Velka A . Popova | Shumen University (original) (raw)
books by Velka A . Popova
The concise dictionary of associations in child language presents material which is unique in Bul... more The concise dictionary of associations in child language presents material which is unique in Bulgarian psycholinguistics. It contains word associations elicited from monolingual Bulgarian children whose native language is Bulgarian, before they could read or write. The published associations are derived as a result of a free associative experiment conducted in the period 1991–1997. The experiment was carried out with 100 children aged between 5 and 6 years old, 51 of which boys, and 49 girls.
Юбилеен сборник, посветен на 50-годищнината на Катедрата по български език на Шуменския университ... more Юбилеен сборник, посветен на 50-годищнината на Катедрата по български език на Шуменския университет "Епископ Константин Преславски" и на 90-годишнината на проф. Тодор Бояджиев
This book is the first ever Bulgarian study of language ontogenesis in a cognitive framework. Its... more This book is the first ever Bulgarian study of language ontogenesis in a cognitive framework. Its object is the syntactic competence of Bulgarian children in the age bracket 0-6. The theoretical construct syntactic competence is operationalised through ample empirical material (longitudinal data from four children and experimental data from two hundred children). A unique material for the Bulgarian linguistics is the vocabulary of children’s associations. The findings demonstrate the psychological reality of syntactic model which is related to two basic levels of linguistic competence in the pre-writing period. The first level is reached by around age three, and second level - by around age six. The main line of development is determined by the growing role of grammatical structures in the recognition and retention of information.
Монографията е посветена на корпусния и експерименталния подход в изследването на детската реч. Т... more Монографията е посветена на корпусния и експерименталния подход в изследването на детската реч. Те са интерпретирани в план на взаимно допъл-ване, а предимствата им са представени по примера на някои съвременни добре работещи изследователски методики и платформи, а именно методиката на сво-бодния асоциативен експеримент и платформите CHILDES и TalkBank. Вклю-чените приложни изследвания са своеобразна демонстрация на оптималните възможностите, които те предоставят както за самата проучвателска дейност, така и за разгръщане на авторовите идеите.
В монографията е отбелязана несъмнената ползата и широката прило-жимост на корпусния подход в изучаването на детския език. Същевременно оба-че се застъпва тезата, че той в никакъв случай не е самодостатъчен за създа-ването на пълноценна и адекватна представа за езиковата онтогенеза, тъй като съществуват дълбинни феномени, които не са “записани” в наблюдаемите по-върхнинни структури. Когнитивната доминанта в реалистичното представяне на живото реално дете, а не на някаква негова схематична сянка, предполага широ-кото приложение и на експерименталния подход в изучаването на неговата реч. Като се отчитат възрастовите особености на децата, в тази работа е предпочено той да бъде представен главно чрез методиката на свободния асоциативен експеримент, който е сред най-популярните преки (ОNLINE) методики, при които регистрируемите изменения непосредствено показват изследвания феномен.
Монографията представлява интерес за всички, които се интересуват от проблемите на езиковата онтогенеза: психолингвисти, психолози, логопеди, педагози и др.
Монографията тематизира проблеми, свързани с една от ключовите езикови категории, а именно модалн... more Монографията тематизира проблеми, свързани с една от ключовите езикови категории, а именно модалността, определяна от швейцарския изследовател Шарл Баи като „душата на изречението”. В предложеното изследване се проследяват най-ранните стъпки в процеса на усвояването й от българските деца, като по-конкретно във фокус попада събитийната модалност. Анализите на емпиричния материал са осъществени в парадигмата на когнитивно-функционалния, базиран на употребата и конструктивизма, подход, според който в езиковата онтогенеза определяща е способността за научаване на граматичните знания от входа, а не вродените знания. Във връзка с това в работата е представен минимализиран вариант на българската модална система, екстраполиран в речта на възрастните към децата, и в този контекст впоследствие е представено постепенното овладяване на модалните средства от две български деца на базата на проведено корпусно изследване.
Предлаганата работа има интердисциплинарен характер. Тя е предназначена за специалисти от областта на лингвистиката, психолингвистиката, когнитивната лингвистика, компютърната лингвистика, корпусната лингвистика, психологията, педагогиката, дефектологията и за всички, които се интересуват от проблемите на ранното детство и на моделирането на езиковата онтогенеза.
The study deals with the early ontogenesis of Bulgarian grammar (with an emphasis on verb morphol... more The study deals with the early ontogenesis of Bulgarian grammar (with an emphasis on verb morphology). It is within the framework of contemporary international cross-linguistic projects dedicated to the problems of acquiring a first language (L1). The interpretation of this issue is realised in the theoretical and the conceptual paradigm of natural morphology theory. As regards the operationalisation of theoretical constructs and the testing of hypotheses about the grammatical development enormous empirical data (33 hours of audio recordings /digitalized and stored in 32 *.wav files/ and 355 pages of transcripts) have been used. The corpus consisting of the utterance data of four Bulgarian children (Stephanie, Alexandra, Ivelin and Bogomila) has been organised in two modules: basic corpuses (the data of systematic continuous recordings of two of the children Stephanie and Alexandra) and additional corpuses (the data of insufficient continuous non-systematic recordings of the other two children Ivelin and Bogomila). The statistical processing of these data was conducted with the help of the specialised computer programs from the CLAN package of the CHILDES system.
An attempt has been made for outlining the issues related to the basic tendencies of the early ontogenesis of Bulgarian morphology with an emphasis on the problem of the beginning of the actual grammar acquisition in ontogenesis. The data analysis showed that contrastive forms appear as early as the pre-morphological period but because of the fact that they are learned by heart at this early stage one cannot expect for any acquisition of grammatical categories to be realised. Rather, one of those early-stage forms can be associated with a conglomerate of categories, which turn out to be indiscrete. Thus, it is expected that the beginning of grammar acquisition will take place not earlier than the child’s construction of forms. That is why the attention in the present study has been focused mainly on tendencies characterising the transition from the mechanical learning of separate words and phrases to the forms of productive morphology which in turn defines the basic idea of early grammar ontogenesis. The analysis of the longitudinal data shows that there is a transitional phase on the border between pre- and proto-morphology where the tendency of learning by analogy is clearly defined.
The pre- and proto-morphology model has already been approbated on a number of languages from various language families. The present study proves the psychological reality of the hypothesis about the early acquisition of languages with a rich morphological system and with a high degree of naturalness. This is confirmed by the data about the acquisition of Bulgarian as a rich flectional-fusional type of language. Thus, in the process of the empirical verification of the model on the Bulgarian data corpuses the following regularities can be observed: 1) Bulgarian children express a sense towards the specificity of the acquired language at a very early stage (the presence of a number of inflectional verb forms in the pre-morphology phase, as well as the presence of analytical formations as early as the transitional phase come to prove the above-mentioned fact): 2) Bulgarian children find out the morphological models at a very early stage (a proof of that statement is the fact that the introduction to the proto-morphological phase is fulfilled before they are 2 years old as for the formal dominant children and a little after that age for the pragmatically dominant children); 3) a very small number of mistakes are registered at the early stages of the acquisition of the Bulgarian verb.
As a conclusion, it can be stated that the deviations in ontogenesis are not random. They are rather a reflection of the natural tendencies acting in the language system. This fact certifies the great importance of the investigations on child’s speech for storing of external proof in solving the problems of the degree of naturalness of languages and modeling of language ontogenesis.
Papers by Velka A . Popova
Попова, Велка. Колекция с българска детска реч в термините на корпусната лингвистика. Български език, Приложение / Bulgarian Language, Supplement, 71 (2024), 328–346, 2024
Предлаганата работа е фокусирана върху възможностите за приложение на корпусната лингвистика при ... more Предлаганата работа е фокусирана върху възможностите за приложение на корпусната лингвистика при изследване на речевата интеракция дете-възрастен, като по-специално вниманието е насочено към автоматизираната компютризирана система за обмен на езикови данни CHILDES, предоставена за свободен достъп в интернет- Основна цел на доклада е да се представи първият български компютърен корпус Bulgarian LabLing Corpus ( LabLing.html), в който лингвистичните ресурси са транскрибирани и анотирани в термините на тази платформа, като при това се прави опит да се откроят ползите от нея. Те намират израз в това, че CHILDES осигурява условия за по-голяма прецизност при събирането, транскрибирането и кодирането на данните, а също така и в автоматизирането на анализа на големи масиви разговорен материал. Това разширява значително емпиричната база, върху която се строят новите теории.
The article presents the 45-year history of the Department of Bulgarian Language at Shumen Univer... more The article presents the 45-year history of the Department of Bulgarian Language at Shumen University.
Кръгла маса „Българистиката в съвременния свят – предизвикателства и възможности“. – Българистика / Bulgarica. 2022, кн. 45, 102–106., 2022
This paper presents the hybrid round table on Bulgarian Studies in the Modern World – Challenges ... more This paper presents the hybrid round table on Bulgarian Studies in the Modern World – Challenges and Opportunities held at the University of Shumen on 12 November 2022 under the National Scientific Programme Development and Promotion of Bulgarian Studies Abroad.
Дзяло, год. X, 2022, брой XXIV , 2022
This paper presents the hybrid round table on Bulgarian Studies in the Modern World-Challenges an... more This paper presents the hybrid round table on Bulgarian Studies in the Modern World-Challenges and Opportunities held at the University of Shumen on 12 November 2022 under the National Scientific Programme Development and Promotion of Bulgarian Studies Abroad. Participants from 13 countries discussed the problems of Bulgarian studies in the modern world and shared their experiences and ideas.
– Linguistics and children development. LINKOM Studies in Language Acquisition and Bilingualism. Volume 4 (Series Editor Hristo Kyuchukov). Munich: LINCOM, 2022 GmbH. 250pp , 2022
The present article focuses on the lexical means of conceptualisation of the category of time by ... more The present article focuses on the lexical means of conceptualisation of the category of time by Bulgarian pre-school children. The empirical data about this process are obtained through a specially designed psychological experiment with 90 children in the age range of 3 to 6 years old, and recordings of spontaneous speech produced by 5 Bulgarian children. In addition, the study is based on the analysis of free verbal associations of the words morning and night made by 100 5/6-year-old children, which sheds more light on the intuition-based model of the time category in Bulgarian pre-school children’s language (see Dictionary of Associations in (Popova, 2000: 106-117)). The analyzed data show the diffuse character of children’s perception of time which is still amorphous and in this respect is quite distant from the intuitive model of a naïve adult native speaker.
Linguistics and children development. LINKOM Studies in Language Acquisition and Bilingualism. (Series Editor Hristo Kyuchukov), 2022
The present article focuses on the lexical means of conceptualisation of the category of time by ... more The present article focuses on the lexical means of conceptualisation of the category of time by Bulgarian pre-school children. The empirical data about this process are obtained through a specially designed psychological experiment with 90 children in the age range of 3 to 6 years old, and recordings of spontaneous speech produced by 5 Bulgarian children. In addition, the study is based on the analysis of free verbal associations of the words morning and night made by 100 5/6-year-old children, which sheds more light on the intuition-based model of the time category in Bulgarian pre-school children’s language (see Dictionary of Associations in (Popova, 2000: 106-117)). The analyzed data show the diffuse character of children’s perception of time which is still amorphous and in this respect is quite distant from the intuitive model of a naïve adult native speaker.
Попова, В., Попов, Д., Железов, С., Кордов, К. LABLASS – уеб-базирана система за проучване на словесните асоциации – Доклади от Международната годишна конференция на Института за български език „Проф. Любомир Андрейчин“, 2022
The article discusses the features of LABLASS – the first Bulgarian web-based system, and its hum... more The article discusses the features of LABLASS – the first Bulgarian web-based system, and its humble contribution to the field of associative lexicography. The system, which is used for research on verbal associations, makes use of some of the most common technologies – MySQL Database, PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS. The article offers a schematic presentation of the LABLASS model, its main modules, and the users’ options for working with it. There is also a graphic representation of its interface. At this stage of its development, only a pilot version of the LABLASS system is available to users, and it is periodically updated. However, its technical capabilities are not limited to the inclusion of ready-made lexicographical sources, but also allow for the creation of new dictionaries, and visualization and comparison of data from different dictionaries. As an example, a brief preview of the collections of associative data entered in LABLASS is provided.
Ziel der Untersuchung ist der Erwerb von aspektuellen Markierungen im Bulgarischen. Da Bulgarisch... more Ziel der Untersuchung ist der Erwerb von aspektuellen Markierungen im Bulgarischen. Da Bulgarisch über ein nominales Artikelsystem und über eine verbale Aspektkategorie verfügt, liefert es eine ausgezeichnete Gelegenheit, die Verwendung von nominalen und verbalen Aspektmarkierungen im frühen Spracherwerb aufzuzeigen. Der Artikel präsentiert die Daten aus einer Langzeitstudie und einer experimentellen Testreihe. Die Ergebnisse belegen, dass die bulgarischen Kinder am Anfang vom Prinzip der Aspektkomposition Gebrauch machen. Aspektuell unmarkierte Verben werden durch definite Objekte ergänzt, um begrenzte Handlungen auszudrücken. Der schnelle Erwerb der Aspektmorphologie verschiebt die Gewichtung im Satz von den nominalen zu den verbalen Aspektmarkern. Im Alter von zweieinhalb Jahren beherrschen die bulgarischen Kinder die sprachspezifische syntaktische Anforderung, dass perfektiv markierte Prädikate quantitativ definite Argumente verlangen.
The current article focuses on the miniscule Bulgarian trace in worldwide associative lexicograph... more The current article focuses on the miniscule Bulgarian trace in worldwide associative lexicography. The three published Bulgarian associative dictionaries are represented in the terms of LABLASS, the first Bulgarian web-based system, whose development is ensured within the working program of the ClaDa-BG project. At present, users have access to the pilot version of the system, which is periodically updated. Its functionalities are not limited to the inclusion of existing lexicographic sources but are quite broader, and include the creation of new dictionaries, the visualization and juxtaposition if data from different sources.
The present article focuses on the lexical conceptualisation of TIME in the Bulgarian language ac... more The present article focuses on the lexical conceptualisation of TIME in the Bulgarian language acquisition. The empirical basis of the study includes data from a psycholinguistic experiment, observation of spontaneous speech and free verbal associations of Bulgarian preschool children. The analyzed data show the diffuse character of children’s perception of time which is still amorphous and in this respect is quite distant from the intuitive model of a naïve adult native speaker.
WORT UND GRAMMATIK. Festschrift für Pavel Petkov anlasslich seiner Emeritierung. , 2003
Vorliegender Artikel stellt einen ersten Versuch dar, die Probleme der kindersprachlichen Morpho... more Vorliegender Artikel stellt einen ersten Versuch dar, die Probleme der kindersprachlichen Morphologie des Bulgarischen in den Begriffen der natürlichen Morphologie zu interpretieren.
Тенденции и процеси в българския език , 2004
The Article studies the early language development of six Bulgarian-speaking children.The prese... more The Article studies the early language development of six Bulgarian-speaking children.The present study makes an attempt for outlining the tendencies in the transition from the mechanical learning of separate words and forms to the productive morphology in the Bulgarian grammar ontogenesis.
This Research is based on naturalness theory (the model of Natural Morphology). The longitudinal data corpus has been processed by CLAN - a programme package of the CHILDES system.
The concise dictionary of associations in child language presents material which is unique in Bul... more The concise dictionary of associations in child language presents material which is unique in Bulgarian psycholinguistics. It contains word associations elicited from monolingual Bulgarian children whose native language is Bulgarian, before they could read or write. The published associations are derived as a result of a free associative experiment conducted in the period 1991–1997. The experiment was carried out with 100 children aged between 5 and 6 years old, 51 of which boys, and 49 girls.
Юбилеен сборник, посветен на 50-годищнината на Катедрата по български език на Шуменския университ... more Юбилеен сборник, посветен на 50-годищнината на Катедрата по български език на Шуменския университет "Епископ Константин Преславски" и на 90-годишнината на проф. Тодор Бояджиев
This book is the first ever Bulgarian study of language ontogenesis in a cognitive framework. Its... more This book is the first ever Bulgarian study of language ontogenesis in a cognitive framework. Its object is the syntactic competence of Bulgarian children in the age bracket 0-6. The theoretical construct syntactic competence is operationalised through ample empirical material (longitudinal data from four children and experimental data from two hundred children). A unique material for the Bulgarian linguistics is the vocabulary of children’s associations. The findings demonstrate the psychological reality of syntactic model which is related to two basic levels of linguistic competence in the pre-writing period. The first level is reached by around age three, and second level - by around age six. The main line of development is determined by the growing role of grammatical structures in the recognition and retention of information.
Монографията е посветена на корпусния и експерименталния подход в изследването на детската реч. Т... more Монографията е посветена на корпусния и експерименталния подход в изследването на детската реч. Те са интерпретирани в план на взаимно допъл-ване, а предимствата им са представени по примера на някои съвременни добре работещи изследователски методики и платформи, а именно методиката на сво-бодния асоциативен експеримент и платформите CHILDES и TalkBank. Вклю-чените приложни изследвания са своеобразна демонстрация на оптималните възможностите, които те предоставят както за самата проучвателска дейност, така и за разгръщане на авторовите идеите.
В монографията е отбелязана несъмнената ползата и широката прило-жимост на корпусния подход в изучаването на детския език. Същевременно оба-че се застъпва тезата, че той в никакъв случай не е самодостатъчен за създа-ването на пълноценна и адекватна представа за езиковата онтогенеза, тъй като съществуват дълбинни феномени, които не са “записани” в наблюдаемите по-върхнинни структури. Когнитивната доминанта в реалистичното представяне на живото реално дете, а не на някаква негова схематична сянка, предполага широ-кото приложение и на експерименталния подход в изучаването на неговата реч. Като се отчитат възрастовите особености на децата, в тази работа е предпочено той да бъде представен главно чрез методиката на свободния асоциативен експеримент, който е сред най-популярните преки (ОNLINE) методики, при които регистрируемите изменения непосредствено показват изследвания феномен.
Монографията представлява интерес за всички, които се интересуват от проблемите на езиковата онтогенеза: психолингвисти, психолози, логопеди, педагози и др.
Монографията тематизира проблеми, свързани с една от ключовите езикови категории, а именно модалн... more Монографията тематизира проблеми, свързани с една от ключовите езикови категории, а именно модалността, определяна от швейцарския изследовател Шарл Баи като „душата на изречението”. В предложеното изследване се проследяват най-ранните стъпки в процеса на усвояването й от българските деца, като по-конкретно във фокус попада събитийната модалност. Анализите на емпиричния материал са осъществени в парадигмата на когнитивно-функционалния, базиран на употребата и конструктивизма, подход, според който в езиковата онтогенеза определяща е способността за научаване на граматичните знания от входа, а не вродените знания. Във връзка с това в работата е представен минимализиран вариант на българската модална система, екстраполиран в речта на възрастните към децата, и в този контекст впоследствие е представено постепенното овладяване на модалните средства от две български деца на базата на проведено корпусно изследване.
Предлаганата работа има интердисциплинарен характер. Тя е предназначена за специалисти от областта на лингвистиката, психолингвистиката, когнитивната лингвистика, компютърната лингвистика, корпусната лингвистика, психологията, педагогиката, дефектологията и за всички, които се интересуват от проблемите на ранното детство и на моделирането на езиковата онтогенеза.
The study deals with the early ontogenesis of Bulgarian grammar (with an emphasis on verb morphol... more The study deals with the early ontogenesis of Bulgarian grammar (with an emphasis on verb morphology). It is within the framework of contemporary international cross-linguistic projects dedicated to the problems of acquiring a first language (L1). The interpretation of this issue is realised in the theoretical and the conceptual paradigm of natural morphology theory. As regards the operationalisation of theoretical constructs and the testing of hypotheses about the grammatical development enormous empirical data (33 hours of audio recordings /digitalized and stored in 32 *.wav files/ and 355 pages of transcripts) have been used. The corpus consisting of the utterance data of four Bulgarian children (Stephanie, Alexandra, Ivelin and Bogomila) has been organised in two modules: basic corpuses (the data of systematic continuous recordings of two of the children Stephanie and Alexandra) and additional corpuses (the data of insufficient continuous non-systematic recordings of the other two children Ivelin and Bogomila). The statistical processing of these data was conducted with the help of the specialised computer programs from the CLAN package of the CHILDES system.
An attempt has been made for outlining the issues related to the basic tendencies of the early ontogenesis of Bulgarian morphology with an emphasis on the problem of the beginning of the actual grammar acquisition in ontogenesis. The data analysis showed that contrastive forms appear as early as the pre-morphological period but because of the fact that they are learned by heart at this early stage one cannot expect for any acquisition of grammatical categories to be realised. Rather, one of those early-stage forms can be associated with a conglomerate of categories, which turn out to be indiscrete. Thus, it is expected that the beginning of grammar acquisition will take place not earlier than the child’s construction of forms. That is why the attention in the present study has been focused mainly on tendencies characterising the transition from the mechanical learning of separate words and phrases to the forms of productive morphology which in turn defines the basic idea of early grammar ontogenesis. The analysis of the longitudinal data shows that there is a transitional phase on the border between pre- and proto-morphology where the tendency of learning by analogy is clearly defined.
The pre- and proto-morphology model has already been approbated on a number of languages from various language families. The present study proves the psychological reality of the hypothesis about the early acquisition of languages with a rich morphological system and with a high degree of naturalness. This is confirmed by the data about the acquisition of Bulgarian as a rich flectional-fusional type of language. Thus, in the process of the empirical verification of the model on the Bulgarian data corpuses the following regularities can be observed: 1) Bulgarian children express a sense towards the specificity of the acquired language at a very early stage (the presence of a number of inflectional verb forms in the pre-morphology phase, as well as the presence of analytical formations as early as the transitional phase come to prove the above-mentioned fact): 2) Bulgarian children find out the morphological models at a very early stage (a proof of that statement is the fact that the introduction to the proto-morphological phase is fulfilled before they are 2 years old as for the formal dominant children and a little after that age for the pragmatically dominant children); 3) a very small number of mistakes are registered at the early stages of the acquisition of the Bulgarian verb.
As a conclusion, it can be stated that the deviations in ontogenesis are not random. They are rather a reflection of the natural tendencies acting in the language system. This fact certifies the great importance of the investigations on child’s speech for storing of external proof in solving the problems of the degree of naturalness of languages and modeling of language ontogenesis.
Попова, Велка. Колекция с българска детска реч в термините на корпусната лингвистика. Български език, Приложение / Bulgarian Language, Supplement, 71 (2024), 328–346, 2024
Предлаганата работа е фокусирана върху възможностите за приложение на корпусната лингвистика при ... more Предлаганата работа е фокусирана върху възможностите за приложение на корпусната лингвистика при изследване на речевата интеракция дете-възрастен, като по-специално вниманието е насочено към автоматизираната компютризирана система за обмен на езикови данни CHILDES, предоставена за свободен достъп в интернет- Основна цел на доклада е да се представи първият български компютърен корпус Bulgarian LabLing Corpus ( LabLing.html), в който лингвистичните ресурси са транскрибирани и анотирани в термините на тази платформа, като при това се прави опит да се откроят ползите от нея. Те намират израз в това, че CHILDES осигурява условия за по-голяма прецизност при събирането, транскрибирането и кодирането на данните, а също така и в автоматизирането на анализа на големи масиви разговорен материал. Това разширява значително емпиричната база, върху която се строят новите теории.
The article presents the 45-year history of the Department of Bulgarian Language at Shumen Univer... more The article presents the 45-year history of the Department of Bulgarian Language at Shumen University.
Кръгла маса „Българистиката в съвременния свят – предизвикателства и възможности“. – Българистика / Bulgarica. 2022, кн. 45, 102–106., 2022
This paper presents the hybrid round table on Bulgarian Studies in the Modern World – Challenges ... more This paper presents the hybrid round table on Bulgarian Studies in the Modern World – Challenges and Opportunities held at the University of Shumen on 12 November 2022 under the National Scientific Programme Development and Promotion of Bulgarian Studies Abroad.
Дзяло, год. X, 2022, брой XXIV , 2022
This paper presents the hybrid round table on Bulgarian Studies in the Modern World-Challenges an... more This paper presents the hybrid round table on Bulgarian Studies in the Modern World-Challenges and Opportunities held at the University of Shumen on 12 November 2022 under the National Scientific Programme Development and Promotion of Bulgarian Studies Abroad. Participants from 13 countries discussed the problems of Bulgarian studies in the modern world and shared their experiences and ideas.
– Linguistics and children development. LINKOM Studies in Language Acquisition and Bilingualism. Volume 4 (Series Editor Hristo Kyuchukov). Munich: LINCOM, 2022 GmbH. 250pp , 2022
The present article focuses on the lexical means of conceptualisation of the category of time by ... more The present article focuses on the lexical means of conceptualisation of the category of time by Bulgarian pre-school children. The empirical data about this process are obtained through a specially designed psychological experiment with 90 children in the age range of 3 to 6 years old, and recordings of spontaneous speech produced by 5 Bulgarian children. In addition, the study is based on the analysis of free verbal associations of the words morning and night made by 100 5/6-year-old children, which sheds more light on the intuition-based model of the time category in Bulgarian pre-school children’s language (see Dictionary of Associations in (Popova, 2000: 106-117)). The analyzed data show the diffuse character of children’s perception of time which is still amorphous and in this respect is quite distant from the intuitive model of a naïve adult native speaker.
Linguistics and children development. LINKOM Studies in Language Acquisition and Bilingualism. (Series Editor Hristo Kyuchukov), 2022
The present article focuses on the lexical means of conceptualisation of the category of time by ... more The present article focuses on the lexical means of conceptualisation of the category of time by Bulgarian pre-school children. The empirical data about this process are obtained through a specially designed psychological experiment with 90 children in the age range of 3 to 6 years old, and recordings of spontaneous speech produced by 5 Bulgarian children. In addition, the study is based on the analysis of free verbal associations of the words morning and night made by 100 5/6-year-old children, which sheds more light on the intuition-based model of the time category in Bulgarian pre-school children’s language (see Dictionary of Associations in (Popova, 2000: 106-117)). The analyzed data show the diffuse character of children’s perception of time which is still amorphous and in this respect is quite distant from the intuitive model of a naïve adult native speaker.
Попова, В., Попов, Д., Железов, С., Кордов, К. LABLASS – уеб-базирана система за проучване на словесните асоциации – Доклади от Международната годишна конференция на Института за български език „Проф. Любомир Андрейчин“, 2022
The article discusses the features of LABLASS – the first Bulgarian web-based system, and its hum... more The article discusses the features of LABLASS – the first Bulgarian web-based system, and its humble contribution to the field of associative lexicography. The system, which is used for research on verbal associations, makes use of some of the most common technologies – MySQL Database, PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS. The article offers a schematic presentation of the LABLASS model, its main modules, and the users’ options for working with it. There is also a graphic representation of its interface. At this stage of its development, only a pilot version of the LABLASS system is available to users, and it is periodically updated. However, its technical capabilities are not limited to the inclusion of ready-made lexicographical sources, but also allow for the creation of new dictionaries, and visualization and comparison of data from different dictionaries. As an example, a brief preview of the collections of associative data entered in LABLASS is provided.
Ziel der Untersuchung ist der Erwerb von aspektuellen Markierungen im Bulgarischen. Da Bulgarisch... more Ziel der Untersuchung ist der Erwerb von aspektuellen Markierungen im Bulgarischen. Da Bulgarisch über ein nominales Artikelsystem und über eine verbale Aspektkategorie verfügt, liefert es eine ausgezeichnete Gelegenheit, die Verwendung von nominalen und verbalen Aspektmarkierungen im frühen Spracherwerb aufzuzeigen. Der Artikel präsentiert die Daten aus einer Langzeitstudie und einer experimentellen Testreihe. Die Ergebnisse belegen, dass die bulgarischen Kinder am Anfang vom Prinzip der Aspektkomposition Gebrauch machen. Aspektuell unmarkierte Verben werden durch definite Objekte ergänzt, um begrenzte Handlungen auszudrücken. Der schnelle Erwerb der Aspektmorphologie verschiebt die Gewichtung im Satz von den nominalen zu den verbalen Aspektmarkern. Im Alter von zweieinhalb Jahren beherrschen die bulgarischen Kinder die sprachspezifische syntaktische Anforderung, dass perfektiv markierte Prädikate quantitativ definite Argumente verlangen.
The current article focuses on the miniscule Bulgarian trace in worldwide associative lexicograph... more The current article focuses on the miniscule Bulgarian trace in worldwide associative lexicography. The three published Bulgarian associative dictionaries are represented in the terms of LABLASS, the first Bulgarian web-based system, whose development is ensured within the working program of the ClaDa-BG project. At present, users have access to the pilot version of the system, which is periodically updated. Its functionalities are not limited to the inclusion of existing lexicographic sources but are quite broader, and include the creation of new dictionaries, the visualization and juxtaposition if data from different sources.
The present article focuses on the lexical conceptualisation of TIME in the Bulgarian language ac... more The present article focuses on the lexical conceptualisation of TIME in the Bulgarian language acquisition. The empirical basis of the study includes data from a psycholinguistic experiment, observation of spontaneous speech and free verbal associations of Bulgarian preschool children. The analyzed data show the diffuse character of children’s perception of time which is still amorphous and in this respect is quite distant from the intuitive model of a naïve adult native speaker.
WORT UND GRAMMATIK. Festschrift für Pavel Petkov anlasslich seiner Emeritierung. , 2003
Vorliegender Artikel stellt einen ersten Versuch dar, die Probleme der kindersprachlichen Morpho... more Vorliegender Artikel stellt einen ersten Versuch dar, die Probleme der kindersprachlichen Morphologie des Bulgarischen in den Begriffen der natürlichen Morphologie zu interpretieren.
Тенденции и процеси в българския език , 2004
The Article studies the early language development of six Bulgarian-speaking children.The prese... more The Article studies the early language development of six Bulgarian-speaking children.The present study makes an attempt for outlining the tendencies in the transition from the mechanical learning of separate words and forms to the productive morphology in the Bulgarian grammar ontogenesis.
This Research is based on naturalness theory (the model of Natural Morphology). The longitudinal data corpus has been processed by CLAN - a programme package of the CHILDES system.
Selected papers from the CLARIN Annual Conference 2020. Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 180, 2021
The article reviews the first steps in integrating CLARIN into the curriculum at Konstantin Presl... more The article reviews the first steps in integrating CLARIN into the curriculum at Konstantin Preslavsky University in Shumen, Bulgaria. It discusses the transition from informational seminars for undergraduate and PhD students of different majors regarding the possibilities of this European interdisciplinary network all the way to the specific first steps towards integrating its resources and instruments in the process of education. The focus here is on the approbation of resources and instruments developed within the ClaDA-BG project and, specifically, on the application of two products of the LABLING Laboratory of Applied Linguistics at Shumen University as technological partner to the National Consortium ClaDA-BG - the LABLASS web-based system for researching free speech associations and the BULGARIAN LABLING CORPUS of systematized child speech data. The introduction of their pilot versions emphasizes their importance for achieving higher standards of research work although the ac...
Journal of Bulgarian Language, Dec 2, 2019
В статията се поставят на обсъждане проблеми, свързани с овладяването на българския език в ранна ... more В статията се поставят на обсъждане проблеми, свързани с овладяването на българския език в ранна и предучилищна възраст. На базата на наблюдения на речевата продукция на пет български деца се прави опит да се покаже значението на "синтактичното начало" за езиковите постижения в онтогенезата. Във фокуса на изследователския интерес попадат синтактичните иновации, чрез които в контекста на потенциала на системата се компенсират езиковият и когнитивният дефицит на детето и се създават условия за разширяването и повишаването на неговата лингвистична компетенция. Речевите данни се анализират и интерпретират и във "вертикален", и в "хоризонтален" план. Тази двойно ориентирана изследователска парадигма създава благоприятни предпоставки за оптималното реализиране на главната цел на дадената работа, а именно-феноменът синтактична иновация да се представи не толкова и не само "вертикално" в качеството му на отклонение от нормата, но и "хоризонтално"-като помощен езиков механизъм, който осигурява съответната развойна фаза с достъпни за детското разбиране конструкции. Ключови думи: детска реч, български език, синтактични иновации SYNTACTIC INNOVATIONS IN THE BULGARIAN CHILD LANGUAGE VELKA POPOVA KONSTANTIN PRESLAVSKY UNIVERSITY OF SHUMEN
ZAS Papers in Linguistics, 2004
Ziel der Untersuchung ist der Erwerb von aspektuellen Markierungen im Bulgarischen. Da Bulgarisch... more Ziel der Untersuchung ist der Erwerb von aspektuellen Markierungen im Bulgarischen. Da Bulgarisch über ein nominales Artikelsystem und über eine verbale Aspektkategorie verfügt, liefert es eine ausgezeichnete Gelegenheit, die Verwendung von nominalen und verbalen Aspektmarkierungen im frühen Spracherwerb aufzuzeigen. Der Artikel präsentiert die Daten aus einer Langzeitstudie und einer experimentellen Testreihe. Die Ergebnisse belegen, dass die bulgarischen Kinder am Anfang vom Prinzip der Aspektkomposition Gebrauch machen. Aspektuell unmarkierte Verben werden durch definite Objekte ergänzt, um begrenzte Handlungen auszudrücken. Der schnelle Erwerb der Aspektmorphologie verschiebt die Gewichtung im Satz von den nominalen zu den verbalen Aspektmarkern. Im Alter von zweieinhalb Jahren beherrschen die bulgarischen Kinder die sprachspezifische syntaktische Anforderung, dass perfektiv markierte Prädikate quantitativ definite Argumente verlangen. 1 Einleitung Die Sprachen der Welt verfügen über diverse Mittel, die es den Sprechern ermöglichen, Vorgänge in der objektiven Realität aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven darzustellen. Die Sprecher können ein Geschehen als begrenzt beschreiben oder aber etwas über seinen Verlauf aussagen, ohne Angaben über eventuelle Endpunkte zu machen. Aus linguistischer Sicht sagen die ersten zwei Sätze etwas über die Funktion der Aspektkategorie aus. Der Begriff der Begrenztheit ist dabei von entscheidender Bedeutung. Prominent ist das Merkmal der räumlichen Begrenztheit naturgemäß im nominalen Bereich, wo es in grammatischen Kategorien wie Numerus oder Definitheit zum Ausdruck kommt. Nicht alle Sprachen jedoch drücken nominale Definitheit über Artikelwörter aus. Die Definition der Aspektkategorie im verbalen Bereich beruht auf der Anwendung des ursprünglich räumlichen Konzeptes 'Begrenztheit' auf zeitliche Abläufe. In dieser Weise werden die Geschehnisse von den Sprechern mit einer internen temporalen Struktur versehen. Abhängig davon, welche Mittel Sprachen einsetzen, um aspektuelle Unterschiede auszudrücken, entsteht ein Kontinuum zwischen den Polen der nominalen und der verbalen Aspektmarkierung. In diesem Kontinuum stehen die germanischen und die slawischen Sprachen an eher entgegengesetzten Enden. Bulgarisch jedoch ist eine slawische Sprache, die eine Mittelposition einnimmt, weil sie neben dem morphologisch markierten verbalen Aspekt auch ein nominales Artikelsystem besitzt. Dieser Artikel hat das Ziel, empirische Daten zum Aspekterwerb im Bulgarischen zu präsentieren. Dabei werden Daten aus Langzeitstudien den Ergebnissen aus zwei Experimenten gegenübergestellt. Die Datenanalyse beschreibt Stufen beim Erwerb von morphologischen und syntaktischen Mitteln für die Kennzeichnung begrenzter Handlungen. Der Verlauf des Aspekterwerbs wird aus kompositioneller Perspektive diskutiert. Kompositionell (vgl. Verkuyl, 1993) bedeutet in diesem Fall, dass Aspekt nicht nur als verbale morphologische Kategorie verstanden wird, sondern als syntaktisch unterstütztes Konstrukt. Die aspektuelle Interpretation einer Äußerung hängt davon ab, ob die aspektuellen *BAB: Kakvo e tova, babo? *Oma: Was ist das? *BAB: Pile. *Oma: Küken. Situation: показва й играчка на пиле (Die Oma zeigt auf ein Küken.
Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija 2. Jazykoznanije, Mar 1, 2020
The study attempts to justify the development of linguistic personology in Bulgaria as an interdi... more The study attempts to justify the development of linguistic personology in Bulgaria as an interdisciplinary scientific paradigm, which comprises theoretical foundations of psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, anthropological linguistics, linguistic pragmatics, semiotics and phonоstylistics. The applied aspect of the approach consists in describing speaker's physiognomic expressions and speech markers, and their anthropological characteristics, which enable researchers to present a speech profile of the respective person through two parameters: their personal identity and personal voice with its unique inherent features. Linguistic personology through speech as an autonomous interdisciplinary research paradigm, serves in forensic (phonoscopic) expertise for the speakers' characteristics diagnostics, considering typical voice peculiarities. The approach studies speaker's verbal behaviour and distinctive features of his or her personal identity signaled by personal voice expression measured through linguistic (phonoscopic) expertise. Linguistic personology through speech is a unique method of personality typization as well as characterizing the speaker based on the analysis of his / her specific pronunciation and voice transformation, used in the field of forensic phonetics. It is proposed to supplement the expert assessment with the results of acoustic analysis of voice samples, as well as their perception, for more objective identification of matching linguistic data. The article represents speech excerpts, the acoustic images of which demonstrate audio-and-visual comprehension of gender differentiation of speakers, whose voices indicate that the recipients belong to the diagnosed group of men, women or transvestites.
Speech and Computer. 21st International Conference, SPECOM 2019, Istanbul, Turkey, August 20–25, 2019, Proceedings., 2019
The paper focuses on the earliest phases of grammatical ontogenesis. The object of observation an... more The paper focuses on the earliest phases of grammatical ontogenesis. The object of observation and research is child-produced onomatopoeias from the periods of pre-morphology and the transition to proto-morphology, excerpted from the spoken language corpora of two Bulgarian girls (Alexandra and Stefani, marked in the respective longitudes in CHAT-format in the CLAN programme as ALE and TEF respectively).
Проблеми на устната комуникация, 2021
The modern concept of multimodality envisages diversity (multiplicity) in the presentation of inf... more The modern concept of multimodality envisages diversity (multiplicity) in the presentation of information channels (auditory and visual) in communication. This fact presents multiple opportunities for a simultaneous and multidimensional interpretation of the variability in an individual's speech in different types of discourse, which could potentially lead to a cross-modal research approach in the future. Multimodal oral discourse (sounding speech) is characterized by a segmental (verbal) component and a multitude of non-segmental (paraverbal, prosodic) parameters which supplement the verbal component in real-time use. The visual channel, on the other hand, contains a series of extraverbal elements that complement and refine the information conveyed.