serenity_images - Profile (original) (raw)

on 24 November 2003 (#1484402)

This is a community for posting your photographs. All photographs posted here are the property of the individual posting them. Please refrain from reproducing any images contained in this journal.

35mm, 35mm slr, alternative processes, angles, animal photography, animals, aperture, architectural photography, art, artists, b&w photography, black and white, black and white photography, brightness, cameras, cams, canon, collages, color, color theory, colour, colour photography, communities, composition, contrast, coolpix, coolpix 990, coolpix 995, coolpix cameras, creativity, darkroom, depth of field, diana, diana camera, digital, digital cameras, digital darkroom, digital photography, dof, f-stop, film, filters, flash cards, flashes, fotografia, fuji, galleries, gallery, halftones, hand-colored photography, histograms, holga, image, image making, images, journalism, journals, junk camera, kodak, landscapes, large format, large format photograpy, lens, lenses, light, lighting, lomo, lomo lc-a, lomo photography, lomography, macro, macro photography, macros, making art, medium format, medium format cameras, medium format photography, megapixels, minolta, motion photography, nature photography, negatives, nikon, nikon d100, novelty camera, olympus, panoramas, perspective, photo, photo art, photo communities, photo websites, photograph, photographers, photographic, photographs, photography, photography books, photography news, photography reviews, photojournalism, photolog, photos, photoshop, pics, picture, picture sharing, pictures, portfolio, portraits, portraiture, printing, prints, reflectors, resolution, saturation, say cheese, scanners, self portraits, self portraiture, skyscapes, slr, snapshots, street photography, strobes, taking photos., texture, toy camera, toy cameras, tripods, vintage camera, vintage cameras, vistas, visual art, waterscapes, zoom
