Andrea Szalanski | Free Inquiry (original) (raw)


Never Can Say Goodbye

Free Inquiry Volume 44, No. 6
October/November 2024
Andrea Szalanski

In recent years the world has witnessed a massive resurgence of fanatical dogmas and doctrines. The fundamental premises of the modern world and the Enlightenment are either being forgotten or completely ignored. The commitment to scientific evidence and reason as a method of knowing, belief in the value of individual freedom and dignity, and the …

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Onward and Upward

Free Inquiry Volume 42, No. 6
October/November 2022
Andrea Szalanski

Tom Flynn didn’t get a chance to say goodbye to the Center for Inquiry (CFI). When he died in August 2021, he planned to retire in a few years and had begun to hand off some of his many tasks to very capable successors. But the editorship of Free Inquiry would have been the last …

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Tributes to Tom Flynn

Tom Flynn: Champion for Freethought

Free Inquiry Volume 42, No. 1
December 2021/January 2022
Andrea Szalanski

Thomas W. Flynn died suddenly August 23, 2021. Those who knew him personally and professionally were shocked and saddened. We had looked forward to many more years of his contributions, even though at the time of his death at age sixty-six he had accomplished much more than most people. Flynn was a scholar and a …

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Nat Hentoff, 1925–2016

Free Inquiry Volume 37, No. 3
April / May 2017
Andrea Szalanski

“His views often riled many of his fellow humanists.”

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Obituary: Tibor R. Machan

Free Inquiry Volume 36, No. 4
June / July 2016
Andrea Szalanski

Machan will be most remembered for his role in publishing the libertarian magazine Reason and the establishment of the Reason Foundation.

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Books in Brief

Free Inquiry Volume 36, No. 4
June / July 2016
Julia Lavarnway, Nicole Scott, Andrea Szalanski

Brief reviews from Free Inquiry Vol. 36, No. 4.

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Population, Immigration, and the Global Future

Immigration Limits: Less and Less Politically Incorrect

Free Inquiry Volume 35, No. 4
June / July 2015
Andrea Szalanski

A review of How Many Is Too Many? The Progressive Argument for Reducing Immigration into the United States, by Philip Cafaro.

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Books in Brief

Free Inquiry Volume 35, No. 2
February / March 2015
Andrea Szalanski

Brief book reviews from the February/March 2015 issue of Free Inquiry.

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Gerald A. Larue, Humanist Laureate, 1916–2014

Free Inquiry Volume 35, No. 1
December 2014 / January 2015
Andrea Szalanski

Gerald A. Larue, a senior editor of Free Inquiry and a Laureate of the International Academy of Humanism (a program of the Council for Secular Humanism), died September 17, 2014, at the age of ninety-eight.

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Margherita Hack (1922–2013)

Free Inquiry Volume 33, No. 6
October / November 2013
Andrea Szalanski

Margherita Hack, a leading astrophysicist and political activist in Italy, died at age ninety-one in June 2013.

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Why Not a Mormon for President?

Free Inquiry Volume 32, No. 6
October / November 2012
Andrea Szalanski

Could I Vote for a Mormon for President? An Election-Year Guide to Mitt Romney’s Religion, by Ryan T. Cragun and Rick Phillips (Washington, D.C.: Strange Violin Editions, 2012, ISBN 978-0-9837484-5-8) 132 pp. Paperback, $12.95. Before this review can proceed, we must accept two assumptions: an avowed secularist has no chance of becoming president in this …

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Irving Louis Horowitz (1929–2012)

Free Inquiry Volume 32, No. 6
October / November 2012
Andrea Szalanski

One cannot discuss modern sociology without understanding the contributions of Irving Louis Horowitz. One of his best-known accomplishments is the system he created for measuring quality of life in societies by comparing a state’s aggressiveness toward its citizens in terms of rates of imprisonment and more-violent actions such as executions as opposed to the civil …

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Goodbye to a Fine, Fierce Friend

Free Inquiry Volume 32, No. 2
February / March 2012
Andrea Szalanski

Christopher Hitchens first appeared in the pages of Free Inquiry in Fall 1996 as the subject of an interview—rather lengthy at six pages—that focused on his investigation of Mother Teresa, that icon of religious sacrifice. His book The Missionary Position: Mother Teresa in Theory and Practice (Verso) had come out the year before. His goal …

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Facing Misery: Confronting Illness, Even Death, without a Prayer

When Crisis Is Chronic

Free Inquiry Volume 31, No. 3
April / May 2011
Andrea Szalanski

At what point does an illness go from being a challenge in one’s life to becoming one’s life? The progress of the transformation is so gradual, the change so nearly imperceptible, that one barely has time to realize that while a short-term coping strategy is helpful, a long-term plan is critical to the well-being of …

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