see_my_site - Profile (original) (raw)
on 18 March 2003 (#955289)
Website Promotion for Developers
Welcome to the See_My_Site Community! A place to showcase your web designs.
How does this site work?
It's simple!
Post links to any websites you've created and show them off!!! Make sure when you post, make your link open in a new window. [Like this: ]
Whether you are a professional or beginner, show us your sites and community members will comment or give their suggestions.
Note: We would like to steer away from LJ sites unless they are exceptionally good! If anyone would like to create a layout for this community, as well, please contact the moderator, americnjewl.
Guidelines for commenting/feedback:
- Keep your comments constructive! If you don't like someone's site, it doesn't mean you have to be rude. Say WHAT you don't like about the site and explain why.
- Give positive feedback! If you like a site, be honest and say what you DO like about the site.
- Do you think the site could be improved? You might have an idea of how they could improve their site, that they haven't heard of before. Again, it's constructive criticism.
Misc: - Posted sites will be put up in the memories section as soon as I can get them up.
- RUDE behavior will NOT be tolerated. I understand that the general nature of webmasters/mistresses is curt and blunt, but please remember to be kind and constructive.
- This site isn't for asking questions about coding. Go to webdesign and webdev.
- Any suggestions regarding the community are welcome!
Your moderator is: americnjewl
Thanks to gojimbogo, malandi for their suggestions and radio303 for general helpfulness!
access, admin, adobe, advertising, apache, art, asp, browsers, cgi, coldfusion, computers, css, design, designers, dhtml, domain names, domains, dreamweaver, dynamic, entreprenuers, flash, freelancers, ftp, geeks, graphics, home pages, html, http, ice, ie, iis, internet, internet explorer, java, javascript, jsp, liquid, macromedia, marketing, mozilla, my domain, mysql, online stores, perl, photoshop, php, programming, promotions, python, search engines, self employed, shtml, site design, site layout, sql, standards, static, urls, w3c, web, web administrators, web design, web designers, web development, web elements, web pages, web programming, web promotions, web safe, web sites, web surfing, webdesign, webmaster, webmistress, webpages, website design, websites, xml