No. 4 | Free Inquiry (original) (raw)

Population, Immigration, and the Global Future
Introduction Tom Flynn

Too often, experts on climate change, environmental depletion, and species loss go out of their way not to discuss population’s relevance to their concerns.

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Population, Immigration, and the Global Future
Four Out of Five Scientists Agree: Population Matters Robert J. Walker

Like aid workers and others, scientists need to speak out on the urgency of curbing overpopulation.

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Population, Immigration, and the Global Future
Seven Billion Wolves: Why the Human Head Count Matters Jeffrey K. McKee

How can we make the dilemma of human overpopulation easier to grasp? Imagine seven billion wolves. . . .

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Population, Immigration, and the Global Future
Two Realities Richard Heinberg

Continual growth is not sustainable. Can we change the public mind-set in time?

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Population, Immigration, and the Global Future
Humanity vs. Nature—Winner Take All! Christopher Clugston

Humanity’s extraordinary nonrenewable natural resource–enabled industrial lifestyle paradigm is an unsustainable one-time “blip” in our species’ history that must and will come to an end—soon.

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Population, Immigration, and the Global Future
Sharp Danger but Grounds for Hope Joe Bish

Four perspectives on the population crisis: The challenges are vast, but there is hope.

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Population, Immigration, and the Global Future
U.S. Immigration and the Limits of Supporting Earth Resources Walter Youngquist

Population growth is now exacerbating nearly every environmental problem in the U.S., and tends to erase any gains made from conservation and technological advances.

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Population, Immigration, and the Global Future
Toward Negative Population Growth: Cutting Legal Immigration by Four-fifths Tracy Canada, David Simcox

Achieving a stable, and eventually shrinking, U.S. population will require a radical overhaul of immigration policies.

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Population, Immigration, and the Global Future
Immigration Limits: Less and Less Politically Incorrect Andrea Szalanski

A review of How Many Is Too Many? The Progressive Argument for Reducing Immigration into the United States, by Philip Cafaro.

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Overpopulation, Immigration, and the Human Future Tom Flynn

Today’s myriad ecological crises can never be solved without a major commitment not just to control but to reduce human numbers.

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Avijit Roy and His Legacy Jahed Ahmed

For the critical thinkers of Bangladesh, Avijit Roy will stand as a very special hero.

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Join Us in a Demand for Justice! Rafida Bonya Ahmed

A widowed victim’s cry for justice.

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Bigger, Better, Shinier Human Rights Ophelia Benson

Countries such as Saudi Arabia hide behind a Declaration of Human Rights in Islam, which isn’t about human rights at all.

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Angry Atheists: A Contemporary Myth Russell Blackford

Atheists don’t live up to the myth about their being angry. Rather they get blamed for the anger that even gentle atheist commentary stirs in some believers.

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Beheadings for Postmodernity Shadia B. Drury

Postmodernism is inclined to embrace the Islamic State’s demand for submission and its reliance on terror. This is not a virtue!

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C. S. Lewis and Proof by Metaphor Mark Rubinstein

Christian writer C. S. Lewis is not right; he is just much better than you are at inventing literary comparisons.

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Slip Slidin’ Away James A. Haught

America is riding the secular wave that previously swept Europe, Canada, Japan, Australia, and other advanced democracies.

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August 11: A Day to Remember Robert Green Ingersoll Jeff Ingersoll

Calling all freethinkers to honor Robert Ingersoll on his birthday, August 11.

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‘Better Ad’ Contest Winners Announced

Since 2014, Free Inquiry has carried full-page advertisements presenting hard-hitting messages challenging religious belief and promoting the secular humanist outlook.

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Letters from the June/July 2015 issue of Free Inquiry.

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Doerr's Way
Is the Wall Crumbling? Edd Doerr

If we can no longer rely on the Supreme Court to protect the church-state wall, Americans who care about public education may need to do it themselves.

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Humanist Living
Is Society Accepting That Free Will Is an Illusion? Jonathan MS Pearce

Free will makes no sense, and growing numbers are concluding that it can’t be true. Is society ready for that?

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The Faith I Left Behind
Why I Retired from Religion John Compere

Growing up without fundamentalism equipped this Texan to resist its dubious appeals.

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Cruel Ironies Ophelia Benson

A review of Headscarves and Hymens: Why the Middle East Needs a Sexual Revolution, by Mona Eltahawy.

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Debunking The ‘Christian Nation’ Myth—Again Rob Boston

A review of Inventing a Christian America: The Myth of the Religious Founding, by Steven K. Green.

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God for ‘Dummies’ Tom Flynn

A review of How God Works: A Logical Inquiry on Faith, by Marshall Brain.

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