tra Europa e Asia e frontiera naturale tra mondo musulmano e cristiano, il Caucaso del Nord è stato teatro di contesa tra i grandi imperi del passato e le potenze del mondo moderno. Entrato stabilmente nell’orbita russa nel XIX secolo durante l’espansione dell’Impero zarista, oggigiorno il Caucaso del Nord è parte integrante della Federazione Russa e una regione che ha ereditato una complessità e difficoltà nella comprensione e gestione dovuta a un processo storico che vede l’Islam e la presenza russa alternarsi, incontrarsi e scontrarsi e plasmare i diversi gruppi etnici che vi abitano. Conoscere e analizzare la storia della regione nord caucasica soffermandosi in special modo sulla Guerra Caucasica del XIX secolo, sul ruolo delle confraternite Sufi in epoca imperale e sovietica così come sull’importante influenza che l’Islam ha avuto nel processo di transizione tra l’Unione Sovietica e la Federazione Russa negli anni ‘90 con la successiva diffusione del fenomeno del terrorismo permette di fornire un quadro esaustivo per comprendere le dinamiche attuali nord caucasiche e i possibili sviluppi futuri della regione.

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Research paper thumbnail of Geopolitica del Caucaso russo. Gli interessi e l'influenza del Cremlino e degli attori stranieri nelle dinamiche locali nord caucasiche, Roma: Sandro Teti Editore ISBN 9788831492072

La Ciscaucasia, o Caucaso del Nord, è la regione della Federazione Russa compresa tra il Mar Nero... more La Ciscaucasia, o Caucaso del Nord, è la regione della Federazione Russa compresa tra il Mar Nero ed il Caspio, lo snodo delle vie di comunicazione che da Mosca raggiungono il Medio Oriente e l’Asia Centrale. Un’area unica per la varietà di etnie, lingue, culture e religioni, un territorio importantissimo, in termini geopolitici ed economici, che attrae gli interessi di Russia, Iran, Turchia, Stati Uniti, paesi del Golfo, Unione europea e Cina. La centralità strategica e le ingenti risorse energetiche e naturali, unite alla possibilità di esercitare un’influenza anche sull’area caucasica meridionale (Armenia, Azerbaigian e Georgia), lo rendono fondamentale per il Cremlino che negli ultimi anni ha indirizzato cospicue risorse finanziarie per risolvere economicamente e militarmente il problema dell’instabilità regionale.
Obiettivo di questo volume è quello di descrivere gli interessi geopolitici di attori internazionali e regionali nel Caucaso del Nord caratterizzata sin dalla caduta dell'Unione Sovietica da movimenti indipendentisti, scontri inter-etnici, affermazione della militanza armata locale e ascesa di diversi gruppi terroristici collegabili ad al-Qaeda o allo Stato Islamico.

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Research paper thumbnail of Strategic Communication in EU-Russia Relations: Tensions, Challenges and Opportunities

Since the outbreak of the Ukrainian crisis, the relations between the EU and Russia seem to be in... more Since the outbreak of the Ukrainian crisis, the relations between the EU and Russia seem to be in a constant process of deterioration. In an attempt to go beyond traditional analyses, this book wishes to present the underexplored role of strategic communication from a Russian and European perspective and this, through an interdisciplinary approach addressing security, international relations and economic issues. An international team of researchers from the EU and Russia endeavours to provide answers to the major tensions and challenges, in order to create a basis for reconciliation through dialogue and the rethinking of strategic communication in EU-Russia relations. Nine different case studies engage with a variety of issues ranging from geopolitics and security to diplomacy. This book is useful for researchers, specialists and students interested in strategic communication within the context of the current EU-Russia relations.

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Research paper thumbnail of Marija Chodynskaja Goleniščeva, Siria. Il tormentato cammino verso la pace (ed. Giuliano Bifolchi), Rome: Sandro Teti Editore ISBN 9788899918804

La diplomatica russa Marija Chodynskaja Goleniščeva analizza i retroscena e le cause scatenanti d... more La diplomatica russa Marija Chodynskaja Goleniščeva analizza i retroscena e le cause scatenanti del conflitto siriano; passa in rassegna le formazioni antigovernative e filogovernative; evidenzia l’importanza degli Usa e le possibili evoluzioni del loro ruolo; descrive le complesse direttrici della diplomazia moscovita, sia nell’ambito dell’Onu, sia a livello bilaterale e multilaterale. L’autrice, che padroneggia la lingua araba e ha una profonda conoscenza della questione mediorientale, ha fatto base presso la sede Onu di Ginevra per sette anni e ha seguito in prima persona il conflitto, sin dal suo inizio, recandosi frequentemente nella Siria martoriata e nel resto dei paesi coinvolti nelle trattative di pace. Marija Chodynskaja Goleniščeva ha attinto a un’impressionante mole di fonti e ha arricchito la sua opera con la sua personale esperienza.


The Russian diplomat Maria Khodynskaya Golenishcheva analyses the background and the main causes of the Syrian Civil War; she reviews anti-government and pro-government groups; highlights the importance of US and the role they could play in the future; describes the complex directives of Moscow diplomacy both within UN field of action and on a bilateral and multilateral level. The author, who perfectly speaks the Arabic language and has a deep knowledge of the Middle East issue, has been based in Geneva UN base for seven years. She has covered the conflict from its beginning, often visiting Syria and the other countries involved in peace negotiations. Maria Khodynskaya Golenishcheva used a series of documental sources and enriched her book thanks to her personal experience.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Terrorismo in Asia centrale", Opinio Juris - Law & Politics Review, Vol.7, pp. 17-23

Opinio Juris - Law & Politics Review, May 2024

L’attentato organizzato nel marzo 2024 al Crocus City Hall di Mosca ha evidenziato l’incombente m... more L’attentato organizzato nel marzo 2024 al Crocus City Hall di Mosca ha evidenziato l’incombente minaccia del terrorismo a livello internazionale. Questo attacco, il più letale in Russia dal 2004, ha mostrato la capacità e la determinazione dello Stato Islamico di colpire diversi obiettivi nel quadrante strategico eurasiatico e ha sollevato nuove preoccupazioni sulla minaccia rappresentata dalle reti jihadiste in Asia centrale.
La regione, infatti, negli anni è divenuta un terreno fertile per il reclutamento da parte dello Stato Islamico: non è un mistero che lo Stato Islamico Wilayat Khorasan (ISPK), compagine terroristica che si è andata ad affermare nella macroarea comprendente Afghanistan in primis e poi Pakistan, Xinjiang e Asia centrale, abbia già da tempo diffuso la propria propaganda jihadista con l’obiettivo di reclutare uzbeki, tagiki, e kirghisi .
A partire dal ritiro delle forze armate statunitensi dall’Afghanistan nell’agosto del 2021, evento seguito poi dall’affermazione dei talebani nel Paese, la propaganda e l’attività di ISKP è aumentata esponenzialmente dividendosi tra l’organizzazione di attacchi violenti ai danni della popolazione civile e degli stessi talebani e la promozione della propaganda jihadista con l’obiettivo di reclutare futuri combattenti.
Quanto fino ad ora dichiarato trova riscontro negli eventi nel marzo 2024 quando, proprio a seguito dell’attentato di Mosca, ISKP ha pubblicato il primo numero in lingua tagika di Voice of Khurasan in cui il gruppo terroristico ha ribadito il successo ottenuto al Crocus City Hall e ha attaccato la leadership tagika, in primis il presidente Emomali Rahmon, definendola ‘apostata’ e illegittima . A questo numero in lingua tagika ha fatto seguito, alcune settimane dopo, la versione inglese di Voice of Khurasan al cui interno ISKP aveva inserito un editoriale speciale proprio sulla Russia e su quello che l’organizzazione terroristica aveva definito come un successo che dimostrata l’operatività e la capacità di raggiungere diversi obiettivi da parte del gruppo e dei suoi sostenitori .
Se colleghiamo questi dati con gli arresti nell’ultimo anno di diversi cittadini centro asiatici in Russia, in primis i quattro attentatori del Crocus City Hall di Mosca di nazionalità tagika, così come in Turchia, ma anche in Italia e Germania, è doveroso affermare che esiste una reale minaccia terroristica proveniente dall’Asia centrale che deve essere monitorata e arginata per evitare una escalation di attacchi violenti in tutta l’area eurasiatica

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Research paper thumbnail of “Geopolitics of the North Caucasus: An Analysis of Local Ethnic Minorities and Indigenous Peoples”, Geopolitical Report ISSN 2532-845X, Vol.4, 2023, pp. 44-53.

Geopolitical Report ISSN 2532-845X, 2023

This paper critically examines the intricate dynamics between the Kremlin’s internal stabilisatio... more This paper critically examines the intricate dynamics between the Kremlin’s internal stabilisation strategy and the diverse ethnic landscape of the North Caucasus, a region of paramount geopolitical significance in the Russian Federation. Against the backdrop of heightened Western pressure following the beginning of the Ukraine conflict, the Kremlin faces the imperative to uphold national internal stability and cohesion. Within this context, the paper delves into the multifaceted approach undertaken by the Russian government in managing the diverse ethnic groups and indigenous populations residing in the North Caucasus. Indeed, the region, situated at the southern periphery of Russia and acting as a vital link between Europe and Asia, emerges as a focal point in Moscow’s domestic and foreign policy calculus. This study scrutinises the strategic importance of the region and the Kremlin’s concerted efforts to stabilise it, recognising the region’s pivotal role in shaping both regional and international dynamics. Furthermore, the study aims to elucidate the extent to which cooperation with local communities aligns with the Kremlin’s overarching goals and contributes to the realisation of its strategic objectives.

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Research paper thumbnail of Giuliano Bifolchi (2023) "Lotta al terrorismo, antipirateria e PMC russe come propensione strategica del Cremlino", Rivista Marittima, pp. 24-32

Rivista Marittima, 2023

Le compagnie militari private russe che operano in aree di rischio come forma di supporto ai gove... more Le compagnie militari private russe che operano in aree di rischio come forma di supporto ai governi locali e nelle attività di sicurezza marittima e contrasto al terrorismo si sono rivelate nel tempo attori geopolitici fondamentali per la politica estera di Mosca.

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Research paper thumbnail of Silvia Boltuc, Giuliano Bifolchi, “Analisi e valutazione del rischio geopolitico in Asia centrale”, Geopolitical Report ISSN 2532-845X, Vol.1, pp. 3-14

Geopolitical Report ISSN 2532-845X, Mar 2023

Abstract in English In recent years, the international arena has experienced several critical i... more Abstract in English

In recent years, the international arena has experienced several critical issues that have increased global geopolitical risk, such as the pandemic, terrorism and jihadist propaganda, the Ukraine conflict, and the economic crisis. Central Asia has not been immune from these phenomena: in 2022, the region faced a series of regional problems and external geopolitical pressures. This paper wants to evaluate Central Asia’s geopolitical risk by examining the regional geopolitical dynamics and the problems that could lead to destabilisation and lack of security and, therefore, affect the internal stability of the Central Asian republics and the possibility of attracting investment.

Abstract in Italiano

Gli ultimi anni hanno visto il panorama internazionale affrontare criticità che hanno elevato il rischio geopolitico mondiale. La pandemia, il terrorismo, il conflitto in Ucraina, la crisi economica. L’Asia centrale non è rimasta immune da questi fenomeni e nel 2022 la regione ha dovuto affrontare una serie di criticità interne e le pressioni geopolitiche esterne. Obiettivo di questo paper è quello di valutare il rischio geopolitico della regione centrasiatica prendendo in esame le dinamiche geopolitiche regionali e le problematiche che potrebbero comportare destabilizzazione e mancanza di si-curezza, fattori che influirebbero sulla tenuta interna delle repubbliche centrasiatiche così come sulla possibilità di attrarre investimenti.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Conflict in Ukraine, Russian language jihadist propaganda, Chechen battalions and the link with the Russian North Caucasus", Politika nacionalne bezbednosti Vol.2, pp. 33-45

Politika nacionalne bezbednosti, 2022

Since the beginning of the Ukraine conflict, international media have reported the presence of Ch... more Since the beginning of the Ukraine conflict, international media have reported the presence of Chechen battalions among the ranks of Kyiv and Moscow’s forces. The Chechen presence in the conflict has nourished the jihadist propaganda in the Russian language and created a debate in the Russian North Caucasus and among the Russian Muslim umma (community) regarding the legitimacy of fighting with or against the Russian Federation. This paper wants to analyse the Russian jihadist propaganda’s narrative over Ukraine, the Chechen battalions’ role in support of the Ukraine army, and the geopolitical risk for the entire Eurasian region from terrorist groups’ exploitation of the Ukraine conflict.

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Research paper thumbnail of "The Impact of Jihadist Propaganda in the Russian Language: Analysis of Kavkazcenter", The Rest. Journal of Politics and Development Vol. 11(1), pp. 6-14

The Rest. Journal of Politics and Development, 2021

Terrorism and jihadist propaganda are among the primary threats of the contemporary era. Because ... more Terrorism and jihadist propaganda are among the primary threats of the contemporary era. Because of the high number of foreign fighters from the post-Soviet republics among the rank of the Islamic State, there is a general concern about jihadist propaganda in the Russian language. Kavkazcenter has appeared as one of the main websites in the Russian language to support Imarat Kavkaz (Caucasus Emirate) and regional militant groups. Firstly, this paper examines scientific literature useful to classify Kavkazcenter as a jihadist portal or a media agency. Secondly, the research focuses on the website Kavkazcenter investigating its structure, ideologies and connection with the Arab-Muslim world and the international terrorist network. Finally, this investigation intends to describe if Kavkazcenter represents a serious threat not only for the Russian national security but also for the entire post-Soviet space and the European Union itself, where North Caucasian migrants and refugees live.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Assessment of the Russian strategy to contrast terrorism and jihadist propaganda in the North Caucasus"., e-journal of international relations. Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 19-32, e-journal of international relations, 2020

Terrorism, violent attacks and political Islam have affected the North Caucasus since the disinte... more Terrorism, violent attacks and political Islam have affected the North Caucasus since the disintegration of the Soviet Union. If in the past the Caucasus Emirate was the leading terrorist organisation in the region since 2014 the Islamic State gained popularity and established the Vilayat Kavkaz (Caucasus Province) as part of the Caliphate exploiting the local critical socioeconomic condition and promoting the jihadist propaganda in the Russian language (i.e. the magazine 'Istok') also thanks to the considerable presence of North Caucasian foreign fighters among the ranks of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Although currently the international coalition forces mainly defeated the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, this organisation still jeopardises the North Caucasus often identified as the most volatile and impoverished area of the Russian Federation characterised by ethnic conflicts, the rise of Salafism, stagnation, and corruption. This study aims at stressing that the Russian government has elaborated a strategy mostly based on special military operations and massive investments in tourism and logistics which can exacerbate more the precarious status quo of the region favouring the dissemination of jihadist propaganda because it does not consider the historical, sociocultural, ethnic, and religious background. The region is not exempt to jihadist propaganda and terrorism and, if the Russian government cannot financially and economically support the regional leaders or will not change its approach, terrorism and political Islam could critically influence the North Caucasus posing a dangerous menace to the stability and security of the Russian Federation and entire Eurasia.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Democracy, Russian governance and inter-ethnic conflict in the North Caucasus" Conflict.Stability.Democracy?/Sukoby. Stabilnost. Demokratija?The 2019 Serbian Political Science Association Annual Conference Proceedings, ISBN 978–86–6425–067–2, pp. 141-153

Conflict.Stability.Democracy?/Sukoby. Stabilnost. Demokratija? The 2019 Serbian Political Science Association Annual Conference Proceedings, 2019

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union the North Caucasus, a multi-ethnic region strategically im... more Since the collapse of the Soviet Union the North Caucasus, a multi-ethnic region strategically important for the Kremlins’ foreign and domestic policy, has experienced interethnic and territorial conflicts. After the collapse of the USSR the past ethnic tensions and the desire of independence from the Russian government exploded in inter-ethnic conflicts (i.e. the Eastern Prigorodny conflict) and the confrontation between local governments and the Kremlin (i.e. the Chechen conflict). This paper aims at analysing the Russian strategy to control the region and avoid any kind of inter-ethnic and territorial conflicts and any attempt of independence from the central authority underlining the Kremlin’s attitude to justify the reduction of democracy and civil rights in favour of the regional stability and safety.

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[Research paper thumbnail of "The North Caucasus in the Russian political discourse" in   DISKURS i politika [Elektronski izvor] = Discourse and Politics / priredili, edited by Dejana M. Vukasović and Petar Matić. - Belgrade : Institute for Political Studies, 2019 ISBN 978-86-7419-308-2, pp. 337-350](

DISKURS i politika [Elektronski izvor] = Discourse and Politics / priredili, edited by Dejana M. Vukasović and Petar Matić. - Belgrade : Institute for Political Studies, 2019 ISBN 978-86-7419-308-2, 2019

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Russian Federation has faced socioeconomic probl... more Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Russian Federation has faced socioeconomic problems, religious radicalisation, local conflicts and the rise of terrorist groups in the North Caucasus. Although the region has often been defined as the most problematic of Russia where the Kremlin has spent billions of rubles with the purpose of restoring economic development and addressing the issues of militant groups and socioeconomic problems, the Russian government has always described the North Caucasus as part of its vital space and a fundamental region for its national security. Various Russian members of the government have several times underlined the importance of the region and the impossibility to separate it from the rest of the country. On the other hand, members of the opposition and some civic organisations have stressed both the instability of the North Caucasus as one of the weakest points of the Russian Federation and the possible failure of the Kremlin’s regional strategy. Therefore, the feeling of Kavkazofobiya (fear of the Caucasus) has spread among the Russians and has been used to target the North Caucasians who lived in the country and to push the Kremlin to decrease its financial and military support to the region. This paper aims to describe the impact of the North Caucasus on the Russian political discourse, considering official statements released by the government and analysing the feelings towards the region expressed by the media and opposition parties. This research also highlights that the Russian political discourse has been characterised by opposite feelings: the Kremlin has positively presented the North Caucasus trying to convince the local populations that they are part of the Russian Federation, while some opposition parties have exploited the general feeling of fear regarding the North Caucasus and the North Caucasians diffused among the ethnic Russians conducting political and communication campaigns marked by hostility with the intent to oppose the Russian government.

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Research paper thumbnail of "The Fate of the Circassian Community in Iraq between the Struggle for Survival and Formal Recognition", IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), Vol. 24 (2), pp. 83-87

IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), 2019

The Circassian community in Iraq has been threatened for decades because of the political and soc... more The Circassian community in Iraq has been threatened for decades because of the political and socioeconomic situation and changes in the country. The fall of Saddam Hussein’s regime due to the United States’ military campaign, the conflict between the international military forces led by the USA and the local Islamist militants, and finally the rise of the Islamic State have threatened the fragile Iraqi status quo and affected the recent living conditions of the Circassians. This paper will attempt to examine the current situation of the Circassians focusing the attention on the effect which the recent Iraqi conflict and the war against Daesh have had on this community. Furthermore, this research aims at describing the efforts of the Circassian community to promote their social and political activities and defend the community’s identity, the historical and linguistic background, and the traditions.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Panorama Geopolitico del Mundo Actual: Geopolítica del Cáucaso del Norte en clave rusa", Didácticas Específicas N.19 (2018), pp. 112-119 ISNN: 1989 - 5240

Didácticas Específicas, 2018

Moscú continúa con su estrategia de apoyar al Cáucaso del Norte hasta tal punto que el presidente... more Moscú continúa con su estrategia de apoyar al Cáucaso del Norte hasta tal punto que el presidente ruso Vladimir Putin ha definido a la región como “la piedra sobre la que descansa Rusia, el apoyo del país, el centro más grande de un espíritu cultural ruso diferente pero unificado cuyo destino de las poblaciones locales es el mismo que el del pueblo ruso” (Kolosov y Sebentsov 2014). La pregunta natural es por qué Moscú está tan interesado, y en algunos casos obsesionado, por el norte del Cáucaso. ¿Cuáles son las principales razones de esta participación financiera y militar rusa en la región desde el siglo XVIII? ¿Y por qué el gobierno ruso está apoyando a las autoridades locales a pesar de que parte de la población rusa tiene una opinión negativa sobre los caucásicos del norte? El objetivo de este documento es responder a estas preguntas y explicar los motivos de la estrategia del Kremlin en el norte del Cáucaso analizando todos los diferentes factores desde el punto de vista de la geopolítica. Con la esperanza de ofrecer una amplia visión general del problema, la metodología de investigación de este documento se basa en literatura académica rusa e inglesa, informes de ONG, reportajes de medios y análisis producidos por firmas consultoras.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Tourism and Counterterrorism in Russia: the case of Kurorti Severnovo Kavkaza", International Symposium of Advancements in Tourism, Recreation and Sports Sciences - Procedings Book, pp. 27-37 ISBN: 978-605-81246-3-9

International Symposium of Advancements in Tourism, Recreation and Sport Sciences - Procedings Book, 2018

The North Caucasus is a Southern Russian region affected by terrorism and jihadist propaganda and... more The North Caucasus is a Southern Russian region affected by terrorism and jihadist propaganda and is considered the most unstable, underdeveloped and unsafe area in the Russian Federation. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the North Caucasus has experienced ethnic conflicts, militancy, the rise of radicalism, terrorist attacks, corruption and high unemployment rate. With the aim of contrasting the socioeconomic problems and the recruitment process among the ranks of local militant groups (Imarat Kavkaz) and international terrorist organisations (al-Qaeda and the Islamic State), the Kremlin started a strategy focused on tourism development. This paper wants to study the Russian policy of contrasting terrorism and improving socioeconomic conditions through the analysis of the Kurorti Severnovo Kavkaza (North Caucasus Resorts), a project whose goal is to realise regional tourist clusters to attract FDIs and create around 31 thousand new jobs. In this research, the author will assess the Russian tourism strategy on regional level evaluating at the same time the impact of terrorism and local militancy on the regional tourism development and the effects of the Kurorti Severnovo Kavkaza project in ethnic conflicts management and counterterrorism activities. Besides, this paper will try to estimate if tourism development might be a solution to contrast terrorism and radicalisation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Lo sviluppo dei cluster turistici nel Caucaso del Nord come forma di contrasto ai problemi socioeconomici: il caso di Kurorti Severnovo Kavkaza, Memorie Geografiche Vol. XVI "Barriere" (a cura di Marina Fuschi), Società di Studi Geografici, pp. 861-866

Memorie Geografiche , 2018

RIASSUNTO: La regione nord caucasica per la sua collocazione geografica è stata definita al conte... more RIASSUNTO: La regione nord caucasica per la sua collocazione geografica è stata definita al contempo un ponte di connessione tra Europa e Asia e una barriera che nei secoli ha diviso il mondo cristiano da quello musulmano e l’Occidente dal Vicino e Medio Oriente. Fin dall’antichità fondamentale per la sua collocazione strategica, attualmente il Caucaso del Nord fa parte della Federazione Russa e ha ereditato una serie di problematiche storiche, socio-culturali ed economiche tipiche di un’area di frontiera che sono esplose, a seguito del crollo dell’Unione Sovietica, in conflitti etnici, militanza armata in opposizione al governo centrale, affermazione dell’Islam politico e presenza di gruppi terroristici. Per superare questa situazione di crisi il Cremlino ha deciso nel 2010 di avviare una strategia di sviluppo socioeconomica incentrata sulla realizzazione di cluster turistici per diminuire la disoccupazione e favorire lo sviluppo economico puntando sulle risorse naturali e cercando di coinvolgere le diverse comunità locali. Obiettivo di questa ricerca è lo studio del progetto Kurorti Severnovo Kavkaza (Resort Caucaso del Nord) attraverso l’analisi sia delle politiche perpetrate dalle istituzioni governative sia della recezione/reazione delle comunità locali alla strategia di sviluppo di cluster turistici nella regione nord caucasica. Tale strategia politico-economica del Cremlino interessa un’area di frontiera importante come il Caucaso del Nord ed è connessa con il programma nazionale russo di potenziamento del settore turistico nelle regioni meridionali attraverso l’attrazione di FDI e l’organizzazione di eventi di portata mondiale come le Olimpiadi Invernali di Sochi 2014 ed i Mondiali di Calcio 2018.

SUMMARY: The North Caucasus region for its geographical location has been defined at the same time a “bridge” connecting Europe and Asia and a “barrier” that over the centuries has divided the Christian and the Muslim worlds and the West from the Near and Middle East. Since ancient times the region has played a fundamental role for its strategic location. Nowadays the North Caucasus is part of the Russian Federation characterised by historical, socio-cultural and economic problems typical of a border area. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the regional troubles have erupted in ethnic conflicts, armed militancy in opposition to the central authority, radicalisation, the affirmation of political Islam and the rise of terrorist groups.
To overcome this critical situation in 2010 the Kremlin adopted a strategy of socio-economic development focused on the creation of tourist clusters whose primary goals are the reduction of unemployment, the promotion of economic growth thanks to the exploitation of natural resources and the involvement of local communities. This paper aims at analysing the Kurorti Severnovo Kavkaza (Northern Caucasus Resort) project considering both the policies perpetrated by government institutions and the local communities’ reception/reaction to the strategy of developing tourist clusters in the Northern Caucasian region.
The Kremlin’s political and economic strategy interests a critical border area such as the North Caucasus and is connected to the Russian national program of strengthening the tourism sector in the southern regions through the attraction of FDI and the organisation of worldwide events such as the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympic Games and the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

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Research paper thumbnail of "The role of Georgia in the fight against the Islamist threats and terrorist activities in the Caucasus", Proceedings III International Scientific Conferenсe "Politics Around the Caucasus", 2018,  pp. 98-110 ISBN 978-9941-13-740-2

Proceedings III International Scientific Conferenсe "Politics Around the Caucasus", 2018

The geographical position of Georgia makes it a bridge which connects the North Caucasus region w... more The geographical position of Georgia makes it a bridge which connects the North Caucasus region with the South Caucasus and the Middle East. Even if the majority of the Georgian population is Christian, there is a significant Muslim umma in the Pankisi Gorge, Adjara Republic and Kvemo Kartli region where Daesh propaganda can find fertile ground for its recruiting process. The socio-cultural and political link with the North Caucasus, a volatile region characterised by ethnic conflicts, terrorist activities perpetrated by the Caucasus Emirate, the contrast between the local population and the central Russian authorities, the Northern Caucasian Diaspora inside the country, notably the Chechens, the diplomatic relations with Azerbaijan and the geographical ties with Turkey could turn Georgia into a jihadist logistic hub where Daesh or other terrorist groups could coordinate their activities and recruit foreign fighters from the post-Soviet space.
The aim of this paper is to describe the terrorist threat in Georgia related to its socioeconomic structure and its fundamental role in stabilizing the Caucasus, a region which has been affected by local insurgency and Islamist propaganda for decades and was designated by Daesh with the name of Vilayat Kavkaz (Caucasus Province) confirming the will of the Islamic State to extend its local influence and presence.
Furthermore, the paper would like to underline the necessity of better cooperation between the regional key players, particularly Georgia and the Russian Federation, in a period characterised by diplomatic tensions and contrasts which create a power vacuum and give more opportunities to jihadist groups to operate on the ground.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Terrorist Threats and Security on the Silk Road: Italian interests and perspectives", International Scientific Conference Journal Vol.1/2018, pp. 20-28

International Scientific Conference Journal, 2018

One Belt, One Road is a strategy which interests the Eurasian continent with the purpose of impro... more One Belt, One Road is a strategy which interests the Eurasian continent with the purpose of improving commercial trade and human interconnection. Terrorism and organised crime are potential threats to this project because they can affect the local situation and exploit ethnic tensions and social problems to weaken the region. Italy would like to play a fundamental role in the New Silk Road project thanks to its position in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea and its partnership with China and Caucasian and Central Asian countries. In this presentation the author briefly analysis threats and destabilising factors for the Belt and Road Initiative and the way these can interest and affect Italian commercial and diplomatic policies in the New Silk Road.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Геополитика и терроризм на Северном Кавказе:последствия конфронтации / сотрудничества ЕС и России и пропаганда джихадистов", Государственное управление. Электронный вестник, Выпуск № 68. Июнь 2018 г, C. 7-38

Государственное управление. Электронный вестник, Jun 2018

Северный Кавказ является стратегическим регионом в составе РФ, который привлекает внимание Запада... more Северный Кавказ является стратегическим регионом в составе РФ, который привлекает внимание Запада и арабских стран. После распада Советского Союза здесь получили развитие исламистская пропаганда, этническая напряженность, кровавые конфликты, которые вызвали рост террористической угрозы. В настоящее время регион находится под влиянием пропаганды так называемого «Исламского государства» ,что угрожает его безопасности и стабильности. В последнее время Европейский Союз начал понимать фундаментальную роль Северного Кавказа в борьбе с терроризмом. Присутствие северокавказской диаспоры в Европе, в частности чеченцев, и угрозу возвращения иностранных боевиков на родину с использованием Северного Кавказа в качестве «моста» между Европой и Ближним Востоком можно рассматривать как потенциальную угрозу для безопасности Европейского Союза. По этим причинам сотрудничество между Москвой и Брюсселем в области борьбы с терроризмом и безопасностью имеет большое значение, но это сотрудничество подрывается конфронтацией / конкуренцией между ЕС и Россией в области международных отношений после украинского кризиса.
Цель этой статьи — дать оценку влияния пропаганды и стратегической коммуникации террористических групп в таком важнейшем регионе, как Северный Кавказ, охарактеризовать последствия нынешней конфронтации / сотрудничества между ЕС и Россией для международной безопасности и борьбы с терроризмом.

English version

The North Caucasus is a strategic region which has attracted the interest of the Russian Federation, the West and Arab countries. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the area has been affected by Islamist propaganda, ethnic tensions, conflicts, and local insurgency which have caused the rise of the terrorist threat.; nowadays the Islamic State propaganda affects the region and threats its security and stability. Recently, the European Union understood the fundamental role of the North Caucasus in the fight against terrorism; the presence of the North Caucasian Diaspora in Europe, notably the Chechens, and the threat of the return of foreign fighters to their homeland using the North Caucasus as a ‘bridge’ between Europe and the Middle East could be considered as a potential menace to the security of the European Union. For these reasons, the cooperation between Moscow and Brussels in the field of counter-terrorism and security is essential, but it is undermined by EU/Russia confrontation/competition in the area of international relations after the Ukrainian Crisis.
The aim of this paper is to describe the impact of propaganda and strategic communication of terrorist groups in a vital region such as the North Caucasus and the effects of the current EU/Russia cooperation/confrontation in the field of counter-terrorism and security.

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Research paper thumbnail of The role of the North Caucasus in the Russian Middle East strategy and Russian – Arab world relations, IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS). Vol. 23 (6), 2018, pp. 21-26

IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), 2018

The North Caucasus Federal District plays a double role as a buffer zone which protects Russia fr... more The North Caucasus Federal District plays a double role as a buffer zone which protects Russia from external attacks in the southern borders and as an economic " bridge " between Europe and Asia directly linked to the Middle East and the Gulf countries. Always described as a volatile, unstable, underdeveloped, and dangerous region, the North Caucasus has attracted political, military, and economic interests of the Arab countries which have tried to influence the local dynamics through a religious and ideological campaign, Muslim and charity NGOs, and financial investments. In this paper, the author would like to underline the importance of the North Caucasus for the Russian Middle East policy and the Russian-Arab World relations dealing with the Arab interests perpetrated in the region to influence the socio-cultural and political environment mainly through religion and business cooperation. Also, this study considers the fact that Russia has several times described the Arab countries " strategy as a threat for the stability of the North Caucasus where the Kremlin has been fighting for decades the rise of insurgency and militant groups linked to the global terrorist network.

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Research paper thumbnail of Chechnya after the war and the reconstruction process: a stable country or the Kremlin's next failure?, Geopolitical Report Vol.3/2018, pp. 255-281

Geopolitical Report [Online] ISSN 2532-845X, 2018

Chechnya is a strategic country for Russia because it is located in the North Caucasus, a region ... more Chechnya is a strategic country for Russia because it is located in the North Caucasus, a region considered at the same time a barrier and a bridge between Europe and Asia. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union Chechnya and the entire North Caucasus have been affected by political, sociocultural and economic problems exploded in local conflicts and insurgency. This paper firstly gives an overview of the Russian – Chechen relations during the last centuries with the purpose to understand the roots of the problems that caused the conflict. Successively, this article investigates Ramzan Kadyrov's leadership and management of Chechnya and tries to answer the question if a stable and authoritarian regime such as that imposed in the Chechen Republic is better than a failing democratic process. Also, this paper aims at establishing if Chechnya after the war and the reconstruction process could be considered a stable country or the Kremlin's next failure.

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Research paper thumbnail of The 3rd International Conference Transformation of International Relations in the XXI Century: Challenges and Prospects’ (TIR3)

Russian Journal of Communication, 2018

The 3rd International Conference ‘Transformation of International Relations in the XXI Century: C... more The 3rd International Conference ‘Transformation of International Relations in the XXI Century: Challenges and Prospects’ (TIR3), Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, 27–28 April 2017 The Issues of Strategic Communication: Russian and Foreign Experience at TIR 3

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Research paper thumbnail of "Interessi sauditi e iraniani in Iraq e conseguenze a livello regionale", Eurasia - Rivista di Studi Geopolitici Vol.1/2018, N. XLIX, pp. 41-51

Eurasia - Rivista di Studi Geopolitici, 2018

Iraq post-Saddam Hussein has been characterised by international sectarian and religious conflict... more Iraq post-Saddam Hussein has been characterised by international sectarian and religious conflict between the Shia majority and the Sunni minority. After the collapse of Saddam Hussein's regime, the Islamic Republic of Iran has become one of the central Baghdad's political and military partners.
The so-called "Arab Spring", the rise of the Islamic State, together with the ruinous government of Nuri al-Maliki, have pushed Iraq towards the Iranian hands. Recently Saudia Arabia started a new political process more opened toward Iraq whose aim is to interest the military, political and economic sectors.
Looking at the Iranian and Saudi interests and strategies in the Middle East, it is possible to predict that Iraq is becoming one of the leading theatres of confrontation between Riyadh and Teheran.

Abstract in Italiano:
L'Iraq post-Saddam Hussein, caratterizzato da contrasti interni di natura confessionale tra la maggioranza sciita e la minoranza sunnita, ha visto l'ascesa dell'Iran come partner politico e militare di Baghdad. I recenti eventi regionali, in primis la "Primavera Araba" e l'asceas e affermazione dello Stato Islamico, in concomitanza con la politica del governo di Nuri al-Maliki, hanno orientato lo Stato iracheno verso Teheran a discapito dell'Arabia Saudita, che, con il principe erede al trono Muhammad bin Abd al-Aziz al-Saud, ha iniziato recentemente un processo di apertura verso l'Iraq incentrato non solo sull'aspetto politico-militare ma anche su quello economico. Dall'inizio del 2017 appare sempre più chiaro come lo Stato iracheno stia divenendo un altro terreno di scontro tra l'Iran e l'Arabia Saudita.

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Research paper thumbnail of Giuliano Bifolchi, GEOPOLITICA DEL CAUCASO RUSSO

La Ciscaucasia, o Caucaso del Nord, è la regione della Federazione Russa compresa tra il Mar Nero... more La Ciscaucasia, o Caucaso del Nord, è la regione della Federazione Russa compresa tra il Mar Nero ed il Caspio, lo snodo delle vie di comunicazione che da Mosca raggiungono il Medio Oriente e l’Asia Centrale. Un’area unica per la varietà di etnie, lingue, culture e religioni, un territorio importantissimo, in termini geopolitici ed economici, che attrae gli interessi di Russia, Iran, Turchia, Stati Uniti, paesi del Golfo, Unione europea e Cina. La centralità strategica e le ingenti risorse energetiche e naturali, unite alla possibilità di esercitare un’influenza anche sull’area caucasica meridionale (Armenia, Azerbaigian e Georgia), lo rendono fondamentale per il Cremlino che negli ultimi anni ha indirizzato cospicue risorse finanziarie per risolvere economicamente e militarmente il problema dell’instabilità regionale.
Il volume descrive in modo preciso e dettagliato il Caucaso russo, da un lato delineando la struttura economica, le caratteristiche culturali e la situazione politica e religiosa delle sue repubbliche ed entità amministrative, dall’altro analizzando le politiche attuate da Mosca per contrastare la diffusione delle organizzazioni terroristiche e dei movimenti separatisti.

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Research paper thumbnail of Kurdistan iracheno. Report dalla linea del fronte, Geopolitical Report Vol.3/2016

Geopolitical Report, 2017

This report was published after the mission in Kurdistan organised by the Association of Studies,... more This report was published after the mission in Kurdistan organised by the Association of Studies, Research and Internationalization in Eurasia and Africa (ASRIE) in partnership with the Italian media agency Notizie Geopolitiche.
The purpose of this report is to describe the situation of the region and the activities of peshmerga forces to contrast the rise of the Islamic State.
During the visit the authors of the report had the possibility to interview representatives of the Kurdish government and peshmerga soldiers who were fighting at the front line in Mosul and Kirkuk.

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Research paper thumbnail of Daesh. Nascita ed evoluzione dello Stato Islamico, Geopolitical Report Vol.1/2017

Geopolitical Report, 2017

This report aims at describing the rise and evolution of Daesh (Dawla al-Islamiyya fi al-Iraq wa ... more This report aims at describing the rise and evolution of Daesh (Dawla al-Islamiyya fi al-Iraq wa ash-Sham) analysing the evolution of the jihadist activities in Iraq after the collapse of the Saddam Hussein's regime and the beginning of the Shia government.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Assessment of the Russian Strategy to Contrast Terrorism and Jihadist Propaganda in the North Caucasus", Abstract and Conference Programme IEPAS 2019, Lisbon

Terrorism, violent attacks and political Islam have affected the North Caucasus since the disinte... more Terrorism, violent attacks and political Islam have affected the North Caucasus since the disintegration of the Soviet Union. If in the past the Caucasus Emirate was the leading terrorist organisation in the region, since 2014 the Islamic State gained popularity and established the Vilayat Kavkaz (Caucasus Province) as part of the Caliphate exploiting the local critical socioeconomic condition and promoting the jihadist propaganda in Russian language (i.e. the magazine ‘Istok’) also thanks to the considerable presence of North Caucasian foreign fighters among the ranks of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Although currently the international coalition forces mainly defeated the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, this organisation still jeopardises the North Caucasus often identified as the most volatile and impoverished area of the Russian Federation characterised by ethnic conflicts, the rise of Salafism, stagnation, and corruption. This study aims at stressing that the Russian government has elaborated a strategy mostly based on special military operations and massive investments in tourism and logistics which can exacerbate more the precarious status quo of the region favouring the dissemination of jihadist propaganda because it does not consider the historical, sociocultural, ethnic, and religious background. The region is not exempt to jihadist propaganda and terrorism and, if the Russian government cannot financially and economically support the regional leaders or will not change its approach, terrorism and political Islam could critically influence the North Caucasus posing a dangerous menace to the stability and security of the Russian Federation and entire Eurasia.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Islām and terrorism in the Italian media and political discourse and their link to migration crisis", The V International Scholarly Practical Conference «Transformation of International Relations in the 21st Century: Challenges and Prospects», Moscow, 2019

Since the 9/11 and the following Italian military support in Afghanistan and Iraq, the Italian me... more Since the 9/11 and the following Italian military support in Afghanistan and Iraq, the Italian media have paid particular attention to Islām and terrorism trying to describe the characteristics of this religion and analysing the radicalisation process. The so-called ‘Arab Spring’, the affirmation of Daesh in the Middle East and North Africa, and the subsequent migration crisis have affected the Italian media becoming the main topics covered by journalists, TV talk shows and Social Networks. For more than a decade experts, journalists, politicians have discussed the ‘real nature of Islām’ and the possibility of cohabitation between Italians and migrants coming from the Muslim-Arab world. The recent terrorist attacks in Europe have marked the debate on Islām and terrorism causing a serious repercussion on the Italian public opinion’s perception of Muslims and migrants and an increase of Xenophobia and Islamophobia. The Italian government led by both the left and the right wings parties has always publicised the existence of a ‘modern Islām’ in TV talk shows with limited success. Although the past Italian government led by the Democratic Party felt even the necessity to sign with Muslim associations and organisations a “National Pact for an Italian Islam” to highlight the coexistence between Italian and Muslims guaranteed by the Italian legal system, the document remained unknown and did not have particular prominence in the Media. With the current government led by the Five Stars Movement and the Northern League the Italian media appear to be more divided between those belonging to the right-wing or the so-called ‘populist’ parties which emphasise the connection between Muslims, migrants and terrorism and those linked to the left-wing parties which remark the necessity of host migrants. A media and public debate exacerbate by politicians’ Social Network profiles such as those of Matteo Salvini (Northern League) or Giorgia Meloni (Brothers of Italy) where every week are published news, pictures and status against illegal migrants and Muslims “who do not want to respect the Italian cultural and Christian traditions and legal system”. Due to the sociopolitical impact of migration crisis and the threat of radicalisation on the Italian soil, this paper desires to analyse how the Italian media and political parties describe Islām and terrorism that have become fundamental issues in the national agenda and political campaign. This investigation also aims at underlining the significant impact of media and politicians’ Social Network on the Italian electorate which has been exposed to a pro or against Islām and migrants propaganda and a series of pictures, Social Network status and videos whose authenticity is questionable.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Democracy and Interethnic Conflicts in the North Caucasus", Abstracts Book  Conflict.Stability.Democracy?/Sukoby. Stabilnost. Demokratija?,  2019 Annual International Conference of the Serbian Political Science Association, ISBN 978-86-6425062-7. Pag.3

Conflicts. Stability. Democracy?/ Sukobi. Stabilnost. Demokratija?, 2019

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union the North Caucasus, a multi-ethnic region in the south of ... more Since the collapse of the Soviet Union the North Caucasus, a multi-ethnic region in the south of Russia strategically important for the Kremlins’ foreign and domestic policy, has experienced interethnic and territorial conflicts. It is undeniable that the North Caucasus plays a strategic role in the international arena because it is a ‘bridge’ between Europe and Asia and a ‘frontier/barrier’ between the Christian and the Muslims world and for these reasons Russia has always tried to control the region. In fact, since the Tsarist Empire but also during the Soviet period the Russian central authority has tried to rule the North Caucasus through military force, ‘Russification’, ‘Sovietisation’, anti-religion and anti-ethnic identity campaigns, and deprivation of civil rights. Thus, after the collapse of the USSR the past ethnic tensions and the desire of independence from the Russian government exploded in inter-ethnic conflicts (i.e. the Eastern Prigorodny conflict) and the confrontation between local governments and the Kremlin (i.e. the Chechen conflict).
This paper aims at analysing the Russian strategy to control the region and avoid any kind of inter-ethnic and territorial conflicts and any attempt of independence from the central authority underlining the Kremlin’s attitude to justify the reduction of democracy and civil rights in favour of the regional stability and safety. Using the threat of terrorism, militancy, and ethnic conflicts, Moscow has reduced the participation of the local population to the democratic process imposing its favourite regional leaders and arbitrarily deciding the regional policies without considering ethnic minorities’ request and needs.

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Research paper thumbnail of Crisi e Trasformazioni Crisi dell'Unione Sovietica, revival islamico e conflitti interetnici nel Caucaso del Nord (Abstract) XI Convegno Interdisciplinare dei Dottorandi e Dottori di Ricerca "Crisi e Trasformazioni"

La crisi economico-politica che interessò l'Unione Sovietica per tutti gli anni '80 ebbe ripercus... more La crisi economico-politica che interessò l'Unione Sovietica per tutti gli anni '80 ebbe ripercussioni significative a livello socioculturale nel Caucaso settentrionale, regione transfrontaliera caratterizzata dallo scontro ideologico tra autorità centrale russa, Islām e ʿādāt. Il fallimento dell'ideologia sovietica diede vita ad un revival islamico inteso come un processo di riscoperta dell'ortodossia religiosa il cui fine ultimo doveva essere la trasformazione della società nord caucasica in una comunità musulmana 'purificata' dalle influenze esterne e da quelle pratiche dottrinali ricollegabili all'elemento tribale locale e al processo di 'sovietizzazione' e 'russificazione' imposto dal Cremlino. Obiettivo di questa ricerca è quello di individuare nel periodo di transizione che ha visto la caduta dell'Unione Sovietica e la nascita della Federazione Russa i movimenti di trasformazione della società nord caucasica identificabili da un lato nel revival islamico influenzato dalle ideologie di Fratelli Musulmani, Wahhābiyya e Salafiyya che favorirono la successiva diffusione della propaganda di al-Qāʿidah e dello Stato Islamico, e

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Research paper thumbnail of "Tourism and Counterterrorism in Russia: the case of Kurorti Severnovo Kavkaza", International Symposium of Advancements in Tourism, Recreation and Sports Sciences - Book of Abstracts, p. 29, ISBN 978-605-81246-0-8

International Symposium of Advancements in Tourism, Recreation and Sport Sciences - Book of Abstracts, p. 29, ISBN 978-605-81246-0-8 , Sep 2018

The North Caucasus is a Southern Russian region affected by terrorism and jihadist propaganda and... more The North Caucasus is a Southern Russian region affected by terrorism and jihadist propaganda and considered the most unstable, underdeveloped and unsafe area in the Russian Federation. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the North Caucasus has experienced ethnic conflicts, militancy, the rise of radicalism, terrorist attacks, corruption and high unemployment rate. With the aim of contrasting the socioeconomic problems and the recruitment process among the ranks of local militant groups (Imarat Kavkaz) and international terrorist organisations (al-Qaeda and the Islamic State), the Kremlin started a strategy focused on tourism development. This paper wants to study the Russian policy of contrasting terrorism and improving socioeconomic conditions through the analysis of the Kurorti Severnovo Kavkazka (North Caucasus Resorts), a project whose goal is to realise regional tourist clusters to attract FDIs and create more than 31,000 new jobs.
In this research, the author will assess the Russian tourism strategy on regional level evaluating at the same time the impact of terrorism and local militancy on the regional tourism development and the effects of the Kurorti Severnovo Kavkaza project in ethnic conflicts management and counterterrorism activities.

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Research paper thumbnail of The rise of Salafism in the North Caucasus and the confrontation with the traditional Sufi Islam

After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the North Caucasus experienced a lack of Muslim religi... more After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the North Caucasus experienced a lack of Muslim religious figures because of the “Russification” and the Kremlin’s policy against religion adopted during the Soviet times. Muslim scholars and experts from the Middle East and the Gulf arrived in the North Caucasus with the aim of filling this lack, promoting the “real Islam” and attracting the young generations in their madrasa.
As a result, radical Islam has spread in the North Caucasus mainly due to the two Chechen conflicts and the propaganda activities carried out by Muslim Arab countries, first among all the Saudi Arabia. The region started soon experimenting with the rise of Salafi ideology adopted by Sunni extremist local armed groups engaged in the fight against the Russian central authority.
Even though the Kremlin managed to regain the control of the region after years of fighting and huge investments and thanks to military campaigns and counter-terrorist measures, particularly in the Chechen Republic, the North Caucasus is experiencing the expansion of Salafism opposed to the traditional Sufi Islam.
This paper would like to describe the current religious situation in the North Caucasus characterised by the rise of Salafism which it could be considered as an antagonist of Sufism. This confrontation is part of the conflict between the Russian authorities and the local insurgency which has affected the region since the fall of the Soviet Union. Furthermore, Salafists accused Sufi religious figures of supporting the central authorities and promoting the false Islam: these accusations resulted in terrorist attacks and killing attempts against Sufi imams and local religious figures.

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Research paper thumbnail of Italian interests in the Russian strategy in Libya: analysis of media, political parties and think tank's reactions

Italy and Russia could become competitors in the Libyan market because they are both interested i... more Italy and Russia could become competitors in the Libyan market because they are both interested in the political and economic development of the North African country and want to restore the commercial agreements in the energy and infrastructure fields signed before the so-called “Arab Spring”. Italy is tied with Libya due to its geographical position in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, would like to play a leading role in the current Libyan political and socio-economic development and contrast the migration flow and terrorism. With the creation of the Russian-Libyan Contact Group, the Kremlin unveiled its intention to become a mediator in Libya and start being more involved in the sociopolitical dynamics of North Africa.
Italian media has been covering the Russian interests in Libya underlining the Kremlin’s support to General Haftar, in contrast with the Italian and EU support of al-Serraj, and the presence of Russian contractors on the Libyan soil. The media coverage of the Russian strategy in Libya relates to the current political situation in Italy and next Italian parliamentary elections in March 2018 because there are allegations that some Italian political parties often labelled as “populist” cooperate with Russia with the purpose at establishing a government more orientated to the Russian Federation. Hence, depicting Russia as an “enemy” or competitor of Italy in foreign policy might be a strategic tool to contrast the Italian politicians who support stronger cooperation and friendship with the Russian Federation.
This paper aims at analysing articles, reports, statements and interviews published by Italian media agencies, newspapers, think tanks and political parties on the Russian strategy in Libya to understand what are the feelings related to the Russian presence in the African country.

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Research paper thumbnail of EU - Russia Relations in the field of counterterrorism: communication aspects

The EU-Russia cooperation in the field of counterterrorism has been affected by the Ukrainian cri... more The EU-Russia cooperation in the field of counterterrorism has been affected by the Ukrainian crisis. Brussels and Moscow seem to be more involved in a confrontation, particularly in the field of strategic communications, than in the fight against the rise of terrorism and jihadist propaganda.
In this paper the author wants to underline challenges and obstacles of EU-Russia cooperation in counterterrorism

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Research paper thumbnail of Lo sviluppo di cluster turistici nel Caucaso del Nord come forma di contrasto ai problemi socioeconomici: il caso di Kurorti Severnovo Kavkaza

La regione nord caucasica per la sua collocazione geografica è stata definita al contempo un pont... more La regione nord caucasica per la sua collocazione geografica è stata definita al contempo un ponte di connessione tra Europa ed Asia ed una barriera che nei secoli ha diviso il mondo cristiano da quello musulmano e l’Occidente dal Medio e Vicino Oriente.
La regione fin dall’antichità è stata fondamentale per la sua collocazione strategica ed attualmente fa parte della Federazione Russa ed ha ereditato una serie di problematiche storiche, socio-culturali ed economiche tipiche di un’area di frontiera. Tali problematiche sono esplose, a seguito del crollo dell’Unione Sovietica, in conflitti etnici, militanza armata in opposizione al governo centrale, affermazione dell’Islam politico e presenza di gruppi terroristici.
Per superare questa situazione di crisi il Cremlino ha deciso nel 2010 di avviare una strategia di sviluppo socioeconomica incentrata sulla realizzazione di cluster turistici per diminuire la disoccupazione e favorire lo sviluppo economico puntando sulle risorse naturali e cercando di coinvolgere le diverse comunità locali.
Obiettivo di questa ricerca è lo studio del progetto Kurorti Severnovo Kavkaza (Resort Caucaso del Nord) attraverso l’analisi sia delle politiche perpetrate dalle istituzioni governative sia della recezione/reazione delle comunità locali alla strategia di sviluppo di cluster turistici nella regione nord caucasica. Tale strategia politico-economica del Cremlino interessa un’area di frontiera importante come il Caucaso del Nord ed è connessa con il programma nazionale russo di potenziamento del settore turistico nelle regioni meridionali attraverso l’attrazione di FDIs e l’organizzazione di eventi di portata mondiale come le Olimpiadi Invernali di Sochi 2014 ed i Mondiali di Calcio 2018.

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Research paper thumbnail of North Caucasian Federal District and the Kremlin's strategy to manage ethnic diversity

The North Caucasus is a strategic region between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea characterised ... more The North Caucasus is a strategic region between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea characterised by a significative number of different languages, language families and ethnic groups. The North Caucasus Federal District is often described as the most unstable and volatile Russian region which has inherited ethnic and social problems caused by the Soviet and Tsar periods.
Indeed, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the past ethnic hatreds and tensions exploded in local conflicts affecting the North Caucasus till nowadays. As the region is part of Russia, in 2010 the Kremlin created the North Caucasian Federal District to face the socio-political and economic problems and start a process of economic and social development hoping to overcome the ethnic tensions and conflicts registered during the ’90s and the first decade of the 21st century.
This paper aims at analysing the Russian strategy perpetrated by the Kremlin to manage a complex region as the North Caucasus threatened not only by ethnic conflicts but even by the rise of political Islam and Salafism, terrorism and local militancy, and corruption. A strategy implemented thanks to massive investments of money, the attraction of foreign direct investments and the policy of divide et impera which could negatively affect the current ethnic and social situation and increase the “race for power” increasing the tensions and the conflicts among the ethnic groups and minorities.

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Research paper thumbnail of The role of Georgia in the fight against the Islamist threat and terrorist activities in the Caucasus

The aim of this paper is to describe the fundamental role of Georgia in stabilizing the Caucasus,... more The aim of this paper is to describe the fundamental role of Georgia in stabilizing the Caucasus, a region which has been affected by local insurgency and Islamist propaganda for decades and was designated by Daesh with the name of Vilayat Kavkaz (Caucasus Province) confirming the will of the Islamic State to extend its local influence and presence.
Furthermore, the paper would like to underline the necessity of a better cooperation between the regional key players, particularly Georgia and the Russian Federation, in a period characterized by diplomatic tensions and contrasts which create a power vacuum and give more opportunities to jihadist groups to operate on the ground.

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Research paper thumbnail of The current situation of the Circassian community in Iraq: the struggle for survival and formal recognition

This presentation was presented in November 2017 at the conference "Circassians in the 21st centu... more This presentation was presented in November 2017 at the conference "Circassians in the 21st century: Identity and Survival" organised by the Russian and the Russia and the Caucasus Regional Research (RUCARR), Malmö University.
This presentation will attempt to examine the current situation of the Circassian community in Iraq focusing the attention on the effect which the recent Iraqi conflict and the war against Daesh have had on the Circassian community. Furthermore, this research describes the Circassian social and political activities to defend the community’s identity, the historical and linguistic background, and traditions as result of the study of the structure and the work of the Circassian community and the “Caucasus” organisation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Attentato in Russia_ Intervista a Giuliano Bifolchi Direttore della OSINT Unit di ASRIE.pdf

After the terrorist attack in Saint Petersburg, Italian media agency "Il Fatto Quotidiano" publis... more After the terrorist attack in Saint Petersburg, Italian media agency "Il Fatto Quotidiano" published my interview where I analysed the security situation and terrorist threats in the Russian Federation and post-Soviet space.
The interview underlined the fundamental geopolitical role of Central Asian in the fight against terrorism: this region not only was the theater of the confrontation between the Soviet Union and the United States during the Cold War, but nowadays is the area where China is projecting its strategy Belt and Road Project, better known as New Silk Road. Any form of destabilisation of the Central Asia will have serious effects on the economy of China and Russia and their security.

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Research paper thumbnail of Russia, presidenziali 2018: il caso Sobchak e i media occidentali. Intervista a Giuliano Bifolchi Direttore della OSINT Unit di ASRIE

My interview on the 2018 Russian Presidential elections and the current political situation in th... more My interview on the 2018 Russian Presidential elections and the current political situation in the Russian Federation. During the interview it was highlighted the need to understand the Russian political framework without any form of prejudice.
During this interview an important aspect is represented by the strategic communication in Russia and in the West and the way Media agencies and NGOs are trying to influence the public opinion.

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