Laszlo Cseresnyesi | Shikoku Gakuin University (original) (raw)
Papers by Laszlo Cseresnyesi
Studies in Language, 1997
Tinta Könyvkiadó eBooks, 2004
Language Sciences, 1992
The book is the second volume in the IREX linguistics program between the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sci... more The book is the second volume in the IREX linguistics program between the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences and the American Council of Learned Societies. The first volume, Language Typofogy 1985, was published by Benjamins in 1986 (ed. W. P. Lehmann). The volume to be reviewed now, Language Typofogy 1987, contains 13 articles centering around the problem of area1 and typological factors interacting in the historical change of languages. In the review, I will follow the order of articles in the book.
Folia Linguistica, 1996
Apres avoir donne plus de details sur la classification des situations en types non-perfectif (ac... more Apres avoir donne plus de details sur la classification des situations en types non-perfectif (activite, etat) vs perfectif (accompli, realisation, semelfactif), l'A. se concentre sur la categorie de l'accompli proposee par Vendler et sur la maniere dont les verbes d'activite japonais se transforment en perfectif. Il discute ensuite des nuances fonctionnelles des principaux co-verbes terminatifs et conlut par une breve analyse de l'interaction de la forme progressive (-te iru) avec le type aspectuel interne au verbe
Diachronica, 1990
This collection of thirteen papers from the Soviet-American Linguistic Typology Symposium held in... more This collection of thirteen papers from the Soviet-American Linguistic Typology Symposium held in Berkeley in December 1987 is devoted to a range of problems in the general area of relations between typology and historical linguistics. Reviewing a collection of papers is usually problematic, since the reviewer either mentions each contribution equally and inadequately or concentrates on a few contributions and thus fails to do justice to the balance of the volume. I will adopt a middle course, giving at least a summary of each contribution as a guide to potentially interested readers and concentrating on those papers that seemed to me to present particularly important and innovative ideas. The scene for the thematic organization of the volume around diachronic typology is set by Viktoria N. Yartseva's introductory article on "General and Specific Tendencies in Historical Change of Language Type" (1-16). Robert Austerlitz, "Typology in the Service of Internal Reconstruction: Saxalin Nivx" (17-33), takes the complex and areally unusual consonant inventory and phonotactics of the Saxalin dialect of Nivx (Gilyak) and shows how internal reconstruction suggests its historical development from a simpler system more similar to those of other languages in the area (e.g., Japanese, Ainu, Tungusic languages). In areal typology much effort has been devoted to showing how languages are influenced typologically by their neighbors. Austerlitz's paper is a valuable reminder that it is also possible for a language to undergo internal changes from an areally typical to an areally atypical system. His conclusions are valuable in reconstructing prehistorical areal relations among the languages of northeastern Asia. Alan Timberlake, "Typology and Phonological History" (35-56), shows how insight can be gained into a number of problems in historical phonology (e.g., the Slavic Palatalizations, velar series in Proto-Indo-European, Verner's Law) by considering not so much typological parallels of synchronic systems,
Folia Linguistica Acta Societatis Linguisticae Europaeae, 1996
Studies in Language, 1997
Journal of Sociolinguistics, 2005
Egy angol humorkutató írta egyszer, hogy a nyelvi humorról való tudományos értekezés olyan, mint ... more Egy angol humorkutató írta egyszer, hogy a nyelvi humorról való tudományos értekezés olyan, mint a béka élveboncolása: az ember gyomra kifordul tőle, a béka meg belehal. Ennek ellenére Platóntól Bergsonig értekezések százai taglalják ezt a témát: olykor megfeddve a sok felelőtlenül röhögő embert, akik hajlamosak elfeledni, hogy Jézus például soha nem nevetett — miként erre már Aranyszájú Szent János is rámutatott.
A nyelvi irónia a színlelő, azaz görögül az eirón játéka. Az eirón kijelent valamit, ami más, min... more A nyelvi irónia a színlelő, azaz görögül az eirón játéka. Az eirón kijelent valamit, ami más, mint ami a véleménye. Feltételezi ugyanis, hogy a hallgatóság úgyis tudni fogja, hogy mit is gondolt ő valójában. A hallgatóság pedig (szerencsés esetben) felfogja, hogy a beszélőnek nem állhatott szándékában hazudni, de azért nem is gondolhatta komolyan azt, amit mondott — tehát nyilván ironizált.
Man is a changeable beast.* (D. H. Lawrence) 1 URL: De Reg... more Man is a changeable beast.* (D. H. Lawrence) 1 URL: De Regimine Principum 4.14.136 és Szt. Ágoston De ordine 2.4. 2 Vpon the fifth day of November, | Christ's colledge lost a privie member: | Cupid and death did both their arrowes nicke, | Cupid shot short, but death did hit the pricke.
Studies in Language, 1997
Tinta Könyvkiadó eBooks, 2004
Language Sciences, 1992
The book is the second volume in the IREX linguistics program between the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sci... more The book is the second volume in the IREX linguistics program between the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences and the American Council of Learned Societies. The first volume, Language Typofogy 1985, was published by Benjamins in 1986 (ed. W. P. Lehmann). The volume to be reviewed now, Language Typofogy 1987, contains 13 articles centering around the problem of area1 and typological factors interacting in the historical change of languages. In the review, I will follow the order of articles in the book.
Folia Linguistica, 1996
Apres avoir donne plus de details sur la classification des situations en types non-perfectif (ac... more Apres avoir donne plus de details sur la classification des situations en types non-perfectif (activite, etat) vs perfectif (accompli, realisation, semelfactif), l'A. se concentre sur la categorie de l'accompli proposee par Vendler et sur la maniere dont les verbes d'activite japonais se transforment en perfectif. Il discute ensuite des nuances fonctionnelles des principaux co-verbes terminatifs et conlut par une breve analyse de l'interaction de la forme progressive (-te iru) avec le type aspectuel interne au verbe
Diachronica, 1990
This collection of thirteen papers from the Soviet-American Linguistic Typology Symposium held in... more This collection of thirteen papers from the Soviet-American Linguistic Typology Symposium held in Berkeley in December 1987 is devoted to a range of problems in the general area of relations between typology and historical linguistics. Reviewing a collection of papers is usually problematic, since the reviewer either mentions each contribution equally and inadequately or concentrates on a few contributions and thus fails to do justice to the balance of the volume. I will adopt a middle course, giving at least a summary of each contribution as a guide to potentially interested readers and concentrating on those papers that seemed to me to present particularly important and innovative ideas. The scene for the thematic organization of the volume around diachronic typology is set by Viktoria N. Yartseva's introductory article on "General and Specific Tendencies in Historical Change of Language Type" (1-16). Robert Austerlitz, "Typology in the Service of Internal Reconstruction: Saxalin Nivx" (17-33), takes the complex and areally unusual consonant inventory and phonotactics of the Saxalin dialect of Nivx (Gilyak) and shows how internal reconstruction suggests its historical development from a simpler system more similar to those of other languages in the area (e.g., Japanese, Ainu, Tungusic languages). In areal typology much effort has been devoted to showing how languages are influenced typologically by their neighbors. Austerlitz's paper is a valuable reminder that it is also possible for a language to undergo internal changes from an areally typical to an areally atypical system. His conclusions are valuable in reconstructing prehistorical areal relations among the languages of northeastern Asia. Alan Timberlake, "Typology and Phonological History" (35-56), shows how insight can be gained into a number of problems in historical phonology (e.g., the Slavic Palatalizations, velar series in Proto-Indo-European, Verner's Law) by considering not so much typological parallels of synchronic systems,
Folia Linguistica Acta Societatis Linguisticae Europaeae, 1996
Studies in Language, 1997
Journal of Sociolinguistics, 2005
Egy angol humorkutató írta egyszer, hogy a nyelvi humorról való tudományos értekezés olyan, mint ... more Egy angol humorkutató írta egyszer, hogy a nyelvi humorról való tudományos értekezés olyan, mint a béka élveboncolása: az ember gyomra kifordul tőle, a béka meg belehal. Ennek ellenére Platóntól Bergsonig értekezések százai taglalják ezt a témát: olykor megfeddve a sok felelőtlenül röhögő embert, akik hajlamosak elfeledni, hogy Jézus például soha nem nevetett — miként erre már Aranyszájú Szent János is rámutatott.
A nyelvi irónia a színlelő, azaz görögül az eirón játéka. Az eirón kijelent valamit, ami más, min... more A nyelvi irónia a színlelő, azaz görögül az eirón játéka. Az eirón kijelent valamit, ami más, mint ami a véleménye. Feltételezi ugyanis, hogy a hallgatóság úgyis tudni fogja, hogy mit is gondolt ő valójában. A hallgatóság pedig (szerencsés esetben) felfogja, hogy a beszélőnek nem állhatott szándékában hazudni, de azért nem is gondolhatta komolyan azt, amit mondott — tehát nyilván ironizált.
Man is a changeable beast.* (D. H. Lawrence) 1 URL: De Reg... more Man is a changeable beast.* (D. H. Lawrence) 1 URL: De Regimine Principum 4.14.136 és Szt. Ágoston De ordine 2.4. 2 Vpon the fifth day of November, | Christ's colledge lost a privie member: | Cupid and death did both their arrowes nicke, | Cupid shot short, but death did hit the pricke.