Sonny E Zaluchu | Indonesia Baptist Theological Seminary (original) (raw)
Papers by Sonny E Zaluchu
International Journal of Practical Theology
Many studies have demonstrated the significant involvement of Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs)... more Many studies have demonstrated the significant involvement of Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) during pregnancy and delivery. In several countries, including Indonesia, the role of the TBA cannot be easily replaced by Skilled Birth Attendants (SBAs), reducing the capacity of the health sector to reduce the maternal mortality rate. The TBA has a religious and social connection with the community in her area which is often undervalued by the medically-trained SBA; this disconnect interferes with the provision of quality care. In this paper, with the use of a narrative approach, a TBA reveals her reflection and perspective as rooted in the community where she lives. This ethnography provides living evidence that the point of view of modern health professionals often fails when faced with the world view of the community. TBAs have social power that cannot be separated from the social context where they live. Therefore, an analysis of the religious aspects of a TBA’s practice should e...
Koinonia is a concept explaining communion or fellowship in the theology of Christian. After the ... more Koinonia is a concept explaining communion or fellowship in the theology of Christian. After the era of the Internet of Things, the communion pattern has shifted from a direct relationship involving physical presence to an indirect relationship where the internet and all of its products exist among humans. Therefore, it is necessary to build a new conception of digital koinonia. This paper aims to explain the digital koinonia concept and the reasons behind its presence contemporarily. This writing uses library studies and concludes that digital koinonia with its characteristics following the logic of media and the internet is a new epistemology demanding theological reconstruction.
Jurnal Teologi Berita Hidup, Mar 25, 2021
A common problem regarding the method section in the structure of scientific journals is that the... more A common problem regarding the method section in the structure of scientific journals is that they are written in general and not typical. A research method must report the procedures the researcher takes to carry out his research. The contents are not the same as the method descriptions in other studies. Therefore, this paper aims to explain the importance of methods in the structure of writing scientific journal articles. In particular, several methods commonly referred to in theological research are presented descriptively and topically. The conclusion obtained is, with the correct understanding of the research method, lecturers or researchers can produce theological research work that can be accounted for its academic validity. Research contribution: This paper provides insights to lecturers and researchers in writing and formulating methods in scientific journal papers and contributing material in writing scientific papers.
Jurnal Jaffray, Apr 25, 2023
This paper reports the results of research on urban evangelism conducted online using a Zoom appl... more This paper reports the results of research on urban evangelism conducted online using a Zoom application with one-on-one techniques. The method is to conduct worldview talks with other religions in Melbourne, Australia. The dialogue refers to three key questions: (1) What is the worldview of your belief or religion? (2) Is there more to life than this? and (3) How does your belief or religion contribute to your life? The paper is presented in the form of descriptive reports. As a result, dialogue between religious people through a worldview approach in urban areas is effective as an effort to deepen the beliefs of others and introduce religious teachings embraced by other religions. The research contributes to the strategy of contemporary urban missions in the pandemic in the digital community. It provides new insights that evangelism can be done using technological devices in addition to the traditional way.
Khazanah Theologia, Jan 30, 2021
This paper aims to prove that the manifestation of God's presence in the Old Testament (OT) is no... more This paper aims to prove that the manifestation of God's presence in the Old Testament (OT) is not something final. The climax of God's presence among His people is seen in the coming of Jesus into the world through the incarnation. Through this paper, it is explained that even though God is transcendent in Christian theology, He is also immanent at the same time. God's transcendence cannot be separated from his immanent nature and vice versa. The main data used in this research is through a literature review. The results obtained from the literature review were compiled through the Integrative Critical Analysis (ICA) approach to meet the research objectives. The main conclusion is, theologically, the Christian is the abode of the true God.
Bank Plecit is the name of a business aiming to lend money to the doers of micro, small, and medi... more Bank Plecit is the name of a business aiming to lend money to the doers of micro, small, and medium businesses but drawing profits from the interest of the loan. The community conducts this business as an unofficial financial institution operating like a bank. This paper aims to study the central role of the business of Bank Plecit in moving the wheel of the economy and seek an explanation of why this bank is more popular and closer to the community. The analysis was conducted by combining the perspective of religious epistemology, the principles of entrepreneurship, and the studies of religious sociology. The conclusion is that even though this business practice is not in line with the religious epistemology of Indonesian people, the faith turns out to be put aside because individuals and the community see the more significant needs, namely solutions to economic problems. Furthermore, because Bank Plecit follows the principles of entrepreneurship through customer segment, customer relationship, and value propositions, we suggest it as the financial model that can be applied in the community economy of the countries whose citizens are radical in upholding their religious teachings.
Kurios, Nov 2, 2020
This study aims to examine and examine the concept of the divine trial regarding every human act ... more This study aims to examine and examine the concept of the divine trial regarding every human act at the end of time by using the Corpus Delicti perspective that was initiated by Erastus Sabdono regarding the fall of Lucifer. Corpus Delicti is a principle that emphasizes that a person cannot be punished unless proven guilty. It is concluded that in the concept of Christian theology, all people will actually stand before God, the Judge and all their deeds in the world are evidence for God to give rewards. The Corpus Delicti conception cannot be fully applied in Christian theology except definitively about its meaning. Because this term only and always refers to evil, whereas in Christian theology, divine commerce also includes good works. The analysis was carried out using the technique of fits biblical expectations, which is based on commentaries, conceptions, and views of theologians in books and journal papers. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan menelaah dan meneliti konsepsi persidangan ilahi menyangkut setiap perbuatan manusia di akhir zaman dengan menggunakan cara pandang Corpus Delicti yang digagas oleh Erastus Sabdono mengenai kejatuhan Lucifer. Corpus Delicti adalah prinsip yang menekankan bahwa seseorang tidak dapat dihukum kecuali dibuktikan bersalah. Disimpulkan bahwa di dalam konsep teologi Kristen, semua orang justru akan berdiri di hadapan Tuhan, Sang Hakim, dan semua perbuatannya di dunia adalah alat bukti bagi Tuhan untuk memberikan ganjaran. Konsepsi Corpus Delicti tidak dapat dipakai sepenuhnya di dalam teologi Kristen kecuali secara definitif tentang pengertiannya. Sebab, istilah ini hanya dan selalu merujuk pada kejahatan sedangkan di dalam teologi Kristen, persidagangan ilahi juga mencakup perbuatan baik. Analisis dilakukan dengan teknik fits biblical expectations yang berpijak pada commentary, konsepsi dan padangan teolog di dalam buku dan paper jurnal. I. Pendahuluan Pembuktian di dalam sebuah tindak kriminalitas, adalah alat yang sangat penting. Melalui bukti, seseorang dapat disangka dan didakwa, dimulai dari penyelidikan hingga di depan persidangan, untuk menentukan apakah seseorang telah melakukan tindakan atau perbuatan pidana. Bukti dapat menguatkan status seseorang apakah dianggap bersalah dan dihukum, atau sebaliknya, dibebaskn dan dipulihkan nama baiknya. Menurut Yustia, persoalan pembuktian adalah salah satu masalah pelik di dalam setiap usaha penegakan hukum, untuk menjerat pelaku tindak pidana. Dalam penelitiannya tentang pelaku kriminal mayantara (cyber crime), Yustia mengungkapkan tantangan dan beratnya usaha pembuktian, karena sifat kejahatan mayantara tergolong rumit, kompleks, sangat spesifik, dan melibatkan pendapat para pakar. Demikian juga di dalam tindak pidana umum. Hasil penelitian Suisno menyimpulkan bahwa selesai tidaknya suatu kasus pidana, sangat bergantung pada hasil pemeriksaan Hakim di Article History
Evangelikal: jurnal teologi Injili dan pembinaan warga jemaat, Jan 31, 2020
Research does not start from the method but must depart from the root of the problem. Formulating... more Research does not start from the method but must depart from the root of the problem. Formulating precisely the paradigm and background of the research will help researchers design the research design and determine the method to use. In this case, quantitative, qualitative or a mixture of both can use. Through this paper, it explains that religious research and various topics within it are open with various approaches because of their nature as science. This paper builds research insights ranging from understanding the research itself, determining and formulating research problems to choosing the right approach by introducing various methods. Through this paper, it expected that there would be no difficulty in colliding the paradigm in conducting religious research with a qualitative, quantitative or both approaches.
Kurios, Oct 7, 2021
This paper examines the practice of teaching and learning in the education system in Israel and i... more This paper examines the practice of teaching and learning in the education system in Israel and its central role in shaping students' national insight. The method used is a characteristic-thinking analysis which is reported qualitatively descriptively. The analysis results show that the Israeli education system based on religious teachings has succeeded in forming the national insight and spirit of nationalism of students, which is then referred to as religious nationalism. Through the Havruta system or learning in pairs, each student is guided to find the meaning of the text and apply the text in the practice of living within the framework of national identity. This study proposes that the Indonesian theological education system needs to develop a similar model within the Indonesian context. Further research is needed to develop typical Indonesian models to produce Christian theologians integrated as salt and light in maintaining Indonesian identity. Abstrak: Paper ini mengkaji praktik belajar mengajar di dalam model pendidikan di Israel dan peran sentralnya di dalam membentuk wawasan kebangsaan peserta didik. Metode yang dipergunakan adalah cirical-thinking analisis yang dilaporkan secara kualitatif-deskriptif. Hasil analisis memperlihatkan bahwa sistem pendidikan Israel yang berbasis pada ajaran agama berhasil membentuk wawasan kebangsaan dan semangat nasionalisme peserta didik yang kemudian disebut sebagai nasionalisme-religius. Melalui sistem Havruta atau belajar berpasangan, setiap siswa dituntun menemukan makna teks dan menerapkan teks tersebut di dalam praktik kehidupan dalam kerangka identitas nasional. Penelitian ini mengusulkan bahwa sistem pendidikan teologi Indonesia perlu mengembangkan model serupa tetapi di dalam konteks keindonesiaan. Penelitian lan-jutan diperlukan untuk mengembangkan model-model khas Indonesia untuk menghasilkan teolog Kristen yang terintegrasi sebagai garam dan terang di da-lam mempertahankan identitas keindonesiaan. Pendahuluan Nasionalisme selalu memiliki dua efek yang sama kuat sebagaimana sisi uang koin. Satu sisi adalah efek yang mempersatukan, sementara sisi lainnya adalah efek yang melemahkan. Nasionalisme dapat menjadi sebuah kekuatan laten yang mempersatukan dan mengikat perbedaan di dalam satu binding untuk tujuan keutuhan berbangsa dan bernegara. Akan tetapi, ketika nasionalisme melemah, pengaruh dari efek negatif yang akan menguat. Sebuah proses sentrifugal akan terjadi dimana seluruh elemen bangsa akan saling bergerak menjauh dari titik pusat kesatuan, titik yang seharusnya dijaga bersama sebagai kiblat. Oleh sebab itu, nasionalisme sangat penting dan merupakan elemen pengikat seluruh warga negara untuk mempertahankan keutuhan bang
Religious : jurnal studi agama-agama dan lintas budaya, Dec 31, 2020
Reader Response Criticism (RRC) is a postmodern hermeneutic approach that emphasizes meaning lies... more Reader Response Criticism (RRC) is a postmodern hermeneutic approach that emphasizes meaning lies not in the hands of the writer or text but the reader's hands. With this method, the approach to obtaining meaning depends very much on the reader's experience and the extent to which he places himself in the text. The problem is when this approach used for hermeneutical scriptures, and some new meanings emerge that even outperform mainstream textual meanings. This paper contains a discussion of the RRC approach and its use in analyzing the scriptures. The narrative used is the portion of the exodus of the children of Israel from Egypt, where Elohim dropped ten plagues upon Egypt. New meaning instruments produced with this approach, such as plagues, are not merely miracle stories but products of natural phenomena. Likewise, the act of God in the plagues can be understood as an act of anger and discrimination. It can conclude that as a critical approach, the RRC method could not be entirely applied to hermeneutical scriptures because there are parts of the scriptures that must be preserved literally as part of the truth of the faith of believers. While on the other hand, the RRC is open to multiple meanings, which contradict the literal meaning in the text and context.
Evangelikal: jurnal teologi Injili dan pembinaan warga jemaat, Jan 30, 2019
Sonny Eli Zaluchu, The Hermenetic Pattern of Hebrew Wisdom Literature. Hebrew Wisdom Literature i... more Sonny Eli Zaluchu, The Hermenetic Pattern of Hebrew Wisdom Literature. Hebrew Wisdom Literature is one of the most distinctive kinds of literature that can found in the Old Testament. Particular hermeneutic patterns are needed to interpret literary books. The writings of the wisdom literature of the Hebrew people are rich in various types of literary styles from being oral traditions to written forms and being part of the Old Testament canon. This paper aims to form a hermeneutic pattern in the form of defining literary categories, capturing the main ideas of the writer, seeing the text in context, and paying attention to the style of language. Studying these four patterns will help the interpreter elevate the meaning of the contents of the literature of Wisdom. Writing presented in a descriptive, analytical form.
International bulletin of mission research, Jun 6, 2022
The church is facing an existential challenge caused by the current pandemic and by what has been... more The church is facing an existential challenge caused by the current pandemic and by what has been called the Internet of Things. It consequently has no choice but to adapt and adjust as it addresses the needs of the present generation. This article discusses how these changes have occurred and how the church in general has repositioned itself as Church 5.0. Because of shifts away from certain traditional perspectives, the church has had to reposition itself in order to conduct its mission successfully. Although church forms change, its sacramental presence and the essence of its proclamation remain unchanged.
Omega - Journal Of Death And Dying, Jan 2, 2023
This study reports on the description and analysis of death rituals that are a tradition of the N... more This study reports on the description and analysis of death rituals that are a tradition of the Nias tribe in Indonesia. Descriptive discussion of rites and rituals of death using the perspective of cultural anthropology and the sociology of religion. In Nias belief, the spirits of the dead can be transferred into statues and become objects of worship, which are highly respected but also feared. Although Christianity has replaced tribal religion, the strength of tradition in the old beliefs persists to this day, so syncretism is unavoidable. The research findings show that death rituals become religious tools that maintain traditional values on the one hand and become legitimate tools to increase social status and cohesion in society. The rituals of death are integrated into social interactions where people carry out symbols and form social order. This finding proves that modern society’s social cohesion is inseparable from tradition’s role.
Social Science Research Network, 2022
Proceedings of the International Conference on Theology, Humanities, and Christian Education (ICONTHCE 2021)
There has not been any research to observe the trend of Christian users in Indonesia in searching... more There has not been any research to observe the trend of Christian users in Indonesia in searching for YouTube content in carrying out their spiritual activities during the pandemic era. This research uses the data from Google trends to observe the use of the phrases 'ibadah online' (online spiritual activities) and 'gereja online' (online church) in the spiritual content search in YouTube. By applying descriptive analysis, the conclusion can be drawn that the Christian users in Indonesia have already had digital awareness in spirituality and have exchanged the expressions 'ibadah online' and 'gereja online for common interest. Research Contribution: This research is relevant to the concept of church digitization and the role of the church in the era of technological disruption that complements the discipline of Ecclesiology. The results also show the digital awareness of Christians in Indonesia.
The International Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Society
Entrepreneurial Innovation, 2021
KURIOS, 2021
Pandemi Covid 19 memberi dampak di berbagai lini kehidupan. Salah satunya adalah meningkatnya ang... more Pandemi Covid 19 memberi dampak di berbagai lini kehidupan. Salah satunya adalah meningkatnya angka diskriminasi dan intoleransi yang dialami oleh berbagai kalangan masyarakat dari berbagai penganut agama maupun golongan. Banyak cara telah dilakukan demi hilangnya intoleransi dan diskriminasi di Indonesia namun masih saja terdapat tindakan-tindakan tersebut. Paper ini mengusulkan konsep dialog yang bertumpu pada deklarasi Nostra Aetate. Pendekatan utama yang dilakukan dalam paper ini adalah teori-kritik (critical theory) untuk menganalisa secara deskriptif konsep-konsep utama yang dibahas yakni Nostra Aetate dan dialog kerukunan. Hasil yang didapat adalah bahwa deklarasi Nostra Aetate merupakan sebuah tawaran alternatif yang dapat diambil di Indonesia guna menyampaikan kasih Allah kepada manusia melalui beberapa cara dialogis, pastoral dan harmonis.
Khazanah Theologia, 2021
This study analyzes cases of adultery in the Bible between David, the King of Israel, and Bathshe... more This study analyzes cases of adultery in the Bible between David, the King of Israel, and Bathsheba, the wife of one of his officers. The approach taken for analysis is a mixed narrative analysis with psychology and sociology perspectives. However, the theological frame remains the mainframe in the discussion, especially in finding the motive behind Bathsheba's desire to grant all of David's requests. The result is the conclusion that this narrative should not stop after sin and adultery. Without realizing it, both Bathsheba and David turned out to be in a divine setting that it could only read in the ending of the New Testament, where the descendants of David and Bathsheba became an essential element in the lineage of Judah that gave birth to Jesus the Messiah.
SUNDERMANN: Jurnal Ilmiah Teologi, Pendidikan, Sains, Humaniora dan Kebudayaan
Topik mengenai homoseksual telah banyak dibahas di Indonesia. Berbagai pandangan dikemukakan gere... more Topik mengenai homoseksual telah banyak dibahas di Indonesia. Berbagai pandangan dikemukakan gereja mengenai kaum homoseksual dan perilakunya dan pada umumnya menolak keberadaan kelompok ini. Kisah penghukuman Sodom dan Gomora dalam Kejadian 19:1-26 sering dianggap sebagai asal mula keberadaan perilaku homoseksual dan menjadi warisan bagi keberadaan kaum homoseksual saat ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian pustaka dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif untuk menggali kebenaran anggapan tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perilaku homoseksual bukan merupakan warisan dosa seksual Sodom dan Gomora tetapi merupakan pelanggaran dilihat dari sudut pandang teologi Kristen.
International Journal of Practical Theology
Many studies have demonstrated the significant involvement of Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs)... more Many studies have demonstrated the significant involvement of Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) during pregnancy and delivery. In several countries, including Indonesia, the role of the TBA cannot be easily replaced by Skilled Birth Attendants (SBAs), reducing the capacity of the health sector to reduce the maternal mortality rate. The TBA has a religious and social connection with the community in her area which is often undervalued by the medically-trained SBA; this disconnect interferes with the provision of quality care. In this paper, with the use of a narrative approach, a TBA reveals her reflection and perspective as rooted in the community where she lives. This ethnography provides living evidence that the point of view of modern health professionals often fails when faced with the world view of the community. TBAs have social power that cannot be separated from the social context where they live. Therefore, an analysis of the religious aspects of a TBA’s practice should e...
Koinonia is a concept explaining communion or fellowship in the theology of Christian. After the ... more Koinonia is a concept explaining communion or fellowship in the theology of Christian. After the era of the Internet of Things, the communion pattern has shifted from a direct relationship involving physical presence to an indirect relationship where the internet and all of its products exist among humans. Therefore, it is necessary to build a new conception of digital koinonia. This paper aims to explain the digital koinonia concept and the reasons behind its presence contemporarily. This writing uses library studies and concludes that digital koinonia with its characteristics following the logic of media and the internet is a new epistemology demanding theological reconstruction.
Jurnal Teologi Berita Hidup, Mar 25, 2021
A common problem regarding the method section in the structure of scientific journals is that the... more A common problem regarding the method section in the structure of scientific journals is that they are written in general and not typical. A research method must report the procedures the researcher takes to carry out his research. The contents are not the same as the method descriptions in other studies. Therefore, this paper aims to explain the importance of methods in the structure of writing scientific journal articles. In particular, several methods commonly referred to in theological research are presented descriptively and topically. The conclusion obtained is, with the correct understanding of the research method, lecturers or researchers can produce theological research work that can be accounted for its academic validity. Research contribution: This paper provides insights to lecturers and researchers in writing and formulating methods in scientific journal papers and contributing material in writing scientific papers.
Jurnal Jaffray, Apr 25, 2023
This paper reports the results of research on urban evangelism conducted online using a Zoom appl... more This paper reports the results of research on urban evangelism conducted online using a Zoom application with one-on-one techniques. The method is to conduct worldview talks with other religions in Melbourne, Australia. The dialogue refers to three key questions: (1) What is the worldview of your belief or religion? (2) Is there more to life than this? and (3) How does your belief or religion contribute to your life? The paper is presented in the form of descriptive reports. As a result, dialogue between religious people through a worldview approach in urban areas is effective as an effort to deepen the beliefs of others and introduce religious teachings embraced by other religions. The research contributes to the strategy of contemporary urban missions in the pandemic in the digital community. It provides new insights that evangelism can be done using technological devices in addition to the traditional way.
Khazanah Theologia, Jan 30, 2021
This paper aims to prove that the manifestation of God's presence in the Old Testament (OT) is no... more This paper aims to prove that the manifestation of God's presence in the Old Testament (OT) is not something final. The climax of God's presence among His people is seen in the coming of Jesus into the world through the incarnation. Through this paper, it is explained that even though God is transcendent in Christian theology, He is also immanent at the same time. God's transcendence cannot be separated from his immanent nature and vice versa. The main data used in this research is through a literature review. The results obtained from the literature review were compiled through the Integrative Critical Analysis (ICA) approach to meet the research objectives. The main conclusion is, theologically, the Christian is the abode of the true God.
Bank Plecit is the name of a business aiming to lend money to the doers of micro, small, and medi... more Bank Plecit is the name of a business aiming to lend money to the doers of micro, small, and medium businesses but drawing profits from the interest of the loan. The community conducts this business as an unofficial financial institution operating like a bank. This paper aims to study the central role of the business of Bank Plecit in moving the wheel of the economy and seek an explanation of why this bank is more popular and closer to the community. The analysis was conducted by combining the perspective of religious epistemology, the principles of entrepreneurship, and the studies of religious sociology. The conclusion is that even though this business practice is not in line with the religious epistemology of Indonesian people, the faith turns out to be put aside because individuals and the community see the more significant needs, namely solutions to economic problems. Furthermore, because Bank Plecit follows the principles of entrepreneurship through customer segment, customer relationship, and value propositions, we suggest it as the financial model that can be applied in the community economy of the countries whose citizens are radical in upholding their religious teachings.
Kurios, Nov 2, 2020
This study aims to examine and examine the concept of the divine trial regarding every human act ... more This study aims to examine and examine the concept of the divine trial regarding every human act at the end of time by using the Corpus Delicti perspective that was initiated by Erastus Sabdono regarding the fall of Lucifer. Corpus Delicti is a principle that emphasizes that a person cannot be punished unless proven guilty. It is concluded that in the concept of Christian theology, all people will actually stand before God, the Judge and all their deeds in the world are evidence for God to give rewards. The Corpus Delicti conception cannot be fully applied in Christian theology except definitively about its meaning. Because this term only and always refers to evil, whereas in Christian theology, divine commerce also includes good works. The analysis was carried out using the technique of fits biblical expectations, which is based on commentaries, conceptions, and views of theologians in books and journal papers. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan menelaah dan meneliti konsepsi persidangan ilahi menyangkut setiap perbuatan manusia di akhir zaman dengan menggunakan cara pandang Corpus Delicti yang digagas oleh Erastus Sabdono mengenai kejatuhan Lucifer. Corpus Delicti adalah prinsip yang menekankan bahwa seseorang tidak dapat dihukum kecuali dibuktikan bersalah. Disimpulkan bahwa di dalam konsep teologi Kristen, semua orang justru akan berdiri di hadapan Tuhan, Sang Hakim, dan semua perbuatannya di dunia adalah alat bukti bagi Tuhan untuk memberikan ganjaran. Konsepsi Corpus Delicti tidak dapat dipakai sepenuhnya di dalam teologi Kristen kecuali secara definitif tentang pengertiannya. Sebab, istilah ini hanya dan selalu merujuk pada kejahatan sedangkan di dalam teologi Kristen, persidagangan ilahi juga mencakup perbuatan baik. Analisis dilakukan dengan teknik fits biblical expectations yang berpijak pada commentary, konsepsi dan padangan teolog di dalam buku dan paper jurnal. I. Pendahuluan Pembuktian di dalam sebuah tindak kriminalitas, adalah alat yang sangat penting. Melalui bukti, seseorang dapat disangka dan didakwa, dimulai dari penyelidikan hingga di depan persidangan, untuk menentukan apakah seseorang telah melakukan tindakan atau perbuatan pidana. Bukti dapat menguatkan status seseorang apakah dianggap bersalah dan dihukum, atau sebaliknya, dibebaskn dan dipulihkan nama baiknya. Menurut Yustia, persoalan pembuktian adalah salah satu masalah pelik di dalam setiap usaha penegakan hukum, untuk menjerat pelaku tindak pidana. Dalam penelitiannya tentang pelaku kriminal mayantara (cyber crime), Yustia mengungkapkan tantangan dan beratnya usaha pembuktian, karena sifat kejahatan mayantara tergolong rumit, kompleks, sangat spesifik, dan melibatkan pendapat para pakar. Demikian juga di dalam tindak pidana umum. Hasil penelitian Suisno menyimpulkan bahwa selesai tidaknya suatu kasus pidana, sangat bergantung pada hasil pemeriksaan Hakim di Article History
Evangelikal: jurnal teologi Injili dan pembinaan warga jemaat, Jan 31, 2020
Research does not start from the method but must depart from the root of the problem. Formulating... more Research does not start from the method but must depart from the root of the problem. Formulating precisely the paradigm and background of the research will help researchers design the research design and determine the method to use. In this case, quantitative, qualitative or a mixture of both can use. Through this paper, it explains that religious research and various topics within it are open with various approaches because of their nature as science. This paper builds research insights ranging from understanding the research itself, determining and formulating research problems to choosing the right approach by introducing various methods. Through this paper, it expected that there would be no difficulty in colliding the paradigm in conducting religious research with a qualitative, quantitative or both approaches.
Kurios, Oct 7, 2021
This paper examines the practice of teaching and learning in the education system in Israel and i... more This paper examines the practice of teaching and learning in the education system in Israel and its central role in shaping students' national insight. The method used is a characteristic-thinking analysis which is reported qualitatively descriptively. The analysis results show that the Israeli education system based on religious teachings has succeeded in forming the national insight and spirit of nationalism of students, which is then referred to as religious nationalism. Through the Havruta system or learning in pairs, each student is guided to find the meaning of the text and apply the text in the practice of living within the framework of national identity. This study proposes that the Indonesian theological education system needs to develop a similar model within the Indonesian context. Further research is needed to develop typical Indonesian models to produce Christian theologians integrated as salt and light in maintaining Indonesian identity. Abstrak: Paper ini mengkaji praktik belajar mengajar di dalam model pendidikan di Israel dan peran sentralnya di dalam membentuk wawasan kebangsaan peserta didik. Metode yang dipergunakan adalah cirical-thinking analisis yang dilaporkan secara kualitatif-deskriptif. Hasil analisis memperlihatkan bahwa sistem pendidikan Israel yang berbasis pada ajaran agama berhasil membentuk wawasan kebangsaan dan semangat nasionalisme peserta didik yang kemudian disebut sebagai nasionalisme-religius. Melalui sistem Havruta atau belajar berpasangan, setiap siswa dituntun menemukan makna teks dan menerapkan teks tersebut di dalam praktik kehidupan dalam kerangka identitas nasional. Penelitian ini mengusulkan bahwa sistem pendidikan teologi Indonesia perlu mengembangkan model serupa tetapi di dalam konteks keindonesiaan. Penelitian lan-jutan diperlukan untuk mengembangkan model-model khas Indonesia untuk menghasilkan teolog Kristen yang terintegrasi sebagai garam dan terang di da-lam mempertahankan identitas keindonesiaan. Pendahuluan Nasionalisme selalu memiliki dua efek yang sama kuat sebagaimana sisi uang koin. Satu sisi adalah efek yang mempersatukan, sementara sisi lainnya adalah efek yang melemahkan. Nasionalisme dapat menjadi sebuah kekuatan laten yang mempersatukan dan mengikat perbedaan di dalam satu binding untuk tujuan keutuhan berbangsa dan bernegara. Akan tetapi, ketika nasionalisme melemah, pengaruh dari efek negatif yang akan menguat. Sebuah proses sentrifugal akan terjadi dimana seluruh elemen bangsa akan saling bergerak menjauh dari titik pusat kesatuan, titik yang seharusnya dijaga bersama sebagai kiblat. Oleh sebab itu, nasionalisme sangat penting dan merupakan elemen pengikat seluruh warga negara untuk mempertahankan keutuhan bang
Religious : jurnal studi agama-agama dan lintas budaya, Dec 31, 2020
Reader Response Criticism (RRC) is a postmodern hermeneutic approach that emphasizes meaning lies... more Reader Response Criticism (RRC) is a postmodern hermeneutic approach that emphasizes meaning lies not in the hands of the writer or text but the reader's hands. With this method, the approach to obtaining meaning depends very much on the reader's experience and the extent to which he places himself in the text. The problem is when this approach used for hermeneutical scriptures, and some new meanings emerge that even outperform mainstream textual meanings. This paper contains a discussion of the RRC approach and its use in analyzing the scriptures. The narrative used is the portion of the exodus of the children of Israel from Egypt, where Elohim dropped ten plagues upon Egypt. New meaning instruments produced with this approach, such as plagues, are not merely miracle stories but products of natural phenomena. Likewise, the act of God in the plagues can be understood as an act of anger and discrimination. It can conclude that as a critical approach, the RRC method could not be entirely applied to hermeneutical scriptures because there are parts of the scriptures that must be preserved literally as part of the truth of the faith of believers. While on the other hand, the RRC is open to multiple meanings, which contradict the literal meaning in the text and context.
Evangelikal: jurnal teologi Injili dan pembinaan warga jemaat, Jan 30, 2019
Sonny Eli Zaluchu, The Hermenetic Pattern of Hebrew Wisdom Literature. Hebrew Wisdom Literature i... more Sonny Eli Zaluchu, The Hermenetic Pattern of Hebrew Wisdom Literature. Hebrew Wisdom Literature is one of the most distinctive kinds of literature that can found in the Old Testament. Particular hermeneutic patterns are needed to interpret literary books. The writings of the wisdom literature of the Hebrew people are rich in various types of literary styles from being oral traditions to written forms and being part of the Old Testament canon. This paper aims to form a hermeneutic pattern in the form of defining literary categories, capturing the main ideas of the writer, seeing the text in context, and paying attention to the style of language. Studying these four patterns will help the interpreter elevate the meaning of the contents of the literature of Wisdom. Writing presented in a descriptive, analytical form.
International bulletin of mission research, Jun 6, 2022
The church is facing an existential challenge caused by the current pandemic and by what has been... more The church is facing an existential challenge caused by the current pandemic and by what has been called the Internet of Things. It consequently has no choice but to adapt and adjust as it addresses the needs of the present generation. This article discusses how these changes have occurred and how the church in general has repositioned itself as Church 5.0. Because of shifts away from certain traditional perspectives, the church has had to reposition itself in order to conduct its mission successfully. Although church forms change, its sacramental presence and the essence of its proclamation remain unchanged.
Omega - Journal Of Death And Dying, Jan 2, 2023
This study reports on the description and analysis of death rituals that are a tradition of the N... more This study reports on the description and analysis of death rituals that are a tradition of the Nias tribe in Indonesia. Descriptive discussion of rites and rituals of death using the perspective of cultural anthropology and the sociology of religion. In Nias belief, the spirits of the dead can be transferred into statues and become objects of worship, which are highly respected but also feared. Although Christianity has replaced tribal religion, the strength of tradition in the old beliefs persists to this day, so syncretism is unavoidable. The research findings show that death rituals become religious tools that maintain traditional values on the one hand and become legitimate tools to increase social status and cohesion in society. The rituals of death are integrated into social interactions where people carry out symbols and form social order. This finding proves that modern society’s social cohesion is inseparable from tradition’s role.
Social Science Research Network, 2022
Proceedings of the International Conference on Theology, Humanities, and Christian Education (ICONTHCE 2021)
There has not been any research to observe the trend of Christian users in Indonesia in searching... more There has not been any research to observe the trend of Christian users in Indonesia in searching for YouTube content in carrying out their spiritual activities during the pandemic era. This research uses the data from Google trends to observe the use of the phrases 'ibadah online' (online spiritual activities) and 'gereja online' (online church) in the spiritual content search in YouTube. By applying descriptive analysis, the conclusion can be drawn that the Christian users in Indonesia have already had digital awareness in spirituality and have exchanged the expressions 'ibadah online' and 'gereja online for common interest. Research Contribution: This research is relevant to the concept of church digitization and the role of the church in the era of technological disruption that complements the discipline of Ecclesiology. The results also show the digital awareness of Christians in Indonesia.
The International Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Society
Entrepreneurial Innovation, 2021
KURIOS, 2021
Pandemi Covid 19 memberi dampak di berbagai lini kehidupan. Salah satunya adalah meningkatnya ang... more Pandemi Covid 19 memberi dampak di berbagai lini kehidupan. Salah satunya adalah meningkatnya angka diskriminasi dan intoleransi yang dialami oleh berbagai kalangan masyarakat dari berbagai penganut agama maupun golongan. Banyak cara telah dilakukan demi hilangnya intoleransi dan diskriminasi di Indonesia namun masih saja terdapat tindakan-tindakan tersebut. Paper ini mengusulkan konsep dialog yang bertumpu pada deklarasi Nostra Aetate. Pendekatan utama yang dilakukan dalam paper ini adalah teori-kritik (critical theory) untuk menganalisa secara deskriptif konsep-konsep utama yang dibahas yakni Nostra Aetate dan dialog kerukunan. Hasil yang didapat adalah bahwa deklarasi Nostra Aetate merupakan sebuah tawaran alternatif yang dapat diambil di Indonesia guna menyampaikan kasih Allah kepada manusia melalui beberapa cara dialogis, pastoral dan harmonis.
Khazanah Theologia, 2021
This study analyzes cases of adultery in the Bible between David, the King of Israel, and Bathshe... more This study analyzes cases of adultery in the Bible between David, the King of Israel, and Bathsheba, the wife of one of his officers. The approach taken for analysis is a mixed narrative analysis with psychology and sociology perspectives. However, the theological frame remains the mainframe in the discussion, especially in finding the motive behind Bathsheba's desire to grant all of David's requests. The result is the conclusion that this narrative should not stop after sin and adultery. Without realizing it, both Bathsheba and David turned out to be in a divine setting that it could only read in the ending of the New Testament, where the descendants of David and Bathsheba became an essential element in the lineage of Judah that gave birth to Jesus the Messiah.
SUNDERMANN: Jurnal Ilmiah Teologi, Pendidikan, Sains, Humaniora dan Kebudayaan
Topik mengenai homoseksual telah banyak dibahas di Indonesia. Berbagai pandangan dikemukakan gere... more Topik mengenai homoseksual telah banyak dibahas di Indonesia. Berbagai pandangan dikemukakan gereja mengenai kaum homoseksual dan perilakunya dan pada umumnya menolak keberadaan kelompok ini. Kisah penghukuman Sodom dan Gomora dalam Kejadian 19:1-26 sering dianggap sebagai asal mula keberadaan perilaku homoseksual dan menjadi warisan bagi keberadaan kaum homoseksual saat ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian pustaka dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif untuk menggali kebenaran anggapan tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perilaku homoseksual bukan merupakan warisan dosa seksual Sodom dan Gomora tetapi merupakan pelanggaran dilihat dari sudut pandang teologi Kristen.
ICOGESS Medan, Indonesia, 2020
Education in the millennium requires strategies and adjustments in the preparation and implementa... more Education in the millennium requires strategies and adjustments in the preparation and implementation of the teaching and learning process. The situation that surrounds the world of education also changes because of the strong influence of digitalization in all fields. Therefore, one of the educational strategies for the millennium is the need to develop digital narratives in the education process itself. Because the millennials rely heavily on digital technology, millennial education achieved through a pattern of technological determinism. An education system is a design in a teaching approach that adapts to learning styles and media technology so that it becomes more familiar and following the current culture. Digitizing the education system, as intended in Digital Narrative, will be in vain without a change in the mindset of all stakeholders in the education world. Therefore, in the millennial generation learning effort, the first step needed is to develop an educational system instrument, including learning strategies, which depart from the digital mindset. The next step is to integrate all these educational instruments into a technology-based education system. This article was prepared to discuss and criticize millennial education strategies with a digital narrative approach. The discussion was conducted qualitatively by referring to some theories and libraries.
Fifth Prasasti International Seminar on Linguistics (PRASASTI 2019), 2019
A tablet from the 6th century BC succeeded in revealing the giant six-level Ziggurat which became... more A tablet from the 6th century BC succeeded in revealing the giant six-level Ziggurat which became known as the Tower of Babel. According to the biblical text narrative in Genesis 11: 1-9, the construction of the Ziggurat was successful because the perpetrators were in one Babylonian language. If this theory is correct, then the concept of one language can be implemented in various lines of life so that all who are planned to succeed in its implementation with the involvement of all group members. To discuss, test these assumptions, and analyze the phenomenon of one language, research in the form of literature studies is carried out through this paper. The research aims to reveal the power of one language behind the success of the development, and at the same time, the irony of the destruction of the Babylonian Ziggurat. The Group Communication Theory and Critical Discourse are using analysis scissors. The results of the study show that one language can create unity and convergence for any purpose and design in a group or community. Even the unity of language builds internal filters within each person who is part of the community to distinguish good and bad information, which builds or breaks down positive or negative information because the unity of language plays a role in decision making and the formation of actions.
STA JEMBER, Aug 27, 2014
Tidak ada pilihan lain bagi seorang murid Kristus kecuali memikul salib dan titik terberat di dal... more Tidak ada pilihan lain bagi seorang murid Kristus kecuali memikul salib dan titik terberat di dalam usaha memikul salib itu adalah menghadapi aniaya yang berujung pada pengorbanan. Itu adalah sebuah harga tertinggi dari sebuah panggilan yang berhasil. Banyak murid gagal dan tidak tuntas karena tidak setia, gagal menyangkal diri dan tidak mau memikul salib. Penyangkalan diri dan memikul salib adalah sebuah harga yang harus di bayar . Memberitakan Injil sebagai murid Kristus bukanlah kesenangan duniawi. Tetapi menuntut harga yang harus dibayar melalui cara kita melepaskan diri dari kesenangan-kesenangan duniawi dan menyalibkan kedagingan. Harga yang harus dibayar dapat saja membuat kita kehilangan kebahagiaan; tetapi itulah yang telah menjadi standar Tuhan. Apakah itu standar yang terlalu tinggi bagi kita sehingga sulit mencapainya? Bukan persoalan itu! Masalah yang sebenarnya adalah kerelaan kita memenuhi tuntutan Tuhan, untuk melepaskan semua hal, demi mengikuti-Nya
There is no other choice for a disciple of Christ except to carry the cross and the hardest point in the attempt to carry the cross is to face persecution which leads to sacrifice. That is the highest price of a successful call. Many students failed and were incomplete because they were not loyal, failed to deny themselves and did not want to carry the cross. Self-denial and carrying a cross is a price that must be paid. Preaching the gospel as disciples of Christ is not worldly pleasure. But it requires the price to be paid through the way we break away from worldly pleasures and crucify the flesh. The price paid can only make us lose happiness; but that has become the standard of God. Is that a standard that is too high for us so it is difficult to achieve it? Not that problem! The real problem is our willingness to fulfill God's demands, to let go of all things, in order to follow Him