shadowpryde - Profile (original) (raw)

on 11 April 2002 (#525335)

Aurora, Colorado, United States

I am who I am. This journal is a record of me figuring that out and the journey my life has taken me on for nearly a decade now.

I have been many things. I am many things still.

Intolerance is, ironically enough, not tolerated here. Take it elsewhere, please. Preferably someplace where it will not be fed and instead will grow old and whither from an overexposure to love and tolerance. This, however, is not that place.

I will move forward. One step at a time. I get out of bed every morning and am thankful for the people still in my life. I go to bed every night, thankful they are still safe. Someday, I will be able to grant more than those simple prayers and offerings, for now, they suffice.

I believe in the right to marry for all. Someday, I hope to be granted that right ... I am very tired of crying for those who are as committed as my parents were (who only death could part asunder after 13+ years) and cannot participate in the legal aspects of marriage. I truly believe that a spiritual marriage can be chosen by all without having to wait for the government to get their act together ... but the rights are just as important as the spirit.

If you are at all interested, the spiritual path I follow is amethyst flavored Paganism. The link is the only one out there on amethysm, but there are thousands of links about Paganism ... what you need know about me regarding that can only be found by opening a conversation with me when I feel comfortable answering your questions.

| | | | | | | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | Slytherin is heartachy love. | | | | | |

I am fannish ... my particular flavors vary but taste overwhelmingly of Harry Potter, Stargate: SG-1, Supernatural, and Buffy: the Vampire Slayer. I used to actively participate in the first of this list, but my activity has scaled back significantly over the years. (Now, if only I could get my reading habits to follow suit.)

My fanfiction can be found here in my memories. Enjoy!

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Lastly, the


only theme: Harry/Draco fanart. Artist credit and instructions for using the theme can be found here in shaggirl's journal.

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